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Chapter 3: Sponsored By NordVPN (Not Really)

"Am I… Am I really that disgusting?!"

The nun called Lily sobbed in a corner of the room, while a bunch of her sisters pattered her back and gently consoled her. Every other moment, one of them would shoot me a scathing look, the very opposite of the lust they'd shown just a little while ago.

I put my head in my hands, and rubbed my temples.

"I really don't understand your problem," the bishop said, affronted. "Lily is our most-requested sister. Would you prefer someone even younger? Older, perhaps? Bigger or smaller breasted? Your mission will require expertise with the female body, but I'm more than happy to offer myself—"

"Are you running some kinda fantasy brothel here?!"

I threw a pillow at the bishop's head, silencing the sales pitch before he could detail the exact BWH of every girl in the church.

"Listen very carefully to me," I said, breathing through my nose. "While I very much enjoy the idea of having a loving harem, I'm not down to lose my virginity to some leather freak in a seedy-ass church. And I sure as shit don't feel like fighting monsters just because your horny priests decided to summon me!"

The bishop's eyes lit up, understanding something I probably hadn't intended.

"Oh, fear not, we won't risk you directly on the frontlines. You'll play a supporting role with your Arousal Abilities."

"My fucking what-now?"

"Arousal Abilities."

"No—I—I heard you the first time, moron, what the hell are Arousal Abilities?!"

The bishop shuffled the parchment papers and presented a new one to me.

"By virtue of being summoned to this world, your natural inclinations have been given life as new abilities. As such, the perversion you exhibited in your home world has awakened as ancient magic that will enable a hand-picked party of adventurers to defend you on the long and arduous journey to the Demon Lord's mountain."

"What am I, Frodo Baggins now? And the hell are you talking about 'perversion,' I'm as normal as they come!"

The bishop's eyebrows rose high, almost forming a toupee on his shining head.

"Is that so? Our magical scholars were able to access something they call your Eye-Ess-Pee records—"

"—Oh shit."

"—going back at least ten years, from your first sexual awakening—"

"—You know what, you can stop now—"

"—We have over thirteen thousand records that include 'nipple sucking,' 'punishment play,' 'cock gagging'—"


I threw myself over the parchment, my cheeks burning with shame.

"Really? I hadn't even started listing the research into the Ann-Eee-May girls you masturbated to. I'll need to have the priests bring over the second and third volumes though, they're too heavy to transport by hand."

"Does my privacy mean NOTHING to you people?!?!"

I started sobbing right there and then on the table at the knowledge that all my hideous secrets had been exposed by the fantasy-world equivalent of the FBI. No doubt those priests had enjoyed a solid laugh at my expense! Thank god I always covered my webcam with sticky tape—video evidence was the last thing I needed.

"In any case," the bishop said, sitting back on the sofa, "your sexual habits and interests have identified you as possessing the type of kinks required to completely end the Demon Lord's long drought."

"Thanks," I muttered, finally sitting back down again. "Fine then, fine! You've got all this… blackmail… on me, so I suppose I have to go along with this crazy plan of yours. What's this about magic, anyway?"

"Why, you've already begun using it. Lily, come back!"

"No, not that poor girl again—"

The nun called Lily shuffled over, her eyes red and puffy from crying, tears streaking down her cheeks. She still hadn't buttoned up her dress, and her entire body was on full display for my viewing pleasure. Beneath the bathroom robe, my dick started rising to a formal salute.

No! We're not here to harass this young church girl.

"Now then, I need you to harass this young church girl."


Lily sobbed and wrapped her arms around her breasts. Her eyes were a soft blue, her hair a lovely blonde. She was a solid 7/10, with marshmallow boobs that were barely being covered by her small hands.

"H-he didn't w-want to f-fuck me," she sobbed, her cheeks turning redder. "D-don't even look at m-me, you pervert!"

You're the one standing there buck naked, but I'm the pervert?!?!

"Yes!" the bishop exclaimed excitedly. "See, your Arousal Abilities are already taking effect! Do you not see the Sacred Window?!"

Sacred what— oh right, yeah, there's a system window. Should've expected that.

As was contractually required of every transmigration story, I could now see a small, transparent window in the corner of my eye. It had conveniently appeared now that certain conditions in the story were met, since explaining it earlier would've been a hassle. All sorts of vital information that definitely didn't have numerical equivalents had been handily converted for me, but the most important aspect was a panel with the heading 'SKILLS.'

There was just one thing listed there:

(Humiliation Play, Lv 1)

That was definitely the name of a kink I'd seen before, but what the hell was it doing floating in my vision? And what did that have to do with Lily?

"Our magical transportation isn't perfect," the bishop explained, heedless of the naked girl standing just a few feet to his left. "Your full abilities will awaken with continued use, or at critical moments necessary to the story's plot."

Did that fucking cueball just break the fourth wall?

"Okay..." I said slowly, looking at Lily again. "And you're saying that rejecting her earlier activated my Humiliation Play?"

"Th-that's not it at a-all," Lily said, turning her head away. Her cheeks were blazing even brighter than before, and she shifted her legs awkwardly, as if she had to pee—or more precisely, as if something was about to come dripping down her legs.

My mouth popped open.

"Holy fuck I have magic sex abilities. Why the hell didn't you lead with that?!?!"

I stood bolt upright and looked down at the girl, who quivered under my penetrating gaze.

"Wh-what do you w-want?" she stammered, biting her lip.

I felt something wicked rise up in the back of my mind.

"I wouldn't fuck you if you were the last girl alive in this world or my own!"


"You should stand there naked for the whole town to see, and people should get to run their dirty hands all over your body!"


"The only thing you're good for is to stand in the corner so I can wank to you like you're a Limited Edition Bikini Figurine!"

"I don't even know what that is—AHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

There was a sudden gust of wind throughout the room, and Lily sank to the ground, her body trembling, cum pooling between her splayed legs. She curled up into a ball, moaning and shivering to herself, gusts of wind still blowing past my legs.

"There!" the bishop crowed triumphantly. "The very essence of your magical power! By using your Arousal Abilities, you can unlock the combat prowess—and hidden magical skills—of your female companions. This is how you will defeat the Demon Lord and her minions!"

My mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. As Lily lay there, still reeling from the effects of my verbal abuse, the other sisters surrounded her, their eyes wide. And then—

"Please, me next!"

"No me! I've been a naughty girl!"

"Why should you go next? I want to be humiliated!"

"Use me!"

"No, use ME!"


I sank back onto the couch with a half-chub and a deep, deep sense of shame.

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