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Chapter 33: Chapter 33


The moment they entered the shop, Xander was amazed by the sheer number of his books being displayed. He can literally see it anywhere, he got goosebumps, just how thirsty is the people in this world for good works? "Wow, this is really creepy, I never thought that it would look like this" Xander said while staring at people lining in the counter, each one of them has at least 'Your Name' in their baskets.

"This is rather tame than when I first came to Akiba, its as if there an EXPO being held here, people after people were marching on the road that day" Eriri shook her head when she heard his words, he call this creepy already? If he just know how hard it was on the first few days.

Xander's mouth twitch after hearing that, he can't imagine something like that just because of a single book. They took a book each and headed to the counter, "Eriri, I thought that you already had a book of Kimi no Nawa?" Xander asked as he saw Eriri taking a book from the shelf.

"I already has one, but since you're here, I-I want you to sign this book" Eriri said after gathering her courage to ask. Xander just smiled at her and they waited since the line was till too long. They just kept talking to past time until its finally their turn, they paid for the books and went outside where Xander wrote his signature on Eriri's book.

They were both full for the day, "Thank you for giving me a tour in this place, you're a great person to be with" Xander thanked her while giving her a smile. Eriri's face turned red when she heard that, she is quite weak to compliments so saying words like that directly to her face would make her embarrassed

"N-No, its fine, and thank you too for the drawing and the signature" Eriri said while looking away, embarrassed to let Xander look at her red face. "Let's exchange numbers" Xander said as he took his phone from his pocket. Eriri just nodded her head as they exchanged numbers, after doing that they parted ways as Xander immediately went home.

The next morning, Xander got ready to school, he skipped for 2 days and now he's going to make up for the absences he made. The moment he arrived at the entrance gate, he didn't notice that Sona smiled greatly before regaining her calm. "Good morning, Sona!" Xander said while getting close to Sona and hugged her.

"X-Xander, not here.." Sona protested but didn't move away from Xander's embrace, she also missed him a lot even though only 2 days have passed. After the hugging session, Xander went inside the school and looked for Koneko.

Seeing that he couldn't find Koneko somewhere, he went to the Occult Research Club and saw Koneko sitting in their while holding the bag he gave to her. She is also wearing the hair clip that Kuroka gave her, even though she doesn't know it yet. "Sorry for intruding, Yo, Koneko-chan"

Xander excused himself and sat down besides Koneko. Koneko's face brighten when she saw Xander, they haven't talked for too long already for her to keep her calm. "Senpai, did you come to visit me?" Koneko asked while looking at his eyes, Xander nodded his head making Koneko happy.

Xander thought for a moment before he just discard all plans and just do it his way. "By the way, Koneko-chan, are you free after class?" Xander asked while taking a cookie from Koneko's bag, he took a bite on it and thought that it was so-so. "Yes, but why Senpai?" Koneko asked while tilting her head slightly, wondering what Xander want, though she would still accept his request because its been a long time since they played.

"Then please come to my house after class, I just want to correct a misunderstanding that you have for a long time" Koneko was confused by his words, misunderstanding? Nonetheless she accepted it. Rias and others were watching this while shaking their heads, they were being ignored again.

"Congratulations Xander, for gaining the Sitri family's approval" Rias chose to enter the conversation by saying her congratulations to Xander. "Thank you, Rias-san, it was hard making Serafall accept me but it worked somehow" Xander said with a genuine happy smile on his face making the others surprise, this is the first time they saw Xander being genuinely happy about something, they can always see him being mischievous about something or being serious, but never happy. "Still, I am amazed that you made Serafall-sama approved of your relationship, how did you do it?" Rias asked curious to what tricks he used to make the siscon behave.

"Nothing really, I just beat her at what she's best, that was a hard fight though, fighting someone with lot of experience can be tiring sometimes" Xander said simply as if the achievement of beating a Satan is nothing to him. They sighed as they expected this answer from him. "Right, Xander, my brother told me to invite you to a meeting, it would happen two days from now"

Xander raised an eyebrow, did Serafall already informed them about the city core? She's quite fast, thought Xander. "What is the meeting all about? I never did anything to gain the attention of the strongest devil right?" They remained calm since losing their composure now would result to Xander enjoying their expressions.

Xander sighed when he saw that they didn't react. "Alright, next two days right? Oh, please inform me at that time, I might forget about it" Xander just sighed and accepted, Rias smiled when Xander didn't refuse her brother's invitation.

"Understood, but please don't purposely forget about it, its important since in that meeting we would know what's your stance in this world" Rias reminded Xander as she remembered that he is kind of willful, he might not go because of bad mood.

After playing with Koneko for a bit, Xander exited the Occult Research Club and walked to the Student Council Room. He knocked the door 3 times where it was opened by Reya who bowed and smiled politely to him, they are grateful to him who trained them so respect is must.

"Good morning, Reya" Xander said as he passed the girl and went to Sona's side. "Sona, did you're sister already tell you about the meeting?" Xander asked as he went behind Sona and embraced her body that is sitting on the chair. Sona didn't reject it as she replied "Yes, Nee-sama informed me last night"

Xander nodded his head and asked for Sona's opinion about this. "Sona, what are your thoughts about this? Do we really need to join?" Sona was astonish by how shameless this guy is, he is literally the reason why the three factions are now having a meeting, and he still doesn't want to join? Though Sona can't really say that to him since she was the reason why he released artifacts like those. "No, you need to join, at least announce that I am your fiancé, so that they wouldn't fight for you already, unnecessary fightings are unneeded" Sona said while poking his shoulders.

Xander can only sigh and accept it, its Sona saying after all, and even if Sona didn't told him to do it, he would still join since the fun can be only found in that meeting. "Right, Sona, how was your parent's progress about Space Magic?" Xander asked, he knew that the reason why Space Magic was so limited in Death March world was because the mana of the people living in there.

Its a strong magic which can even kill a god immediately if practiced well. Arisa Pendragon has a forbidden ability that came from Space Magic, its name is Mythology Down, the purpose of it is simple, that is to erase a God. She used it against 5 God Parion and took 4 of them with one shot, showing just how powerful the spell was.

Sona thought for a moment before answer, "To be honest.. only Mother was practicing the magic, Father is still focusing on making the land prosper so he has no time to train it." Sona said while Xander shook his head. "That won't do, he need to get even stronger now that the world is starting to become dangerous, you need to tell him to train at least 2 hour a day, so that he can achieve the power to kill a god"

Sona was surprised by the words that escaped Xander's mouth. "Really? That magic can kill gods?" Sona asked while staring at Xander. "Yup, the system of that magic is not the same from this world, you only need to practice and you would get strong faster" Xander said making Sona nod her head and made a note on her head to call her father later.

After the school ended, Xander went home immediately since he still needed to fix the two cats's relationship. He arrived at his small house and started cooking, after 30 minutes he finished cooking a lot of meals and stored them in his Storage. Time in the storage is stopped so problems like rotting are easily evaded.

He knew that something would happen later so preparing was better than nothing. The doorbell rang as Xander went to the door, he opened the door and was greeted by the petite cat, he let her in and made her sit on a sofa. "Koneko-chan please wait a moment" Koneko nodded her head while wondering what Xander want with her.

Kuroka was just doing her usual schedule which is following Vali to his happy journey of finding strong opponents, they were resting in their base when Kuroka suddenly felt being pulled by something, she knew that this is Teleportation magic but she didn't know that it could be used to apport people out of their spot.

She used all of her strength to stop the magic but it was no use as she was blinded by a light, then the next moment she was already sitting on a sofa, while being inside a familiar house interior. "Huh? Xander? what did he d-" she froze when she saw who was infront of her, instead of the man who always make fun of her, the person she was looking is a young girl with white hair.

Xander watched as the two stared at each other with complicated look in their eyes. "Senpai, what is this? Why did you bring her here?" Koneko asked while her face is being covered by shadow. Xander thought that Koneko would immediately smack Kuroka when she appeared here but it seems like he was still underestimating her, since she is still holding her emotions off, though barely. "I mentioned it earlier at the school right? To fix a misunderstanding" Xander said while looking at the two, "S-Shirone.." Kuroka muttered with a scared look on her face specially when she saw the hate on Koneko's eyes.

"No.. there is no misunderstanding" Koneko said not believing that there is something to fix with her sister. Only Xander know that even though Koneko looked at Kuroka with hate, she still missed her comfort, that is the reason why Koneko didn't immediately destroyed Kuroka when she appeared infront of her. Kuroka was pained by what she heard, she lowered her head afraid to meet her sister in the eye. "Oi, Kuroka, I gave you the chance, don't waste it" upon seeing that Kuroka isn't doing anything, Xander immediately reminded her that this is the only chance she could get.

Kuroka immediately gained her calm when she heard that. "Shirone.. its not what you thought" Kuroka tried to explain to Koneko what really happened. "Lies!" Koneko said as she stretched her fist ready to punch Kuroka. Xander saw that as he teleported them to the place where Xander and Serafall fought before.


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