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Chapter 117: Chapter 117


Hakoniwa Academy.

Xander's POV*

Should I end my journey in this world? Let's see.. hmm, I guess I should just propose this idea. I saw Medaka already awake as she tried hard to move her destroyed body, I looked at Mashiro as she raised her hand in response. Her hand glowed before all of Medaka's injuries vanished in existence, now that's done. "Kurokami. I have a proposal" I said as she raised an eyebrow, I can still see that she is frustrated by her lose, she can't understand how she even lost when the abilities on her pocket are too much for a single person to handle. "I want a 3v3 battle for the final match, for our team it would be me, Kumagawa, and Anshin'in-san." I said while the viewers just furrowed their eyebrows.

"Aren't we still at the advantage? Why would we accept a suggestion that would only lead to our demise? We had other choices in our sleeves" Kouki said glaring at our group. 『Nah, nah, nah, you don't have a choice here. Your team lost this round and the one representing it is Medaka-chan, do you know that Xander could still participate in the next round since he won? And I am still here too, you're in a dilemma. You only has two choices, to reject our proposal and lose or to accept it and fight with us』Kumagawa said smiling creepily. "T-That.." Kouki was lost at words as he digested the informations he have and it led to that conclusion.

Seeing as they had no choice in this matter, everyone looked at their leader Kurokami Medaka who closed her eyes. Let's see what you will choose, Kurokami. "I.. accept the preposition. 2nd year Choujabaru, is it acceptable?" Kurokami asked the most impartial man. I wonder how confident Medaka in this battle, she accepted the proposal after only thinking for a few seconds after all. "... Since the challenger proposed the fight then according to the rules it is indeed acceptable.. but are you sure you will choose this type of match, Kurokami-sam-? Oh pardon my rudeness, I overstepped my bound" Choujabaru apologized while bowing his head.

"It's fine. And since Xander already chose his own team mates then I could also choose mine too right? Then I will pick me.. Mashiro an-" before Medaka could finish her words, something fast appeared on the field destroying the ground just by him stomping on it. "FRESH!" Najimi heard that phrase as sweat began falling on her forehead. She looked at the towering man before looking at Hanten who is her back. "Hanten.. why is he still alive?" She asked her double who just closed his eyes. "Najimi.. its our goal of the Shiranui family to preserved the ancients.. so IIhiko Shishime is included in those" Hanten explained still closing his eyes.

Everybody watched as Shiranui Hansode, the best friend of Zenkichi walked towards IIhiko. "Hansode? What's the thing you wanted?" He asked making Shiranui sigh. "IIhiko.. please help Kurokami Medaka and her team in this fight.. I want to help them" Shiranui said as IIhiko just grinned. "For your last wish, I'll accept it. So? Who is this Kurokami Medaka?" He asked looking around, he saw many mosquitoes buzzing around. Shiranui pointed at Medaka as IIhiko tilted his head, "That mosquito? Are you joking with me, Hansode? She is not Fresh!" Iihiko shouted. "Yes.. please accept my request" Shiranui said, well this situation is getting more interesting. Is the world helping me achieved my goal? Or is it just trying to hasten my leave in this world?

I can see Zenkichi gritting his teeth for not understanding any of the situation.. well, I can't blame him, I can feel the readers not understanding too. I bet they just read this since they have no fun thing to do in their boring lives. "Oi, Shiranui! Explain any of this! Why are you talking like this would be your last time!?" Zenkichi shouted at Shiranui who smiled at him. "Sorry, Hitoyoshi, this is the only way. Specially when that woman is getting unsealed already, Xander's threat is also too much" Shiranio shook her head while explaining.

Hoh? They deemed me too much of a threat that they even released my supposed to be boss? Wait, does Shiranui not know anything about me? As a member of the Shiranui village, she should have some informations about me as the double of Iihiko Shishime. "Fresh! When will the battle start? I can see some mosquitoes here that has an average amount of strength." Iihiko commented as I just ignored it. I smirked at his words, "Then let's start it right now!" I said before looking at Mashiro who smiled, she raised her hand as a light escaped it, the next moment the scenery around us changed. From the destroyed school field into a large space with only white on it.

"W-Wait a minute! It's not included in the rules of Kurobako that the next fight would start immediately. There would a week of rest before the next one would happen!" Choujabaru shouted trying to stop everyone, but they didn't listen and just looked at each other seriously. "Well, Iihiko would be my opponent, Anshin'in-san could handle Mashiro" I decided gaining quite a reaction from Najimi and Iihiko. "Fresh! This kid has a guts to even consider fighting me, this is really Fresh!" Iihiko said as I just shook my head. "I know about you being stronger than me.. but are you seriously pairing me with this innocent girl? Won't she break immediately after the fight starts?" Najimi asked while pointing at Mashiro who just tilted her head.

"Hahaha! If I were you then I won't underestimate her... With her ability, she can be considered another me after all.." I said before Mashiro's body began exerting pressure that the same I was releasing. The thing made Najimi raise an eyebrow but still shrugged it as she considered copy not superior than the original. She doesn't deem Mashiro as an threat at all.. well, it would come bite back to her ass later on. I looked at Medaka and Kumagawa who are having an staring contest, this time Kumagawa is not acting like his usual but more serious. "Medaka-chan.. are you ready to face me?" Kumagawa said not using brackets in his words.

"Kumagawa.. how long have I waited for this opportunity, I will fix you and reconstruct you as a human! I won't allow a cursed soul named Kumagawa roam this world freely!" Medaka shouted making shake my head. I looked at Anshin'in before nudging her towards Kumagawa. "Oi, return his original minus, and don't take his All Fiction. The thing I hate the most you see is nerfing" I said making Najimi chuckle in amusement. Kumagawa seemed shocked by my words as he looked at Najimi curiously wondering if this petty woman would really return his original minus. Initally Kumagawa wanted to die first so that he can meet Najimi inside his heart and ask her to return his original minus but it seems like that plan was already trashed the moment she opened one of the seals.

"Be ready for the sudden shock, Kumagawa-kun. Do know though that your negativity was lessened so using that ability would probably not do too much" Najimi said before she got closer to Kumagawa and kissed him. Kumagawa surprised us by showing a geniune reaction of embarrassment from Najimi's reaction as I chuckled at their actions. Hmm, looks like everything is ready, shall we start the battle now? "Choujabaru, please judge our battle. The only way to win this fight is to make the other person admit their defeats or killing them" I ordered Choujabaru who had no choice but to ammend seeing that everyone's eyes were fixed on him.

"Then.. please both parties, ready yourself. The final battle of Election Match will now start. Start!" Choujabaru dropped his hand before loud shockwaves occured. I raised my eyebrow when I saw Medaka and Kumagawa already trading blows. Each of them brought alot of destruction to the place making me shake my head, Mashiro and Najimi are also staring at each other while analyzing their opponents. Seeing that I smile before changing my attention towards the huge person infront of me. Iihiko Shishime, the thing that I came this world for. In this fictional world, he is a character that could be called 'Human' being.

"Iihiko, you have an ability right? Care to explain it?" I said gaining an reaction from the huge man. "Hm? A mosquito is talking now? How Fresh!! Still.. I don't talk to insects you know!" Iihiko said before bringing his fist towards me, I dodged the attack as I know that his fist is the most dangerous thing that could do damage to me. The destruction that Iihiko deals to anything is impossible to heal or repair. A glass he smashes will stay smashed. An arm he breaks will never heal. This irreversible destruction trumps even reality warping, healing ability, conceptual destruction. fate hax, history manipulation, plot manipulation, narrative manipulation, all hax from fiction, and conceptual/transcendent/non-existence/immortal/omnipotent beings. If Iihiko wounds me by ANY means, whether by using a weapon or letting me hit him, I will be injured forever.

I saw the place I was standing before wrecked as I tried to return it by denying events and healing it. Seeing that nothing is happening, I just shook my head as a satisfied smile appeared on my face. His destruction is equivalent to my Death, though I think that my Death is more higher specs than his destruction. "Hoh? I thought you were a mosquito, but you dodged my attack? You must be a human! Quite a clever strategy to pretend to be a mosquito! Fresh!!" Iihiko commented as my forehead twitched, a vein was already treathening to pop on it. "You have quite an ego for an ancient relic huh..?" I said before raising my feet and throwing a fast kick at him that he couldn't even see.


Iihiko was sent flying by my kick as I just shook my head. Iihiko has an body that could return any damage the user send to him, normally the kick that I threw would be return to me but it didn't happen as he wasn't even able to notice my attack. That's the weakness of his body, it was connected to his consciousness, even Medaka was able to do a lethal damage to him since she tricked him. Heh, he seemed to be in disbelief upon seeing his broken arm, this is probably an surprise to him as nothing worked on him. Even Najimi's quadrillion skills didn't work on him, and he beat Najimi in the past 200 million times, remember that most of Najimi's abilities consist of reality warping or so. She even has a ability to instantly create an universe, she is more godlike than that Rotearc that I killed before coming to this world.

The reason I consider Iihiko more of a threat than Najimi who is all seeing, all powerful bitch is because he is favored by his author too much that he literally became an 'human'. Najimi also mentioned one of her skills that could nullify any skills so beating Iihiko should be easy for her, she could just seal all of Iihiko's abilties and kill him immediately but she couldn't do that. With the author on Iihiko's back, there is no way that Najimi could do anything to her creator. She might be able to jump between manga panels and could even interact with her readers.. that doesn't mean that she could order her author to do something. She is not Featherine after all. The destruction that Iihiko cause is not within this world, it is from the 'Real World' where my author lives.

Just like how a 'Human' being could delete all files about Demonbane and Featherine, that is also how Iihiko's powers work. When he hit a thing, that damage is represented from the real world where it is normally can't be repair. Let me give an example, once Iihiko hit a fictional character then that fictional character would be scratch in the manga panel or would glitch in the anime. This is also the reason why I really wanted to meet this guy.. hmm, got it. I thought as a creepy smile appeared on my face, with this, I can finally become a human being.





3rd POV*

While Xander and Iihiko were facing each other. Mashiro and Najimi were also having an staring battle that ended when Najimi began the conversation. "Let's see.. Shiina Mashiro is it? I know that you have been with Xander's side since he came in this world but are you really that confident to fight me? Even though only one of the seals have been released, I could still use billions of my skills you know?" Najimi said as Mashiro tilted her head. "You're sealed?" She asked making Najimi deadpanned, she couldn't comprehend how Xander deemed this airheaded girl as dangerous. Najimi shook her head before answering, "You could say that. Kumagawa-kun love me too much that he even confined me in this screws" Najimi said.

"Oh.. I'm sorry? Wait, I'll fix you" Mashiro said before all of the screws in Najimi's bosy crumbled to dust. Najimi could only stare at it dumbfounded as even she couldn't handle Kumagawa's seal. "..You are quite weird, why did you released the seals?" Najimi asked while looking at Mashiro who just smiled. "Xander taught me that I should be fair to everyone, whether enemy or friend. I thought that fighting you while you are being restricted is rather bad so I just took the seals.. you could can just call it whim of mine" Mashiro smiled while saying that. Najimi stared at her for a while before shaking her head, "Don't regret it later. Even though I had no reason to win this fight, I still need to show Xander that I am auite useful hence he will not remove me" Najimi said.

Mashiro raised her guard when she saw Najimi doing something, she imagined in her head that she had the ability same as Xander, the one where he could nullify any ability that he deemed not worthy of his attention. The moment she did that, the million of abilities that Najimi threw at Xander became useless. Najimi widened her eyes in surprise as she got shiver from that sensation. She felt that sensation before.. it was when she was fighting Iihiko! Najimi felt cold when thinking of that as she bombarded Mashiro with skills that would initially destroy the whole world except that the place they were standing is am higher dimension that Mashiro made. She made it so that concepts and phenomenon won't have any effect on it.

Mashiro didn't consider any of Najimi's attack as worthy to hit her so all of it vanished upon being released. Mashiro thrn remember something that Xander use to do when he hates something. "Die.." Mashiro said but tilted her head when nothing happened. She saw Najimi shaking her head at Mashiro's useless attempt. "That's stupid. Its his own authority, there is no way something like that could be copied. It is something unique to him, even if you are his girlfriend there is no way that you would be able to do it just because you thought of it." Najimi said shaking her head. Mashiro then understood that it is a Xander thing only so she stopped doing it. She was lucky that she is the woman of Xander, if not then she could be dead already for even attempting to recreate the miracle of the 'End'.

Since her attempt to use Death was useless, Mashiro thought of other attacks to use against Najimi who is still finding some skill that could do any damage towards her. "Ah.. maybe I could use Utaha's skill?" Mashiro said before muttering something, "All Fiction, the reality where Najimi Ajimu has quadrillion of skills turned into.. nothing" Mashiro said making Najimi look at her in amusement. "That's no good, even Kumagawa-kun's ability wouldn't be able to do any damage to m-!?" She was shocked when her body stopped floating and crumpled on the ground. She began panting as the concept of breathe was placed on her, she began feeling sensation that every humans feel making her barf in disgust.

Mashiro tilted her head at the scene before healing Najimi as she got worried that she might be hurt. "Are you okay..?" Mashiro asked worriedly as Najimi just stared at her baffled by the turn of events. "How..? How did your All Fiction affect me? It should've been impossibe because of my skill that allows me to be an abstract being.." Najimi asked making Mashiro thought about it for a moment before answering. "I didn't copy Kumagawa's All Fiction.. I copied it from Xander's another girlfriend, I saw her erasing a large black dragon named Ivaraje so I just imagined it?" Mashiro explained making Najimi even more shock, 'Someone killed that black lizard? That should be impossible.. he is the concept of destruction after all' Najimi thought as she tried moving but ended up stumbling because of how unfamiliar she was to a human body.

"H-Hey? I'll help you" Mashiro said while supporting Najimi, she made a comfortable bed before placing Najimi towards it. Najimi savored the comfy feeling that the bed is giving her. She slowly looked at Mashiro who just tilted her head, "My abilities were erased huh..? Thank you.. I can finally die now. Living this long has put too much burden on me, I just wanted to rest" Najimi closed her eyes enjoying the human sensations before widening her eyes again since she can feel her abilities returning. "Why!?" She exclaimed thinking that she might be cursed that even the world is not letting her have her peace. "Uh... Sorry, I thought that you cherished your skills so I returned them using Non-Fiction" Mashiro apologized while looking at Najimi's face who lost all hope.

Both of them caught a glimpsed of Xander and Iihiko trading blows with Iihiko having an desperate expression on his face that made Najimi stunned. This is the first time tha she saw Iihiko having a hard time against someone, well she is not that surprised as she expected this situation. She knew just how much influence Xander has in every worlds so this thing is normal. "Still.. Non-Fiction huh? I never heard of that before.. is that an upgrade of All-Fiction?" Najimi asked as Mashiro nodded her head. "Xander show me some videos of Utaha using it so I just copied it" Mashiro said making Najimi shake her head, she stopped thinking since it would only lead to a migraine. She just wanted to watch more of the show so she raised her hand and surrendered. "Najimi Ajimu-sama has surrendered! Only two teams are left!" Choujabaru announced.


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