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Chapter 102: Chapter 101

Another forced shit, well I don't know anymore, I should probably not do a harem when making a new work...


Dimensional Gap

Unknown POV*

Arriving at this dimension is easy, like how could there be such a fragile world boundary. All I had to do was open my mouth before it shattered itself, pathetic. What could Lord Rotaerc want with this measle universe that doesn't have anything special. Understanding that Lord's thoughts is something impossible so I just gave up on it. Floating in this space was somehow relaxing so I wanted to sleep for a bit but this dog suddenly appeared out of nowhere and tried to attack me. "Get lost!" I shouted as the dog was vanished from this dimension.

The dog's action soured my mood so I'll just finish my job before lazing around somewhere. "Search" I muttered before information appeared on my mind. I teleported to the place where I saw a man sleeping on a bed along with three beautiful womans. Womans.. such disgusting creatures. Shaking my head at the thought, I was about to kill them when they suddenly opened their eyes. "Oh, the prey appeared before us this time" The black haired girl with big tits said, is she refering to me as prey?

There is no way right? Thinking of me as a prey? Who would be foolish enough to do that, my power could change the world at will, people should know where the limits of arrogance is. "Teleport" I said as everyone vanished in their place and teleported to the comfortable place that I relaxed just a moment ago. "Words? Quite bland for an ability" The white haired woman said as I was starting to get angry. These fools really don't know how wrong they are for thinking that my ability is weak.

"Well, it is normal for fools to not understand my greatness since your view in reality is too shallow" I said sneering at them who just ignored it. They dare ignore me? "Fire" I said before their whole figures was consumed by a fire that emits heat equivalent to a core of a star. Hmph, foolish creatures, if they have been respectful from the start then I wouldn't have minded of giving them a painless death. I was about to return when I heard a voice talking, "What is this supposed to be? A candle?" The sarcastic black haired woman commented upon feeling the heat.

"What..? You didn't die?" I stared at them baffled. There is no way they could have survive such intense heat. This world is weak so something that would have destroyed it can easily kill insects like these. "What's with that baffled look? Are you out of information? We already fought someone that could shoot fire with heat like those infinitely, how could we be affected with such simple thing" What? Hotter than those? Well, if fire doesn't work then we just need to use ice. "Ice!" I shouted as something close to absolute zero block of ice has appeared.

I was about to control it when it suddenly gained an conscience and bowed its head to the girl with glasses. What..? What's happening? "Heh, trying to use ice against the embodiment of ice itself? Isn't that just a work of an idiot? There is no ice that could affect Sona as they would all follow her will. Whether Primordial Ice Magic, Devil Magic, Temperature Control Magic, even Conceptual Ice Magic wouldn't work against her" the woman said some unreasonable words that I refuse to accept.

"Ice Concept freeze them" I said as another ice was created from nothing, I ordered it to freeze them but it didn't move. "This is the problem with being that has too much pride, they can't take something that is beyond their understanding. This is also the reason why you are weaker than humans" The black haired woman sneered again as my anger rised to the roof. "You woman! How dare you run your mouth like that! You lower beings should just follow the orders of the higher beings like us!" My wrath couldn't be held anymore.

"Soul, Death, Kill, Paradox, Concept Destruction, Existence Erasure..." A lot of words came out of my mouth as I tried to erase the woman. I saw the woman smirking while I am already imagining her death in my mind. Huh..? Where is concepts...? They should've killed that woman already... My mind couldn't understand what is happening. My ability is absolute, anything I say would be created along with what I have in mind. With all of those words I released, that woman should've vanish from existence..

"Confuse right? I admit that your power to create anything even concepts with just your words.. but sadly I am your worse enemy to have" The woman began talking nonsense as I closed my ear to stop from hearing it. There is no way! Killing them should have been easy! This is impossible! "My ability is simple.. that is to everything into nothing. All those concepts you just fired at me simply turned into nothing" What!? That kind of ability is impossible! There is no way that it exist! Even concepts turning into nothing?!

"Your power is certainly amusing, but I can need to think to do something about it" The woman said as my body felt some chills. "Spacial Disruption! Time Killing!" I shouted trying to use my ability only to fail, my face turned pale as I was slowly suffocating from the nothingness in this place. "N-No.. please.. don't kill me!" I pleaded as the woman just sneered. Why did you make me.. Rotaerc? This is an impossible mission in the first place... My thoughts shut downed as I rested in a eternal sleep.


3rd POV*

Utaha smiled in satisfaction while the others just looked at her weirdly. "What was so satisfying there Utaha? You didn't get any epic battle right?" Luminous asked. Utaha smirked, "It was certainly satisfying to break the ego of prideful beings, that one is not that bad but still arrogant" Utaha said making everyone nod their heads because what she said was true. Though they wondered when Utaha gained that kink, breaking prideful things that is.

"Let's go back everyone. There is nothing to do here anymore" Xander said as they nodded their heads. The fight was simple and direct, nothing too flashy that could've destroyed the whole multiverse, it was just Utaha trashing against the newly arrived being. They warped back to Underworld where Xander immediately went to meet Lord Sitri and Lady Sitri.

They accepted his request without any problem as they prepared the lounge since Xander looked like he has something important to talk about. Right now they are staring at each other before Xander broke the silence. "Father, Mother, I want your help" He said making them surprise that there is something that even Xander couldn't do because as far as they remembered, there was no time where he was in need of help. "You're rather serious today, Xander. What is it?" Lord Sitri asked while sipping his tea. He did that to prepare himself for the surprise that Xander would reveal.

"I want to marry Sona and the girls" Xander simply said as the married couple immediately realized what he is talking about. "Are you sure? The world is still in chaos right now, we don't know when another weirdo would appear and try to destroy the world" Lady Sitri asked worried. "That's why. If I delayed it too much then I fear that there would be more chaos and I wouldn't have the time to prepare the wedding. This is the reason I am coming for you two today" He said making them understood the situation, if they indeed delay it then there would be no knowing when another problem would rise.

"You're quite in hurry huh, Xander.." Lady Sitri commented while placing her hand on her cheeks. "Well, I have been living with Sona for many years already.. constantly holding the urge to marry her is too much even for me" Xander said with an embarrassing smile on his face, he is not ashamed to admit but still embarrassed. Lord Sitri and Lady Sitri smiled gently at that, they already witnessed their lives in the other side so they know that they already looked like an married couple even though they are still new to the experience.

The couple stared at each other before nodding their heads. "We understand, we will began the preparations for the wedding. What kind of wedding will you do?" Lord Sitri asked. "I prefer a small wedding with only acquaintances to be invited" Xander said making them surprise, they thought that he would have a wedding that is projected to the whole world. That is what they realized about Xander in the short time they watched him. Even though he is already millenniums years old, he is still a child for them.

"We will talk about it with Serafall, as that girl know how to handle things like these" Lady Sitri said making Xander on edge for a moment. "Won't the wedding be grand then? Serafall is.. a rather peculiar individual, we don't know what she will do" He said as they chuckled. "Yeah, she might be like that but that girl know when to stop. In terms of limitation, that girl know it more than the other Satan, her job is connected to that after all" Lord Sitri said. Xander then remember that Serafall handles thing that need some care since it would lead to a big loss.

"Then I'll leave it to you" Xander said bowing his head to the two who just shook their heads. "Its not a problem, you have been looking out for our daughter for how many years now. I need to at least do this to show some gratitude" Lord Sitri said while smiling. Xander was satisfied with the talk as he left with a smile on his face. Xander now needed to talk to the girl that was almost kidnapped before, "I need to look for the organization that initiated the kidnapping first, I'll make them pay for making me outburst like that" Xander muttered before teleporting to Human Realm.

Xander didn't waste time and immediately drove towards Sakurasou, he met Misaki on the way but he just greeted her before continuing walking towards Mashiro's room. Xander knocked on the door as it was opened by Mashiro who looked like she didn't sleep for days. "Hi..?" Xander raised his hand to greet her but she just stayed in daze. "Xander..?" She tilted her head before widening her eyes. "Xander!" Mashiro didn't hesitate and lunged herself to Xander's arms.

"Sorry for lefting you when I was supposed to take care of you that day" Xander said while scratching Mashiro's chin, she looked like an kitten right now. "Its fine, not the first time" Mashiro said making Xander raised his eyebrow. "You mean something like that happened when you were young?" He asked as Mashiro just nodded her head, "Many times when I was a child. But some weird people in suits would always help me and bring me home after" Mashiro recalled the times where she was helped by those emotionless group of man that is wearing suits.

"Really? Then I'll thank them when I meet them" Xander patted Mashiro's head as he said that. "Anyway, do you still want me to drive you to school?" He asked making Mashiro remember that she didn't even arrive at school before she was kidnapped. "Yes.. I want to be with Xander" Mashiro said without knowing what that meant. Xander was surprised but he just smiled before taking a seat. "Do you want to draw something with me?" He asked while raising the pen as Mashiro immediately nodded her head. Its been a long time since they did something like this.

"Xander.. can I read your more of your books?" Mashiro asked as she remembered that Xander already published new books that she hasn't seen before. "Well, its not a problem. But on one condition" Xander smiled as he showed a painting brush to Mashiro who started reminiscing about her past where she did nothing except painting. Mashiro tilted her head wanting to know what Xander wanted. "Let's have a painting duel" He said as Mashiro widened her eyes, she slowly took the brush from Xander's hands before smiling.

"Challenge.. accepted" she said before the two prepared their tools. Mashiro didn't question how Xander took something from out of nowhere as she was more focused on imagining the thing she wanted to paint. After a few minutes of thinking, something emerged from her mind. She hesitated before taking a long breathe. "Ready, Xander" she said while Xander just smirked. "Then let's start" he muttered as silence descended on the room. Only the sound of the brush sliding against the large board can be heard.

During the time they were painting, they didn't notice that the amount of spectators already increased. Almost all of the residents are currently watching their art. Even Ryuunosuke who rarely go out had no choice as he heard them talking about painting, it was a once in a life time situation where they can see a world class painter in action. They were in daze watching two same class painters making something that they can barely comprehend. Their level is too high that even though they are student of a arts university, they still couldn't understand what is happening.

One thing they understand though is the emotions being poured in their work. It was overflowing that even them who are not experts could see it. "Sensei, how far are them in the caste of arts?" Misaki asked Chihiro who is the most experienced among them all. "Hm.. if I have to say, then they are at the very top. The only people who could fight against them are those old fools who had tons of experiences" Chihiro said without taking her eyes off from the two. Jin looked at their artwork as he shook his head, he swore not to compare himself to these two again.

Nanami is the one who was most affected by this show, she was always taking care of Mashiro that she almost forgot that she is a jewel in the world of arts. She was wondering if she is really worthy to be on Mashiro's side, her thoughts were plasted on her face as Chihiro patted her head. "Don't worry kid, monsters like those are something out of this world. Don't compare yourself from them and just focus on your own life. Don't let the fact that she is in the higher caste affect your way, build your own foundation until eventually reach that place" Chihiro gave some inspirational words that gained some weird looks from the other residents.

Nanami stared at Chihiro before smiling gently, "Yes, Sensei" she replied. "Hm.. Mashiro is currently evolving. I don't know what will happen after she finish her evolution but I bet it would do something that would shake the world" Chihiro commented as everyone turned wide eye at her words. "Are you kidding? She is still evolving..? Even though she is already that skilled" Jin muttered, he couldn't believe that her skill is still growing, what would happen from now on? Jin thought while thinking how unfair the world is.

"The reason Mashiro came to Japan is to learn drawing manga and to raise her skill, it seems that she is gaining both of it from the same man" Chihiro smiled as she looked at Xander who is mixing some paints before randomly stroking his brush. Though that is only on their perspective as they still can't comprehend what he is making. They already had an image to what Mashiro is doing but to Xander.. it looked like just a normal scribble that is made by a child for them.

"What is Xander doing sensei?" Nanami asked but turned quiet when she saw the confused look on Chihiro's face, indicating that even she doesn't know what it is. They just stopped talking and continue looking at their work with focused gaze. It was an amazing scene, two world class painters doing an duel using just normal tools. After a long time of waiting, the two finally finished their works at the same time. Xander smiled when he saw his work before taking his handkerchief and wiping the sweat on Mashiro's forehead. "Are you ready to lose Mashiro?" Xander asked.

Mashiro pouted as she looked away. "Now, now, this is not the time for sulking. We still need to check our works right? Or are you perhaps not confident with your work?" Xander said riling the girl up as she pouted again at him. Xander shook his head before smiling gently. "Are you ready now?" Xander asked while Mashiro just nodded her head. "Then let's start with your work first.." he said as Mashiro took her board before placing it infront of everyone to see. "Beautiful.." That was the only thing they could mutter to describe this thing.

It was so colorful that it is to the point of dazzling. But the thing she painted is what baffled them the most. It was a picture of her and Xander sitting in a sofa while their heads are tilted to each other. It was a peaceful scene that made them smile, the two were quite close in the picture that it wouldn't be a surprise if they were misunderstood as couple. They were in their own world but Xander was the only one who understood just how much love Mashiro poured on the painting. He sighed before taking his own picture.

"Initially, I just wanted to let everyone see this.." Xander said as he revealed to them a beautiful scenery that couldn't be seen somewhere in this world. It was a scenery from the world of Tensura, everything in that place is beautiful except for the Barren Lands. The watchers were amazed by his work. It was the same class as Mashiro have, but something on his words confused them. Xander smiled before taking a water bottle, "The few seconds is the only time you will get to see it, so don't blink and imprint it in all of your memories, specially yours Mashiro" Xander smirked.

He opened the bottle before splashing it to his artwork. The people was shocked by his action of trying to ruin his work, they were about to stop him but they froze halfway when they saw the painting changing. Instead of the scenery, the picture changed into a cute face of Mashiro that is smiling. It was a rare geniune smile that they could never see from Mashiro's stoic face. Under that face was huge words that made Mahiro widen her eyes. Unknown to her, tears were already forming beside her eyes as it slowly fell. "What..?" She muttered as she swiped the tears from her eyes.

"What, what is happening Xander..?" She asked as Xander just said the words out loud. "Mashiro.. will you be my girlfriend?" Xander asked while looking at her earnestly. The corner of Mashiro's lips raised itself without her knowing as she stayed in daze for many seconds. She snapped out of it before a smile that is so special appeared on her face, "Yes!" She shouted. Even though she doesn't really understand what she is feeling right now, she just followed her intuition and accepted his confession. Though it seems like her choice was right as her chest felt warm.

Xander smiled widely before embracing Mashiro who was surprised. Mashiro just enjoyed the situation as she closed her eyes until she eventually fell asleep. Xander looked outside the window and smiled gently, 'I finally confessed... This is the best' he thought as everyone just watched the peaceful scene that could be painted into something world breaking.


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