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Chapter 43: Chapter 43 - “Enid Is Not Feeling Well!”

"Actually, shouldn't you be in bed already? You have class tomorrow!" Enid said, clenching her eyelashes as she stared at Ethan.

Ethan glanced back at her and nodded, walking to his room.

"Sweet dreams! Good night! Love you!" Enid said, stretching out on the couch, taking up the entire space.

"Good night, Mom! Love you too!". Ethan said from across the room.

He walked up the stairs and saw Umb lying on the covers, still asleep. Ethan picked Umb up with his hands and put him back inside the closet, returning to the bed to lie down.

As he watched the moon, lying on his bed, Ethan couldn't stop thinking about Alice. His heart kept beating hard, thinking about Alice's mesmerizing yellow eyes, but amid his thoughts, the image of James came up, causing him to remember the things Alice had said.

- Why don't I just kill him on baseball day? It would solve all the problems... They didn't look strong in the movie. - Ethan thought, remembering that James died easily at Edward's hands.

- I would just have to rip his head off. That doesn't seem so hard, considering that vampires seem to have heads as fragile as wine corks... - Ethan thought.

A few hours passed, and he decided to just fall asleep so that the day would soon be over. It might be too hasty to just decide to kill James. He had to think about it more.

The next day, Ethan wakes up before his alarm clock, turning it off long before it rings. He goes to the bathroom to take a shower and puts on black jeans and a dark red sweatshirt. Ethan comes downstairs and sees his mother preparing breakfast. She looks kind of weird like she's having a bad time from eating something bad, but that's about it.

"Good morning, Ethan!" She says, kind of bewildered.

"Good morning... Is everything okay?" Ethan asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm just a little nauseous!". Enid said, preparing Ethan's scrambled eggs.

"Sit down! I'll finish breakfast!". Ethan said, resting his hand on his mother's back.

She started to look a little pale.

"Are you going to work like this?". Ethan asked, seeing that his mother was sweating.

"Yes, I am! It'll be over soon! I think it might be a hangover!". Enid said, with her hand on her forehead, trying to take her temperature.

"Okay...!" Ethan said, doubting his mother's words a little.

Ethan finished preparing breakfast and ate quickly, while Enid took some motion sickness medicine.

"Come on, let's go! I'm taking you to school, or you'll be late!". Enid said, getting up from the table and looking for her car keys.

"I think we'd better go to the hospital, Mom. Ethan said, worried.

It seemed like every minute that passed, Enid became more and more nauseous.

"I'm fine, let's just go soon!". Enid said, opening the door.

Ethan grabbed his backpack and started walking toward the car, but before he could even open the door, he looked back and saw Enid almost vomiting on the floor of the house.

Ethan ran inside and carried his mother into the bathroom, so she could throw up.

"We're going to the hospital, Mom!" Ethan said, wiping a wet towel over his mother's forehead, trying to improve the nausea.

He took his mother by the arm and walked her to the car.

"Let me drive!" Enid said, getting into the front seat.

"No! You're too bad! I'll drive you there!". Ethan said, taking her to the back seat to make her more comfortable.

"Since when do you know how to drive, Ethan?" Enid said, confused, but she was too dizzy to delve into the subject.

Ethan just ignored the question and sat in the driver's seat, starting the car and driving toward the hospital where Carlisle worked. He remembered how he drove a car perfectly, as if he did it every day. These were probably memories from his past life since he had already graduated from college, due to his memories.

Ethan drove to the hospital, walking in with his mother. A receptionist attended to them and took Enid to the office quickly, seeing that the woman was very nauseous. Ethan followed to make sure that everything was okay with his mother.

Upon arriving in the room, as they were being seen, Ethan sees Carlisle staring at him from down the hall.

Carlisle approaches Ethan and Enid, to find out what happened.

"Hey, Ethan, Enid! What's going on?" He asked, staring into Ethan's eyes.

"I don't know. I woke up this morning and she was sick! She even threw up!". Ethan said, holding Enid's hand, which was frozen.

"Okay! I'll go check her out! You have class today, don't you?" Carlisle asked as he grabbed a thermometer to measure Enid's fever.

"Yes, I do, Mr. Carlisle!". Ethan replied.

"You can go to school, Ethan! Your mother is safe here!". Carlisle replied.

"Oh, you don't have to! I'll stay with...". Before Ethan could finish his sentence, he felt Enid squeezing his hand and saying

"Go to school, son! You've never skipped before, yes you will!". Enid said, her voice queasy.

Ethan stared at her for a few seconds. Even though he was worried about his mother, maybe skipping school would make her more upset than not staying with her in the hospital, since Ethan's performance in school seemed to be a source of pride for Enid.

Ethan nodded and kissed his mother on the forehead, getting up to leave.

"Ethan, my son is here in the hospital too. Would you like a ride from him?" Carlisle asked, looking at the boy.

"Huh? Your son? Who?" Ethan asked, arranging his backpack on his back.

"Edward!" Carlisle replied, looking out of the office towards Edward, who was staring at Ethan from across the hall.

Ethan swallowed his saliva dryly, seeing that Edward looked like he wanted to kill him, but without letting on the fear he felt.

- Does he know that I met Alice yesterday? I didn't get a message from her today... I hope I don't get caught! - Ethan thought quickly, remembering that Edward couldn't read his mind.

"Oh, I guess he doesn't have to! It's okay!". Ethan said, smiling at Carlisle.

"You can go! Edward barks but doesn't bite...when you don't tease him!". Carlisle said. It seemed to have been with a slightly threatening tone, which was odd for Carlisle's personality that Ethan knew.

"Fine...". Ethan scowled at denying the request, so he took a deep breath and walked towards Edward, who seemed to already be waiting for him.

"Hi, Edward! What's up?" Ethan said, trying to be nice.

Edward just stared at him and started walking toward the car, ignoring Ethan's question.

Ethan knew that Edward would not kill him. It was too risky to kill the son of a policewoman. Even more so, one whose mother is getting involved with his future father-in-law. He wouldn't have the courage to destroy everything like that.

Ethan got into Edward's car. It was a silver Volvo XC60 turbo, which smelled like a new car.

"Put the feeler on!" Edward said. He looked slightly annoyed, but it wasn't as threatening after Ethan began to think he couldn't be killed.

Ethan turned to put the belt on, not saying a word. He began to focus on the view out the car window, not caring much about Edward, which made Edward seem to be bothered more.

Ethan could feel Edward staring at him for a few seconds as he drove off. It was as if he was trying hard to read Ethan's thoughts, but he couldn't.

Ethan began to feel an itch in his mind. As if he was listening to an ASMR with headphones on, and a comfortable itch began to arise because of the sound. It seemed that Edward was concentrating enough to be able to start entering Ethan's thoughts.

Ethan looked at Edward, staring back at him. Edward's eyes were bright yellow, unblinking. Ethan wasn't intimidated, becoming completely serious.

Ethan's eyes were piercing. They were brighter than Edward's eyes, and it was a little uncomfortable to stare into Ethan's eyes for so long.

After a few seconds, Edward turned his gaze away. He seemed intimidated by Ethan's gaze. Edward had a strange expression on his face, it was something like fear and discomfort. It looked like the same expression Alice had made when she touched Umb.


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