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Chapter 64: Chapter 64 - Emily Is A Boring Cousin

"How long have you guys been here in Forks?" Ethan asked, his mouth full of noodles.

"I think it's been about three years!". Jasper replied.

"Mary, can you get Ethan some dessert, please?". Esme said, realizing that Ethan had already finished eating.

- Mary? - Ethan thought.

Alice stood up the ran to the refrigerator with super speed, bringing a small pudding in small portions for Ethan.

"Your name is Mary?" Ethan asked, looking at Alice.

"It's Mary Alice, but I don't like Mary! Don't call me that!". Alice replied, placing the pudding in front of Ethan.

"We didn't have time to prepare a more elaborate dessert, so we made two small puddings for you to eat!". Esme said, taking the plates off the table to clean up next to Carlisle.

"Do you want some help?" Ethan asked, getting up to take the dishes along.

"No, Ethan! You're welcome! You're our guest, you can rest assured!". Esme replied, insistent.

"That's fine by me!". Ethan replied, enjoying himself with the pudding.

Emma and Rosalie returned to the dining room. Emma sat in one of the chairs at the table, while Rosalie preferred to stand in the corner of the room, watching Ethan.

"So, Ethan, what do you like to do in your spare time? Do you play anything?" Jasper asked.

"Lately, I haven't done anything for fun. Things are kind of turbulent, you know!". Ethan replied.

"Yeah, I can imagine!". Jasper replied, sincerely,

"There, you need to have more fun. Why don't you come to play baseball with us tomorrow?". Emmett asked excitedly.

At the same moment, Rosalie muttered something irritated that Emmett had invited Ethan, and left for her room. Emma rolled her eyes at Rosalie and went out after her to calm her down.

"Relax! She's on those days!". Emmett said, jokingly.

- Vampires menstruate? - Ethan thought, staring at Emmett, but thought it was a bad time to ask about it.

"You guys play baseball? Where? I didn't even know there was a baseball field here...". Ethan asked, pretending not to know.

"We created one!" Jasper quickly replied.

"What the fuck! Yes we will! What time?" Ethan asked, excitedly.

"Well, actually we need to know if it's really going to rain tomorrow like it's saying in the weather forecast.". Jasper replied, looking at his cell phone.

"We need the storm to be able to play. It's hard to explain, we'll show you better tomorrow!". Emmett said excitedly.

"Do you know how to play baseball, Ethan?". Alice asked, curious.

"Actually, no!" Ethan said, laughing.

"Shit!" Emmett said.

"EMMETT!" Esme yelled from the kitchen.

"It's okay, I'll teach you, honey!". Alice said, putting her hand on top of Ethan's hand.

Ethan finished eating his pudding and picked up his plate, carrying it to the kitchen.

"Sure you don't want help, Esme?". Ethan asked, gently.

"It's okay, Ethan! Thanks for offering!". She said, taking the plate from Ethan's hand and placing it in the sink to wash.

"Come on, let's go upstairs! I'll show you the rest of the house!". Alice pulled Ethan by the arm, excited.

They went upstairs, where they could hear a romantic song playing.

"That must be coming from Edward's room. Oh, I don't know, he's kind of cheesy, you know? Okay, you were born 100 years ago, but you can listen to current music! Alice said to Ethan, who laughed at her.

They walked to a room at the end of the hall: it was large and with huge windows, completely bright, but also, it didn't seem to have any privacy.

The walls of the room were white and lilac. A few manga were stored on shelves, with old stuffed animals and a notebook full of cute stickers.

"So, this is my room!". Alice said, raising her hands to present the room.

"I thought your room would have a more dramatic tone and not fluffy things scattered all over the place!". Ethan said, grabbing a pink teddy bear from the shelves.

"I used to have that style, but I got tired of it after a while!". Alice said, pulling Ethan close to her.

"Wait, why do you have a bed?". Ethan asked, looking at a small bed in the corner of the room. "I thought vampires didn't sleep!".

"Oh, I like to lie around reading. I usually stuff it with blankets and lie there in the middle tucked in. I don't feel cold, but it's very comfortable!". Alice said, sitting up in bed.

Ethan sat down next to her, looking around her room.

"But what did you think?". Alice asked, with puppy dog eyes.

"It's cute, just like you!". Ethan said, tickling Alice.

"Don't do that!" Alice said, laughing, trying to push Ethan's hands away.

"Do you think they liked me?". Ethan asked, concerned.

"My family? Oh, my brothers already liked you. The problem is Rosalie...she's kind of complicated!". Alice said thoughtfully.

"Complicated?" Ethan asked.

"She hates being a vampire. She didn't want to be turned. She wanted to have a family, you know? To have kids, to see them grow up, and she can't anymore. I think it's a mixture of jealousy and worry. She doesn't want you guys to go through the same thing as her, being that you can have normal lives!". Alice replied.

"It's understandable, but I don't know if she hates Bella as much as she hates me!". Ethan said, thinking about how she acted with him at dinner.

"I think she overheard Carlisle talking about what you are with Edward... I think because we didn't believe her from the beginning, it made her angrier!". Alice said, remembering the first incident in that Ethan showed her his powers.

"I think I can understand...". Ethan said. "Speaking of which, I think I've figured out a way to find my father!".

At the same time, Ethan said that, Alice put her hand over his mouth desperately.

"Don't talk about it!". Alice whispered.

Ethan made a confused expression at her.

Alice took out her cell phone and sent Ethan a message:

'My dad thinks you won't go after Hades anymore. That you will evolve powers, but you won't be his successor!'

Ethan: 'What do you think might happen if he finds out?'

Alice: 'I'm afraid he'll want to move out.'

Alice: 'Besides, I think he'll warn the about you the council!'

Alice looked at him. She looked a little sad.

Ethan stared at that message for a few seconds, not knowing what to answer.

Ethan: 'Is the council coming after me?

Alice: 'I know it will! And I don't want to lose you...'.

- She must have had some kind of vision... - Ethan thought.

Ethan: 'Alice, are we going on a trip to Maryland after the dance? They don't need to know what we're going there for. It's just a couple of trip! That way he won't suspect me or disappear with you!'

Alice: 'Maryland? Is your father there?

Ethan: 'I don't know... it's my hometown, so I hope so.

Alice: 'Can I think about it a little more?

Ethan looked at Alice with a warm smile and consented with his head.

'Oh, by the way, can I borrow your laptop? So I can look something up!". Ethan asked, pointing to the laptop on the table.

"Sure!" Alice replied.

Ethan picked up his laptop and logged into Orkut, looking for any messages from Emily.

"What are you doing?" Alice said, stepping closer to Ethan. "You have an Orkut? I have one too!" She added, excited.

"Oh, I created it, so I could talk to a cousin of mine!". Ethan rolled his eyes at Alice, trying to show her what he was talking about.

Alice expressed that she understood.

"Oh yes, and who is your uncle?". She asked.

"The one in the picture here!". Ethan pointed, showing a picture of Paolo.

"Oh, he looks nothing like you!". Alice said, confused.

"Yeah, he and my mom are nothing alike!". Ethan said, wanting to say that Paolo was not Hades, which caused Alice to make the expression of understanding again.

A message notification appeared on the screen

Emily: 'Hiii sweetieee! I talked to my dad :3 He said he doesn't know any Ethan T-T'.

"Why is she calling you sweetie?". Alice asked, a little annoyed.

"I don't know either! She's crazy!". Ethan replied, indignant.

Ethan: 'Emy, tell him I'm Ethan Opna, Enid and Hayden's son!'

Emily: 'Are we cousins? T-T'

Ethan: 'YES! We are! Talk to my uncle, please!'

Emily: 'OK! - _ -'.


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