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Chapter 67: Day 4 part 1

As the forest gives way to an unforgiving landscape, the crunch of leaves beneath my boots is replaced by the grating sound of gravel. We have left the sanctuary of the trees, each step leading us further towards a rocky ascent, a small mountain looming ominously in the distance. Around us, the land becomes sparse, bare rocks jutting out like skeletal remains, the eerie silence a stark contrast to the verdant hum of the forest.

The taste of V's absurd plan lingers, bitter and unfathomable. What was he thinking? Was this just a foolhardy attempt to seem heroic or does he genuinely believe in the bizarre strategy of dividing our strengths? The question gnaws at my mind, a ceaseless enigma.

I stifle a sigh, my grip on the strap of my bag tightening. Our path snakes alongside a meandering river, its cool waters glinting under the bright sun, an oasis in this rocky expanse. An idea forms in my mind, a plan that might ease the tension coursing through our group.

"Let's stop here and take a break," I suggest, my voice cutting through the silence. "We've been walking for hours. It would be best to sleep during the day and continue walking at night time."

Flora's face immediately brightens at my words, a contrast to Isabella's cold indifference. "Hey Kaida, let's go enjoy the water," she proposes, a glint of excitement in her eyes.

"Sure, let's meditate in the water," Kaida agrees, her calm voice harmonizing with the bubbling of the river.

As they start to move towards the river, Flora turns back towards us, her eyes filled with an invitation. "Do you want to join us?" she asks. I shake my head with a slight smile, "Maybe later, I'm going to look around." I feel like something annoying is going to happen. The amount of wild dogs we've encountered is not normal. Despite attacking us I could see fear in their eyes. Why would they attack if they're scared?

Flora starts to extend the same invitation to Isabella, but a single look at the noblewoman's face has her reconsidering. She turns away, a hint of disappointment flashing across her face before she shakes it off, focusing on the promise of the cool water. Isabella... She only does anything if Liam and I ask her. Her social skills need work, given her family background, her rudeness is understandable but if she plans to achieve anything she needs to understand that Nobility is just a title, strength and connections is all that matters.

"We're going to try to hunt something, I don't want to eat some dried meat," Rai grumbles, pulling Arin along with him. Arin looks like he wants to protest but resigns himself to his fate, trailing after Rai.

Ugh, the jerky. I remember the taste, rich and hearty but tainted with a strange aftertaste. V had prepared it ahead of time before we split, he definitely expected us to split apart. Oliver voices the sentiment aloud, his grimace mirroring my thoughts, "I'm glad V gave this to us, but it has an aftertaste."

As the members of our group each find their own distractions, I wander off, my mind filled with thoughts of V. I can't shake off the feeling that he knows something. The thought tugs at my curiosity, but I dismiss it. He's just a commoner, there's no way he has more information than me, a princess. Tsk, what a cheap excuse, I'm starting to become as stupid as my brother. He without a doubt didn't obtain any information about this place, just what is he after?

I shake my head, laughing softly at the thought. No, V's motives are indecipherable, aren't they? His strange friendship with Isadora, how did he befriend her to begin with? She wouldn't talk to me no matter how many times I tried. His decision to take Biana along... it all points to a motive beyond the test.

Oliver shrugs nonchalantly, his tired gaze fixated on a broad tree offering a decent shade from the relentless sun. "I'm going to take a nap under that tree," he announces lazily, ambling towards it without waiting for any response.

In the meantime, my mind is elsewhere, entwined in the intricate web V weaves. The gusts of wind rustle my clothes, but I'm barely aware, my mind a swirling vortex of thoughts. This isn't like me, being so distracted by someone else's actions. I'm a leader. I should focus on my own plans.

A bark of laughter echoes through the sparse landscape, snatching me out of my thoughts. It's Liam, tsk, his grin holding an unmistakable hint of mockery. "Hahaha, don't use your brain, sister. That doesn't suit you." He continues, his voice laced with the bitter spice of sibling rivalry. "This is why you're not capable of becoming the next ruler. You won't be able to find a logical conclusion to V's plans."

I stiffen at his words, my hand involuntarily curling into a fist. Click. The sound reverberates, my nails digging into my palms, a small rebellion against the sting of his words. Our gazes lock, a cold, icy stare against a smug smirk. I force myself to maintain composure, my voice steady. "Please enlighten me, then. Stop acting like you know the answer."

My mind wanders to an unsolicited wish that our incessant rivalry could cease, that our paths would diverge. If he were to disappear... But I catch myself. That's not how a ruler should think. I cluck my tongue, the sharp sound punctuating my silent contemplation.

Liam's laughter rings out again, grating against my nerves. "Hahaha, it doesn't matter what he's after. Give up, Sister. You won't be able to win him over, haven't you realized? He doesn't plan to choose a side." He's right. I know he's right. V is unpredictable, a wildcard. Yet a spark within me, a stubborn ember refuses to fade. Whether or not I can win him over, I have to try. But if I can't, I'll at least ensure Liam can't either. This world runs on power, and V is destined to become a powerhouse based on his profile. I can't miss out on this goldmine, an Emperor needs powerful allies.

The crunch of gravel under my boots is the only sound as I turn, walking away from my brother, from our squabbles. But not before throwing over my shoulder, "I will become the emperor. You lack qualifications, brother." I don't need to see his face to imagine his reaction. I stride towards the forest, my shadow trailing behind me. I need to confirm my suspicions, I feel like something is hunting us.

I plunge into the forest, following the path Rai and Arin had taken earlier. The thick foliage shrouds me, muffling the distant sounds of the group left behind. The soft hum of nature replaces the cacophony of human voices, offering a sense of solitude.

Just as I'm lulled by the forest's tranquility, I hear a giggle slicing through the silence. Rai. I approach the source of the laughter, my steps careful, soundless against the earth.

"Look what I managed to get. I bet this will taste good," he declares, a broad grin stretching across his face as he holds up a horned rabbit. The creature squirms, its eyes wide with fear.

A sigh escapes my lips as I survey the scene. Our cook, V, isn't here. "Do you know how to cook it?" My words hang in the air, a grim reminder of our limited culinary skills.

Arin glances at me, his voice uncertain. "Not really... but Flora says she watched V cook and says she might be able to do something."

"Alright, you guys head back. I'll be back in the group once I confirm something," I assure them, my voice steady despite the rising unease. My suspicions need confirmation. Rai grins, already turning back towards the group, the rabbit secured in his grip.

I venture deeper into the woods, the uncertainty within me growing with every step. I can't help but long for the familiar confines of the academy, the simplicity of my previous life. Frustration bubbles within me, a sigh whispering through my lips.

Then, movement. From all sides. The fur on my arms prickles, my heart hammering against my ribcage. It's them again, the wild dogs. Eight of them this time. I watch them closely, their bodies quivering with fear and yet ready to lunge. It's neither hunger nor sport driving them. Their eyes, filled with terror, speak of something else entirely.

Three quick movements, a dance I've practiced a thousand times before, and it's over. The wild dogs lie defeated, their lifeless bodies proof of my strength. Yet, their desperate attacks leave a sour taste in my mouth. Enhancing my vision with a burst of aura - an exclusive technique of the royal lineage - I survey the forest, my eyes piercing the shadows. Yet, I see nothing out of the ordinary.

What's happening? These dogs, these anomalies, are mere threads in a larger tapestry that I'm unable to see. Frustration claws at me, but I suppress it. As a future ruler, I have to get used to solving mysteries, don't I? One thing is certain though, something or someone is manipulating things in the shadows. Just what the hell is going on?

Exasperation twines around my thoughts as I wander deeper into the labyrinthine forest. I heave a sigh, letting the sound ripple through the quiet around me. Is V dealing with the same issues we are? or are these dogs only after us?

I plod along, weighing the option of retracing my steps back to the group, when an uncanny stillness descends. The forest hushes, as if holding its breath. I freeze. Something is wrong.

There, up ahead, an unexpected silhouette emerges from the shadows. It's a dog? No, larger. A wolf, a titanic one at that, hulking and ominous. But something's off. It's unusually large, its fangs unnaturally long. A mutation, or an evolution, perhaps? Dammit, I really need to read up on Beasts.

Before I can even wrap my mind around it, the wolf lunges at me, its raw speed belying its massive size. I sidestep, veiling myself in aura, observing it. But the beast mirrors the same desperate terror as those dogs. A pang of confusion throbs in my mind. What is compelling these animals to attack despite their fear? Are they even afraid of me? Or is it something else entirely?

The sheer force of the wolf's charge pushes me back, its power surpassing my expectations. Enough is enough. I've had it. I channel a burst of aura into my feet, boosting my speed. Drawing my dagger, I dart around the bewildered creature, leap over it, and plunge my blade through its ear.

I click my tongue, a sharp sound piercing the silence. It's exasperating. Why are these dogs acting so strangely? And even though I'm irritated, the pragmatist within me notes the practicality of the wolf's fur. It might be useful, and waste not, want not.


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