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Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Animal

Naruto and Lee strolled through the bustling streets of the village, their footsteps tapping against the cobblestones in a rhythm that complemented the city's busy atmosphere. The moonlight, shining bright, cast a warm and welcoming glow on the people and buildings around them.

As they walked, Naruto bounced along, humming a cheerful tune to himself, his eyes scanning the surroundings. Meanwhile, Lee walked with purpose, his gaze fixed ahead, his body tense as if ready to spring into action at any moment.

Suddenly, Naruto's curiosity got the best of him, and he turned to Lee with a raised eyebrow.

"So, how did you guys manage to break the wheelchair in the first place?" he asked, his tone laced with amusement.

Lee's face scrunched up in a frown as he recalled the incident.

"Well, Guy sensei challenged me to a race, and I was too fast for the wheels to handle. We crashed into a wall, and the wheelchair was destroyed."

Naruto chuckled at the mental image, but then his expression turned serious as a thought crossed his mind.

"Where are we going to find another wheelchair in this village?" he muttered, his frustration evident.

Just then, his eyes landed on a group of ninjas they had met before at the Hotsprings. Maybe they had an extra wheelchair they could borrow.

"I think I know where to find one," he said to Lee, pointing towards the group.

Lee nodded in agreement, and they headed toward the disabled ninjas. As they got closer, Lee could sense the group's camaraderie despite their disabilities, and he felt a pang of respect for them.

He stepped forward and greeted them with a deep bow, his movements smooth and respectful. Naruto, on the other hand, just nodded in greeting, his eyes wandering around the group.

As they got closer, they could see the group's faces clearly, but they also noticed something strange - the group looked at them with cold and hateful glares.

Lee tried to greet them respectfully, but they simply ignored him.

"Excuse me," Lee spoke up, his tone polite. "We were wondering if you had an extra wheelchair we could borrow. Our friend here needs one urgently."

One of the ninjas, a woman with a missing arm, scowled at them. "Why should we lend you anything? You, outsiders, don't know anything about our struggles."

Naruto was taken aback by her hostility, but he tried to reason with her. "We don't mean any harm. We just need a wheelchair for a short while. We'll return it as soon as we can."

Another ninja, a man with a prosthetic leg, chimed in. "We don't owe you anything. You and your kind are the reason why we lost our limbs in the first place."

Naruto was shocked by his words, not understanding why they were being blamed for something that wasn't their fault. He felt hurt and frustrated by their cold behavior.

Lee, however, remained calm and tried to reason with them. "We understand that you have suffered greatly, and we sympathize with you. But please don't take your anger out on us. We are not your enemies."

But the group remained stubborn and refused to lend them a wheelchair. Lee looked at Naruto, unsure how he should now react. "Back down, Lee! Let me handle this."

As the group of disabled ninjas refused to lend them a wheelchair, Naruto felt a spark of anger and frustration building up inside him.

"Pitful! Let's go lee." With a smug face, Naruto spoke in a high voice.

The group's scowls deepened, and Naruto could feel the tension in the air rising.

One of the ninjas, a man with an eye patch, stepped forward, his voice dripping with anger. "You think this is funny, outsider? You have no right to mock us."

As he approached him, Naruto looked down at him. He could feel his palms sweating as he reached out and grabbed the man by Naruto's collar, his fingers tightening with a threatening grip. Naruto remained unfazed and maintained a smug expression as he spoke.

"What are you gonna do? Kill me!" Naruto taunted, his voice ringing out loud and clear. "You don't have the wits left. You all are rusted, blaming your fate. Too afraid to take action, especially against me."

Lee was about to intervene, but Naruto shook his head, silently urging him to back down. Naruto knew he had this situation under control. He could feel the tension in the air as the man struggled to break free from his grasp.

Their eyes locked, Naruto's deep blue eyes shining with a fierce light. He could sense the fear emanating from the man as his hands trembled. Naruto could feel the sweat beading on his forehead, loosening his grip, but he refused to let go.

Finally, the man relented and dropped to the ground, scared.

"Naruto, We should leave." Lee, trying to control the situation

"No, Let me have a heart-to-heart with these derived Souls." Naruto walked inside the group, as his demeanor got threatening and powerful. "They know they can't win against me, they are silent."

The disabled ninjas gathered around Naruto, feeling defeated and helpless. Their eyes betrayed their despair and vulnerability, as they struggled to find the courage to keep going.

"Listen up, my Shitty Ninjas," Naruto said, his voice booming with conviction. "I can see that you're feeling helpless, feeble, and feeble-minded."

He paused for a moment, looking at each of them in the eye, before continuing, "Your power doesn't come from your limbs. It comes from your grit, your drive, and your soul. And I see that burning inside each of you. You're not surrendering. You're not buckling under. You're still here, still fighting, still hoping."

Naruto's words filled the air with a sense of fear.

"I have a mentor, Guy-sensei," Naruto continued, with a sense of pride and admiration. "He lost his both leg, but he didn't let that slow him down. He trained harder, he fought harder, and he believed in himself harder. And look at him now. He's a legend, a master, and an inspiration to all of us. He didn't let his disability define him. He defined his disability."

"You're a ninja, a warrior, a hero," Naruto exclaimed, his voice ringing out with passion. "You have an inferno burning within you, and nothing can extinguish it."

The ninjas felt a surge of energy, as Naruto's words fueled their inner fire

"Stop me if you can, I will take the Wheelchair myself," Naruto said, with a mischievous grin. "You are all animals, don't suppress the instinct. Worship it."

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