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Paul waited until Ivana and the boys moved happily in the house when he decides against all odds to come out behind the pillar. Hurriedly walked towards the gate when he bumped into someone.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she said as she moved some hair behind her ear.

 "Holy shit, what are you doing here?" Mish asked when he looked at the person that pumped into her.

Paul looked at her apologetically without answering any of her questions.

"If you came to hurt my sister again these time l will skin you alive," she said through gritted teeth. "Get out of my way you bastard."

Paul never answered back he stood there for almost three minutes when he decides to walk outside the gate. He picked out his phone to make a call, he scrolled through his contact list and called his driver.

"Come and pick me up at Alika Apartment gate C," he said.

He was very fortunate that his driver was in town. He was surprised when he saw his boss calling.

"I thought that I am coming to pick you up from the airport? Alika apartment again? When did you arrive?" He murmured to himself all the questions.

After a short period, a Mercedes Benz C classic pulled over towards him. He walked towards the already opened door as he sat in the back seat of the car and the driver accelerated to the given destination.

Back at Ivana's house, she was busy helping her kids to change clothes and do assignments before she start preparing supper. Mish was refreshing before they could cook dinner together. After Mish was done she came to where Ivana and the boys were.

"Mish, what are we having for dinner am a famished girl?" Ivana said.

She didn't receive an answer so she looked at Mish and said, "Hey Mish back to earth, "she snapped her finger in front of her.

"Huh? Mmh, I don't know, but l think Ugali -Nyama Choma is fine with me," she replied.

"Is something the matter Mish?" You can talk to me. You know we have each other's back like we have no one else in this world," she said encouragingly.

"No Ivana is fine am just tired of work at the company," Mish replied.

"Okay, girl you don't have to worry yourself l got you. You can rest as you watch the news l will cook dinner for us," Ivana said.

"Mama can l help you cook?,l have missed Nyama Choma you know it's my favorite", Mukhwana said as he walked towards the kitchen.

Ivana just nodded to show yes because she knew she won't win an argument with him.

"Mama, can l also come?" Mulongo asked with puppy eyes. He was the shy type between the two they were twins with different abilities and characters.

Mukhwana was bold and talkative while Mulongo was shy and reserved. But no matter the differences they had in characters Ivana loved them equally. The two of them accompanied their mother to the kitchen leaving their Aunt watching television in the sitting room.

Ivana prepared the main meal as she assigned the boys to make the kachumbari. Although they kept on disturbing their mother to show them how to grill meat (Nyama Choma). They made the cooking enjoyable.

"Go and prepare the table as l finish up," Ivana told the boys when the meal was almost ready.

They walked to the sitting room and found their Aunt napping. They played with her until she woke up. That's when they told him to prepare the table.

Ivana carried the food to the table and fished them out on the four plates. They started digging in as they enjoyed the nyama Choma (roasted meat). Mish praises the boy for making delicious Nyama Choma. In reality, she knew that their mother was the one who did everything. The rest of dinner was enjoyable.

After dinner Mukhwana and Mulongo went to sleep, leaving their mother and Aunt to clean the utensil.

Mish decided against all odds to initiate a conversation about Ivana's past.

"Hey, sis you just look like a perfect wife cleaning after eating dinner with her family" she chuckled.

What Ivana did was sigh and look at her before saying, "By the way Mish l don't bother thinking about it!"

"Why Ivana? don't you think it's a high time you forgive him," Mish said?

Ivana stopped washing utensils as she glanced towards Mish. She fixed her gaze to her before saying, "What do you mean l should forgive him Mish? are you out of your mind? l mean are you listening to yourself?" She said as she wiped away her tears.

"Do you know how many sleepless nights l spent crying over a man who doesn't consider my feeling? A man who has hurt me over and over without a care in this world?" Ivana scoffed as she continued. "Mish you don't know him, you are being deceived by his looks Mish."

"Ivana, it''s not what you.."

"Mish you are more than a sister to me, l thought you should be on my side about these, but l was wrong," she said as she wiped away her tears.

She chuckled then said, "I hope this is the last time you will talk to me about Paul, wait a minute. Mish, did you see paul outside when you came in? never mind Goodnight size."

She stormed out of the kitchen without looking at Mish. Mish gaped at her as she watched her walk towards her room. Mish was astonished at how Ivana reacted it was unlikely of her. It was strange, so strange that Ivana answered hurriedly like that. Mish had no choice but to finish tidying up the kitchen before moving to her bedroom.


On the way to his hotel room, Paul regretted everything, everything he did to Ivana. He didn't realize that they have arrived and the driver was holding the door for him to get outside.

"Boss we are here," the driver said.

Paul comes outside without saying a word to him. He walked towards the elevator and pressed the floor number of his room in Luhya intercontinental hotel. It was one of the numerous hotels under his Company Luhyahood Acting Company, actually not his company but Ivanas family company.

He took a quick shower, he had no mood to eat so he decided to call his childhood and best friend Mike back in Nigeria. He dialed his number and called, Mike picked up on the third ring.

"Oga how are you Mehn?" Paul said. 

"This is the first time you have addressed me with my surname. I am cool Mehn, how are you?" Mike said.

"You won't believe it mike, she refused to listen to me. I feel guilty about everything mike,l wish l had listened to you," Paul said.

"What do you mean she refused? you me.."

"Yes, Mike he didn't give me time to explain myself. She already moved on and she has a set of twins now. Two cute boys, l do regret Mike l wish l can reverse time. I will not cheat on her, I will love her dearly."

"Relax Paul I guess Ivana is still angry at you. Don't worry I will help you solve everything with her. Be patient okay, now breathe in and relax, sleep okay. Goodnight my friend," he said then hung up. He didn't wait for his response. He knows that when Paul is stressed they could talk the entire night.

Mike was Paul's childhood friend and they have grown to be best friends and confide in each other.

Paul forced himself to sleep because he has a busy schedule the next day. He was tired but not sleepy Ivana's face kept appearing in his mind. He kept on thinking of Ivana had moved on and decided to bear kids for another man.

'How was that possible Ivana you loved me dearly, you can't do this to me.' When I left for Nigeria you were not even pregnant. Are kids adopted or what?. You were so scared for the kids to find me in the house are you married? I will have to find out one day,' he thought.

The following day Paul was wakened up by his alarm, he made a short prayer before running to the bathroom. He didn't want to be late, it was an auditioning day for the new actors and actresses in the company. He wanted to be there so that he can select those with the best acting skills. Although the auditioning was happening in Luhya intercontinental hotel's Ballroom second floor, Paul didn't want to be late. After dressing up in a Black suit Paul had breakfast while glazing at his wristwatch. A quarter to nine Paul moved to his elevator going straight to the ballroom the audition had to start at nine.

Back to Alika Apartment, Ivana woke up very early to prepare her boys for school. Prepared breakfast and packed lunch for them before taking them to the gate to be picked up by a school bus. She comes back to prepare herself to work. She found Mish already dressed up ready for work. 

"By the way Mish am sorry,l should not have talked to you like that yesterday it's just that l had high adrenaline when you mentioned his name," Ivana said when she was fine with the preparation ready to leave.

"You don't have to worry siz l understand you, no need to apologize," Mish said with a smile. "Now hurry up so that we can go together to work l will drop you on the way to the hotel".

The hotel you said?" Ivana asked. "What are you going to do there aren't you going to market those movies?"

"Sorry, my dear l was selected to be one of the judges during Luhyahood auditions. l forget to tell you yesterday," Mish replied.

'Luhyahood? That's why Paul is in the country', Ivana thought. Before saying, "Wow that's great don't be hard on those new actors and actresses okay, be lenient" Ivana said as she picked her Gucci bag and accompanied Mish to the parking lot.

Their drive to their different destination was enjoyable as they kept on listening and singing along to Sauti's sol album the Midnight train. Mish dropped Ivana at her fashion store as she continued Auditioning.

Ivana entered the Fashion store and planned her schedule for the day before the girls arrived. She also had not finished the previous work she was assigned by her boss or the tutor who was teaching her how to design and sew acting costumes.

Mish arrived at the venue and entered the ballroom. She was startled when she spotted Paul. She had no idea that he was among the judges. She had to compose herself before she proceeded to the assigned place where they were seated. Paul was emitting a different aura of superiority while looking at Mish.

Immediately Mish stepped into the room he said, "Miss Mukhongo can't you.." Paul was cut short by her secretary when she come in to inform that it was about time they start auditioning. The actors and the media houses were complaining. Paul cursed inwardly as he smiled at the secretary, telling her to lead the first contestants in.

Mish noticed the way Paul was looking at his secretary it's the same way he used to look at Ivana when still married. 'Maybe she is a new catch, or they are dating. How can these men be like these, cheating on my sister several times she continued with his behavior. He didn't learn from it, what a jerk?' Mish thought.

"Miss Mukhongo what do you say about him?" Mish was brought back from her thoughts when the MC asked her comment about the contestant on the stage.

That's when she realized that she didn't even notice that the audition have started. She has spaced out for a long time.

"Huh?eeh,l think he is a good actor when given a lead role in the incoming play/Movie!. For me, it's 4/5." 

Paul and Mind were surprised by Mish's comment. They didn't understand her but Paul didn't want to embarrass her.

Paul chuckled thoroughly before speaking." Your facial expressions do not match what you are saying, in acting gestures goes hand in hand with what comes out of your mouth, otherwise, for me, you are average 2/5."

The audience booed at him while the contestant remained silent his fate now lies in the hand of Judge Matinde. She pressed a buzz for him and he was covered in silver sparkle. The contestant jumped with jubilation and went down to hug her while tears came down his eyes.

Mish decided to be attentive for the rest of the audition so that she won't miss out and be accused of incompetence at work. She was aware that Paul can decide to accuse her of incompetence at work.

The rest of the audition was enjoyable as the judges were surprised with the different talents, abilities, and characters that the contestants portrayed. Out of 1000 contestants, only 250 were picked. Paul encouraged those who didn't qualify to give up because Luhyahood Acting Company will be auditioning every year for new talents. The small number of audiences that turned out started departing to their homes.

In the Ballroom, only Judges and Paul's secretaries had remained. Matinde excused herself and left the three of them when Paul sighed deeply before saying, "Mish just a moment please."

Mish who was ready to leave remained seated.

"Mish, how are you and your friend doing?" Paul asked.

"First of all Ivana is my sister, not my friend, we are doing perfectly fine," she replied.

Mish didn't want to speak with him about Ivana. She didn't want to meddle in a business that she has no idea about. So she was waking up when Paul begged him to sit.

"Mish please don't do these. Can you do me a favor?"Paul asked.

"What is it, Paul? Are you not ashamed of yourself? After all, you did to her now you are asking me for a favor?" Mish asked exasperatedly.

"Will you please help me, set up a private date or meeting with Ivana? I want to talk to her and solve everything out," Paul said.

"Don't involve me please, you were aware of everything Paul, so if you don't mind am leaving, "Mish said as he stood up and left.

Paul was left sitting there like a lost sheep, his head bowed from embarrassment. Mish walked towards the exit, and before stepping out she paused and said, "Leave her alone PAUL, she is happy without you." She said that without glancing at him and walked away athe a diva she is.

Paul sat there not knowing what to do. He wished he can reverse time and not cheat on her. He regretted the fact that Ivana have been forgiving him for cheating. He didn't know that he was hurting her.

He stood up and walked outside the hotel it was almost late in the evening.  Paul told his drive to take him to Oval club, the biggest club in the county. He wanted to draw himself,  drawn in vigor so that he doesn't remember her. Her slim figure, the chocolate complexion of her, long legs that he missed being between them, a long neck that he kissed every night she was the perfect description of an African queen.

Paul come back to reality when he felt some pain in his groin. 'What a joke a mere thought about her and I am already hard?. Ivana, Ivana what did you do to me,l have f****d several ladies after you left me but no one tasted like you?.'

"Did you charm me? Paul said.

"Boss, you said something?" His driver asked.

That's when he realized he was thinking loudly.

"Huh? yeah take me to Alika Apartment hurry," he said.

"Yes, boss."

After the audition Mish drove straight to Ivana's place. luckily she was working overtime, she waited for her until she finished. Ivana has already called her neighbor to pick her boys up because she delayed picking them up. They drove back home, Mish talked about the audition being nice excluding Paul's incident.

When they arrived in their apartment Ivana volunteered to step outside so that she can open the gate. Little did she know she has done a big favor to someone who was watching her from a distance in a black limousine.

He smiled after seeing her, he almost drooled because of Ivana who was dressed in a yellow business suit and three-inch stilettoes. Ivana held the gate for Mish while looking outside her consciousness was right. Someone was gazing at her When she looked at that side. Paul instructed the driver to accelerate as they furnished.

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