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Chapter 3: Chapter Three

She missed seeing Lang and Tyler, so she was at least happy to be back. She was back to her office, Lang noticed a slight change in how she related with her boss which she didn't hesitate to ask if everything thing was okay. 

"Is he too hash on you?" She remembered her asking. "If he was, I could talk to Tyler, he could talk to him"

Yess he was being harsh to her, the feelings he stirred within her was harsh and she wanted them to go away. "There is no problem" she said as she immediately changed the topic discussion. 

How are the boys? She remembered asking. 

It was a new day, a new day for her to put up with Ray. She wondered why Ray bothered her so much. Most people wound prefer how Ray had been all professional with his work and not paying much attention to what his inner desires could be.  

It was some minutes past ten, Ray arrived the office, she went ahead with serving him his preferred coffee flavour.

I'm expecting someone, once she arrives, you don't have to call me to confirm, just let her in.

Name is Cammie.

Okay. She said as she made her way out.

She had retired to her office, after a while, the blond haired Cammie arrived, not paying much attention to who sat by her side of the room as she made her way into Ray's office. Amanda sure remembered the face, looked like someone she had seen him with, but sure wasn't in his office. 

Amanda and Lang had gone for lunch, she took quite longer than usual as she needed to pick up Raymond's laundry, dropping them with with his driver. She hoped he won't be needing her as he was obviously a little occupied. She returned some minutes past 1pm. She noticed she had several mails from Mr Olivero, asking about the future of their contracts, also mailing some monthly quotations should incase his deal is accepted.

She had knocked twice like she always do, before stepping into Rays office. She had stumbled upon Raymond, with his lady guest sitting on his table just before him, her who by her his two sides, she sat directly in front of Ray. She was fumbling his ties, as she could tell they were having a laugh just before she entered.

I thought I made it clear enough  that when I have a certain guest that I won't be needing you till I call for you.

Raymond spoke in a tone that wasn't so polite.

I'm sorry, I didn't know she was still in.

Do i know you? She heard the lady ask.

I don't know, do you? She asked.

Uhhh...... Cammie looked like she was trying to recall or remember the face.

I work here, so, maybe you must have ran into me since am always here.

Right. Cammie said after giving her a questionable glance.

Amanda immediately left their sight, shutting the door after her. She paused just by entrance to catch her breath. She definitely knew he did stuffs with women who came to see him, but she didn't want to see him getting touchy with them or sliding his hands under their dress.

Heyy, what's wrong?

She freaked out, hearing Lang's voice so suddenly.

Why you standing over there like you are about to have a cardiac arrest?

She wished that was the case. Cardiac arrest didn't sound so bad compared to seeing Ray touch other women.

Nothing, she said with an obvious fake comportment as she moved towards Lang.

Nothing... Nothing. Just stressed.


So you are sure everything is okay? She heard Lang ask with a tone of curiosity. 

Yea, Yea. Every thing is fine besides what could be wrong? She said letting out a smirk, which obviously gave out more reason to doubt everything being okay.

Is there something you not telling me? She heard Lang ask as she tried finding her face, narrowing her eyes in suspense.

What??!? She exaggerated the exclamation to appear surprise of Lang's curiosity.


Everyone is acting funny today. Lang stood upright, giving up on finding out what could be wrong.

Tyler has been acting up since today.

First of all, I'm not acting up, so in other words, Tyler is the only one acting up since today.

Secondly I got this huge document I need to sort for Ray now. She said with a little sad face.

Okkaaayyy, see you later. Lang said as she left her to her self.

Later that day, the company officials had an important launch to announces. As they threw a dinner party. Lang had picked Amanda from her place as they planned going together.

She wore the second dress from the one Ray had got her during their trip to Toronto. A handless silky yellow dress, that held her body in all ways delicate. Just like the red one, below her knee with a slightly high slit. It rested on her body so perfectly, like it was made for her. Well, no one will doubt that.

Hey look at you! She heard  lang say as she approached her car.

Thanks she said with a smile.

They arrived  Blazzer some minutes past six as they headed to the hall. It was filled with people, a few she could recognize as business associates, board members or staff. The rest was alien to her. 

She sat at a round table where some of the staff she could recognize was seated, along side Lang. 

Ray had given a speech as the people cheered him,  before immediately heading back to his table. He looked charming. well, as always. And after that accurately rendered speech, she knew she couldn't get him off her head. 

She caught his gaze on different occasions as she wondered if that meant something. Why was he always staring at her? And she would be a fool not to notice his  disapproval when ever he saw her a bit too smiley with an opposite sex. 


The dress, it's nice, where did you get it?  Amanda was brought to her senses by that question as she subconsciously let out a sheepish smile.

Okay.... She is smiling. It means it from a man.  Lang said with a tone that harboured a little excitement.

And you and I know you don't know Alot of men.

Ugh, no.... Its....i got... I got it from.......

Noo... No. Sweety no, not what I'm thinking!

It's not what you think. Amanda responded.

Okay fine, but he got it because I didn't have what to wear, we needed to go to a ball party.

She noticed Lang giving her the look.

A business ball party. To be precise.  she corrected.

And I'm guessing you have taken his kindness too far and fallen for him?

Uhhh no, not true, not true, I don't think of him.

I never ever think of him.

Honey I have watched this play out before.

Watched what? There is nothing playing or anything to watch either. Amanda now spoke in a little passive aggressive defensive tone. 

Can we just just drink without talking....


I just care about you, I don't wanna see you hurt.

I'm fine mum, and I'm grown too. She said before standing to her feet as she approached a waiter, helping her self with a glass of wine. She was talking with one of her colleague before sighting Cammie. Long blond hair parted in the middle. In a light blue Shot  sleeveless dress, which showed a great deal of her skin. There was no competition but she felt like she had lost already. 

She was definitely a model, cause there was no way those legs was just gonna be a waste, neither was that walk just for random everyday activities. She looked dazzling, just her sight had made her loose confidence and she suddenly felt inferior. 

She walked to where Ray was now standing, giving him a hug, with her hands tucked in his arm. 

Ray had set up this event, welcoming his new business partners, also introducing everyone to the future of Blazzer technology. Cammie just arrived, now by his side. Which he had hoped would have somehow fallen into a man hole, to be rescued the next day. He was simply tired of seeing her. 

He felt his head throb, as he excused himself, getting away from Cammie and everyone else, to cool his head. He had recently been working constantly, trying to put his late mums company back on the map as one of the top five highly rated technology companies, and it was telling on him. 

He sat in his office with his dim table light on, he added more wine to his glass from the bottle of pinot noir he had brought with him. He hoped the company would be as he had envisioned in the next couple of years. His phone was ringing as his attention was brought back to reality, it was Cammie calling and he had no intentions tending to her. She was probably looking for him, and the plan was to stay concealed. 

He heard the entrance of his door open, Amanda almost barged in like she was looking for something. He didn't imagine her looking for him for whatever reason, but he thanked God she some how found him. She was almost like a breath of fresh air and that was what his soul craved at the moment. It was obvious she had fallen for him but somehow he didn't find her feelings as absurd as he found that of his previous assistant.

Oh... Sorry

I forgot my phone charger earlier, came to get it and I heard some sounds.

I didn't know it was you.

Ray  heard her clearly, but somehow didn't say anything. He just loved the view, her skin glowed over the poorly lighted office, her lips almost in silhouette as it showed it's fullness. She was beautiful, no doubt but that still wasn't a good enough reason to why he was taking note of all her features.

Sorry.... I should go. Amanda said as she proceeded with trying to leave his presence.

You can stay.  You should stay. 

Ray rephrased his previous statement, leaving no room for her to think it a request but an order.

We should drink to our success so far. Don't you think so? 

He watched her try to speak but she didn't, her body language already gave away how she loved the idea. 

You should get a glass....

I think I got one in the shelf. he pointed to the other other corner of the room towards the direction of the shelf.

She located the shelf, grabbing the glass, then returning to his side. He poured her some wine with his gaze almost not leaving her. 

Ray thought this woman to be unconsciously sexy, her gaze, her slightly parted full lips. Damn! She was beautiful.

Her thick thighs were on the show, he wanted griping on them while she bent over his table for him to have her.

So what do you think? Ray asked her as he laid back, resting his back on his chair. 


I love it, pretty cool party.

Nice dress. Ray Immediately  added after she spoke. He noticed how his complement put her off guard. Her shy nature now visible in its full form. If she was any lighter in complexion, he bet her cheek would have gone red. 

You plan to stand there for how long? You should sit.

He immediately stoped her from moving to the other part of the table by moving his hand and blocking her.

I think the table will do.

He watched her sit on the table, her Left  thigh to his full view but for some reasons he found himself more fascinated by the sight her face. Her face illuminated towards him. Charming was the word! The memory of their last kiss which he thought had been buried, now reborn and was trying to reincarnate.

Why are you here? He heard her ask while she took a sip from her class.

Mmm...  Ray let out as he readjusted his sitting position.

I don't know, to get away I guess.

To get away from everybody.


So, literally I'm invading your little privacy? 

He didn't understand how this woman asked intriguing questions with yet such a soft tone. 

It's different with you.

Ray said that even though it was nothing close to what he would have loved to say, he hoped he wasn't falling for her, just lust, definitely lust. He remembered how he had his eyes on her all night, her whole being dared him, her over Amplified sex aura dared his being. She was like a magnet and him an iron. No way he was wining this fight for her force was almost stronger than his weight.

He saw her eyes grow lazier, shy or maybe a light drinker, but it made her even more tempting.

With other people, most times I wish time would move with the speed of light. 

He didn't know if all he was telling her was necessary, but he felt comfortable with her, he for some minutes forgot she was his assistant, he saw her like just a regular lady, and that gave him more room to harbour very inappropriate thoughts.

What about Cammie? 

He heard her ask, she sounded a bit grim, like she didn't appreciate the idea of him and Cammie, or most likely anyone else.

She an old friend. 

That was all she needed to know. Besides, very soon Cammie would be in the past. 

Why do you sleep with all those women if they don't make you happy?

Who said I sleep with them? Ray asked, trying not to sound defensive or bothered by her curiosity. Matter of fact he wasn't, he just didn't know how deeply she had fallen for him, and how his response could hurt her.

Do you? 

Maybe, maybe not.... Doesn't matter.

Do you? He heard her ask again now with a little grim, she was persistent. And that sure was sexy, he was mesmerized how everything about her was attractive to him, adding to the fact that he hated being questioned and this woman sat across him interrogating him and he found it charming.

"A few" he responded.

Mmm.... He heard Amanda let out as she went for her drink again.

Yea, While thinking of another. He added.

Amanda was feeling quite an unusual tension, her tummy felt funny, the more she stayed there, the worse it got. This man got a hold on her, he only needed to ask her to walk through fire and she would without a doubt. She wondered what he meant by while thinking of another? Who does he think about? 

Lang will be looking for me now, and I don't want her to leave without me, I need her to drop me off.

Amanda didn't know why she said that because she swear she didn't want to leave his presence, she wanted to be engraved in that position for as long as he sat there. And what if he just says okay without countering her? 

Who is Lang?

She heard him ask that question which had generated series of questions in her head. Did he think it was a guy and was he concerned? Did he not at least know that Tyler's assistant went by the name Lang?  Every one knew Lang, she was the go to for anyone who needed assistance or had questions. Most people called her Mrs Lang but that was about the same thing. Would he have taken note of her if she didn't work directly with him? 

Definitely not. Okay, cool.

Mrs Lang, Tyler's assistant. She snapped out of her thought, responding to him.

Oh Mrs Lang, I know her.

He admitted knowing her, like he wasn't supposed to. 

He didn't say any other thing, he just sipped his drink as it grew silent.

Alright, thanks for the drink. 

She stood, stretching her dress as it had jumped, now abit higher than it should be.

She noticed him sitting up, he reached for her hand, holding her. He raised his gaze from her hand to her face. He had a look that she couldn't resist even if she tried as she froze to his touch.

I will have Scott drop you off. 

Scott was his driver who drove him sometimes and gosh! She hated how instigating he was but as for today she won't mind putting up with him.

Raymond now stood, he directed her hands which he was previously holding over his shoulders. His face directly to hers, his gaze was tempting. She was tempted, but she failed, she didn't have the ability to stand his temptations. His gaze took a piece of her heart each time it met hers. 

He bent his face over her neck as he dropped some faint kisses on them, with one of his hand on her  waist, with the other over her neck.

She found her self moaning to his touch, if his hands had moved any lower, he would feel how hot she was in there.


She heard him whisper her name in a way no one ever did, it almost didn't sound like he was calling her name, more like a request, a plea, but Raymond never really had to ask for anything. He moved his lips from her neck to her lips, he now kissed her in an almost gentle manner as she returned his kiss. The intensity of his kisses had grown with time and of course she matched his energy. They were now entwined in each others arms, he had moved his hand which was on her neck to her upper attractions, gripping on them as he fumbled them. Damn! she wondered what was going on between her legs, what in the river Nile was going on down there. She felt way too moist and that was almost new to her. 

He pushed her strapless dress lower, below her moulds as they were now out, seeking for attention. Her rounded, full and very pointy attractions. He moved his concentration down. His kisses had retracted to her neck, as it now headed to her very ripe full breast, his lips  immediately engulfed her dark pointy nipples as she moaned with his hand playing with the other. He bit on her nipples as she moaned out feeling abit of pain and pleasure, but the pain was pleasure and she wanted more. 

His other hand had wondered down to her thighs and maybe more. She moaned in delight as his hand reached her dripping Virgina. His mouth on her boobs, hand now fumbling on her clit as she moaned a bit louder than usual. She was enjoying every bit of this.

She noticed his face now back to her face. Her hands lingered over his chest before they somehow found his belt, undoing it. 


It's the tone again, the tone that controlled her sanity, accompanied by his scent, which now seemed very magnified. His masculine scent had directly spoken to her, asking her to turn around and bend over, and of course taking instructions is something she was very good at.

Ray felt a fire in him which he planed to quench with the instigator. He raised her dress so he could have a full view of her behind. Rounded and sure wasn't basic, he was used to a more thinner women, but this one was different and he wasn't complaining, he dared not complain. Her skin colour was tempting, she wore a black semi string panties which exposed the goodness he now encountered. His hands cupped them, caressing them before spanking her rounded ass. He heard her gasp which sent a certain type of motivation to his body because he immediately spanked her again. He enjoyed watching them jiggle. He moved back to get a good view, he traced his hands through her panties as it lead him to  her pussy. Her pinkish wet pussy.

She was dripping wet, she obviously enjoyed what he was doing to her, and most likely wanted more. He gradually slid two of his fingers into her pussy, fingering her wet pussy as he listened to her moan. He moved his free hand to her face, turning them sideways, so he could see her face as she moaned. She looked like she was crying for help and of course he planned to render some help with some quality orgasm. 

He now immediately raised one of her legs hanging it on his table with the other holding onto the floor.

Her rounded ass looking much more tempting as one of them now arched upwards. He didn't hesitate to spank the arched ass, grabbing it as her soft buttocks jiggled.

He slid his two fingers out of her pussy, now on her clit. She let out a moan as her face showed how much she felt his touch. 

 His cock had began protesting to taste her too as his erection was now obvious, protruding and begging to be seen. 

His fingers was doing wonders to her clitoris as she moaned almost uncontrollably. She had no idea what she was doing to him, her sweet melodious moan soaked into his soul, freeing him of the bondage called self control. She almost stood from the the table, before his hands pushed her down. He retreated from the lower part of her, bending over towards her, as his erection pressed into her soft ass through his pants. He kissed her neck before sliding his hand under her neck, lightly gripping her neck as she moaned even louder and they set him up, ready for the next step. His erection was in its full form.  He yeaned to feel  this woman and so did all his being. He retracted from her neck as her rounded ass called for him. He spanked them as she gasped. He immediately moved her panties to side, with his other hand freeing a certain prey within him. He couldn't wait to be inside her, as it showed how much in a hurry he was. He had now slid into her,  almost gradually, now in full awareness of how slippery she was, she let out a loud gasp which didn't seem to stop because he was now repeatedly pounding her pussy. Damn the feelings within him was new. Why does fucking this woman feel different? It was the first with her and he promised himself it wouldn't be the last. Why does he want to claim her all to him self? Why does he want to scream you belong to me as he fucked her?

The more he fucked her the more intense it became, she wasn't really a loud moaner but she moaned in a tone that had everything in him over reacting. Her face over his poorly lighted office obviously asked for more, and he didn't plan to stop any sooner. He raised her leg higher on the table for it seemed to have almost gotten weak. He pinned her to the table, as he held her two hands together over her back, prompting her to arch her rounded ass even more. He spanked them this time harder as they bounced, pleasing him. He strokes now became more fierce, as he went harder and faster.

Please don't stop.

He heard her say under her breath. Well, stopping was very far from his current agenda. This pussy had him almost under its control. She was sweet and enchanting. 

He spanked her was yet again which called to him with their excessive juggling. His stroke still consistent as his hard work started to showoff. He noticed her moan increase and he kept onto the same pace, caressing and griping her ass.


Raymond please don't stop.

He noticed her vagina releasing much more liquor than usual, her legs now trembling as she moaned even louder. Her orgasm had instigated his, for he found himself bending over and griping unto her neck as he went harder. He let out a deep breath as he ejaculated, but he laid still for just few seconds before slipping his cock out of her Virgina. He headed for his office rest room, as he needed a little wash.

Amanda now sat up, feeling a little bit of guilt, but more of satisfaction. He had taken her in his office and it was everything she imagined it to be. She drew her dress upward so as to shield her naked boobs.

Ray had stepped out of the bathroom now properly dressed, walked towards his table grabbing a few thing before speaking.

Scott will drop you off with one of the cars here. I will be heading out now. He proceeded to walk to the exit and now out of her view. 

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