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Chapter 78: Untitled Chapter


Chapter 41

First Person POV

"Do not worry, I will hold you" he grinned at me before leaving to speak with one of the workers, I stared at his disappearing figure until there was nothing to look at.

He returned with a big smile plastered on his face, he came closer and brushed the horse hair softly with his hand and firmly adjust the saddle on the horse back

When he was done he turned to me and said

"Are you ready?" This got me thinking, I was almost starting to regret approving this idea

"Don't tell me you are afraid....are you?" Gerald said with a raised eyebrow and snickered from behind, he gave me the upswing I needed to climb the horse

"I am not!.... why would I be scared of riding a horse, I'm just nervous"  I mumbled the last part and  tried to explain myself, I did not want to come out as a woman with fears, I want him to see me as a strong woman.

"Nothing will go wrong" Gerald paused then continued

"Trust me" he then took my hand into his and gently pulled me closer to the horse, Gerald helped me to get onto the horse back, I muttered a thank you while trying to balance myself on top of the horse, it was not an easy task, the horse little movement made it a little difficult, Gerald helped me in the end when he saw that I was almost falling off the horse's back, afterwards he got on the horse i was not surprised at how easy he sat on the horse back, he was an expert after all.

"Hold the lead rope" Gerald leaned closer to me, his little action made my heart beat like crazy, I was eager to know what his next move was, only for me to see him reaching for the  lead rope, my ears turned pink red in embarrassment, what was I thinking.

Gerald swivel the rope, the horse neighed and started running, I felt the breeze through my hair and mouth, I loved the sensation I got from it, the horse increase it's speed and caught me by surprise, I got scared and held unto the saddle tightly

The horse ran freely round the grassy field, I found myself laughing then grinning, I was having the time of it life,  slowly I removed my hands from the saddle and stretched it out to feel the wind on both hands, I enjoyed how the breeze blew past me.

I closed my eyes to delight in the moment, I took a deep and long breath, suddenly the horse became aggressive and stood on two legs, neighing loudly.  

I hugged Gerald tightly in fear of falling down, I tried as much as possible not to scream, Gerald was quick to take control of the situation, he pulled the lead rope roughly and tried as much as he could to make the horse steady, he also rubbed it neck, this action of his made the horse calm down, and the involuntary movement from the horse stopped, it neighed softly, we waited for some minute then Gerald tried to make it move but it refused to move, Gerald sighed, he knew something was wrong with the horse.

"You can let go now, but I don't mind if wish to remain this way" my cheeks heated up when I realised that my arms were still tightly wrapped around Gerald's waist, I quickly unwrapped myself from his body and cleared my throat involuntarily, it made Gerald chuckle.

"What happened" Gerald helped me to get off the horse, my side eyes saw something move in the background, I turned to check it out but no one was there...strange, I felt like I was being watched or was it just my mind playing tricks on me

"I don't know why he just suddenly stopped," he got off the horse and started moving around it 

"I will check what the problem is" Gerald circled the horse and checked different parts of its body

"Or is he hungry" the horse neighed and stood with its back legs, raising its front legs before placing it back on the floor, It moved front than back and I noticed that he was limping

"Do you think....maybe he's injured or something?" I said, my eyes still fixated on the horse just to be sure if he was truly limping or not. 

"It could be a possibility" Gerald sighed, he loved horses and liked taking care of them but he wasn't a specialist in that field, and won't have as much knowledge about horses as those who specialise in that field.

"It's limping," I said when I notice it limp as it moved again, Gerald paid more attention to the horse's leg

"You are right, I would need to inform the stable man"

"I commend your sharp eyesight" Gerald stared at me in admiration and I was happy, maybe the way he sees me would differ even if its a little bit 

"I guess that's it for today"  I was slightly disappointed, but it wasn't anyone's fault, just when I began enjoying the ride this had to happen. Gerald saw the disappointment in my eyes and said

"We could go on another ride whenever you are less busy" 

"Let's take him to its stable " Gerald took the lead to the stables while controlling the horse with its lead rope while I followed from behind

"I'm hardly busy, it's you who is always busy either with one thing or another" Gerald grinned


Third Person POV

Lord Rafe took long strides with Sir Sebastian by his side 

"Where is Lady April, is she in her room?" Lord Rafe face lit up when he spoke about April, Sebastian noticed how his dull mood lit up, when he mentioned her name, Lord Rafe had just left his throne room, leaving Lady Audrey and her father to sort out whatever problem they were having

"She left for the stables, My lord" Lord Rafe's face twitched a bit

"Why does she like going there" Lord Rafe mumbled in dissatisfaction, Lord Rafe was heading towards Lady April's room but when he heard that she was in the stables he changed his direction 

"Do you want me to go get her instead, I don't see any reason for you to come to her" Sebastian wasn't happy about this new development of his lord, Sir Sebastian didn't like Lady April nor does he despise her, but he wasn't in support of Lord Rafe's feeling towards her and he wasn't trying to hide the fact that he likes his slave, the elders won't still and fold their hands and let this happen when there are a lot of elegant and capable ladies to be by his side.

"No, you don't need to do that,  I want her to be surprised to see me and it's being long since I visited the royal stables this is a good opportunity to do that,"  Lord Rafe looked to be in a really good mood and also very eager to see lady April.

Lord Rafe got to the stables and was a little disappointed to see that she wasn't there

"I thought you said that she was in the stables" Lord Rafe frowned at Sebastian

"She was maybe we missed each other"

"There is only one route to the stable we would have come across each other"

"Maybe she left a little earlier"

"Permit me to speak, lady April and Sir Gerald left for the field" the stable man interrupted them politely

Lord Rafe's frown deepened on hearing Gerald's name.

"The same boy, why does he keep hovering around April and why does she allow it" one could sense jealousy in his words, he took a deep breath and head towards the field without informing Sebastian who followed him to the stables, all that was In his mind was that Lady April was with Gerald alone in an open field.

He stopped on his tracks when he saw Lady April hands wrapped around Gerald waist, while giggling happily, the Jealousy in his heart vanished into thin air, he started at them with a blank expression, seeing Lady April and Gerald from afar, they looked like a match made from the heavens and also like a lovely couple. Sir Sebastian was worried about his lord expression, he normally had a blank expression on but this one was different, it was sad.

He feared for what he would do to sir Gerald at the moment but was shocked by Lord Rafe's Reaction

"I will head to my quarters, I need to rest my head"  he shifted his gaze from them and to Sebastian, before leaving for his quarter, Sebastian stared at Lady April and Sir Gerald one last time before leaving with anger filled heart, 

Lady April knew that the lord fancied her why would she pull this stunt if she doesn't like him she should just be upfront about it. This was what rang in his mind as he stormed away angrily, he hated seeing his lord this way, the last time he saw that look on his face was the day lord Rafe older brother left home he looks up left home after trying to kill him.

Lord Rafe got to his room

"She looks beautiful when she smiles, she haven't smiled that genuinely when she is with me, I'm feel hurt" 

"Does she see me as a man or her lord". 

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