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Chapter 6: I'm Highever Day

POV: Marcus

Waking up from my nap I stretch out my arms and legs before sitting still for another minute or so. Pulling the report from my face I'm greeted with an unexpected sight. A dragon was resting on the runway of the El Macho sunbathing.

Figuring it was just Flemeth fucking around I see that we're hovering about a mile away from Highever. Asking for an update on the current situation the crew responds that there hasn't been any changes. Nodding my head I wander off to get some grub from the canteen.

Most of the Synths here enjoy an Energon shake, I however like mine made from milk. So grabbing a Cookie shake with a hamburger weighing a little over a pound with some Chilli Chz Fries on the side, I set up shop and close it down.

Throwing away the waste in a Prey Recycler I head over to the armory to check on the Synths gear. Fun fact, since I can pretty much manufacture Synths I can also tweak it to where they come out with Spartan II physiques. Plus I can make it to where people download themselves into the bodies so that way we don't have to set them up with an external A.I.

Then all I have to do is spam Mjolnir armor and boom, army of kickass Spartans at my ready. Of course that doesn't come with all the upgrades R&D have come up with but we can manufacture and implement them easily enough.

All Armors come equipped with standard Energy Swords, Rifles, Side Arms, and misc choice. Basically whatever weapon the soldier desires, well up to a point. The most popular one right now is the Collector Beam focused through a Kyber Crystal with a laser focus from fallout. Thing packs a mean punch. And before you ask how it was accomplish, all I have to say is... Science. I'm just a media nerd, not a smart nerd.

Checking through everything I see it's all good... I think. It's in much more capable hands then mine so nothing to worry about. I just hope they didn't sneak some Mini nukes through again. Damn explosives art lovers. Did we kill it? No. Well use more explosives. I have absolutely no idea where they got that trait from.

My ramblings aside I due a sweep of the vessel due to boredom. You may ask, why are you waiting? Well the answer to that is... um... Night Op?

Look I just wanna see my guys standing in the dark and them lighting up their Energy Swords all at once with a castle in the background. Can you imagine how awesome that's going to look! Don't look at me with that tone of voice! You're just jealous that you can't see it while I can!

On a more serious note however it's cause I don't wanna show my full hand just yet. I'm not sure if there are other players running around or if I'm on Solo. So precautions are in place just in case.

You can never be to carefull. The Synths know this as well which is why I'm running with a full crew instead of just A.I.s. I'm scared of losing what I have and so I'm trying to do better and be better, but I'm not a leader or a smart person. I just got lucky. And ain't that a shitty realization.

POV: Duncan

It's never easy you know. Conscripting men and women into service, but if I don't then the world may not have a fighting chance. The Wardens of Fereldan need new blood, most if not all of us feel the call, and that was before the visions. A blight is coming and there are too few of us to stand the tide.

I have several promising recruits I should be able to conscript into service, I just don't know if I'll be able to get them up to speed in time. My first recruit is the youngest Cousland. It does me harm to take a child from such a dear friend, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

His Nobel training showed he was promising with a sword and shield, plus his learning's of diplomacy and history should help greatly in time. I just hope the boy accepts.

I've also gotten reports from Denerim about a promising City Elf. He is Adaias' son so there might be some promise there. She was quite the Rouge in her day.

There are also the two in the Circle. Mages are headache to process though. Plus the Templars have been much more viscous of late. Still something to check up on.

I've also received word from Orzammar asking to attend. The nobility is also in a frenzy for whichever reason. We'll have to go if we're to confirm the blight. Damn politics.

*Sigh* Heavy is the heart of those with responsibility. Maybe Alistair can be of use. No, unfortunately the boy is still too prideful to be diplomatic or unable to handle this level of responsibility.

Why now of all times? Is this what the previous Commanders felt. Do or Die?

POV: Marcus

Night has drawn near and we are ready to attack Howes men. I get my people into place and wait. Come morning the only bodies laying cold and dead will be Howes men.

Sitting in my command chair I wait. Why am I not on the battlefield you ask. Well I can't let my interference risk compromising the mission. This is above my petty need for glory. Plus if I've learned anything from my time playing X-Com it's that a competent commander is worth more than his weight in gold.

Keeping watch overhead I signal the teams that Howes men are on the move. Just like I envisioned, my soldiers light their Energy Swords all at once and rush into battle. Not a battle per-say more like children throwing eggs at a supertank. As you might guess, the battle is going terrible for Howes men.

Watching as my men cut down Howes makes me kinda sick, but I push through. I can't let my modern mind fuck us because I was to soft. Howes men start retreating, I promptly put an end to that by tell the soldiers to stop playing knights and start playing Sharpshooter.

10 minutes, 10 minutes was all it took to wipe out about 900 men. I don't know what to feel. Happiness at our success or disgust at how easy it was to butcher them. Shit it only took so long because the troops in the back ran away as soon as the front did. More time was spent tracking then it was killing.

Fuck it, Howe's a piece of shit. I know he's, and that's not going to stop me. I'm going to have to do a lot more killing. Rather I want to or not. I'm not Naruto with his charisma and drive. Hell I don't even lead my troops. I just sit around and look pretty.

it's no use stewing on it. The deeds done, and one less innocent was killed due to greed. That's enough reason to continue going. I hit a button on the chair which acts as an intercom. "Listen up Troops, today we took life into our own hands and decided some were not worthy of it. It is not something to be proud of. It is not something that should be celebrated. That said you all came back safe. You all returned in one piece. THAT is worthy of celebrating! We fought an won without a single casualty. Celebrate the fact you are still among your loved ones and not buried by them. This is Marcus Sol signing off."

(Sounded more epic in my head)

A cheering roar resonates through El Macho leaving no corner untouched and no air unviolated. Walking back to my personal quarters I decide to deal with the aftermath in the morning. What will come will come. What I can do to change things I will.

POV: Duncan

The visions woke me again tonight. No amount of tossing and turning would allow me rest. So I gathered my weapons and took a stroll around Highever. I greeted servants that were still awake and jostled guardsmen whom have fallen prey to sleep.

I walk the Castle wall and saw a sight I will never forget. I saw a man whose Sigil I couldn't make out be cut in two by a blinding Sword that pulsed Erie red in the dead of night. Then I saw what could only be describe as a giant man in armor bring the sword to his helmet and holding a finger to his visor in a shushing manner. I have fought brutal enemies and things that no one but those with me would believe existed. This enormous warrior scared me to my very bones. Then with a flash it was gone and no body remained, only some blackened grass, as if something was burnt.

The next morning many such spots were found all around the Highever grounds. Whoever or whatever did this surely stopped something heinous last night, but why, and why be so secretive about their involvement. What force do they belong to... and how do I get in contact with them.

POV: Forge Arnold

So last night I messed up. Me and the others were supposed to let no one see us. Well I accidentally did when I played with my prey for too long. Oh Master Marcus is going to be pissed I just know it. Hopefully the guy stays silent like I asked. Shit.

Altered_State_127 Altered_State_127

Here be Duncan Slayer of Thots

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