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Chapter 33: Unexpected Reunion

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Did you guys see the new chapter of Oshi? It looks like there will be incest.

"You said you'll marry me when I turn 16 right?" Ruby asked with a beautiful smile as she looked at Aqua in front of her. "Doctor, I'm already past 16 years old you know?" Ruby calmly mentioned, her voice exuding a gentle touch. Her eyes beamed with affectionate warmth, resembling a luminous star, casting its resplendent glow upon the scene.


(Few hours later)

It had been a few hours since Aikara had visited Ellie, and now, all three Hoshino siblings found themselves at Yoto High School, being interviewed for admission to the academy. Yoto High School was known for its exclusive performance art program, but gaining entry wasn't easy. Applicants had to provide proof of affiliation with a talent agency to be eligible.

"It's nice to meet all of you!" Aikara exclaimed with enthusiasm as he swung open the door to the interview room, instantly capturing the attention of the interviewers.

With self-assured steps, he strode towards the center of the room and stood with confidence. "I'm Aikara Hoshino, but feel free to call me Aka if you prefer! I proudly represent Ichigo Productions, and my ultimate aspiration is to become an exceptional actor!" A bright grin adorned his face as he flashed a peace sign. His words carried an undeniable charm, captivating the interviewers and holding their undivided attention.

It took a few seconds for the interviewers to recover from their fascination as one of them let out a cough "Uff" he began as he adjusted his glasses "Aikara Hoshino right?" He asked, which was met with an enthusiastic nod from Aikara "You're that youtuber, my son is a huge fan, he idolizes you a lot. What made you come to our school?"

"Before I answer that, I just want to say I'm super duper happy that your son is my fan!" He exclaimed "Now, to answer your question, I want to join this school because of it's flexible schedule. If I'll become an actor, I need a flexible schedule as much as possible but I don't want to sacrifice my education so I became interested in your school."

After that, the interview continued with the interviewers asking questions and Aikara responding to them, it continued like these for half an hour before they announced that they were done and he could leave now.

Quickly thanking them, Aikara walked out of the room, leaving the interviewers alone as they discussed about him.


Arriving outside the interview room, Aikara strolled around until he spotted Ruby leaning against the window, gazing at the outside scenery.

With a mischievous grin spreading across his face, he sneaked up behind her and playfully covered her eyes. "Guess who~" he exclaimed, his voice causing Ruby to perk up in recognition.

Ruby removed his hands from her face and turned to Aikara, sporting a bright smile. "Hey, Aka-nii! How did your interview go?" she inquired.

Aikara flashed a peace sign and beamed at her. "It went great!" he exclaimed. "I'm sure the interviewers loved me!"

Before Ruby could share her own experiences, another familiar voice interrupted them. "How was it?" Aqua asked, surprising Ruby and Aikara as they turned towards him.

"When did you arrive, Aqua-nii?" Ruby asked, her tone a mix of shock and curiosity.

"I just got here," Aqua responded, his tone as apathetic as ever. "So, how did it go for you guys?"

Ruby gave him a small smile. "Probably okay. What about you?"

"No issues," Aqua replied nonchalantly. "If I don't get in, it'll probably be because of my name."

Aikara pouted at Aqua's remark. "Aqua-nii," he began, capturing Aqua and Ruby's attention. "I think Aquamarine is a beautiful name. It's absolutely adorable and suits you perfectly! So, don't make fun of it," he exclaimed, looking offended.

Aqua and Ruby were slightly taken aback by his words, with Ruby even stepping back. "You actually find his name beautiful?" she asked, and Aikara nodded enthusiastically.

Ruby shook her head and shrugged. "You're probably the only one, besides Mama, who thinks Aqua-nii's name is beautiful. I mean, it's so absurd! Aquamarine," she exclaimed, clenching her fist and looking at Aikara in disbelief. "I would be instantly ashamed if I were born with a name like that!" She exaggerated, catching the attention of a red-haired student passing by. "I mean, seriously, Aquamarine!" she shouted, causing Aqua to give her a deadpan stare.

"I'm standing right here, you know," Aqua stated, making Ruby look at him and cutely tilt her head while placing a fist on it.

"Hehe," she giggled. "My bad, Aq-" She couldn't finish her sentence as a sudden shout captured their attention.

"Hoshino Aqua!?" The voice exclaimed in disbelief, drawing everyone's attention.

The source of the voice was a beautiful girl with short red hair, wearing a school uniform with a hat. She was pointing at Aqua in utter disbelief.

"If you really are Aqua, then is your brother here?" she asked, and before any of them could respond, she noticed Aikara standing beside them and walked closer. "Is that you, Aka!?"

Aikara was about to respond, but Kana suddenly grabbed his hand and shook it vigorously. "You're really Aikara! I can't forget those beautiful purple eyes," she began. "I almost didn't recognize you after all these years! Looks like you decided to keep your hair dyed purple."

Aqua, who had been observing the entire conversation, turned to Ruby and asked, "Who is she?"

"Isn't she the-" Ruby couldn't finish her sentence as Aikara interrupted her.

"No way! Kachan, is that really you?" Aikara exclaimed, his face lighting up with recognition. "It's been years since I last saw you. Are you attending this school?" he eagerly asked, and Kana nodded enthusiastically.

"Yup, I am," she replied, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and nostalgia. However, her gaze shifted to the ground as she tightly clenched Aikara's shirt, closing her eyes. "It's great to see you, Aka. I mean it. I thought you had quit acting. Finally, I get to see you again," her voice turned soft and gentle, devoid of the previous energy.

"It's great to see you too, Kachan," Aikara smiled warmly for a moment before grinning and flashing a peace sign. "And don't worry, I'll never quit acting. No way!" he declared, determination resonating in his voice.

"I'm glad to hear that," Kana said, opening her eyes as she walked towards Aqua, extending her hand for a handshake. "It's great to see you too, Aqua. I've been searching for you as well. I thought you had quit, just like your brother."

"Who are you again?" Aqua asked, and Kana, who was reaching out to him, froze in her tracks, her hand hanging in the air.

"Aqua, this is Arima Kana," Aikara explained as he placed a hand on her head. "The girl who was with us in Director Gotanda's film."

"Ah," Aqua uttered, a glimmer of recognition in his eyes. "I remember now."

"Phew," Kana sighed in relief as she freed her hand from Aikara's grip. "I was worried you had forgotten about me. That would've been awkward," she paused for a moment, then her eyes sparkled with anticipation. "So, you guys are in the entertainment department, right?" she asked eagerly, her excitement palpable.

"Nope, I'm in the general department," Aqua replied.

Kana recoiled in shock, exclaiming, "Why!?"

Aqua turned to Ruby and Aikara. "My sister and brother applied for the entertainment department. I enrolled here because I was worried about them."

"Huh?!" Kana exclaimed, her voice filled with shock and confusion.

"This brother of mine has a sibling complex," Ruby said with a small smile, pointing at Aqua. Her tone held no hint of jest.

"Gross!" Kana exclaimed, her shock still not dissipating.

"You know, I never really liked this girl," Ruby tried to whisper to Aqua, but her attempt failed as her voice remained loud enough for Kana to hear.

"But if you get in, she'll be your senior," Aqua responded, also failing at whispering, which only made Kana more frustrated.

"I see," Ruby replied before turning back to Kana.

"I can hear you," Kana said, her tone biting as she looked at Aqua and Ruby with a frustrated expression, all signs of her happiness at meeting them again vanished.

"Aww, fine then," Ruby began, sighing in resignation. "Let's get along well, loli senpai." She extended her hand for a handshake, which made Kana grit her teeth in anger.

"I'll really bully you!" Kana exclaimed, walking closer to Ruby with her hand clenched into a fist and her teeth still grinding.

"Sorry about her!" Aikara suddenly shouted as he grabbed Ruby's head, forcing her to bow down while he bowed alongside her. "My sister's just being stupid right now. Can you find it in your heart to forgive her?" he apologized, keeping Ruby in place as she aggressively tried to free herself from Aikara's grip.

Kana looked surprised for a moment, then let out a sigh as she crossed her arms. "It's fine. It's not like I'm not used to people who dislike me," she said, her tone slightly bitter and resigned as she glanced to the side.

Aikara looked at her with concern, about to ask if she was okay.

Unfortunately, he was interrupted by Aqua, who began walking away. "Then I'll head to the director's place," he said, waving them goodbye as Kana regained her energy and started chasing after Aqua.

"Wait for me!" she shouted, running after Aqua.

"Bye, Ruby! I'll follow them too," Aikara waved goodbye to Ruby with a smile and chased after the two of them.

"Okay, bye." Ruby responded, left standing alone in the hallway, with no one to accompany her back home.


As they made their way to the director's place, Aikara, Aqua, and Kana walked together. However, Aqua was walking a few paces ahead, creating some distance between him and the others. With Aqua ahead, Aikara and Kana took the opportunity to engage in a conversation.

"So." Kana began, making sure to keep her voice as low as possible "What's with him?" She asked with a scrutinizing gaze as she pointed to Aqua.

"What do you mean?" Aikara asked curiosuly, his head tilted while his finger was touching his cheek.

"I'm talking about him being all emo," she remarked with a playful grin, her voice laced with a hint of nostalgia. "I mean, seriously, it's been a few years since I last saw you guys, and I distinctly remember him being a sociable guy. What happened? Heartbreak from a girl perhaps?" As she spoke, she absentmindedly twirled a lock of her hair around her finger, her eyes sparkling with genuine curiosity.

"Well, you know, something pretty tough happened in our family. We lost someone who meant a lot to us." Aikara's voice carried a hint of sadness, but his brilliant smile never faltered. As he spoke, he gently ran his fingers through his hair, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. The charismatic aura that usually surrounded him seemed tempered, yet still present, adding a touch of strength to his words.

"Oops, my bad," Kana chimed in, her voice laced with a touch of remorse. She quickly realized her slip of the tongue and acknowledged her mistake. With a slight wrinkle of her brow, she gently scolded herself for being insensitive. "I shouldn't have said something insensitive,"

"It's fine!" Aikara said, flashing a charming grin and subtly tilting his head to the side. "I know you weren't trying to purposely do that." Aikara shrugged his shoulders, his voice laced with a touch of playful nonchalance. "It's just simple curiosity, right?" His eyes sparkled with a mix of warmth and understanding as they maintained their charismatic smile.

"Right," Kana said, her voice tinged with a hint of relief as she let out a subtle sigh, her shoulders relaxing. Her gaze shifted downwards, her pace gradually slowing, and a warm, genuine smile curved on her lips. "It's... it's really nice to see you're still the same person I knew from our childhood."

She playfully kicked a small pebble with the tip of her shoe, sending it bouncing ahead. Her eyes briefly flickered upwards, meeting his gaze for a fleeting moment before returning to the ground. Her cheeks tinted with a soft flush, adding a touch of color to her face. Kana's fingers fidgeted with the strap of her bag, a small nervous habit she had developed over the years.

"I mean, not that I doubted it or anything," she continued, her tone laced with sincerity. "But, you know, life can change people, and it's just... heartwarming to see that you've stayed kind and true to yourself." Her words carried a gentle warmth, reflecting the empathy that resided within her.

Kana's eyes sparkled with a mixture of cheerfulness and confidence as she spoke, her expression radiating a sense of responsibility beyond her years. She looked up again, this time flashing a quick, mischievous smirk before diverting her attention back to the path ahead.

"You better keep it up though," she added, her voice suddenly taking on a teasing edge. "I won't hesitate to call you out if you start acting all snobby or anything. No one's got time for that drama."

"Don't worry! I'm not trying to turn into some snobby person, you know?" Aikara said with a self-assured smile, his eyes shining. "So I'm totally counting on you when that moment rolls around!" As he spoke, he gestured towards her with a playful point, his grin beaming brightly.



End of chapter.

He finally met Kana again, and if you're wondering why they didn't meet all these years, then just wait to find out.

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