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Chapter 42: Aftermath of Filming

(Third POV)

As the filming for that particular scene came to an end, the actors dispersed to attend to their own business, leaving the dedicated staff to analyze the footage they had just captured.

One of the staff members sighed audibly as he snatched the script from the table, clearly frustrated. "Jeez, those two kids messed everything up," he complained, his hand rubbing the back of his head in exasperation. "Now, we'll have to adjust all our staging plans."

Meanwhile, the assistant director, seated comfortably with a reclined chair, gazed intently at the monitor in front of him. He leaned back, casually placing his hands behind his head, and responded calmly, "Well, it'll be alright. On a set with a lot of child actors, you usually end up rewriting the script while filming anyway. We're working with young actors, so this should be expected." He wore a faint smile, seemingly at ease with the situation. "Looks like it'll be a good scene. I'm sure Kana-chan will be happy."

With that assurance, the assistant director rose from his seat and headed towards Kana, who was engaged in conversation with Aikara.

"Kana-chan!" he exclaimed, capturing her attention as she turned to face him. "Can you proceed to your final scene now?"

Her eyes lit up with enthusiasm, and she nodded eagerly, responding with excitement, "Yes!"

Quickly, she apologized to Aikara for cutting their conversation short, explaining that she needed to resume filming. Aikara, understanding the demands of the set, reassured her with a smile, saying it was fine, and that he planned to check up on Aqua.

He offered Kana encouragement one last time before departing for the restroom, where Aqua had also gone.


(Aikara POV)

I bid a hasty farewell to Kana and made my way towards the restroom, where I noticed Aqua entering. As I pushed open the door, an unpleasant stench assaulted my senses, instantly causing my nose to scrunch up in distaste. Simultaneously, the distinct sound of someone retching echoed through the air.

Alarm bells rang within me, instantly flooding me with concern. Without a moment's hesitation, I hurried towards the origin of the distressing sounds, my footsteps quickening. Pushing open the stall door, I was met with a heartbreaking sight. There sat Aqua, seated on the floor, bent over the toilet bowl, as waves of vomit spilled onto its edge. His face was drained of color, his once-tidy hair now disheveled as it cling to his perspiring forehead, and traces of sickness dotted the surrounding area.

Concern flooded my being, and I immediately knelt down beside Aqua, placing my hand on his back as I gently began to pat it. Countless possibilities raced through my mind, attempting to decipher the cause of his sudden illness. His complexion had paled noticeably, a stark contrast to his previously healthy appearance. Reflecting back, it became apparent that his condition had worsened as we delved into the scene we were performing. Something must have transpired during that moment, triggering his distress.

A wave of thoughts surged through my mind, considering various scenarios that could explain Aqua's deteriorating state. Performer's fright, perhaps? No, that didn't quite fit the bill. I mentally reviewed the symptoms—pale face, vomiting—signs indicative of someone in distress, as my mind retrieved fragments of psychological knowledge I had acquired from my readings.

Thoughts whirled in a whirlwind of analysis, sifting through a plethora of potential mental conditions. With each possibility evaluated and discarded, I inched closer to unraveling the underlying cause of Aqua's symptoms. After meticulously ruling out numerous options, my mind illuminated with a realization—a breakthrough.


And I instinctively knew what lay at the heart of his PTSD—the loss of our mother.

As I gazed upon Aqua, a profound sadness washed over me, realizing that he still grappled with the weight of the past. It saddened me further to realize that despite sharing years of close companionship, I had remained unaware of the depth of his struggles.

The reasons behind his PTSD flaring up during filming is something only known to him, and all I could do is speculate. However, I was certain that the root cause lay in the tragic loss of our mother.

In this moment, probing for answers seemed futile and unhelpful. Instead, I resolved to provide solace and support, remaining by his side in quiet understanding.

"There, there, Aqua," I whispered gently as I continued to offer comfort, my hand tenderly patting his back. The sound of his retching mingled with my soothing words, but I persisted undeterred, determined to provide solace amidst his distress.

Just like that, for the next few minutes, in the restroom, where solitude and silence intertwined, I stood by Aqua's side, gently patting his back in a soothing rhythm. The echoes of my voice, offering words of comfort, mingled with the pained sound of retching, resonating within the confined space.

The thought of an extended stay in this place didn't faze or bother me one bit. I mean, come on, what kind of brother would I be if I get annoyed when my sibling is obviously in pain?


(Third POV)

It had been a few days since filming, and today marked the release of the final episode of "Sweet Today." In an apartment complex located far away from the movie set, two women stood in front of an apartment door.

"Good morning, sensei," said the woman with green hair and glasses as she opened the door. She was greeted by the sight of another woman lying on the floor, wearing a tracksuit with a blanket covering her, and surrounded by a desk filled with electronics. "Uh, if you're going to sleep, please go to your bed. You'll hurt your back," she warned.

The woman on the floor took a moment to respond, shuffling around before opening her eyes. "I fall into a deep sleep in my bed," she began with a tired voice, "but I can wake up in about four hours if I sleep on the floor."

"What an unhealthy life hack," the green-haired woman retorted before letting out a sigh and walking to her workspace.

Minutes passed as they all prepared before starting to work, digital pens in hand, creating the manga.

"Do you have any work for us?" the other woman asked.

"For now, I've put directions for the background of page 2's cover page and page 3's panels 1 and 2," the woman lying on the floor replied. "I'll be watching 'Sweet Today' drama, so let me know when you're almost done."

Both women shook their heads, discussing how far they had gotten and whether or not they still watched the drama.

"So both of you have given up, huh?" Yoriko Kichijouji, the mangaka of "Sweet Today," asked.

"You don't have to force yourself to watch it. You worked so hard to create this piece, but they made such a mockery of it with that drama," one of the assistants said.

Yoriko let out an awkward and forced laugh, explaining that she had always known it would turn out like this. She went on to recount advice from fellow mangakas who had experienced live adaptations, warning not to keep their hopes up. She expressed that reality is often disappointing and then fell into silence as they all watched the episode until it ended.

"So, how was it?" the assistant asked.

"Terrible," Yoriko responded with a heavy sigh. Her frustration was palpable as she spoke. "To witness the script I poured my heart and soul into, after hours of contemplation and countless drafts, only to have it completely overshadowed by the addition of a new character, it's beyond disheartening."

"As expected, good thing I didn't watch it today," the assistant replied, opting to remain silent and focusing on drawing the background, sensing Yoriko's disappointment.

Undeterred, Yoriko couldn't resist watching the scene again, even though it still pained her to do so. However, amidst her discontent, she found herself acknowledging the undeniable talent of the actors, especially during Arima Kana's emotionally charged crying scene, which brought to mind the poignant moment from the manga. Despite the drama's flaws, she couldn't deny the sincerity and skill of their performances.

As her gaze shifted to the actor who played the newly introduced character, she couldn't help but notice his impressive acting skills. His portrayal was captivating, adding a layer of complexity to the narrative, even if she remained dissatisfied with the decision to include him.

At the end of the day, despite her lingering frustrations with the drama's shortcomings, a small smile graced Yoriko's lips. She can't help but like the actors despite how bad the drama—everyone in that scene except Melt.

It's because she notices their passion as they act out the scene with all their hearts as they try to make even a shitty scene like this watchable.


As the final episode of Sweet Today was released, it came as no surprise that the majority of viewers felt a deep sense of disappointment. The show had taken a drastic departure from its source material, leaving fans of the original manga disheartened. The only ones spared from this were those who had tuned in not as fervent manga fans, but as loyal admirers of the actors.

While online discussions showcased some appreciation for the exceptional acting performances, even that couldn't salvage a show that had veered so far off track from the beloved storyline. Criticisms echoed across various platforms, with viewers lamenting the drastic divergence and expressing their overwhelming dissatisfaction.

Despite the negative feedback, the show also faced an unfortunate wave of hate comments directed towards different actors. However, the swift response from numerous people on social media swiftly refuted these remarks, asserting that the acting was indeed excellent, placing the blame on the director and creative decisions instead.

Amidst the turmoil, a glimmer of excitement emerged with the news of Aigen, a popular YouTuber with hundreds of thousands of followers, participated in the drama's final episode. Thousands of people flocked to watch the show's conclusion solely to catch a glimpse of him, causing the viewership to skyrocket. Aikara's social media platforms became inundated with an outpouring of comments, all praising his remarkable acting skills.


[DaoOfCulture:] Hey Mem-cho, did you see the new episode of Sweet Today Drama? Aigen was part of it.]

As Mem-cho continued streaming and playing her games, her chat flooded with similar messages, all buzzing with excitement about Aikara's surprise appearance on the show. Her hands, once focused on the controller, dropped in astonishment as she exclaimed with a mixture of surprise and playful annoyance.

"Eh? Aigen-tan appeared in a drama!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening with surprise, and she couldn't help but puff her cheeks slightly in playful annoyance. "He never mentioned anything about it!" she added, her tone a mix of curiosity and mischievousness.

Just as she was about to dive into further discussions about Aikara's drama debut, she noticed her in-game character was on the verge of death. "Crap!" she muttered as she quickly grabbed the controller that fell to the floor and started playing again, her playful expression transforming into one of fierce determination.

After playing for a few minutes and escaping a danger zone, she became safe enough to continue chatting "Still, how come he never mentioned anything about it? We're YouTube partners, aren't we?" Mem-cho said, feigning a touch of sadness with adorable sobbing noises that would melt any onlooker's heart. However, the mischievous glint in her eyes quickly returned, and she chuckled softly to herself. "Hehehe, he thinks he can just appear in a drama without telling me?" she playfully questioned the chat, tilting her head to the side with a cute smile before raising her fist in the air.

"Well, guess what? I won't forgive that guy!" she exclaimed with enthusiasm, as her eyes sparkled with determination. "Come on, chat! Help me in my revolution; we're gonna force that guy to post an apology video to your one and only Mem-cho!" Her words were accompanied by enthusiastic hand gestures, adding a touch of theatrical flair to her plea.

"Revolution, Revolution!" As she chanted, her hands moved gracefully through the air, a playful dance that perfectly encapsulated her bubbly and mischievous nature. With each movement, her adorable charm and contagious energy drew viewers further into her exciting world.

[Yin_espanol] Yeah, Mem-cho! We're behind you all the way! Let's make him see the error of his ways!

[Playful_Wind]: This is awesome! Revolution time! Let's flood his social media with #ApologizeToMemcho!

[Velnare]: Count me in! Mem-cho deserves respect, and an apology video is the least he can do!

[chianlao]: Mem-cho, we've got your back! Let's make sure he understands the consequences of his actions.

[Jaurnel]: I'm already imagining that apology video going viral! #JusticeForMemcho!

[Ily08]: I can't wait to see him squirming while recording that video. He won't get away with this!

[Red_Ghosty]: Mem-cho, you're a superstar, and we won't let anyone bring you down. Revolution mode ON!

[AbysallHunger]: Let's flood his comments section with demands for that apology! Mem-cho's supporters are a force to be reckoned with!

[Sceptre_2006]: I'm tweeting about this right now! We'll make sure everyone knows what he did and what he needs to do!

[Michael_Gillespie]: Hey, but let's not forget that Aigen is such a sweetheart! Maybe it was just an honest mistake. We should give him a break too!

[DaoistfSc8t7]: Boo! No excuses for Aigen! Mem-cho deserves to know everything. Revolution against forgetfulness, anyone?

[MrPollius]: Sorry, Michael_Gillespie, but this is Mem-cho's revolution, not Aigen's Sweetness Fan Club! We're here for justice!

[DaoistC4ylh6]: Aigen may be sweet, but we can't let forgetfulness slide. They need to be held accountable, even if it's in a playful way!

[Reeleplan]: Let's not lose focus, folks! This is about Mem-cho and making sure she gets the apology she deserves. Aigen can make it up to her later.

[I_like_ramen]: I see what you're saying, Michael_Gillespie, but Mem-cho's revolution is all about transparency and open communication. Even the sweetest people make mistakes!

[Heavenly_Kistune]: Aigen better bring a truckload of apologies and some seriously cute cat videos to make up for this! Mem-cho deserves it!

[enkidu]: Aigen's sweetness won't save hik from Mem-cho's wrath! Let's keep the pressure on until that apology comes through!

The playful banter of the chat continued, and Mem-cho chuckled after reading them and was about to continue chanting but she got interrupted by the sound of her computer saying she died.

"Oh, crap!" Mem-cho dramatically exclaimed, dropping to her knees with an overdramatic pout. She pretended to sob, making her voice echo dramatically throughout the lonely apartment. "My hard work!" she screamed, and the chat stopped talking about Aikara for now as they started to bully her.


Inside the cozy apartment, a pair of emerald green eyes, reminiscent of a curious cat's gaze, remained fixed on the screen as the final episode of "Sweet Today" played. Once the credits rolled, she gently set her phone on the table and leaned back, feeling herself sink into the welcoming embrace of the plush couch.

"You look lost in thought Frill-chan," Koromo Shiranui remarked, observing her younger sister's pensive expression. "Is something on your mind?" With a cookie in hand, she nibbled delicately, waiting for Frill's response.

Frill leaned her head against the couch, her mind wandering through the memories the drama had evoked. "It's nothing major, just a familiar face I worked with in the past." she answered, leaving Koromo intrigued.

Curiosity getting the best of her, Koromo picked up Frill's phone from the table and discovered a video on a streaming app, a drama by the looks of it. She rewound it to the beginning and began watching. Within moments, she spotted a patch of striking purple hair that brought back memories.

"Oh, Aikara, your childhood crush. I never knew he joined a drama, did you?" Koroma asked, her curiosity piqued. Frill, however, remained nonchalant, shaking her head in response.

"No," Frill replied, her tone cool and detached.

"I see," Koroma acknowledged, sensing that the topic held little interest for her sister. With that understanding, the conversation about him came to a natural halt, allowing the sisters to refocus their attention on their respective activities.

In the following moments, the room filled with the silence of their shared space, each engrossed in their own pursuits. The mention of her sister's childhood crush had been nothing more than a passing observation, lacking any emotional weight or significance.

With the unspoken understanding that the topic held no sensitivity or depth, they gracefully transitioned back into their previous tasks, allowing the atmosphere to return to its familiar rhythm.



The mangaka is me for real.

I always sleep in the floor when I need to study, because if I sleep on my bed, then I'll be to lazy to get up once the alarm goes off since it's too comfortable, so I sleep on the floor so I'll be able to stay awake.

Though I don't suggest doing it for more than 3 hours because if you do so, then regardless of how uncomfortable the surface is, your body will register itself as being too tired. So sleep only for 1-3 hours to get that quick shut eye and not wake up tired.

And what's this? Aikara apparently knows Mem-Cho and Frill. I understand Mem-cho, because she's a youtuber, but how about Frill, and what's this mention of childhood crush?

Though it seems like it's not that important anymore if you take a look at how disinterested she is.

And I finally reached 100,000 words!

Thanks for all the support guys, all your votes and comments made me continue working hard, so thank you guys very much. ❤️

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