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Chapter 10: Chapter 10: League of Villains? Is that something edible?

When the first rays of the sun began to break through the windows, I finished going through the visual novel, designed for a couple hundred hours. In addition, during the night I was tried to get hit by strange charges, which I calmly absorbed, but the first charge turned out to be somehow strange, because after it I can turn any object into a rubber sex organ.

- I liked the plot, but the theme of god was not revealed to the end, which gives freedom to think up the general plot, but I do not like it very much, so I will have to visit the author, but after the academy.

I just now realized that I spend most of my time in my school uniform, but since I don't sweat, I smell nice all the time, but I need to pick a few things from my dad's closet.

This time there were no students talking to each other at the gate, but a bunch of reporters asking students about the Almighty who became a teacher.

- Hello, let me ask you, how are you enjoying your studies with the Almighty? Does he treat you well? How old are you?

As they surrounded me, I noticed Aizawa smirking at me as the iron gates of the academy began to close in front of the reporters' noses. Time slowed down around me as I began to move at hypersonic speeds. Calmly entering through the barely moving gates, I took my seat in the classroom, after which time returned to its previous speed. The classmates present immediately noticed my abrupt appearance, eyes wide open.

- Alex, how fast are you?

A similar question was asked to me from Momo Yaoyorozu, who had not contacted me until then. At the same time Bakugo suspiciously brought his ear closer, but I didn't pay much attention to it.

- I don't know, but I was now moving at a fast hypersonic speed.

She nodded and wrote it down on a blank sheet that also had my external parameters such as height, weight, eye color, teeth, tongue, legs, and other. In addition to that, there was apparently a shopping list: banana, cucumber, asparagus.

What is she doing? Something like that should alert me, but it's impossible for me to get hurt anyway, so it's okay to chock it up.

So I stared out the window again, where they were showing another fantasy movie where dwarves riding dragons in a cyberpunk world fight flesh-eating cyborg giants.

Modern filmmakers have a strange imagination, which encourages the modern movie industry, constantly trying to interest consumers in something new by creating something like this, but still there are exceptions everywhere, as in this field.

While I was pondering, Aizawa walked into the classroom with a pile of papers, stopping at me for a few seconds but taking his seat.

- I took the liberty of looking at your results the day before yesterday, but one of them made me late, so I didn't finish until yesterday," everyone turned to me as I continued to watch the movie, "Bakugo, stop acting like a seven year old. You're wasting your own talent.

- I know.

The explosive classmate said it with a note of rage and understanding that sounded so strange.

- And you," the teacher pointed at the green-haired teenager, his name is Izuku, "Are you always going to break your arm, Midoriya? If you keep saying ''I can't control the quirk, so I have no choice'', you won't get far. Like I said before, don't make me repeat myself. When you overcome this obstacle, you'll be able to do much more, so I expect a lot of effort from you, Midoriya.

The teenager listened to all the words with undisguised anxiety at first, but by the end he was able to pull himself together and answer in a confident voice.

- Yes!

- Now let's get down to class business. I'm sorry you have to do this, but....

The teacher's words immediately frightened many students, because it could be a test, but all fears were in vain....

- We need a class president.

The students immediately shone with joy.

- Finally something like a normal school!

- I want to. / Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! I want to be head teacher! Pick me! / Oh, this position exists purely for me. / It's a leadership position! I want me, me!

Most of the class immediately put their hands up until Iida calmed everyone down.

- Silence! This is a responsibility that you have to accept and bear for everyone, because it's a heavy burden! Just because you like it doesn't mean you'll be able to carry it! This position requires the respect and trust of those around you...! The only true leader will emerge only through the democratic choice of the people!

His speech reminds me of someone from the 20th century with the same mindset.

- Therefore, this problem will only be solved by voting!

- His actions don't really match his words!

People's craving for power is so funny, although I guess I think it's because I'm impossibly strong.

- We don't know each other well enough to trust each other yet.... / Yeah, everyone will just vote for you.

Iida stood alone against the dissenting classmates while I watched the TV from my seat at another building where a couple lived watching huge spiders confront a Tyrannosaurus rex.

- And that's why the person who managed to earn a few votes would be the right person for this post! How about it, sensei?!

- I don't care if you can make it to the end of class.

For the next ten minutes, the voting for the head and deputy head teacher took place. When it was my turn, I wrote down the best candidate - Koji Kodo, a student with a quirk that allowed him to communicate with animals. His manner of rarely speaking was the deciding factor, and I respect silence.

- No voices?! I realized, of course, I was the one who had explained the sanctity of this position!

Iida was clearly unhappy with this outcome, but his classmates decided to support him.

- You voted for someone else yourself... / And you wanted so badly to be headman.... what you did, Iida....

The teacher finished counting the votes, then began to climb into his sleeping bag.

- So the headman is Adan, and the deputy headman is Yaoyorozu.

It was expected, historically people have always shown a tendency to follow strong personalities, though I'm not sure I am one, but my overwhelming strength has something to do with it. This propensity for leadership and followership has permeated through the ages, so it is an inherent part of human nature

- Who would doubt it? / Cheater. / Not a bad choice. / He's got a certain pathos about him.

The students commented on their choices while I stood at the blackboard with a stony face, with Yaoyorozu on my left, who was tense for some reason.

I want to try Russian dumplings and borscht with black bread.

This desire came about because of the commercials on TV, where one consumed this food with a very satisfied face.

I need to fly to Russia during my lunch break, but no, I'd rather finish the last burgers and fly in the evening.


- There's all kinds of people here..... Faculty of heroes, support, management... And all in one place...

- Yes, in addition to that, there are parallel classes.

Apparently, the fact that I became the headmaster affected the attitude towards me, so all the seats at the table where I sat first were occupied by my classmates.

- Adan, why do you always eat fast food instead of Bystrolunch?

While I was finishing another burger, Iida decided to ask me a question.

- Well," I don't think I should tell them about the hero chef's secret, "I just like it.

- I see, so be careful with that kind of food. If you only eat junk food, you can easily ruin your stomach and your body.

- Alex, do you think you'll be able to handle the job of head teacher?

Now Yaoyorozu asked a question, when gradually the desire to finish eating and watch some movie started to grow in me.

- I haven't tried it, but I think I can do it.

She started writing something down on the sheet again, but I didn't even look at it, trying to remember what game I wanted to go to 10 years ago.


- Doctor, what do you play?

When I was a child, I stood next to a doctor playing a phone game with a snake moving on the screen, which had to be fed with red balls.

- Snake.

- Wow.


Yes, everything seemed so fabulous and interesting when I was a kid.

While I was in my thoughts and my classmates were talking about something, a siren sounded sharply, informing me of an illegal entry into the school grounds.

- A siren?

Everyone abruptly rose from their seats and headed for the exit, but because of the lack of cohesion, instead of a quick and coordinated movement, everything turned into a crush. Even I was crowded on all sides, almost dropping my last burger, so I had to act. I calmly pushed all the students away from me and then lightly clapped my hands, causing a small shockwave to pass through the air. Everyone immediately stopped and fell silent, staring at the source of the sound, which was me.

- Calm down, they're just journalists. If you make a fuss again, I'll clap again, but harder.

Everyone started to look at each other, and also to look out the windows, where journalists with cameras were passing by. After a couple of seconds, most of them went back to their seats and continued their lunch, but some of them left anyway, but without a fuss.

- Not bad, although the threat was not the best option.

Iida expressed his praise as the others nodded in agreement with him. Without answering, I returned to the classroom, where Bakugo was sitting again, holding two sheets of paper. He handed one to me, and then began drawing ships on his own.

Naval combat was another game I managed to play 67 times, since there were a couple doctors who didn't know I could see through anything. Bakugo is therefore doomed to defeat.

I quickly drew a pru of ships in the center and corners, this is the most good tactic than just spreading them out in a corner, or in the center.

- B6.

He started the game again, but there were no objections, as I already had the initial advantage.

- Missed. G9.

- Busted. H6.

I ended up destroying Bakugo's entire fleet while he managed to hit two of my boats. After the game, he intercepted my sheet and burned both of them, starting to read something in his notebook. At the same moment, Aizawa walked in with a tablet in his hand.

- Without long preamble, let's get to the main point. For today's fundamental heroes' exercise, it has been decided that you will be supervised by a team of three: me, the Almighty, and someone else.

- Sensei, what are we going to do?

He was a skinny teenager of medium height with shoulder-length dark hair, the shape of his elbows resembling scotch dispensers. His name is Hanta Sero, and his quirk is to produce strong duct tape.

- The heroes deal with everything, whether it's a flood, any other disaster, or anything else. This is a test of "Salvation!"

With those last words, Aizawa held up a sign that had just the name of the challenge.

- The "salvation" test. .... Sounds like it's not going to be so easy this time....

Something melancholy was given out by Denki Kaminari, possessor of a quirk that can cover him with electricity, which doesn't look bad, especially in growth potential.

- That's right! / Dummy, this is the most basic job for heroes! I'm just excited for it!

Ashido and Kirishima responded with precision against each other.

- Floods, that's in my specialty. Kwaaa. Kwaaa.

Tsuyu Asui decided to swim here, she has a mutant type quirk that gives her the ability of a frog.

- Don't get excited. This time, it's up to you whether or not to wear a costume. Some of it just isn't equipped to handle certain tasks. The training area is quite far away, so we'll take the bus there. That's it. Start getting ready.

I think I'll put this on, I don't want to get my uniform dirty.


Everyone put on their hero costumes and walked over to the autobus, and Iida came over to me.

- Adan, I think we should line up in two rows so we can sit down properly.

- Why? Let everyone sit where they want to sit.

Iida rubbed his chin and nodded, narrowing his eyes.

- Giving freedom after hard measure, logical. You're an excellent headman, Adan.

I took a seat next to Todoroki, who looked at me silently, narrowed his eyes, and turned to the window. While everyone was starting to get bored, Asui suddenly turned to me.

- Hey, Adan. I, always without hesitation, give out whatever is on my mind. It seems to me that you're a lot like the Almighty, just as strong and fast.

- I realized that in the entrance exam. He really is as incredible as the Almighty. I even think Alex is going to be his replacement.

Kirishima joined the conversation, talking about his assumption when Mina picked up on it.

- I feel like Alex could probably become even stronger than the Almighty due to his age.

- Perhaps if the potential for growth is still present, because Monsieur is already strong to the point of asburd, though not as bright as I am. But I have to admit, you're not as ugly in the face as you are in the explosion-headed one.

A student who uses French words and self-praise in his speech, who also just insulted Bakugo, Yugo Aoyama. His quirk is the bellybutton laser, a bit odd in my opinion, but from the name it's understood that Aoyama is able to release beams from his belly button, and thanks to his suit over his shoulders and knees.

- What?! Who are you calling an explosion-head?! Do you know where I'll put your belly button?!

Bakugo was expectedly furious, and I stared off into the distance, toward the movie theater, where they were showing another sci-fi movie about a spider-man fighting an earth-man, while the others continued to talk among themselves.

- We're almost there. Calm down already....

Aizawa raised his voice for the long silence, to which he was immediately answered by everyone in chorus.

- Yes, sir!

Finally, having reached our destination, we left the bus, outside of which a huge park with various training areas awaited us. There was also a woman in a spacesuit waiting for us.

- Awesome! / Is that U.S.J.?!

Some did not hide their excitement at the sight of such a vast area. The pro-heroine slowly approached us, looking around at everyone present, she began her speech.

- Water disasters, landslides, fires and the like. I designed this training area to simulate a wide variety of disasters and accidents, and its name is... The Greatest Disaster Area!

As soon as she finished speaking, immediately Midoriya began to admire her.

- This is space hero "number 13"! She's a gentlemanly hero who provides phenomenal assistance in dealing with natural disasters!

- Hey, 13, where's the Almighty? He should be here by now.

- Well, from what I've heard. Seems to be on his way, not stopping his heroics until his time was up. Looks like he's resting in the break room.

- This guy sure doesn't have any common sense.

Aizawa and the woman who can create something like a black hole were discussing the situation about the lack of a hero.

- Well, let's get started.

- Before we begin, I'll just say one thing... Or two. Or three. Or four.

The woman interrupted the classroom teacher, beginning another tirade about the power of quirks, the dangers of using them on the general population, that they were not bestowed upon us to cripple others. The whole speech was about leading us to learn our quirks to save lives.

- That's the end of it! Thank you for listening to me so attentively and patiently!

- Bravo, bravo, bravo! / It was amazing! / It's very interesting.

What a bore, though her quirk is interesting.

- Okay, first things first.

Just as Aizawa was about to begin his plan of action, a whirlwind-like portal opened near the center of the park near the fountain, from which a thin, pale man with bluish-gray hair and red eyes emerged first, also with severed palms all over his body, even on his face.

What a fashion sense he has, though not bad for a villain.

- Everyone stay together and don't move! Number 13, protect the students!

Aizawa tensed as the portals grew larger and dozens of villains emerged from them, but the most curious were two: a pumped-up monster with a bird-like head that showed a brain under the dome; and a black mist with a humanoid figure that had metal plates running from his collarbone almost to his eyes. The latter was precisely the one in charge of the portals.

- Looks like it's going to be like the entrance exam scenario? / What is it?

The classmates weren't shocked by the sudden appearance until Aizawa shouted.

- Don't move! It's the villains!

It was after these words that everyone tensed up, for none of them were prepared for a deadly battle with the enemy. By this time, the fog had just started to speak.

- Sotrigolova and number 13.... According to the training program we extracted yesterday, the Almighty should be here and yet....

- Just as I thought... So yesterday was your doing, asshole...

Aizawa began to get angry as the villain with a strange sense of fashion decided not to raise his voice.

- I wonder if he'll show up if we kill all the kids.

- Wow, this is worse than the last movie I saw.

Everyone turned to me, apparently not expecting anyone to speak up at a time like this.

But spider-man versus earth-man is really nothing compared to what happens in reality.

- Kurogiri, take care of it.

- Roger, Shigaraki.

- Villains?! What are they doing here! / It's unthinkable. How did they even get into one of the hero bases?! / Sensei, what about the security sensors? / Iida, try to run to the exit and report the attack!

The man with a palm on his forehead gave a command to the talking mist, which decided to teleport behind our backs while some of the students continued to marvel at the villains' infiltration of such a location, and others directed Iida to get help.

- Thirteen! Protect the students!

Aizawa gave the order, then lunged at the crowd of villains that were moving towards us. Meanwhile, the fog began to surround on all sides. The pro-hero's attempt to absorb the enemy using the black hole failed, as he created a portal behind her, causing her spacesuit to be damaged and now she was destroying herself.

Still, it was time to act.

I clapped my hands lightly, and the fog cleared and I could see the exact outline of the humanoid figure, so I immediately clicked on those plates, sending the villain into the dream world.

- Kurogiri!!!! Nomu, kill him!!!

The classmates were horrified by the mecha running straight towards us, as no one could come to their aid right now. Thirteen was in a terrible state, and Aizawa was fighting with the other villains, but upon spotting the bird-faced man he rushed towards us, which he was immediately prevented from doing.

I ran straight to the so-called Nom, and when I caught up with him, I grabbed his right arm and hit him in the stomach area, causing him to fly over me due to a bit of high momentum, while destroying some of his internal organs just in case. Without dwelling on him, I moved towards the other villains at high speed, dealing each one a low blow that was enough to knock them out. When they were done, I finally stopped.

Classmates and teachers remained silent as I did, which would have continued, but a serious Omnipotent flew into the park and carried the door.

- Don't be afraid, I'm already here! А... You did it on your own... You're very good, because you were able to withstand the sudden attack and stand up for yourselves.

His mere appearance caused almost all of the students to smile. Apparently, this is one of the powers of the Peace Symbol.


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