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Chapter 12: A gift...

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(General POV)

"Alright, break it up. Step away from him Tione, I'm pretty sure he gets the idea." Finn ordered as he came over.

Tione immediately quietened down and let go of Garth's collar. Garth straightened the breastplate as it had been shifted by her when she grabbed the rim of it that went around his neck.

He glanced over to Ais to find her staring at him with eyes of wonder. he walked over to her and offered her a hand, a small smile plastered on his face. Ais stared at it before looking back at him. She did this a couple more times before she took it and climbed to her feet.

"That fight was instructive. I appreciate the lesson Ais."

"Yes. So do I." She mumbled her face returning to her normal expression, although her eyes kept flitting to him from time to time.

Garth straightened and looked down at the remains of Ais's sword. It was shattered beyond repair. He doubted it could just be welded back together or however blacksmiths fixed broken weapons. It looked like it would have to be melted and reforged entirely.

Finn followed his gaze and sighed.

"Don't worry about it Garth. She's always breaking swords here and there. This is just one amongst many."

Garth nodded his head but still caried he same guilty look on his face.

"Yeah I know. But still, I was the one to break it this time around. It's kind of a shame."

"Meh. Don't worry about it Garth. She can just go to one of Hephaestus's smiths and order a new one. So don't feel guilty about it." Tiona chuckled with a big smile on her face.

She held out the cape she'd been carrying for Garth so he could take it back. He took it and slung it over his shoulder before clipping the hidden clasp around his neck.

Tiona stared at him in awe. Every instinct of hers was buzzing with excitement and want. As an Amazon, she had been brought up with the sentiment that they had to find strong men to have children with.

Ever since she had met this one at the Hostess of Fertility yesterday, her senses had been telling her that this man was indeed strong. It first began when she sat down near him. He carried an aura, and not one that made itself known to others through instinct because of character. He had character, but not the stifling 'I'm strong and I'll beat you up if you don't recognize it' that Bete carried around.

For goodness sake, it was with that attitude the Bete ended up in the Loki Familia in the first place. After kicking up a fuss with Finn and Gareth and having his ass handed to him, the two brought him to Loki, which was how he ended up in their party. Being the Former captain of the Vidar Familia had him strong enough to impress Loki hence why he joined.

But he never learned from running his mouth off, especially about someone he thought weak. He was also an idiot at times because he just couldn't read the room at the worst moments even if his life depended on it. And it very well may have been the case when he confronted Garth, because judging from everything she'd seen of him so far, he was more than capable of ending Bete's life then and there.

No, Garth did indeed have character. But he just seemed like a normal person that wanted to learn about the dungeon. That much she could tell from thir brief interactions with each other. But no matter what time it was or what was going on around him, he always carried an air of power with him.

She sensed it when she first saw him, as did everybody else when they talked back on the incident afterwards. They immediately picked up on it when they sat at the table.

Of course that was not the only thing that caught their attention. Anybody who continued to sit at a table when the Loki Familia was obviously intending to occupy it had some serious balls on them.

Tiona intended on deepening her relationship with Garth, as she too wanted to fight him at some point. By his own testimony, he was a brawler and she did enjoy a little fisticuff, especially when it was with a strong man.

"I know. How about I reimburse you Ais?" Garth piped up.

"Hm? Reimburse?" Ais asked confused.

"He means he wants to pay you back for the sword." Finn explained.

"Oh no it's fine." Ais quickly said.

"I insist Ais. I can't just not pay you back after breaking your sword."

"Forget it Garth." Tione said while waving her hand dismissively. "The Loki Familia coffers are overflowing with funds. Ais can easily just commission another sword. Besides, you should keep your Valis on you. As much as I'm confident you can breeze through the upper floors easily, its still wise to keep as much Valis on hand as you can when starting out."

"I wasn't going to repay her with Valis."

"What? Then how were you going to repay her?" Finn asked with his brow raised.

Garth smirked.


(Garth POV)

I smirked and silently activated Orlen again to make a wish. I once heard of an item that was found in the False Nazarick back in my world. During my musings, I happened to stumble across some writing about an item that had been found on one of the floors of the false tomb.

The Winged Rapier.

Not much was said about it except it apparently had wind attributes and there was a singular image on the wiki.

From what I could tell it looked just like a normal rapier. But the blade and guard were made out of pure mithril. The handle looked to be made of iron. There two sets of wings on either side of the blade. One was made of mithril and the other was made of iron.

I was not a fan of rapiers, but even in the pixelated art, it looked good. As it was said to possess wind attributes, I assumed that it would pair well with Ais because her magical talents were also aligned with the Wind Element.

I wished for it to be placed in my inventory and read its description. Apparently it strengthened any form of wind magic and also contained a 3rd Tier spell called [Slash of Wind]. Interesting.

I opened my inventory and reached in. Their eyes widened again upon seeing the little hole in reality. Tiona leaned forwards, mesmerized as the mix of dark and light colours danced in her eyes. I pulled the rapier from its place and everybody collectively gasped.

It was indeed beautiful. The Mithril was sea-green colour that and looked like it was a step away from being transparent yet still solid at the same time. The wing decorations on were more intricate than I imagined as even the feathers were detailed.

The handle was thing but strong, and the weapon had a good weight to it. I also detected magical energy inside it, which I guessed was the 3rd tier spell stored inside.

My insides tickled as I saw their eyes sparkle at its breathless beauty and quality. Did I mention that I love gifting people new things? Ais was especially captivated by it. She told me later on that she felt something inside her react to it, as if it was drawing her in like it was meant for her and her alone. I held it out to her in both hands.

"This sword is called the Winged Rapier. Its a very strong blade which I'm certain will take quite a bit of effort to break this time around. Not only that, but it also strengthens any form of Wind Magic a person uses."

Ais took it from me and held it out at arm's length, giving it a few swings as she tested it's weight and balance. She breathed in amazement, watching how it seemed to shine even in the dim and foggy atmosphere of the 14th floor.

"This is for me?"

"Yes. Consider it as payment for breaking your sword. A good replacement, wouldn't you agree? Fitting in this case as well."

Finn held his hand out and Ais gave it to him as he inspected it.

"This is a good blade. It's better than a whole lot of swords I've seen in my lifetime." He gave me a suspicious sideways glance. "Where exactly did you get it?"

I gave him another smirk.

"That my friend is one of my deepest secrets. If I told you, I'd have to kill you."

"Is that right?" Finn said in a skeptic tone.

"Hold up. Did nobody else not realize him saying that it strengthens wind magic?" Tione held up her hand. "What did you mean by that?"

"I mean that the sword is enchanted so it strengthens any wind based attacks that the wielder implements. According to my estimations, it should boost an attack by about 50%."

"So it's a magic item?"

"Yes and not only that..." I looked to Ais as she took it back from Finn. "Ais. Swing the sword that way as if you're trying to slash something and say loudly 'Slash of Wind'!"

Ais followed to where I was pointing and saw a bunch of rocks that had been dislodged or ripped out of the ground by our earlier fight. She got into a stance, and with her right arm slashed in that direction.

"Slash of Wind!" she shouted.

A shockwave of green coloured wind left the blade and sped towards the rocks, cleaving them in half effortlessly before it disappeared into the fog. Only a second later, did the fog seem to react to a gust of wind passing through it and parted to reveal the attack disappearing into the distance.

A large explosion rocked the ground as we saw some of the ground burst throwing up large rocks into the air. Everyone gaped at it before turning to me slowly. I backed away a little as if unnerved by their gaze.

Might I remind you that this was all a farce. I was trying to sell an act here. I was well aware of the fact that something like this shouldn't be possible. Although it was interesting that Ais was able to activate the spell in the sword.

A little sweat ran down my back as that suddenly sank in. I was hoping that it was only because the spell was stored in an item that she could use it. I didn't want other people being able to learn how to cast my spells. I liked having unique magic.

"So tell me, is it a magic sword also?" Finn asked dangerously.

"Yes. I thought that was obvious."

Finn rubbed his temples with both his hand as his spear rested on his shoulder.

"Sometimes I think that your nonchalance about these things is your only weakness. You're quite powerful in terms of physical and magical prowess, but when it comes to common sense, you're extremely lacking and ignorant." He muttered and sighed again. The other three nodded with him, as well as Ais surprisingly.

"Listen Garth. You can't just go around showing these things willy-nilly and not expect consequences."

"But it's not anything special..."

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT!" Finn shouted at me. "I know that the sword is made from Mythril which alone makes this thing extremely expensive. On top of that it's a magic sword which makes it even more precious. And at the same time, it's a complete contradiction of the norm."

"Why do you say that?"

"Have you ever heard of the Crozzos?"

I shook my head. Obviously a lie but they didn't know that.

"Explains a few things. They are a family that is famous for crafting magic swords. And you just produced a magic sword that doesn't break after one use of it's magical ability and on top of that, it casts Wind Magic."

"What's so abnormal about that?"

"Garth, magic swords are supposed to only be able to cast FIRE most of the time. There has never been a magic sword ever that casts wind. The existence of this blade will throw years of blacksmith and item making research on it's head."

Well, yeah I know it would. But that was one of my aims after all. To introduce completely new things from Yggdrasil and mind-boggle everyone here. I'd already done it with healing potion I'd given Miach.

Ais held the sword out to me while shaking her head.

"I can't accept this Garth. Thank you but I can't possibly have it."

"Why not."

"It's too valuable. I might damage it in the future. No sword is worth this."

"Then I shall gift it to you Ais. You're not going to refuse a gift now are you?" I challenged her.

She opened her mouth again as if to say something before pausing as she seemed to wrack her brain for an answer. Finding that she didn't have one, she shook her head in response to her question and drew the rapier back. She attempted to sheath it in the sheath by her side. Surprisingly it fit. Finn stared at her doing this before sighing and looking back at it.

"Garth, a word of advice. Don't give something like this to anybody else okay?"

"So no other Familia can have the same advantage?" I smirked.

"NO...well, maybe yes...but that's not the main point. Just take my advice. You keep doing things like this, and you'll attract all sorts of attention. And definitely not of the good kind."

"Your advice is noted and appreciated Finn." I smiled, then tossed Gale back in my inventory. I bent down to pick up the bag that Tiona had been carrying and started walking.

"Well, its probably late in the evening by now. I promised Misha I'd be back to see if I got into the Freya Familia or not."

As soon as they heard this, they came rushing up to me.

"Wait a minute! Did you just say you applied for the Freya Familia?" Tiona shouted.

"Yes, That's what I just said didn't I?"

"Why did you pick that one?" Finn asked.

"Because it seemed most appropriate."

"Do you even know-"

I held up a hand in front of him before he could continue. He stopped and looked at me questioningly.

"Rest assured Finn, I'm not joining for any impure reason. I haven't even met Freya yet. And I've already been warned about the attitude of some of her followers, so there's no need to worry about me."

Finn sighed again (he just keeps doing that).

"Then I have nothing else to say. Its just one crazy thing after another with you. But all the same..." he looked back up at me. "I have to warn you. I'm familiar with the executives of that Familia. As a friend, I must warn you. Apart from Ottar, be wary of all the rest.

They don't like it when new people catch the attention of their goddess, and they don't hesitate to make their displeasure known in all manners of ways. I understand you are strong, there's no denying that. Don't underestimate them."

I slung the bag over my shoulder and raised my other arm in a fist. I punched to the side, putting in a small bit of my real strength. A raging shockwave exploded from my fist and completely erased all the fog in that direction. You could physically see the gale of wind moving through the air at insane speeds and the pressure hit them all in the face.

When it cleared, a large ditch had been created that stretched off into the distance with no sign of stopping. At the end of it, another infant dragon was splattered against a wall, its entrails decorating it like works of art. It growled weakly before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Their jaws dropped open at the devastation my simple punch had created.

"I won't." I said simply and left them with their jaws still on the ground. As I left, I heard one of the twins mutter.

"Damn Freya! Why does she get all the good ones?!"


The sun was setting as I pushed open the guild doors and walked over to Misha who appeared to be the only receptionist left. As she looked up, I saw a myriad of emotions pass her face. First was surprise, then relief, then worry.

"Hiya Misha. So sorry that I took so long."

"Garth! Where have you been?"

"In the dungeon, like I said. Why, where you worried about me~?" I asked her teasingly.

"Yes I was worried about you! Its your first time after all." She looked past my shoulder at the sack I was carrying. "And judging by that thing, it seemed to go better than most." she said dryly.

"I went down to the 14th floor."

Her eyes widened to an impossible degree.c

"You went that deep on your first run! Are you insane?!"

"Don't worry, I was with some of the Loki Familia executives. They showed me the ropes."

She seemed to calm down at that.

"Well, that is a bit reassuring I guess." She looked over to her left, my right, towards the seating boxes. "We'll talk about that later. For now there's someone here to see you." she said quietly.

"Oh yeah? And who...might...that..." I trailed off as I followed the direction of her gaze and found somebody staring at me.

That somebody being the King himself, Ottar, the captain of the Freya Familia. He was sat in one of the booths with his arm over the back of the chair as he stared right at me. I returned the stare with equal challenge.

His eyes narrowed as he got up, the chair creaking behind him as he did so from the release of its strain. He walked towards me, his heavy footsteps resounding throughout the room as he kept his eyes locked on me.

I have to say, on screen they didn't do this guy justice. He was bloody terrifying! He towered over me, and his frame looked more powerful than mine. While it wasn't as ripped as mine, he screamed power and intimidation.

He stopped right in front of me with his fists clenched as he stared down at me. I didn't back down though. Despite how powerful he was, I knew for a fact I could kill him with one little squeeze.

But there was no doubt that he carried himself better than I did. His heavy aura carried an equal measure of quiet charisma, and his 'stone golem face' as I liked to call it back home did nothing to reveal his thoughts or his feelings.

He wasn't the only one with a good poker face though. I stared right back at him, my golden eyes dangerously glinting at him as we were locked in a battle of wills.

It was not that I hated Ottar. As a matter of fact I quite liked him. He was not a will less puppet that followed his mistress's order without question because he was charmed by her.

No. He genuinely cared for Freya. His love for her was more like one you'd find in a son for his mother. It only made sense as Freya did save him from death, and nurture him just like a mother.

He felt eternally indebted to her, and put her happiness above everything else. He was just a momma's boy in simple words. Although I kind of was too. As much as mine annoyed me in my last life, I did care about her a lot. Just not enough to stay with her when I was given a choice to reincarnate. My duties to her ended the moment I died.

I knew for a fact that Ottar didn't frequent the guild. And he NEVER left Freya's side unless it was on her own orders. So that meant he was here because she had told him to come.

Hence why he was now locked in a staring contest with me. I took personal pride in the fact I was undefeated in my old life at this sort of thing. I didn't back down, not even as he stepped closer to me to look down upon me further.

I stared back at him with as much ice I could muster as I tightened my stance. I clenched my fist by my side, ready to swat him aside like the fly he was if I saw any funny movement.

Though I didn't believe that would happen. After all, if HE of all people had come here clearly to see me, then it seemed that at long last the time had come for me to join the Freya Familia. And because the captain was here, it meant that Freya herself wanted to see me.

So she sent her best underling to make sure there was no chance she'd miss out on seeing me. I suddenly felt movement in my shadow, as three lifeforms bristled in alert. I'd forgotten about the shadow demons. However, they were wary of Ottar.

And Ottar himself had surprisingly good senses, because he immediately looked down at my shadow when they moved. Although he could see just my shadow, I could tell he knew something was there. He returned his gaze to me as his eyes narrowed even further.

Beside us Misha trembled a little, waiting to see which one of us made the first move.


This story is currently five chapters ahead on my P@treon:

P@treon/ Vulkizaro_Zoromi

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