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Chapter 2: Chap 2: Summon

As Kasuki, Zekiel and Mina were together who knew they would encounter Cherub again when they were in the cafeteria mess hall, but this time he was sitting with a group of troublesome boys as they were laughing together.

'Stay cool, Kasuki, Cherub is just having a bad day.'

Kusuki walked beside their group without even batting an eyelid at them. He pretended to be unconcerned about Cherub's new friends, thinking Cherub would stop once he realizes it's useless to anger him. If he acknowledged Cherub's current behavior, then Cherub might not stop trying to provoke him.

Cherub gritted his teeth as he realized that Kasuki was not paying any attention to him.

Before Cherub could utter another word, the cafeteria was enveloped in a bright light as all the students could see was a clear white light as they disappeared.


"Where are we?" The students all mumbled to each other as some of them were quite scared.

The thirteen students who were suddenly transported here saw themselves in a huge chamber with tall golden pillars holding up that mystical place. There were lots of men dressed in iron plates and some dressed in long robes as they all held some strange staff. What was very eye-catching was the man sitting on a large throne with some beautiful women by his side.

The man on the throne then stood

up and said with a booming voice, "Welcome Heroes, to my Kingdom."

The students all stood there in confusion, as they all thought "What is the meaning of this?"

"Pls calm down heroes, we summoned you to come and fight for our kingdom against the demons that have been attacking us," the tall man with a slightly stout body stood up as he caressed his long white beard and looked down at the students below the platform with his clear blue eyes. He wore an expensive red robe with gold embedded almost everywhere on it.

I'm the King of Tharonos nation, and we are in urgent need of the heroes to fight the demons. So you would all be stationed to fight the demons once we've tested out your Class.

'What kind of cliche manga is this?' Kasuki thought to himself as he was dumbfounded by the scene happening before him.

Mina stood frozen as she ran behind her brother.

Kasuki immediately came back to his senses as he realized what these ignorant people had done.

"You didn't even ask for our consent yet you tell us to come and fight for you. What kind of nonsense is this?" Kasuki was infuriated by the selfishness of this so-called King.

"Do I need to elaborate? I said you fight for my kingdom and you must. Do you know how many mages we sacrificed to summon you all!" The King glared at Kasuki who was also glaring at him.

"If so I won't participate in this nonsense, take us back!!" Kasuki refuted. He wasn't willing to fight these so-called demons. And there's a high probability that those things are extremely strong and dangerous, by seeing how the King was willing to sacrifice their mages to summon them.

"Father, if he's not willing to fight for us, we might as well kill him," a young, soft yet icy voice could be heard as a young girl around 15 walked up to the King.

She had bright blue eyes and long blonde hair, she was extremely beautiful which caused most of the young boys who were part of the students to blush. She looked at the hero who dared to go against her father and snickered in her heart. Her long silky blue dress fluttered as sparks could be seen around her and were directed to Kasuki. { Lighting blast } the princess yelled at the ball of spark flew to Kasuki at a very high speed and caused a large explosion around where he was standing.

The rest of the students stood there shaking intensively, and Cherub had a slight smirk on his face. After the dust cleared the princess' body twitched a little as she saw Kasuki who was fine!! How??!

She just blasted him with a lighting spell yet he was fine.

The princess wasn't the only one shocked by this, Kasuki himself was stunned. He didn't think he would survive that and luckily Mina who was behind him was fine.

Kasuki gritted his teeth as he glared at the princess who slightly shivered.

[ Diamond System Activated ]

[ System has detected that the host was endangered by an external conflict. The system shall deal with this now. ]

As Kasuki heard this he got another shock of the day. What the hell is this red screen that appeared before him? Before he could think further, the hand that the princess used to cast her spell was suddenly twisted on a 360°angle. The princess then looked at her arm in despair.

"Aaarrrgghhhh?!!!" The princess screamed in a high-pitched voice filled with fear. The mages around them started to use a healing spell on her twisted arm, but strangely it didn't heal and remained the same.

The King was slightly nervous at the sight of his daughter. This only happened when she attacked that lad. Maybe he might be more formidable than he looks. And he looks like a ruffian.

"Take the princess away," the King ordered as he waved his hand. A group of women in iron armour came and carried the beautiful princess who was still screaming in pain.

"Sorry for my daughter's unsightly behavior," the king apologized to the group of students with a smile on his face.

'Probably the rumours of the goddess punishing those who dare to harm the Hero is indeed true,' the King thought to himself as his subjects also thought the same thing.

"Your majesty, I think we should check to see who's the Hero, amongst them," a dark tall man with broad shoulders and an extremely muscular body walked up to the King and he knelt down before him. He had beautiful chocolate skin and his fierce black eyes, radiating all the battles he had been through. He wore an extremely gorgeous blue knight's suit that is mostly seen in manhwa with a huge broadsword behind him.

The King: "Yes, yes, Duke Shen. Do check right now."

"Thank you, your majesty," Duke Shen bowed down politely as he walked to the group of children. Once he was near them he took a huge gray crystal ball that was the size of a basketball, and he held it before the students.

"Place your hands on the ball, and it would help you activate your status bar," Duke Shen instructed and an ice pillar formed below him and engulfed the ball, as it held it firmly.

The students were hesitant at first, but when they realized no one was hostile against them.

The first one to go was a young teenage boy with black hair and black eyes. Considering that to be your average teenage boy. He placed his hand on the pedestal with the ball then a screen appeared before him, the Duke and the mage around them.

"His Class…...he has the ability to evolve into a Divine Knight," the Duke announced which greatly shocked and awed everyone. You could only get Divine Knights from the church, but they are unwilling to share their Knights with the Kingdom.

"Hahahaha we're lucky on our first try," The Duke laughed as his voice echoed through the chamber.

"Okay boys, you just stand here, I have to check the rest of the candidates. You have a good aptitude, you'll be treated well," the Duke directed the boy to stand behind him and the lad followed as he blushed from the continuous praise.


Next was a young girl with lovely blonde hair and light green eyes. She placed her hand on the ball confidently and her stats were revealed.

"A Spirit archer?!" The Duke remained quiet for a while white made the girl nervous.

"What's your name child?" A man walked beside the Duke as he looked at the girl. His long blonde hair reached his waist and his clear green eyes and long ears could be seen.

"An elf?" she muttered as she stared at the strange man's ears. "Umm well my name is Aisha," Aisha spoke nervously and her heart thumped. The guy in front of her was one of the most handsome men she had ever seen. Well, he's second to Kasuki.

"The Class Spirit Archer is a class that can only be given to High-Class eves yet you have it. Your potential is unlimited," the elf man spoke as he smiled lightly at Aisha.

"I'll be the one to train you during this time, okay!" Aisha nodded quickly as she was quite happy that this beautiful man wants to be her teacher.

After that student after student, went to check their Classes and each came out with shocking Classes.

A Bard, Beast tamer, summoner, wizard, Divine Healer, Berserker, Lancer Cavalry. As most of the students were done finding out their classes it was finally Cherub's turn. He placed his hand on the ball full of confidence and his stats appeared. The whole chamber was dead silent.

"Duke what's wrong, what's his Class?" The King asked with a worried expression as he looked at the Duke.

"The Hero….," The Duke spoke clearly in a deep tone. Not only was the Duke shocked, but all the other students were also shocked that the ugly Cherub would actually be the Hero.

"Upon all people why is it Cherub?"

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