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3.27% Astral Dogma

Chapter 1: Hello Oasis!

Day of the sun year 19XX March, 3

In the dimly lit back alleyway, bathed in the golden light of day, an ethereal slash marred the otherwise unassuming brick wall. It appeared as if a rift had torn through the fabric of reality, revealing an endless void beyond its reach. Belial, a demon whose otherworldly presence seemed incongruous with the mundane surroundings, stepped out of the void with calculated grace.

As the sun's rays caressed his ebony skin, Belial cast a wary gaze over his surroundings, the warning of his master echoing in his mind. The bustling city streets lay just beyond the alley, unaware of the supernatural presence that had momentarily infiltrated their realm. The scent of exhaust fumes mingled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, filling the air with a unique urban fragrance.

Belial's master, a wise and seasoned entity of the demonic realm, had imparted upon him invaluable advice before he ventured into this unpredictable domain.

"Never let your guard down, child," his master had cautioned, his voice carrying an air of ancient wisdom. "As demons, we are bound to this realm, banished from ever leaving. The place you are going to is a realm of uncertainty and ever-changing probabilities. Be vigilant, Belial, and the odds may not be in your favor."

Belial's heart weighed heavy with the burden of his master's words. He knew he was treading upon precarious ground, venturing into a realm where the laws of demons held no sway. Yet, a sense of duty and a desire for answers propelled him forward, regardless of the risks that lay ahead.

"Here, this is your ticket back. Don't. Lose it."

He says as he hands a small sword shard to belial.

The dimension rift behind him silently sealed shut, leaving no trace of its existence

He took a deep breath and looked around. He found himself in an alleyway, dimly lit by flickering lanterns. Belial quickly took off his disguise and put on his hat, adjusting it to cover his face. He then stepped out of the alleyway and into the bustling festival grounds.

His heart raced with excitement as he took in the vibrant colors, delicious foods, and the lovely music of the oasis festival.He had heard about it many times, but had never experienced it for himself until now.

As he made his way through the crowd, the scent of grilled meat caught his attention. It was a familiar scent, one that he knew well. He followed it until he reached a Yakitori stall. The aroma was overwhelming, and his mouth watered at the thought of sinking his teeth into the juicy meat.

Belial deftly reached into his bag and withdrew two copper coins. "Two Yakitori please!" he said, flashing a smile at the store attendant.

The attendant, a burly man with a thick beard, grinned back. "Two Yakitori comin' right up!" he said, expertly skewering the meat and placing it on the grill.

As he waited for his food, Belial struck up a conversation with the attendant. "So, how's business been?" he asked, trying to sound casual.

The man shrugged. "It's been alright, I guess. Not as busy as I was hoping, but it's still early. Can't complain, though. At least I'm making some coin."

Belial nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I hear you. It's tough out here. You never know what's going to happen."

The man chuckled. "Tell me about it. I've seen some crazy stuff in my time. You gotta be careful around here."

But as he took a bite of the hot, juicy Yakitori, all his worries melted away. The flavor was exquisite, the seasoning just right. As he walked down the bustling streets of the

festival, The delectable skewered yakitori caused his mouth to water as he took a bite.

The savory aroma filled the air as he passed by countless food stalls and vendors, each one tempting him with their delicious offerings. But he resisted as he was content with his yakitori, savoring every bite as he enjoyed the lively atmosphere of the festival. The sounds of music and laughter filled his ears, and he couldn't help but smile as he watched the performers and colorful decorations.

A rowdy group of people rushed in Belial's direction, causing chaos and commotion wherever they went causing him to stumble and lose his balance. Trying to make sense of the situation, he rubbed his forehead and shook his head. Belial struggled to get up after falling, but a generous individual with long beautiful green hair reached out to help him.

"Hey, are you okay?"Said the mysterious person

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks-"

He looked up but found no one around, and there was no sound to suggest the departure of the mysterious person. He shook off his confusion as he followed the group of people walking down the street when he heard loud music and cheering coming from a nearby building. Intrigued by the sounds, he followed them until

he reached a large crowd of people gathered outside a concert venue

As he approached, he could feel the energy and excitement pulsating through the air. The crowd was a mix of all ages and backgrounds, but they all had one thing in common - they were eagerly waiting for the concert to begin.

Without a second thought, Belial joined the

crowd and soon found himself swept up in the lively atmosphere. He could hear the band tuning their instruments as the crowd's anticipation grew with each passing moment. Suddenly, the lights dimmed and the band took the stage, sending the crowd into a frenzy of cheers and applause. The stage exuded a familiar energy that he recognized, Particularly from the green-haired individual, although he chose to ignore it.

For the next few hours, Belial lost himself as he was fully immersed in the music and the vibrant atmosphere of the people surrounding him. It was a night he knew he would never forget. He felt grateful for stumbling upon the concert and taking the chance to be a part of the fun-filled event.

After the concert, He decided to take a break and headed to a small bar nearby. As he approached the bar, he asked the receptionist for a glass of juice and asked about the city he was in. The receptionist replied, asking if Belial was new to the area, and proceeded to inform him that he was in Silva City. It was a charming and amusing place to visit, but it also had its perils.

Belial listened attentively as the receptionist went on about the city, its culture, and its people. He realized that there was much more to explore in this new place, all the whilst being careful while doing so. Nevertheless He felt excited at the prospect of discovering what Silva City had to offer.

"I guess I landed at a pretty good spot"

He finished his drink and asked the receptionist if there was an inn nearby where he could stay for the night. The receptionist informed him that there was an inn just a few blocks away, and provided him with directions to get there. Belial thanked the receptionist and left the bar.

Anticipating a refreshing night's sleep at the inn.Just as everything was going smoothly Belial realized he was lost .He had just left a festival and was trying to find his way to the hotel. He kept on trying to piece together what the receptionist said. However, His sense of direction was so hopelessly deficient that he ended up wandering aimlessly for hours. Exhausted and frustrated, he stumbled upon an inn and went straight to the reception desk.

"Welcome to Elps, how may I help you?"

"A room for one night"

"That'll be five silver"

But just as Belial was about to pay 5 silver a person with familiar long green hair intervened.

"Five for one night?? Really El? You'd go so low just to rip this guy off? Come on man, you're better than this."

"Fine.. I'll make that 3 silver"

Belial thanks to the green haired individual as he hands the receptionist the three silver. The Receptionist hands Belial the key to his room and heads up stairs to find his room.

He walked into his room, his footsteps echoing in the empty space. He carried in his belongings, putting them down near his bed with a sigh of relief.

The weight of his bag and katana had been a burden on him all day.

He looked around the room, taking in the sparse furnishings and dim lighting. It was a humble place, but it would do. He made his way towards the bed to lay down feeling the softness of the mattress, a wave of relief hit his tired body.

As he closed his eyes, he couldn't help but think of the adventures that lay ahead. But for now, He was glad to rest and recharge his body and mind for the next phase of his travels.i

TheBlackstar TheBlackstar

"Solitary leads to curiosity"

An applaud to our lord and editor spade

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