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6.77% Astral Dogma

Chapter 3: The Crimson Phoenix

Xin searched through his pile of papers, shuffling through various receipts, bills, and notes in hopes of finding the log book that contained the expenditure of the concerts he had produced. While rummaging through the clutter, he couldn't help but feel a bit frustrated. He knew he had put the book somewhere, but with so many papers to sort through. Locating was proving to be more and more arduous. Despite the mounting frustration, With an unshakable commitment to his goal, Xin persisted in his search for the book, understanding that it had the essential amount to pay back the kingpin.

Xin's heart sank as they scanned through the log book. As he finally found the page he had been seeking, a look of disbelief crossed his face, his eyes widening. His hands trembled as he traced the numbers written in bold ink, His mind was in turmoil with the overwhelming amount of debt he owed.

His face was filled with despair as he turned to Belial.

"We have to pay off 3.5 million gold coins…"

He muttered, the weight of the debt crushing his spirits. Belial's shock mirrored his companion's, as he took in the gravity of the situation

Despite his dedication to creating unforgettable concerts and experiences, Xin was struggling to stay afloat in a sea of debt. His mind raced as he searched for a plan to pay off the money.

" That's A LOT of money to pay off, how do you think you'll pay it all off?"

Said belial

Xin paced back and forth, his hands running through his hair as he struggled with the thought of how to pay off his debt to the kingpin. His only solution was to join a guild, but the idea left him feeling anxious. Belial, his newest yet closest friend and ally, stood silently by his side, watching as Xin's mind raced.

As he racked his brain for a solution to help his friend, Xin, a memory from his childhood bubbled up to the surface. It was a recollection of a time when he was a wide-eyed child, engrossed in tales of adventure and heroism.

In those formative years, Belial had stumbled upon a worn, dusty book tucked away in a forgotten corner of the demon lords library. Its pages foretold stories of guilds, legendary establishments where brave warriors fought fearsome monsters that plagued the land. The guild members, known as hunters, were hailed as protectors, defenders of the innocent, and purgers of monsters.

The stories spoke of quests that took hunters deep into treacherous forests, desolate deserts, and labyrinthine dungeons, all in pursuit of the elusive gate bosses. These formidable creatures were said to be the embodiment of chaos, gateways between realms that brought forth hordes of vile creatures into the world. Overcoming these immense challenges required not only skill and strength but also cunning and unwavering determination.

However, the rewards for defeating these gate bosses were said to be immeasurable. Belial's young eyes grew wide as he read about the hunters returning from their battles laden with riches—golden treasures, enchanted artifacts, and rare materials that held immense power. The stories painted a picture of a life far removed from the mundane, a life filled with adventure, danger, and the promise of unimaginable wealth.

"We need to find a guild, xin," Belial said finally.

"One that will take us in and give us jobs to do for gold."

Xin's agreement was written all over his face - they both understood that time was running out to pay off the kingpin before he took matters into his own hands.

Belial and Xin scoured the bustling city streets in search of a guild that would be willing to take them under its wing. Their youthful spirits still burned bright with determination, but with each rejection they encountered, their hope gradually waned, replaced by a sense of defeat that weighed heavily upon their shoulders.

Belial's frustration was evident as he kicked a pebble along the cobblestone path, sending it skittering into the gutter. Xin walked beside him, his gaze fixed on the ground, their footsteps mirroring their despondency.

"Can you believe this, Xin?" Belial muttered, his voice tinged with disappointment. "Every guild we've approached so far just looks down on us. They don't even give us a chance!"

Xin sighed, his voice soft but laced with determination. "I know, Belial. It's disheartening, but we can't let it discourage us. We have to keep trying."

Belial's eyebrows furrowed as he glanced at his friend. "But how, Xin? We don't have any experience, no reputation. We're just a couple of teenagers with big dreams."

Xin flashed him a reassuring smile. "That's exactly why we need to find a guild that's willing to take a chance on us. We might not have the battle scars or accolades, but we have passion and the desire to help others. Somewhere out there, there must be a guild that values that."

Belial nodded, his face brightening a little. "I guess You're right, Xin. We can't give up now. We'll keep searching until we find the right place for us."

As they continued their aimless wanderings, their conversation shifted to lighter topics, mirroring the casual banter of two teenagers engrossed in their own world.

Finally, they arrived at their last choice, the Crimson phoenix Guild. The building towered over them, with a giant phoenix emblazoned on its side.

Belial hesitated

"Are you sure this is a good choice, Xin?"

Xin's shrug was accompanied by a determined look in his eyes. He was ready to tackle whatever came their way.

"We don't have any other options."

"We'll do it," he said firmly.

As Belial and Xin stepped through the grand doors of the guild hall, they were immediately assailed by a cacophony of sounds. Laughter and lively chatter mingled with the clinking of tankards and the occasional roar of triumph, creating a vibrant atmosphere that pulsated with energy. The room was abuzz with hunters of all kinds, their eyes darting between conversations, their attention flickering from one activity to another.

The duo's entrance did not go unnoticed. A group of seasoned hunters, gathered in a corner of the hall, paused their conversations and turned their gaze toward the newcomers. Whispers circulated, and curious eyes lingered on Belial and Xin, assessing them with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism.

Belial swallowed hard, the weight of their inexperience pressing upon him. He could feel the stares burning into his skin, scrutinizing every detail, assessing their worthiness. The boisterous atmosphere had momentarily faltered, replaced by an underlying tension that seemed to hang in the air. wave of chaos. The noise of laughter and shouting filled their ears, and the air was thick with the smell of alcohol and smoke. Xin's heart raced as he looked around at the other hunters, each one more seasoned and battle-worn than the last.

Belial looked at him with a determined expression. "We got this, what could go wrong?" he said, trying to sound confident.

Xin couldn't help but admire Belial's bravery. Despite the odds stacked against them, he was willing to take on any challenge if it meant they could survive another day.

Approaching the receptionist's desk, Xin tried to keep his voice steady. "Excuse me, ma'am, we were hoping to join your guild."

The receptionist looked them up and down, sizing them up with a critical eye. Her green eyes appeared as if she was staring into their soul.

"Well, if you want to join, you'll first need to prove that you can do jobs. You will need to bring in 5 gold each, 100 orc ears, and pass our test."

Xin felt a knot form in his stomach at the thought of the task ahead of them. The gold they could maybe scrape together, but the orc ears? They would have to fight their way through hordes of vicious beasts to even come close to that number.

Belial looked at Xin with calm expression. "We can do this," he said, his voice filled with conviction.

Xin couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Belial's unwavering bravery. He nodded in agreement.

As they walked through the dimly lit streets of Silva City, Xin and Belial made their way to Xin's apartment to prepare for their journey to the Outlands. The city was quiet at this hour, but the air was thick with a sense of foreboding.

Belial hefted his katana onto his shoulder and prepared a small bag with provisions, while Xin retrieved his massive guitar-shaped axe. Belial raised an eyebrow at Xin's weapon of choice.

"That thing looks heavy, can you even fight with that?" he asked skeptically.

Xin grinned confidently. "It's more than enough," he replied, hefting the dull axe onto his shoulder.

Belial couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he looked at the weapon. He had seen plenty of weapons in his time, but nothing quite like Xin's massive axe.

"I hope you're right," he said, his voice laced with doubt.

Xin could sense Belial's hesitation, and he placed a reassuring hand on his friend's shoulder. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing," he said firmly.

Belial nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "Alright then, let's get going," he said, shouldering his bag and leading the way out of the apartment.

While hopping onto a train and making their way east towards the Outlands, Belial had asked Xin about the kingpin.

"What's this kingpin all about?" he inquired.

Xin's countenance became melancholic, and his tone turned somber.

"He could be your greatest supporter and advisor, as long as you obey his instructions. But if you step out of line or err….. he won't hesitate to murder you or subject you to far worse fates than death."

Belial looked at Xin with concern, seeing a side of his friend he had never seen before. He knew that this mission was important, not just for paying off their debt, but for the sake of Xin's safety and well-being.

Finally, the train stopped and they arrived at their destination, Gregon Forest. Air filled with the thick scent of pine, and the rustling of leaves became louder and more vigorous. They walked deeper into the forest, their footsteps muffled by the thick underbrush.

The night deepened, and the forest grew eerily silent as the two adventurers ventured deeper into the woods. The occasional rustling of leaves and cracking of twigs filled the air, but there was no sign of orcs.

Xin's nerves were on edge, and he couldn't help but feel like they were being watched. He scanned the area carefully, his eyes darting back and forth, searching for any signs of danger. Belial, meanwhile, moved with the grace of a trained warrior, his senses alert for any threats that might be lurking in the shadows.

Suddenly, a loud roar echoed through the forest, shattering the eerie silence. Xin jumped, his hand going instinctively to his axe as he looked around frantically. Belial's grip tightened on his katana, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of movement.

The roar came again, louder this time, and closer.

"It's them," Xin whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of his pounding heart.

Belial nodded, his eyes locked onto the direction of the sound. Without a word, they moved forward, weapons at the ready, their hearts pounding in their chests.

As they rounded a corner, they came face to face with a group of orcs, their beady eyes gleaming in the firelight. Xin and Belial took up defensive positions, their weapons at the ready.

The orcs charged forward with a fierce battle cry, brandishing their weapons. Xin and Belial fought with all their might, their movements graceful and precise. The orcs were fierce, but the two adventurers held their own, their weapons flashing in the moonlight.

After what seemed like hours, the last orc fell to the ground, defeated. Xin and Belial stood panting, their weapons held at the ready.

"We did it," Xin breathed, a sense of relief washing over him.

Belial smiled, a sense of pride in his eyes.

"You did it," he said, clapping Xin on the back. "You were pretty good back there ."

Xin grinned, feeling a sense of pride in his chest.

TheBlackstar TheBlackstar

Xin’s gender:

Xin’s gender-ambiguous so good luck figuring it out!

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