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28.81% Astral Dogma

Chapter 16: The Forgotten Town

A vibrant red glow slowly materialized in front of the imposing stone walls that surrounded the ancient town. It shimmered with an otherworldly energy, casting an eerie light upon the desolate streets. Emerging from this mysterious spectacle, two figures stepped forward - Xin and Pacey. Their gazes fixated upon the town, Pacey couldn't help but comment on its melancholic atmosphere.

"This place... it's well... gloomy," Pacey remarked, his voice filled with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity.

Xin, on the other hand, seemed undeterred by the town's aura. He knew they were running out of time, and every second wasted brought them closer to an irreversible catastrophe. With urgency in his voice, he responded,

"Come on, Pacey, we don't have much time left. We need to reach Belial before it's too late."

As they approached the towering gates of the town, heavily guarded by sentinels, their hearts raced with anticipation. The guards, adorned in intricately designed armor, stood firm, their stern expressions revealing little.

With unwavering confidence, Xin flashed a small, metallic card, etched with mysterious symbols, before the guards. Intrigued by the unexpected sight, the guards exchanged quick glances before swiftly obeying Xin's unspoken command. The gates, usually impervious to any entry without rigorous scrutiny, creaked open soundlessly, as if under some enchantment.

Stepping into the town, Xin and Pacey found themselves amidst a labyrinth of narrow cobblestone streets. The air was thick with an unsettling silence, broken only by the distant echoes of their footsteps. Shrouded in a perpetual twilight, the town exuded an aura of forgotten secrets.

As they walked, Xin couldn't help but notice the desolate state of the once-beautiful town. The streets, which had once been bustling with life and laughter, were now filled with the sounds of chaos and destruction. Innocent people were being robbed and their homes burned to the ground.Xin's heart sank as he witnessed the devastation that had befallen the town. He felt helpless and frustrated, not knowing what to do to help these people.

Pacey, on the other hand, felt a surge of anger building up inside of him. He knew that they needed to act fast if they wanted to stop this madness.

"We have to do something," he said firmly to Pacey.

"We can't just stand here and watch while these people suffer."

Xin nodded, knowing that pacey was right. They had to act fast if they wanted to make a difference. Together, they began to walk through the narrow streets of the town, searching for any sign of hope amidst the chaos.

As they walked, they saw groups of people huddled together in fear, their faces marked by despair and hopelessness. The once vibrant town had been reduced to a shadow of its former self. Pacey and Xin felt a sense of urgency, knowing that they couldn't let this go on any longer.

"It's worse than before,"

Xin remarked with a heavy sigh, his voice filled with a mix of sorrow and anger. He glanced at Pacey, his longtime companion, who stood beside him, his eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and confusion

"It was never always like this?" Pacey asked, his voice filled with a tinge of disbelief.

Xin shook his head, his gaze fixed on the chaos unfolding before them.

"It was bad, but not like this," he replied, his voice laced with a hint of nostalgia.

"This place used to be my home, filled with laughter and music. Now it's a shadow of its former self."

As they made their way through the dilapidated streets, Xin's attention was drawn to a once-vibrant music shop, now reduced to rubble. The once-colorful sign that had proudly displayed the shop's name had been ripped from its hinges, leaving only faint traces of its existence. The worn-out walls were marred with cracks, and shattered glass littered the entrance, like fragmented echoes of a long-forgotten melody.

Xin approached cautiously, his footsteps muffled by the debris underfoot. The air was heavy with a stale scent, a blend of dust and decay, that seemed to hang in the atmosphere. It was as if the very essence of life had been drained from this place, leaving behind a hollow void. Yet, amidst the desolation, a glimmer of hope flickered in Xin's heart, drawing him nearer to the wreckage.

He stepped over piles of broken instruments and remnants of musical scores, gingerly making his way through the remnants of what was once a haven for melodies and harmonies. Wooden shelves that had once proudly displayed a vast array of instruments now lay collapsed and splintered, their contents strewn haphazardly across the floor. The sight of destruction surrounded him, a testament to the merciless passage of time and the ravages of neglect.

Then, amidst the ruins, Xin's eyes fell upon a small photo frame, its edges slightly singed but miraculously intact. It lay abandoned, as if forgotten by the chaos that had unfolded within these walls. A deep ache filled his heart as he bent down and gently picked up the photograph, his trembling hands caressing the image of a woman with a radiant smile.

Tears welled up in Xin's eyes as he stared at the woman in the picture, his mind transported to a time long gone. The memories flooded his senses, intertwining with the melancholic air that hung in the room. He remembered the laughter that once resonated within these very walls, the melodies that danced through the air, and the joyous symphony that filled the hearts of those who had entered this place.

But now, all that remained were faded echoes and shattered dreams. The vibrant spirit of the music shop had been silenced, replaced by the haunting silence of abandonment.

his trembling hands caressing the image of a woman with a radiant smile. He quickly wiped away the tear that escaped his eye, forcing himself to regain composure.

"We have to keep moving," Xin said, his voice quivering with determination.

"Was that someone important to you?" Pacey asked

"There's no time to dwell on the past." Xin replied

As Xin and Pacey turned to leave, they heard a cry for help. They saw a man getting attacked by a group of bandits nearby, and without hesitation, they rushed towards him.

As they reached the scene, the bandits turned their attention towards Xin and Pacey, their eyes filled with malice. The man lay on the ground, injured and defenseless, while the bandits closed in on him with their weapons drawn.

Xin and Pacey knew that they had to act fast. Without a second thought, they charged towards the bandits, their wepons clanging against their opponents' weapons. The bandits fought fiercely, but Xin and Pacey were determined to protect the innocent man.

With swift and calculated movements, Xin and Pacey worked together, their wepons finding their targets with deadly precision. The bandits, overwhelmed by the duo's ferocity and skill, soon began to falter.

In a matter of minutes, the bandits lay defeated at Xin and Pacey's feet. The man they had rescued looked up at them with gratitude, his eyes filled with tears.

"Thank you," he said, his voice shaking with emotion. "I thought I was going to die."

Xin and Pacey helped the man to his feet, offering him support as he limped away from the scene. They watched him disappear into the distance.

The two , Xin and Pacey, finally arrived at the tall black building that they had been searching for. As they approached the entrance, they saw that the gate had been broken and the cyborgs that once guarded it were now dismantled and scattered across the ground.

"Looks like he's here already," Pacey said as they got closer to the building.

Xin nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of danger. "This place is bigger than I remember, they must've rebuilt it."

Together, they entered the building, running up the hallways and trying to stay as quiet as possible. As they went further in, they saw cyborgs destroyed everywhere, almost as if a war had taken place.

"That kid really has some temperament issues," Pacey said with a whistle.

He looked across the hallway before going up the stairs and saw a pile of cyborgs. "What's up with the cyborgs anyway?" Pacey asked.

"He doesn't put that much trust in things he can't control ," Xin answered with a sigh.

As he ascended the stairs, Xin heard a faint noise and paused, his hand hovering over the railing. He tilted his head, listening carefully. The sound was muffled, but it was definitely there, coming from somewhere below. His instincts told him to investigate.

Curiosity piqued, he followed the sound down to another hallway, one he hadn't explored before. The walls were a dull grey, and the air was thick with the scent of oil and metal. He crept forward cautiously, his footsteps echoing loudly in the narrow space.

The sound grew louder as he neared the end of the hallway, and Xin's heart began to race with anticipation. He wondered what he would find at the end of this mystery.

He approached the room slowly, peering inside through a small crack in the door. He couldn't believe what he saw. There, sitting in front of a jumble of gears and wires, was a girl he knew.

"Jia?!" Xin exclaimed, pushing the door open.

The girl's head snapped up, and her eyes widened in shock as she saw him. "Xin?!" she cried out, dropping her wrench with a clatter.

"You're back!?" Jia asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"Not exactly," Xin replied, his eyes studying her carefully.

"I'm here to save my friend. I never expected you to still be here."

"I can't exactly runaway..." Jia said, showing Xin a brand on her arm.

"If I do, I'll turn into dust. You know how he gets. You got lucky when you left."

Xin's heart sank as he saw the brand on her arm. He knew how cruel the kingpin could be, and the thought of Ann suffering under his hand made him feel sick to his stomach.

"We'll get you out of here," Xin promised, determination etched into his features. "We'll find a way."

Jia's eyes lit up with hope, and she smiled at him gratefully. "Always ever so full of hope huh."

Xin looked around the room, taking in his surroundings. He noticed the tools and gadgets scattered haphazardly around the floor and shelves.

"What is all of this?" he asked, gesturing to the machinery.

"It's what I do," jia replied, her voice laced with sadness.

"I make those things, she said as she held a cyborgs head.

"I help him keep this place running."

Xin frowned, his mind working furiously. "Maybe you can use your skills to help us rescue belial and escape," he suggested.

"I'm not sure... I don't want to die trying to escape," Jia said, her voice trembling with fear.

Xin, a determined and resourceful individual, reached out and firmly grabbed Jia's shoulder, locking eyes with her.

"Before we do anything, mind telling me who this is?" Pacey inquired, his eyes darting between Jia and Xin.

"Right! Pacey, this is Jia," Xin introduced them, hoping to alleviate some of the tension. "Jia, meet Pacey."

Jia managed a weak smile, her expression fraught with anxiety. Pacey, understanding the gravity of their situation, offered Jia a reassuring nod. "Nice to meet you, Jia. Are you okay?"

Jia nodded, her gaze shifting nervously around the dimly lit room. "I... I think so. I'm just scared."

"We all are," Xin gently replied, his voice laced with empathy. "But we have to keep moving forward. We have to keep fighting."

The room fell into an uneasy silence, each person lost in their own thoughts, contemplating the danger that lay before them. Fear and uncertainty hung heavily in the air, creating a palpable tension.

Finally, Pacey broke the silence, his voice resolute. "So, what's the plan?"

Xin turned to Jia, his eyes filled with trust. "Put down the kingpin, Jia. Your power would be incredibly helpful to us."

Jia's eyes widened slightly at the mention of her power. Xin's gaze was steady on her, waiting for a response. Hesitation flickered across Jia's face, her thoughts racing as she considered her next words. This was not a topic she liked to discuss.

But Xin was her friend, and she had trusted him enough to confide in him about her abilities. It was only fair that Jia reciprocated that trust. She took a deep breath, gathering her courage.

"Okay," Jia replied, her voice tinged with slight nervousness.

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