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59.32% Astral Dogma

Chapter 34: serendipity (4)

Belial squeezed his eyes shut, preparing for the usual agony that accompanied his extraordinary power. Yet, to his astonishment, this time, the pain was strangely subdued.

"What happened? There's normally a strain on my body after I use it," he muttered, perplexed.

{This is the result of the talent 'tenacity.}It increases pain resistance and temporarily boosts your vigor,} explained Oracle

Cole eyes widened in astonishment. "This is surprising. I would never have thought you could do this at his age..." Cole chimed in, his tone dripping with skepticism. "But in the end... it's just an imitation."

The sting of Coles' comment on his trump card lingered momentarily, leaving Belial a tad upset. Nevertheless, his frustration faded away as he focused on the question he intended to pose to Cole.

"Cole," Belial began, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "do you happen to know who put that seal...?"

The unresolved question created a charged atmosphere, stirring tension between them. Belial remained uncertain about whether Cole held the key to this mystery. Cole, often projecting confidence with his golden eyes and demeanor, took a momentary pause, his face reflecting a blend of thoughtfulness and uncertainty.

A deep silence enveloped them, disturbed solely by the gentle rustling of leaves in the overhead breeze. Belial's unwavering gaze remained fixed on his friend, anticipating the response that held the key to unraveling the mystery.

"Yes, I do," Cole finally replied, his voice carrying a sense of gravity. But just as he began to say the name of the enigmatic figure responsible for the perplexing seal, something strange happened.

"His name is,*****"

An eerie, unnatural tone overtook his voice, distorting it as though an unseen force had taken hold.


Belial observed with confusion as Cole's endeavor to unveil the truth was obstructed by a mysterious force beyond his comprehension. It was as if an unseen hand had silenced Cole, preventing the utterance of the name they so desperately sought.

"It seems that he made a contract with me," Cole explained, his voice still warped by an unseen influence, "so I'd forget that I made it in the first place. Sorry, kid. It looks like I can't reveal any of his information even if I wanted to."

Frustration surged through Belial, the truth almost within grasp yet frustratingly elusive. His fists tightened, his eyes squinting with unwavering resolve.

"Great," Belial muttered, his voice tinged with a mixture of annoyance and resignation

Cole punctuated the statement with two loud claps, commanding Belial's full attention.

"Alright,let's begin " Cole began, his voice taking on a more serious tone, "have you ever heard the term 'ether'?"

Belial racked his memory, recalling that Oracle had repeatedly mentioned the enigmatic term during their training sessions. "Yeah, somewhat," he replied

"Kid," Cole began with a somewhat calm demeanor, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm, "ether is more than just a concept; it's a pulsating, omnipresent energy that flows through everything. From the air you breathe to the very trees around you, it's the unseen force that commands the fundamental powers of our world."

Belial tuned in closely, a sense of wonder and anticipation blossoming within him.

Cole continued with fervor, "The moment you took your first breath in this world, you absorbed it, drawing it into your being. And over time, this ether transforms into something you're intimately acquainted with - a 'hax.'"

Belial's eyes widened in realization, as though the pieces of a complex puzzle were falling into place. He could almost feel the invisible currents of ether coursing through him, connecting him to the vast tapestry of the world's energy.

Cole leaned closer. "Kid, understanding ether is like peeling back the layers of reality itself. It's the key to mastering your abilities, tapping into your true potential, and unleashing the boundless power that lies within you."

Belial's eyes were fixated on Cole as he extended his hand towards two large rocks, their size dwarfed only by the towering trees nearby. The air seemed charged with anticipation as Cole's fingers twitched, and he issued a command in his low, authoritative voice.

"Now, pay close attention."

In the blink of an eye, the spectacle unfolded before Belial's eyes. One of the rocks bore a conspicuous crack, a testament to the sheer power contained within Cole's gesture. The other, however, had been reduced to a cascade of tiny pebbles, leaving Belial momentarily awestruck.

" blew it up?" Belial exclaimed, unable to hide his amazement.

Cole's hand fell to his face in an exasperated gesture of disappointment. " kid," he sighed, shaking his head, "not quite. I just used pure, unfiltered ether. By itself, it's pretty weak, but when you tap into the magic of ether synergy, you can magnify your attacks exponentially."

Cole's voice shifted into a patient and instructive tone as he continued to unravel the secrets of ether manipulation. "Listen closely, kid," he began, his words carrying the weight of wisdom. "When you use your hax, you're unknowingly tapping into ether. We call that passive ether, a byproduct of your abilities. But if you focus, really concentrate, you can harness it intentionally."

Belial nodded, taking in the information. The idea of passive ether resonated with him; after all, his hax had always felt like an innate part of himself. Yet, the thought of actively harnessing and controlling this dormant power unveiled a realm of potential he had never contemplated.

"To use it yourself, picture activating your hax, but with a twist. Slowly build up the ether, imagine that energy spreading through your body like a protective shield. It might take some time and practice, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be tapping into a whole new level of power."

Belial shut his eyes and sensed the energy gradually flow from his core, down to his feet, through his spine, and finally into his hands.

Clear energy began to materialize in Belial's hand, a radiant manifestation of the power he had just begun to comprehend. The excitement was palpable, not just in the air, but in the booming exclamation that erupted from Cole's lips.

"Yes...yes, yes!"

Cole couldn't contain his enthusiasm, his voice echoing through the training grounds. A sudden fit of coughing followed as he tried to regain his composure, clearly taken by surprise by Belial's quick grasp of this newfound ability.

As Belial marveled at the radiant energy swirling in his palm, a message appeared in his consciousness:

{Talent Acquired: Ether Synergy }

"This feels amazing! So this is ether..." Belial thought to himself, his eyes reflecting a newfound sense of wonder and power.

Cole's voice snapped him back to reality. "Are you some kind of genius or something, kid?" Cole inquired, his tone a mix of astonishment and pride.

Belial shrugged modestly as his aura slowly diminished, the radiant energy settling back into the depths of his being. He was still coming to terms with this unexpected talent, but one thing was clear - it had the potential to change everything.

But before he could delve deeper into his newfound abilities, an announcement boomed through a megaphone, cutting through the moment.


"Well, that's our cue, we will finish up tomorrow " Cole remarked, his expression shifting from amazement to impassive.

Belial nodded and offered a slight bow to his mentor before making his way towards the main hall, where the other members of the Phoenix Guild were gathering.

Inside the bustling hall, countless hunters chatted and drank, creating an electric atmosphere. Amidst the crowd, Belial spotted his green-haired friend, Xin, engaged in conversation with Pacey and Cassidy.

"Hey, Xin, you know what we're here for," Belial called out, his voice cutting through the buzz of the room.

Xin turned his head, his long hair swaying dramatically, and flashed Belial a warm smile. "Hi, Bel," he greeted. "I was just talking to Pacey and Cassidy about it, and they're as clueless as I am."

The hunters, each clad in their distinctive, weather-worn attire, some in their day to day clothes all stood scattered in small groups, their hushed conversations ceasing abruptly as a commanding voice pierced through the air. It echoed from the second floor, reverberating through the grand chamber with an irresistible authority that demanded the attention of all present.

"Everyone, attention!"

The voice was a resounding thunderclap, startling those who had been engrossed in their whispered conversations. Heads turned sharply, and all eyes converged on the source of the voice. It was Cole, the man who, with just those two words, had seized the collective focus of the entire guild.

Gasps rippled through the assembly as two distinct whispers swept through the crowd like wildfire.

""Is that the president?""

""Is that the guild master?""

For some of the hunters gathered there, this was their first encounter with the legendary figure who had achieved near-mythic status among their ranks. Cole stood tall and commanding on the second-floor balcony, bathed in the dim light that filtered through the high, arched windows. His presence was an imposing one, his demeanor exuding an aura of unassailable strength.

As Cole surveyed the room, his eyes passed over the faces of the hunters, his gaze lingering for a moment on each. But it was evident that he was searching for someone, someone who was conspicuously absent from the assembly. A shadow of disappointment passed over his stern countenance, and his brow furrowed ever so slightly. It was a rare glimpse into the man's inner turmoil.

"So..he's not here…" Cole muttered to himself, his voice barely audible, but it carried the weight of profound disappointment.

The moment his lips parted once more, a remarkable phenomenon occurred. As if responding to some unspoken command, all of the hunters fell into a silence so absolute that it was almost palpable.

"For a century, this guild has stood as a bastion of strength and unity, closer-knit than ever before, growing not just in numbers but in the bonds that tie us together. Today, I stand before you to declare that in mere 72 hours, the long-awaited Guild Wars will commence."

A hushed anticipation fell over the crowd as he paused, his gaze sweeping across the sea of eager faces.

"But until that moment arrives, I implore each and every one of you to harness your inner strength. Sharpen your skills, nurture your camaraderie, and fortify your resolve. For it is in these moments of preparation that legends are born."

He continued, his voice resonating with a sense of purpose that electrified the room.

"For those newcomers or those who don't know," he said as he gazed at Belial's group, his eyes tracing the contours of their faces, searching for any hint of understanding or curiosity.

For the past century, every country in the vast continent of Lourlem had held a unique and highly anticipated event known as "The Guild Wars." The words themselves carried a weight of history and camaraderie, signifying more than just a competition. It was a grand spectacle that brought together the most powerful guilds in each respective nation.

The concept was simple yet thrilling – a friendly match tournament-like game, exclusively designed for low-ranking hunters under A-rank status. It was a tradition that had been celebrated for generations, a tradition that united guilds and showcased their talent and prowess to the world.

"Furthermore, I wish to make it clear that I will personally select the five valiant individuals who will represent our guild in this monumental competition. Your dedication, your loyalty, and your commitment will not go unnoticed. So, strive for greatness, for destiny awaits those who dare to reach for it."

In response to Cole's grave words, the guild mates erupted in a thunderous roar. The sound was deafening, a collective cry of determination that shook the very foundations of the guild hall.

(Soft scene break)

In the bustling streets of Silva city, conversations buzzed with excitement as the event approached. People eagerly debated which guild would emerge victorious this time, and the anticipation in the air was palpable for those who had never witnessed or experienced "The Guild Wars" before.

The four kept walking together as they saw people putting up Guild Wars posters. Belial's curiosity bubbled within him, an eager flame that couldn't be contained any longer.

"Hey, have any of you ever been to a Guild Wars before? I've never heard of it until now," Belial asked, turning to his companions with genuine interest in his eyes.

"I haven't either," said Xin, lightly shaking his head, his expression thoughtful as if pondering the newfound information.

Pacey's eyes grew wide in surprise, and he couldn't help but react with a shocked expression. "You. Have. never. Been to one??" he asked, each word dripping with incredulity, and a subtle edge of condescension in his tone.

By the time Pacey was eight years old, he had already become a member of the esteemed Phoenix Guild. Luck had favored him, coinciding with his enrollment during a Guild War. Though he had attended just one such event, it had etched an indelible memory in his young heart. The excitement, camaraderie, and the adrenaline of battle had ignited his imagination, and he had fallen head over heels for the entire experience

Pacey's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he exclaimed, "It's literally the best part about being in a guild!"

Belial, ever hopeful, responded with a touch of optimism, "I hope I get picked then."

But Pacey's response cut through the budding optimism like a sharp blade. He muttered, his words laced with a hint of disdain, "Someone like you will never get picked."

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