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Chapter 16: Keep Her Lips Sealed

"Well, I'm not actually Little Bun's biological father"

She turned to him confused and instantly taken aback, how was that even possible, he and little bun had the same hair colour and shape, they also shared other similarities, so how were they not father and son?,

He understood how sceptical she was, and could see she was trying to make sense of what he'd just told her, so to simplify it, he continued, " I'm only his uncle, he's actually my older brother's son, my brother and his wife died two years ago", there was a rueful smile on his face as he said the last part, and she could tell he carried guilt with him,

"H-how", she asked,

"A car accident, they were dead upon arrival to hospital, Little Bun was with them too, thankfully he managed to survive "

'He was with them?', she could feel goosebumps rise on her skin as she dwelt on that one single line repeatedly in her mind,

He could have died,

Little Bun could be dead right now,

She closed her eyes tightly as she cleared and refocused her mind, he wasn't dead, he was healthy, and happy too, that wouldn't change, she would make sure of it

"Does that have anything to do with why he doesn't talk?", she spoke up once again, more composed now, the initial shock from her expression, had been wiped away,

He swallowed, looking as though he was reliving the memories in his head, "Yes, the doctor said it wasn't a physical problem, but a psychological one, it isn't that he doesn't want to talk, it's just that he can't. The doctor couldn't confirm if he'd developed amnesia as well, but he was completely fine, so he was discharged"

They remained silent, both of them in their respective worlds and thoughts,

"I think I should probably call it a night. You should too", she broke the silence and turned to make her way back up, any thirstiness had been thoroughly drowned away by the information she had just received, she just wanted to reast her weary head on a soft pillow,

"Oh, and, just call me Liling", She made her way up and left Li Hao confused, it took him four whole minutes to register her reason for leaving her last sentence, and four more, to realize he had just had a full and non-awkward conversation with her,

His heavy mood from earlier completely vanished into thin air, maybe she had finally began to warm up to him,

it was slowly, but surely.

He took his wishful thinking up to bed with him, and slept off feeling content with life.


Li Hao sat eating his piece of toast with a pout, at this rate, he was actually going to end up looking like the pouting stickman from Little Bun's drawing,

His carefree mood from last night had been completely doused, he had thought Liling would pay even the slightest bit more attention to him in the morning, but that thought process proved invalid,

She had gone back to her original way of treating him- exactly like air,

She finished breakfast and left him still contemplating his words, he had wanted to say something to her before she left, but couldn't figure out exactly what to say, despite the number of scenarios he played out in his head, all of them either promised a rigid response or a brow raise, none of which he wanted,

So that morning, a very deflated Li Hao, and an oblivious Liling drove to work in separate cars.


~Li Corp

"Liling!", Shen Ru bellowed, she was once again early to work, and as soon as Liling got to her office door, she was grabbed by her shoulder,

"Where on earth did you get all that money!",

"Inside voice Shen Ru", she pointed in the direction of the confused and nosy colleagues around shooting them questioning looks,

"Where on earth did you get all that money?", She repeated her self, whisper shouting, as she shook Liling,

'Seems like he got it then', she thought to her self, she just wished she could have been there to see his expression as she gave him the money, she would have been the one looking down on him,

"The money's mine", she said with a straight face, it wasn't a complete lie, Li Hao had willingly given it to her as part of their deal,

"Oh, come on Liling, we both know that's not true, I'm your best friend, you can tell me anything, I just hope you didn't borrow it from loan sharks or something"

Liling swallowed, feeling the guilt rise through her, maybe telling Shen Ru would do her no harm, her friend was just worried ,

"Alright", she sighed in defeat, " I'm actually …"

Before Liling could complete her statement, there was a sudden burst of commotion, and word rapidly spread around the floor, the new upcoming actress, Zhang Mei, had come to sign the contract with Li Corp's subsidiary company, Limelight entertainment,

People started rushing down, and Shen Ru had practically become an anime character with stars in her eyes,

As usual, she was dragged down to the lobby, but since she couldn't care less and, pushing through a crowd wasn't appealing, she stood aloof by the corner, a few steps away from the elevator,

There were a few more minutes of screaming and pushing from the crowd before Zhang Wei's manager decided it was time for them to go up,

The tall burly body guards by her side created a path through the sea of people to let her through, and Liling finally could finally catch a glimpse of her

She was tall, slim and in a short white dress that enhanced the paleness of her skin and bright blue doe eyes. Her long brown hair was in a Double Dutch braid, while her pink tinted lips were turned up in an easy smile.

The crowd quickly started to disperse to their different floors, and so did they, for the rest of the day, Shen Ru didn't bring the money question up again, so Liling kept it to herself,

If Shen Ru was really desperate to know, she would tell, but till then, she would keep her lips sealed.

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