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Chapter 27: Chapter Twenty Seven An Act Of Leadership

After the bloody massacre, Chris had spent the last few weeks in the infirmary. Finally he was brought in for some questioning, and as he walked into the conference room his face held a huge sign of self disgust. He was an A classed hero and it was his duty to protect those kids. But he didn't.

"Mr Beale please come sit down." Gestured Metalio for him to take a sit.

He suddenly felt his stomach tighten as a very familiar feeling of nervousness crept into him while he sat down. Wondering why they were suddenly being nice to him.

"How are you faring?" Asked Metalio while smiling warmly.

He could swear he almost shit his pants. As he was silently dying with curiosity.

«Why was Metalio being so nice to him? and why were they all so calm?»

"Please tell us what happened during your encounter with the infamous Bloodbath?."

He hesitated before clearing his throat and began with the narration of how they'd gotten a faulty alert from the android and how he'd tried to save the kids before he was knocked out. He slowly bent his head shamefully after he was done explaining and anticipated for the worst.

"Chris your officially an S class hero and will be assigned to your team soon. Where you'll be addressed as Captain."

"Ain't that like his name already. I mean check it out, "captain captain Boom" would definitely sound stupid." Micheallio chimed in.

"You'll go with Julia, she'll assist you." Added Metalio, while ignoring Micheallio's bad jokes.

"What!?. How!?" He stammered profusely with a look of puzzlement.

"Am sure you know we once faced off against Bloodbath." He could only nod affirmatively as Metalio continued to talk.

"But what you don't know is that we lost four members. That was before Trinity joined our team". He spoke quietly as they all seemed to reminisce on the past.

"So that's why you were called the Big Six" He suddenly blurted out a few of his curiosities.

"Am telling you all of these, because your inspiring heroic act. it reminds me of our youthful days."

"Hell that kid's so popular the citizens startin' to request he be made their new face of this." Said Micheallio.

The others shot him a sharp glare but he did not seem to mind as he created imaginary smokes from his cigarette. Trinity could only roll their eyes in annoyance when they noticed the smokes was shaped in the forms of very sexually disturbing images of them.

"Excuse me sir but what about the faulty alarm. Do you think it'll ha..."

"It's been taken care of. You just make sure to look after yourself."

He nodded meekly as he left the advanced conference room. He felt like a baby that had been given a candy for messing up the house.

He honestly didn't really know that his little act of leadership would bring him so much attention. It wasn't something to be pleased about, but he'd be the biggest liar if he said he wasn't happy.

Metalio turned to face Iron klaw as soon as he noticed Chris was gone.

"The faulty alarm. You say it's connected to the government?." He queried.

"Based on hypothesis, our machines were partially built by them. If theirs anyone else who could hack our machines it's them or someone working with them and I think I know who it'd be."


Chris finally entered into the S-class division, he had always fantasized about being there and alas it came true. Julia helped him with his belongings as they walked into the huge futuristic building. He followed her while they passed a lot of rooms, the unfriendly stares and unending whispering of the S-classed heroes made his stomach feel sickened.

But alas they made it to his own room, as she quickly opened the door, entered and started to off load his stuffs. He gently walked in but what he didn't expect to see were bunch of supers staring at him. The whole room was spacious, maybe too spacious to be called a room. On his right their were eight luxurious beds and on his left were two huge couches where the heroes were seated. The television was on, but they preferred to stare at him.

"You must be the new captain." A nice looking lady approached him and held out her hand.

He quickly recognized her, she was known as Gladiatress. One of the heroes he had always admired. Only her sheer strength alone was enough to out class most S ranked heroes.

"'s an honor...I mean yes I am." He stammered as he shook her hand awkwardly.

"Well my name is Leia and am your assistant captain." She bluntly said as she ignored his awkward attitude.

"And these are your new teammates." She said as she gestured for them to introduce themselves.

Suddenly a rubber-like hand stretched out of nowhere and shook his hand.

"That's Elastic man. He's probably taking a leak." A younger lady said to him.

"And you are?" He asked uncertainly, while wondering if she was meant to be S ranked.

"Call me Swipe." She said nonchalantly as she blew her bubble gum.

"And why are you called Swipe?"

"I can be everywhere or nowhere. Space is mine to do with as I wish." She promptly answered.

He wasn't sure if she was trying to impress him or was just being sarcastic.

"Don't mind Swipe, she's always tryna act powerful." A dark brown haired girl chipped in.

By the way am Star vision" She said gently as she approached him with a warm smile.

"Lemme introduce you to the rest, they're in your room."

He meekly nodded and she held him by the arm. Their was something enchanting about her that he couldn't seem to figure out. It was not her alluring eyes, nor her gentle nature. She seemed more complex than the rest. She seemed to be ignorant of how he kept staring at her, even as she introduced the other team members.

She showed him their speedster, whom was known as The By passer. Then she introduced him to the two other female supers, called the Storm flipper and invisi bella. He was amazed by the amazing abilities they all possessed, though he was more curious about a certain super.

They call him Mentor and although nobody really talked much about him, he seemed to be well respected. They claimed he could not be hurt by anything because of his ability to resend his opponent's attacks in ten folds.

"Yo listen Fire boy. Being leader doesn't mean I gotta be takin' orders from you." A grumpy dwarf like man snapped angrily.

"Bomb struck like it or not his the new captain and were to take orders from him" She said defensively.

"Unless you want to answer to Gladiatress" She added in hopes of instilling fear.

Chris was in awe as to how well she handled the situation. He took the time to admire the loose white strands of her hair that rhymed well with her round spectacle. His gaze fell to her soft succulent lips and he felt a tingling sensation that caused him to look away, he wasn't sure what he was feeling around her but he decided to handle the situation first.

«The team seemed to fear Gladiatress a lot, and it's obvious i can't rule them with fear. I have to come up with a better strategy but first gotta show strength.»

"I challenge you to a duel Bomb Struck" He suddenly blurted out.

"You what??." Bomb struck asked in a surprised tone.

"You heard me. Winner becomes Captain."

"Captain Boom you don't have to do that." She tried discouraging him.

"Sure!. I accept your challenge." Bomb struck quickly agreed.

"Okay. But if I win you'll apologize to me in front of the whole team and pledge your undying loyalty to me, deal?" He bargained as he held out his hand.

"Tsk deal. You'll be toast in a matter of secs" Mocked Bomb struck as he ignored his hand and walked away.

"For the record I think your gonna make an excellent captain." She gently whispered close to his ear before attempting to leave.

But he subconsciously held her by the wrist and she swiftly turned to face him.

"Wait I didn't get to know your real name."

She flashed him a charming smile and said. "Just call me Gwen and what your feeling right now is called infatuation."

"Am sorry what?" He's face was flushed with embarrassment.

"You don't need to embarrassed besides I find you attractive. The emotions I sense from you is overwhelming" She said earnestly.

He was dumbfounded as his face was already painted with embarrassment.

"So you read emotions?." He managed to ask.

"Yes and theirs a few other things I can do too." She gently said as she moved closer to him in an intimate manner.

He's breathing became husky and he tried his best to calm his inner thirsty voices.

"Th..things like what?" He muttered nervously.

"Things like..." She drew her face closer to his.

Instinctively he lingered in for a kiss, his lips were almost close to meeting with hers, but instead she placed a finger on his lips and pushes his head back slightly as she giggled.

"Things like this." She said as she chuckled hard.

He bit his lips nervously, he felt like an open book in front of her and he hated the feeling.

"Take this." She handed him a piece of paper.

He slowly opened it and after viewing it's content and looked at her only to find her walking away.

"Meet me there after your fight." She said loudly as she made for the door.

He could only admire her gorgeous swaying hips as she walked out majestically. She closed the door as soon as she left. Leaving him in the room alone. The room was built for the two team Captains. It was huge and very spacious, but he still felt trapped.

He laid on his bed weakly as he looked out to the ceiling and once again the bloodied faces and dead bodies of those young supes slowly resurfaced in his mind.

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