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Chapter 13: Knowing begins

After that day he is… confused.


In how to feel about Liam.


They meet in almost the same way as he had with other nobles, almost, entering a fight is the difference as he doesn't count the first incident with nobles that involved magic as a fight, and it could have been if the guards didn't appear at the moment.


Yet a bad one, the other difference and for the moment unique with him is that Liam apologized to him, he is still treating his wounds and doing it with different degrees of gentleness, like from the first day.


When he was being carried, the cream in his arm.


The soft one in his face.


'NO No no stop right there Uriel!


We don't need to remember that and I would like it if no one does


There are better things to think about, like, like… 


The book I'm reading! Or the Liam situation!'


Like the image he had built of him shattered completely the next day when he was in the checkup. He should have known better, he works with books for gods!


He was really expecting another Ardere. One that will hurt him and don't care.


But he is going to put that to one side for the moment, there is one question more interesting and with less emotional things from himself that he wants to find the answer.


He is interested in knowing what happened with Liam in the battle, from the cuts he didn't that could have given him the victory, the anger and how it dissipated when the battle ended, how every movement after that he didn't make any fast or brute move.


And how those felt calculated without any trace of anger.


He entertains these thoughts of possibilities and theories most usually when no one is around and he is working with swordsmanship books.




Funny how it is the third day of seeing each other and recently started talking apart of the wounds. And of course the first theme are the wooden animals he makes.


– I liked how you made their eyes, more of the cat one – Liam started bandaging again his arm, his chest is already covered with fresh ones – They remind me of the details in blades, thin and completely straight–


– Really? I never compare them –


– Probably because they are little ones. Both make that part look delicate yet neither of them makes weaker, neither of them are going to fall off with a simple touch –


– That because the method used in carving usually takes off layer of wood little by little –


– I seen people do the details in the metal with a chisel and something to hammer it in the metal –




– When I carve there this part that I always wait to do is the tails, I just want to make a fluffy tail – he remembers how Uncle Nancy will tell him to wait and finish the base – I like to study the ears of animals. How little the difference is sometimes yet changes the animal entirely –


– I understand that, the hilts are always different in the swords, with each one having little difference from smith to smith – to this point Liam is just sitting at his side – the grips and pommels always have something different, even when they are mass produced! –




Liam came to the library, it is the fifth day.


– I talked with Casper about the book I'm searching and told me it is here – scratching their head slightly – It's Records of the Medieval Sword, a history book of "Aries" –


The name sounds to him, he is pretty sure it is here and knows exactly where the books referring "Aries" are – Sure, if I'm correct is in this section – when it comes to history he usually puts them in order of time they talk about – Do you know in what period of time it talks? –


– It talks about the great migration to the Renaissance –


'Ah! It really one of those he has already read'


– Thanks. My instructor told me it is something good to know the roots of certain styles – Liam gives him a smile, yet it dimmed – There is also the part about this subject being in the lessons for the academy –


It's probably the way he said the word academy that didn't fit well, like there is no excitement for it… and, well, the way Liam looked down (? Bad? Sad? He doesn't know).


– Ah well, then this book will help you – at least now they attention is on him instead of the topic of before – I read it before, from the origins to development and its use of the knightly sword on the middle ages –


They gave him another smile, this one stayed like that – That's good – he can hear the other giggling.




– I wanted to ask. Do you have cats? –


– Is it because of the amount of cats I make? – Liam just nods while finishing the last bandage – No my uncle has a cat, but I have dogs –


And Liam just beamed – Really? How many? –


– Four! Their names are Sasha, Laios, Luna and Kiki. They are as big as us –


– I love dogs! The big one with lots of fur reminds me of bears – he is surprised by that, he has never heard someone say that big dogs look like bears and then say they love them. Liam catches his confusion – If I can't hug a bear I will hug the only beings that will probably don't bite me –


– That's fair –


– Do they let you hug them? –


– Hug me? Sasha and Laios literally claim my bed as the one they will sleep – the only protest he could give is when summer is at its strong sleeping with two big balls of fur isn't the most comfortable, less when they start licking – And anyways, they think they are little and act like lap dogs –


He hears Liam chuckle and knows he is smiling at him.


– And there is the incident with the potatoes and onions –


– What? Why potatoes and onions? –


– Because my parents found them in the ceiling, smashed – he can see how the other is confused and intrigued about the story – It all started when my parents left the house to do some errands-




– So she disappeared for a day and came back with a calf –


– Yes –


– So Luna has every sociable gene of the family at this point –


– I can't denied it –




– He just makes this little dance with his paws –


– Oh that's cute –


– I know right–




– Today Bres told how my training will start to change – Liam started exanimating his wounds – Oh, they are looking almost ready to stop with the gauze in a pair of weeks, maybe the next one your arm won't need it –


– I could finally wash it like normal then – he looks at his arm and already expects the day to wash it again like a normal human being – Also, who's Bres? –


– That's the name of my instructor, the old man from the day we met – Liam goes for the bottle of disinfectant on the table – They have been hurting more than before? –


– Not really, just incredible uncomfortable and the sting in my chest comes back when I put pressure on it –


– I'm going to be honest, I'm surprised that any of the wounds infected in the sightless –


– Never good to infect, I can recall only two times when a cut and scratch infected – Liam just stares at him, the question is obvious and he shrugs in answer – Not even my parents know. How will your training change? –


He receives the bottle, wets the cloth and starts the normal pattern. Liam went to get the rest of the things – No more practice outside because the cold to one inside where the focus is endurance and mobility as I'm going to be a knight that lives in one of the parts in this world that winter is the strongest –


He chuckles at that and the other passes him the cream, now saying it with a face that is very close to make him laugh – In reality I would be very embarrassed if I can't fight with multiple layers of clothes –


– It sure would be. More when I already know how to do it –


Liam just blows a strawberry – The biggest change is I'm going to be in the library a lot more. He says to use the winter time to study history and techniques and things of the academy – Liam starts sizing the gauze and cuts it – And you? –


– Not much is going to change, just the fact that the walks I take will be less frequent –


He leans and supports himself with his elbows, it works the same as laying down so the gauze doesn't move.


– Or at least nothing that I wasn't informed yet, oh the winter uniform would be another change –


– How do you order the books? – He sits back again and Liam starts to do the same with the arm – Because when I ask you about history books you start asking the time that is talked about, what in short resume and the place. There's that pattern that gives me an idea, but what with the other books? –


– I go from the general category that is the place, then what it talks about and at the end the time. Like three rows, all of them with things of "Aries", the top one is filled with swordsmanship history, the middle one with books of a concrete timeline like events, and the last one is with specific things – Liam is bandaging him – The swordsmanship books are put in centuries and alphabetical order. And the novels are divided in genre and order in alphabet –


– I bet there is always the tricky one –


– There is always one – Of all the tricky ones, only a quarter appears in the list of the Lord – I need to read those and sometimes they are too tedious to deal with –




– I'm going to give you fresh news. So fresh that none of the workers know about them –


And if that doesn't pique his interest, then it is the big smile on Liam's face. He makes sure that the other knows he is paying attention.


– My brother Dian is coming back this winter! –


– Wait, doesn't your brother study in winter? –


– He decided to ask at the beginning of the year if he could skip the classes and give the test to pass the semester – He is awestruck by the nonchalant way Liam is saying that is something common – He pass them and this place is for and has all the things for him to keep studying swordsmanship, they let him come here –


And he feels the sound of pride in Liam's voice in the last part.


– You sound like you already knew he was going to pass the test – He knows this isn't the best thing to say, but he is seeing a chance to get information for his question and he is going to take it.


– Of course! It's Dian – He can almost swear that there are stars in Liam's eyes – If someone in this family can do that it is him! He even is younger than the rest of his class, he is one of the fastest learners I know about –


He looks at Liam in a way he expects is really showing, to continue.


Liam does – He won the place of the first person teaching me about swords and how to use them. He is always with a story of knights when I ask, legends, fantasy or something that occurred when he was in the academy –




That conversation ended up with both of them talking about their families.


With Liam talking about Dian, it reminded him of his Uncle Nancy. More exactly in the way that these two people inspired each one of them to do something, swordsmanship or carving. He ended up searching things in the place to compare the carving of his uncle and Liam was copying the movements from some duel of his brother.


Liam asked why the name Nancy… and sincerely he doesn't know, his mother has always called him like that.


Her sister, by Liam's words, acts like a tempest in duels, an overwhelming force… He doesn't know if that is something good or not, but Liam told him that it was her and still is teaching him about etiquette.


His granny was also the one in teaching him about manners and etiquette*. With the information that while she is old, she is totally capable of throwing a cow to the floor for the veterinarians or the daily checkup.


They concluded that neither of them wants a fight with them.


Then there is his oldest brother, Lugus, or how Liam told him that they call him, Logos. Something about a mispronunciation when he was little. Lugus is always sending things and letters to his family, and even his favorite book is one of those.


He tells about the books his dad has bought him or how it will try that he would be in one of those circles of kids that are being told stories. Liam asked what his father does.


'– He is a hunter! – Liam is surprised to some point. Oh, he is going to surprising him more – He is the one that teach to hunt, even if my friends and I needed to convince him –


– Wait. You know how to hunt?! – He nods – Oh that's cool –


Liam really has his ways with words. Doesn't he?


Is either that or he is really weak to compliments.


– Most people my age know, well the ones that live in the mountains do. It is something that is taught as it is one of the safest ways to earn money and food – He can see how Liam is ready to discuss safety – Yes, physically it is somewhat dangerous. But at the moment of getting money and food is better than doing other jobs, and also one doesn't needs to hunt things that big–


– Then how would they make enough money with smaller animals? –


– We are in the mountains, where exchange of things is the most common currency. With certain things only –'


They passed the rest of the hours talking about what can be exchanged and with what.

Suky_Amaky Suky_Amaky

If there is some grammar mistake, please let me know!

The original looked like a guide to writte the chapter, so big edits in this one.

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