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Chapter 3: The last tally and regeneration.

A tunnel. Every grisly end starts with a tunnel. Light and a faint image of your killer at the end. Until the flames of death burn your sight cells into nothing. Darkness.

The only confirmation of his existence was the pain covering his body. His nerves squirmed with such transference of information, that they almost seemed to be wiggling out of his body.

Then that was forgotten too. The pain vanished. All that was left was the air moving in and out of his lungs.

Then the lungs froze. Some unknown tar-like substance seeping in from the lack of light and covering his lungs.

All that was left was the experience of moments. The constant perception of existence as time moved in mysterious ways. A torrent of light flooded into Fred's mind. And he saw.....

There was a man wearing the severed head of a larger man. This man had twelve arms each one grabbing a different part of Fred's body and pulling it.

"Do you smell the flagstones fred?" Asked the man. Fred could not speak. Not even think in response. In this world there were only ideas and information.

Right now his mind was on the idea of tears. "They have one distinct from the bricks you know." The hands dropped Fred.

He fell or flew, or shot sideways, but assuredly he did not move in any diagonal direction. His mind moved to the concept of diagonal.

A woman stood before Fred with tears in her eyes. Her face was a mishmash of eyes, noses, mouths, lips and every other limb imangable.

"How could you say that to me Fred! How could you treat me like that!" He could never love her back. His mind moved to the concept of love. "I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING!"

Fred sped diagonal as she reached out a Incomprehensible limb to grab Fred.

Fred sat in a dim room. Before him was a wall of darkness. With one single large eye staring at Fred. "Like all life. With just the wrong word at the wrong time. You spread pain to your kin. One feeling felt the wrong way. And somebody cries. Somebody always cries." The wall did not speak further. It only started.

Fred sat there as the eye looked at him. Fred drummed his fingers on his legs as he sat in a dark oak chair. Ten minutes must have passed at this point. He had expected more out of near death hallucinations. There were only two traumas. "So am I going to move onto the next thing now?" Asked Fred.

"There is no next thing Fred. That was all you did. You're not some great hero or old man that gets to spend years going through all the lives He or She had changed. That's as far as your impact reached. You caused two people to destroy their own lives, that's it." Said the wall. It spoke with no mouth.

"Why do you show me all the bad things I did but not the good things?" The wall twitched slightly.

"BAHAHAHAHAHA! You want to see the good things?!?!?!? Okay I'll show you." With a waft of dark mist Fred vanished.

Fred floated in a white void. Absolutely nothing in every direction.

"This is all the lives you have changed in a positive way." Floating in front of Fred was a scruffy black dog. It's corpse just drifting in the void.

"W-What." Fred stuttered.

"Yeah. Dog's can't really manifest much here. All you get to see is its flesh suit." Fred grinned.

"I was right. I would actually get to see you ruffles. Ha!" Announced Fred. He spun around to look at the wall. "So are you going to end me now? Or..."

"Yeah. Unless you have anything you can do about it I'm going to end you. Typically I show people why before I eat them. Makes things quieter in there." The pupulis of the eye dilated, stretching until they broke exposing a pitiless void sucking all things away. Fred's jaw dropped.

Reality stuttered. Flickering in and out of existence as the void approached Fred.

"Wait. What is this?"

When the void was at the verge of touching Fred everything froze.

Fred reappeared on the dark oak chair. The wall of darkness looking at him with confusion.

"Some people have been able to run before. But no one has been able to resist."

Fred looked of into the distance for a moment ~based of everything I've seen right now I can only come to one conclusion. That thing in front of me. It's death.~

"Why haven't you ended me?" Asked Fred

"I tried. You're. You're not mortal. I can't" Fred took a deep breath. ~I am mortal though. I think I would've known sooner if I was immortal~

"Where is this?" Asked Fred. His voice not quavering at all when he spoke.

"It's limbo. The border between life and death." Fred but his lip.

"I'm at the edge of death then." The eye blinked twice.

"No to be more accurate you're body has stopped functioning but you're soul still works."

"Okay" said Fred. "Do you know where my living body is. I've just recently shown up in this strange place." The eye stared with even more intensity.

"I do but you won't remember this. So there's not much point in telling you." Said the wall.

"Even if I don't remember it. Tell me." Said Fred eagerly.

"Okay. You are in the world of the hopeless. A place that goes on for infinity. The fate system there is made to automatically crush any hope that a person may have. The main way people grow stronger in this world is by adapting their bodies to the things around them."

"Okay thank you."

"You're welcome. I think you'd better get going."

Moonlight engulfed Fred's body. Flowing in from the window above him. His wounds knit themselves back together. His eyes snapped open.

Fred pulled himself to his feet. He stood in a puddle of his own blood and urine "new goal. Don't die no matter what. Pain hurts." Making wet slapping sounds as he walked.

Fred moved over to the door. His clothes were covered in holes. A seam even going through the middle of his shirt.

The only thing that wasn't almost falling off with every movement was his pants. They only had a variety of holes in them exposing his legs. I don't need my shirt anymore. In its current state it is basically useless.!

He dropped his shirt to the ground and pushed the door to the building he was in open. There was almost nobody in the alleyway. Making it eerily silent. ~Fuck the goddess who made me make that deal man. She's messed up.~

*Clink* *Clink* *Clink* ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

Fred bolted the second he heard that sound.

Immortal_hobbyist Immortal_hobbyist

Batch relase for this ten or so chapters. Enjoy

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