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6.45% Horrified

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Tina just stood there as if in a daze she was unable to move or even think. She was just standing there as her mind went blank, what she was looking at was more than her little mind could handle. The tears that she was crying were no longer coming from the fall it was coming from the sight of her mom laying down on the floor surrounded by a pool of blood but that was not all that was affecting her it was the sight of the family dog Jack licking at the blood that was on the floor.

Tina stood there looking but unable to move or even say anything, she was in a trance and all she could do was just stand there until everything just went dark.

The next thing that Tina knew she awoke in her bed. She noticed that she was dressed in her nightie, and she had no idea what was going on, but she knew that she was in her bed. She was flooded with feelings of dread, terror, and overwhelming sadness. This set her off letting out a terrified scream and the tears that just would not stop streaming down her cheeks.

Tina heard footsteps getting closer and it comforted her a little but just made her cry all the harder. Sam opened the door as Tina saw him through the tears that she was crying. When she saw it was her dad it just made her start crying harder. She was expecting to see her mommy opening the door and it was not like she didn't love her dad, but she really needed to see that her mommy was okay.

The world seemed to slow way down and each second seemed to take forever as it dragged on as she waited for her mommy to enter the room.

Sam asked, "What is wrong with my little Princess?"

All Tina could do was cry she could not even get the words to form in her mouth as she cried hard and was bawling uncontrollably. Tina hopped out of her bed and ran to her daddy and threw her arms around his waist and buried her face in him as the tears kept streaming down her face.

Tina did her best to express what was going on with her but the only thing that came out of her mouth was just more sobs. She looked up at her daddy with her eyes full of tears and her mind was just so filled with horror that all she was finally able to get out was a whimper and the word "Mommy."

Sam pulled her close trying to do what he could to comfort her. As he held her, he whispered in her ear, "Everything will be okay, you are safe here in my arms."

Tina looked up at him and she saw that he was doing his best to make her feel better but nothing that he did was helping at all.

Sam saw that the more that he was doing the worse Tina was becoming. As he looked at her his heart ached to see that she was in so much pain. He felt helpless even though he was doing absolutely everything that he could think of to appease the child.

As Tina let out another huge sob the door was pushed open as June opened the door. As Tina saw her mommy open the door, she was totally confused about what was going on. She knew that she had seen her lying on the floor in the kitchen or at least that was what she thought that she had seen but now everything was so strange and so confusing. Had she just dreamed it all?

Tina didn't know what to think. She was still sad and happy that her mommy was there she let go of her daddy and went running over to her mommy and threw her arms around her giving her the biggest hug. Tina looked up at her mommy and didn't see anything wrong now.

Nothing was making any sense to her know she was so sure that there was something wrong with her mom but now all she could do was rub her eyes and try and let all the sadness go out of her.

Sam bent down and pulled her close. He wiped her tears away. He knew what she had seen but there was no reason to remind her of it. It was much better just to act like it never happened at all.

Tina came around in short order she soon thought it was just a dream and soon begin acting that way.

Tina found herself hungry and nauseous at the same time. She knew that she had not eaten but she still couldn't get over the feeling that something was wrong but had no idea what it was or how to fix it.

It was not long before hunger won out and she was looking to get fed. She looked up at her daddy and said, "I'm hungry."

Sam looked down at her with a smile and said, "Come on let's go get you something to eat."

Seeing him smile at her made her feel so much better it was like nothing was ever wrong.

She was not going to let go of her mom for anything at this point no matter what, but she was willing to take both their hands with a huge smile on her face.

June looked over at Sam and gave him a wink but was still wondering if they should have explained everything to her. She knew that it was just better for her not to know what was going on.

Everything seemed great to Tina, and she was not worried about anything anymore, figuring it was just a bad dream that was quickly fading from her mind.

June made waffles because they were Tina's favorite. She had always loved filling up all the little squares full to overflowing with syrup just to cut them into little pieces to watch them drain. It always made breakfast take longer but Tina always had the biggest smile the whole time. Today was no different, she was smiling from ear to ear and the dog was sitting at her feet looking up at her with a longing and hungry look on his face just hoping that she was going to drop a morsel or two that would never even reach the floor if she did.

He could count on her slipping him things especially when she was eating something that she didn't like but she was careful not to get caught feeding the dog or he would be put outside until she was done with the meal. She had only been busted twice when they knew to look for it since she didn't like her vegetables and they knew that she would be trying to get rid of them. The dog dint mind whatever she was going to give it he was going to eat it was not that he was all that hungry he just knew that he was doing it for her. Like any good dog, he would do anything for her including putting his life on the line for her.

Jack sat there with his head on her lap under the table so that the others were not as likely to notice him or the fact that she was slipping him food now and then but that never happened when she was eating waffles. Tina just liked them way too much to let any of them go. All in all, it didn't matter to Jack that she was not feeding him, he just loved being around her and she was the one that he had chosen as his own. The parents were nice to him, and he would protect them all with his life, but she was special. Everyone knew whose dog he really was, but he was a good dog and the fact that he was so protective of her was a plus.

Tina was basically bouncing in her seat as she ate, she was so happy now and the morning's events had been forgotten for the joy of other things. But as the meal wore on and shortly after Sam had left for work things started feeling a little off for Tina. As she watched her mom do things that she normally would do she didn't do them now. Her mom always seemed to be singing all the time when they were alone, and it always made Tina feel as happy as she did.

The more that Tina watched her the more she noticed that there was just something wrong. Tina now hurried to finish eating even though it was her favorite she wanted it down so that she could go to her. It was then that she felt something wet on her thigh below her short dress.

She was used to Jack drooling on her from time to time but that was usually only when it was hot outside, or she was eating something that he really wanted. As she looked at her leg the drool was not clear, it had a reddish tint and that led her to start to think that what she saw was not just a dream.

Tina thought that it just had to be a dream, there was nothing wrong with her mommy, she was right there in front of her and there was not a drop of blood anywhere on her. Tina looked closer at him and that was like giving him an open invitation to lick her on the face. She was not really trying to get that close of a look inside his mouth and as usual, he coated her face with some slobber. That started Tina giggling, she just couldn't help it and that made her mom put Jack outside.

Tina noticed that as her mom was putting him out that she slid a little just enough to show that there was some blood on the floor that had been cleaned up, but they had missed a little that had gotten stuck in the crack.

It was more than that because coming out of a crack in the cabinet next to the sink there was a little stream of blood that had made its way to the floor.

Tina was stunned and let out a little gasp, she had been sure that it was only a dream until she had seen the blood again. Why was it there? And where was it coming from?

Tina got up and was about to open the cupboard door when June yelled, "STOP! Don't open that! Go back and eat your waffles before they get cold."

Tina jumped back from the sudden sound. She was not only startled but the tears and a little of the sadness and concern that she had been feeling were back, but it left her looking at the cabinet wondering what was inside.

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