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Chapter 2: Getting to Hogwarts

"System!", I called out. But nothing happened. "Login? ... AI?... Jarvis? ... Open Sesame! ... Magical Grandpa?..." Nothing's happening. Hmm, I guess I don't have a system. Am I just a normal Harry Potter? Well, I did have some memories of me growing up as Harry Potter... Oh well, either way, my first task would be to get to Hogwarts.

In the movies, it would seem that Hagrid got sent to pick Harry up after a few days. How did they know to send someone to get him? Is it because no one replied to the letter? No, they kept sending the letters. How did they know?

If my guess is right, it would be because the uncle went to burn and destroy the letters. Probably some resend-if-destroyed magic... How should I proceed then? Let things play out the same way? I guess that wouldn't hurt, since I don't know how to get to Diagon Alley.

I waited until the aunt and the cousin returned. While they were in the dinning room, I walked past them and tried opening the letter that I had resealed. Dudley saw it and snatched it out of my hands.

"Look! Harry's got a letter!" He screamed, as if he found a treasure chest...

The following was just as expected. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia freaked out after realising where it came from. They destroyed the letter but in the next few days, letters kept coming in like spam mails. On Sunday, when letters started flooding the house through the chimney, Uncle Vernon got mad and decided that was it, we were going to live in a lighthouse.

I always thought that was weird... How did we progress into living in a lighthouse? That was so irrational. Then, thinking about it, I guess living next to a secret hocrux for years might have driven them a little mad too. They couldn't have been that bad in the first place, since they had decided to adopt me when they could have easily called the police or left me at the orphanage. So it was most likely them being negatively affected by living with me through the years...


It was a dark stormy night when Hagrid came to visit. If I recall, it was also my 11th birthday. Like the movie, he barged in at midnight ... bent the shotgun of my uncle ... said "Yer a wizard, Harry"... gave me a cake ... and gave Dudley a pig tail...

Then, he told me that he would pick me up to get the school supplies and left as abruptly as he had arrived.

Mission accomplished?

The next few days were a blur as we moved back to our previous house. One difference was my room being upgraded from the 'Cupboard under the stairs' to 'Dudley's second bedroom'. Probably my Uncle and Aunt were afraid of what would happen to them if others knew about my living conditions previously.

Strangely, as I helped to move the boxes as we unpack, I felt that the boxes were pretty light. Maybe it was the wizard gene that activated on my birthday that made me stronger than normal? Was it puberty? I should probably do some experiments on my limits when I can, maybe when I'm at Hogwarts in the Room of Requirements.

Hagrid finally came the next day and brought me to Diagon Alley to buy my school supplies. This was pretty exciting for me. Finally, I can see magical creatures like goblins and explore the wizarding world.

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