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Chapter 1: An Unwanted Reincarnation

I'm tired.

Really tired. I haven't felt this much tiredness in my life before.

And not just that, it's fucking hot in here!!

Where the heck am I !? I thought.

When I opened my eyes I was in some kind of a, a pit maybe. And a big one at that.

I tried to get up even though I was tired. I don't have much of choice now. And I was also genuinely curious about what had happened to me.

I sat down. Welcomed by a gruesome sight my entire body went numb.

This pit I was in was no ordinary pit....and what was a pit for anyway ?

To put trash in ? A trap ?

Nope. It was a death hole. All I could see here were bodies. Which I assume were dead.

Some of them are does not have head and other body parts.

A sight I thought I would never see in my life in person. a gruesome way like this.

The thing is I have always been fine with these kind of stuff. Seeing blood or just straight up gore never really scared me or made me feel unease.

But, this isn't something I would see in my daily life.

A barrage of questions came hitting my mind like a truck.

"Where am I ?"

"How did I end up here?"

"What the heck happened here?"

"A reincarnation? Nah, that stuff is purely fiction"

I was just reading manga in the remaining time I had of my lunch break. Yes, I was in my college. I had a routine of reading manga or playing games when get to college in the morning and at lunch break.

I was usually the first one to arrive in the class. An honor student ?

Nah, I just thought that, "I'm gonna come to college anyway, no matter how late I'm gonna be".

Staying in my house and coming late to college didn't make much sense to me. And all the getting ready, breakfast, and the travelling from my house to college, it'll all be over if I just arrive early. That gave me a peace of mind.

Well enough about that.

"I'm dreaming right?" the panic came back to me.

I still couldn't accept the fact that I might longer in my world now.

As a weeb myself, the whole isekai and reincarnation thing wasn't anything new to me.

You die, you're reborn as someone or as yourself in another world with all the memories of your previous life. Typical stuff. But there was catch, it was all supposed to be fiction.

So I might've died before getting here. I thought.

No! I'm definitely dreaming. A lucid dream maybe ?

But this all seem and feel so real.

I decided to get up. And I decided to check on myself.

As I was in pit filled with dead bodies it would be strange if I did not have at least one wound. And why am I the only one alive. Looking at these corpses they're in pretty bad shape.

I checked myself,

"Ah !! found one"

There was a cut on my hand, not too big but not too small either. The blood seems to have clotted. I touched it for confirmation. It definitely did hurt.

My mind went blank again. But I had to accept the fact that I was no longer in my world anymore.

All I remember was the fact that it was noon, lunch break, I was sitting in my class, and that's it. It's all blank after that.


A sudden theory came into my head that can be used to prove that I am still in my world.

It goes like this :

Some kind of terrorist group attacked the college for some reason. Not just the college but the that whole city!! And they killed everyone for I don't know the reason for and took everyone's body and dropped them in different pits. Yes!! And I survived because they thought I was dead and when they dropped me in the pit. And now I am in the middle of nowhere. Makes perfect sense!!!

(And how the heck did you not die when they throwed you into this long ass pit!!?)

Shit !! I never thought of that. By the way where were you ?

(In your head?)

Nice one, but seriously where were you ?

[ You might be thinking who this might be. Let me explain, it's a thing I created in my head about three years ago. An alternate personality maybe ? It obviously is not real just like how I think of my whole situation here. But after I created this thing in my head life has been bad and good at the same time. Basically a voice in my head. Cringe as it sounds, it is what it is. I'm not someone who is doing good mentally. Anyway.. ]

(Like I told you I'm already in your goddamn head!!!)

"What I am asking is where the fuck where you this whole time!?? I've been awake for almost 10 minutes now and you didn't even say a word. It's just weird."

Even though I talk to this thing like I'm talking to another individual, I am only talking to myself. "It" talking like another person comes automatically, even though it's just me talking to myself.

(I think they would have gotten that part by now..)

"I don't know...."

Well enough about all that. I had to analyze my situation here. I still had my uniform on. A good thing that I wasn't naked. Things would have been much worse if that was the case. Anyway...

I looked up. I already confirmed it was noon by hot it when I woke up.

The sun was looking straight at me. I was feeling dizzy already. Hunger and thirst have also started to build up. Truly a survival situation!!

But I had to get to get out of there, if I stay there longer I don't know what my hunger is going to make me do.

I looked up again to see if there was a way to get out. Nothing much but dirt which I thought I could use to my advantage.

Put fingers in the dirt and climb up. That was my strategy.

But how long can I keep it up ?

Tired as I am now I might not be able to keep up.

"Oh I could use my breathing technique!"

(What are you, a demon slayer ?)


[ The breathing technique goes like this, whenever I get tired of doing something I am doing, in this case running. And let's say I'm almost about to reach the finish line, but I can't seem to reach it because you know, I'm tired, I start to hold my breath and continue what I'm doing. When I hold my breath I will feel a sudden spurt of energy in my body, letting me finish what I was tired of. I guess people use it as a normal thing but I saw it as something special]

Before I started to climb I checked the bodies. They had already starting to smell. I can pretty much guess how long I was in here. Even though I didn't know any of them but I still said my goodbyes.

I needed a more calm place to think. This pit wasn't going to cut it.

I don't know how the outside is going to but I still had to get out.

Finally I started climbing. I put all my fingers in as a whole and went with the climbing. That was the only possible way. And the soil there was surprisingly soft that even made me think why the pit didn't collapse at some point. But in any case it made me climb easier. I'm starting to get tired. Time to use my breathing technique. Well, it helped.

I was finally on top. Just like I though, I'm pretty much in the middle of nowhere. I did quick look at the area. A little far away I saw a big boulder with tree sheltering it.

Wow, just wow.

Even though things looked favourable to me it still made me uneasy. But it was hot outside and I wanted some shade. I didn't think much and started walking towards that boulder. As it was noon, the shade from the tree was just perfect.

I was getting more and more tired. I was getting more thirsty.

"Aaah, I want some water"

Well obviously there wasn't anything. At this rate I might die of dehydration.

I guess that wouldn't be that bad. In fact it actually sounded great. Cause never asked for a reincarnation in the first place. If I was going to die I just wanted to disappear just like that. I didn't wanted any after life. Heaven and didn't really matter to me at that point.

I've always heard people talking about second chances when their life gets so messed up. I will try to live a good life in this new life of mine and stuff. In anime it was usually like that, a depressed guy or someone who have their life not going in a good direction suddenly gets hit by a truck, dies and reincarnates. Some try to make this new life of theirs a good as they have got a second chance, or in some case the world they get reincarnated into changes them. And in most cases they end up getting overpowered in that world and also end up getting a harem. Haha

If god suddenly asks me if I want another chance in life I would humbly decline that offer. I'm tired. So taking this whole situation into consideration, I came to a conclusion.'

"I'll just sit here and die"

I might suffer a bit but that would be it, if I die, I can take a rest from all this "living". Dehydration or malnutrition, or even deadly sunburn, I don't care. I just wanna die.

I had created a theory on the reason for my reincarnation.

Second chance.

That was my theory. So if I give up on this life I might be able to die properly. I was also worried about my parents. Joking aside, I still don't how I died. A heart attack was most plausible reason. So me living another life here while they're mourning for me made me feel guilty.

I really don't deserve this second chance.

I looked up and said :

"You could've picked a better candidate for this you know?"

"But you've picked me to make me feel even more miserable"

"Good job!!!"

I exhaustion had started to kick in. I thought I might take a nap. And if possible, die in my sleep.

I slowly closed my eyes. Giving myself into death.

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