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Chapter 2: Movie Mode Episode One: The Order of the Stone Part Two: The Order of the Pig

Onscreen, the blackness faded away to once again reveal the four friends. Axel was speaking.

"We know what we're building, we've got all the stuff for it. We are so ready."

"This year," said Olivia, "It's going to be different. I'm not just ready to build, I'm ready to win."

A man in a hat walked past them, "Nice pig, losers."

"Okay, that's just rude." Gabriel muttered.

"This is why I don't like people." said Soren.

They came to a stop, Axel and Olivia glaring at the man's back, while Jesse winced and looked down. The screen changed to show the entrance to the building competition, where four people in black leather jackets with ocelot heads on the back stood, signing in.

"Hey!" Gill exclaimed, pointing at the screen, "It's us!"

"Oh, cool." said Lukas.

"Oh, great." groaned Axel, "There's Lukas and the Ocelots. The rivalry continues."

"Lukas and the Ocelots?" Aiden spat, clenching his fists, "It's Aiden and the Ocelots!"

"Is it?" asked Lukas, looking genuinely surprised, "I thought we were just 'Ocelots.'"

The screen moved over their backs, giving the viewers a good look at the ocelots on their jackets.

"Man," said Olivia, "They've got matching leather jackets and everything."

"So cool..." muttered Axel.

Aiden, Gill and Maya sent them smug looks, snickering to each other. Olivia hid her head in her hands, cheeks flaming. Axel scowled.

Onscreen, AIDEN looks in their direction, grinning upon spotting them. "Well, well, well." he said, causing GILL and MAYA to turn around and grin at them as well. LUKAS, however, continued talking to the lady at the desk.

"If it isn't the Order of the Losers."

"That's... not very creative." said Gabriel.

"Did they get that from us?" asked Magnus, "Like, as if to say they'll never be as cool as the Order of the Stone or something? Because it's, uh, not that good. At all."

"Great," Maya smirked, "The fail squads here."

"You three are inexplicably bad at this." Ivor said.

"Lukas," said Gill, "Get a load of these losers!"

Lukas barely glanced at them, instead starting to walk away, "Let's go, guys." Gill and Maya followed him, Aiden giving the trio one last smirk. As they left the screen, it focused on the women with glasses at the desk.

"Name, please?" she asked.

"Axel, and a how do you do?"

Aiden snorted.

"No, your team name." the women corrected.

Axel blinked, "Team name?" Jesse, Axel and Olivia looked at each other, their faces fallen. "We are not ready for this."

The screen showed the Ocelots, three of who were snickering to each other and very obviously pointing at them. Olivia sighed, "So much for losing anonymously."

Jesse turned back to the women, "We're the Order of the Pig."

This was, once again, too much for Aiden and he let out a bellow of a laugh, falling out of his seat and onto the ground, rolling about and clutching his stomach. Maya and Gill, while they did not fall out their seats, were leaning against each other with tears of laughter rolling down their cheeks.

"It's, um... nice?" Petra tried weakly. Jesse winced, looking at his friends apologetically.

The screen went down to Reuben, who was oinking happily, before going back up to Olivia. "Really?"

"Is it meant to tie us to Reuben," asked Axel, "Or are you making fun of me?"

"O-kay, Order of the Pig" said the women hesitantly, "You guys are in Booth 5."

Axel turned to go through the gate, only to get stuck. After a moment of struggling, he was able to pull himself through.

"Aw, man." Real-Axel muttered.

Onscreen, Aiden, Gill and Maya are shown laughing at him, before making their way to their own booth. Olivia, Reuben and Jesse went through the gate themselves, looking around.

Jesse made his way over to Booth 5, where Axel, Olivia and Reuben were already waiting. "Is that a freakin' beacon?" asked Axel, looking over at the Ocelots booth next door, "They have a freakin' beacon? Freakin' beacon!?"

"What, jealous?" Gill asked smugly, arms crossed. Axel glared at him.

"You wish, pussy cat."

The screen showed Lukas searching through a chest, straightening with a beacon in hand. Gill leaned down and grabbed a block of stained glass, Aiden and Maya waiting behind him to get their own.

"That's stained glass." said Olivia, "They aren't just building a beacon, they're building a rainbow beacon."

"You guys are totally jealous!" exclaimed Maya. Jesse, Olivia and Axel glared at her.

"We're gonna lose." Olivia sighed.

"What're you worried about? We've got this." Jesse argued. Olivia turned to him.

"Who are we kidding? We've got nothing."

"We've got a mascot." said Jesse, pointing at Reuben.

"Having a mascot would be pretty cool." Lukas admitted, "Like an trained ocelot or something."

"You're agreeing with him?!" Aiden shouted. Lukas looked at him weirdly.

"What? I'm just saying."

Onscreen, Reuben looked up at Jesse, oinking.

"We should probably stop staring at them." said Olivia. But, too late, they noticed.

"Hahaha!" Gill laughed, pointing at them, "Look, it's the Order of the Losers. Again." Aiden and Maya turned around, Aiden smirking at them and Maya laughing, "Good one, Gill."

"We're just looking." said Olivia.

"They'll be plenty of time for you all to look at it after it wins and gets shown at Endercon." said Aiden, a single hand on his hip. Axel frowned.

"You're being unpleasant."

"Maybe not all of you." Aiden continued, as though Axel hadn't spoken, "Endercon doesn't allow outside food and drink." The screen showed Reuben, who jumped back at the insult.

"That's not cool." Petra said.

"I'm talking about your pig!" said Aiden, as though it wasn't obvious.

"Reuben is not food." Jesse glowered.

"Could have fooled me." Aiden said, grinning at the costumed pig, "He looks delicious."

"Yeah, that wasn't weird at all." Petra rolled her eyes.

"That sounded like a weird compliment." said Jesse. Axel spoke up behind them.

"You'll have to eat me first."

"Please don't encourage them." said Gabriel.

"Uh," Olivia said hesitantly, "Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

"Stop wasting your time, Aiden." Lukas spoke up, coming into view, "We've got work to do." The screen briefly showed Jesse, Olivia and Axel grinning at them, before switching back to the Ocelots.

"You're lucky I'm busy." said Aiden.

Before anyone could say anything else, PETRA came up to them, a stone pickax casually resting on her shoulder, "Hey, Jesse. Guys."

"Petra!" Jesse cheered, causing said girl to grin at him.

"Hey, Petra." Jesse greeted.

"How's the build going?" Petra asked. Axel answered.

"Only time will tell. But we're optimistic."

"Hey, Petra," said Lukas, walking forward, "I forgot to thank you for that nether star."

"Hey, Lukas. Not a problem."

"You helped these tools?" Axel asked, frowning.

"For the right price," shrugged Petra, "I'll help anyone. If you need anything, you know where to find me." She turned, beginning to walk away.

Olivia called after her, "None of us know where to find you."

"Exactly." Petra grinned.

Lukas, who had been watching Petra leave, turned to the Order of the Pig. "No hard feelings, guys. If you're cool with Petra, you're cool with us. So why don't we just forget about all this, and, you'know... make this about how cool our builds are."

"We're cool with Petra," said Jesse, "But you need to teach your friends some manners."

"He's just trying to get into your head." Lukas said, brushing him off.

"That moron's going to end up hurting himself." Ivor said, "Or someone else."

"You seem like a nice guy, uh, Lukas, was it?" said Ellegaard, "I think you deserve better friends than them."

Lukas winced, turning back to the screen. Aiden, Gill and Maya's eyes lingered on him. Why wasn't he immediately denying that?

"Well," said Jesse slowly, "Have you heard the saying 'it's possible to be nice and win'?"

"Sounds like something a loser would say." Aiden laughed.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the lady from before began, directing everyone's attention to the stage, "Welcome to the Endercon Building Competition!" she was greeted by cheers, "The winners of this year's competition will have their build featured at Endercon. The winners will also meet, in person, Gabriel the Warrior!"

Olivia put her hands in the air, grinning as Jesse and Axel did the same. Then a group shouting "Ocelots!" cut through the cheering, and they turned to see the Ocelots doing some sort of handshake.

"Ocelots!" Lukas bumped fists with Maya, while Aiden and Gill did the same next to them, before turning to the one beside them and bumping chests, shouting "Ocelots!"

"Wow, handshake." said Olivia, turning to Axel and Jesse, "We don't have a handshake."

"We'll just make one up." said Jesse, holding his hand out, "We'll call it the, uhhhh... the Builder Bump!"

"Not a bad name." Soren admitted.

Axel and Olivia bumped Jesse's fist, but it quickly became awkward when they didn't know what to do next. Jesse hesitantly held up his other hand, before putting it down a moment later when neither of his friends did anything. "Hm."

Soren winced, "But, ah... needs work."

"Aaaaand just like that, I'm nervous again." Olivia said. Jesse put his hands on his hips.

"Don't talk like that! We can do this! Just stick to the plan and everything will be fine. This year, the Order of the Pig can't lose!" Jesse put his hand in the middle again, quickly followed by Axel, Olivia and Reuben putting theirs on top of his.

"Lets do it." said Axel.

"Yeah, just stick with the hands-in-the-middle-thing." muttered Soren, "It's much- much better."

"Building-" Olivia braces herself, "-starts-" Axel reaches towards his blocks, "-now!" Jesse rubs Reuben on his mask-encased head, before running towards the center of the booth with Axel and Olivia.

The screen sped up so that the entire fireworks dispenser was done in a matter of seconds.

"Oh no, a fireworks dispenser!" said Aiden from his own build mockingly, "I'm so scared!"

Jesse glared at him, "You worry about your build and we'll worry about ours."

It sped up again as Jesse, Olivia and Axel jumped down from their build and began building the creeper. Finished, Jesse walked up to the edge of the creeper head, looking around at everyone else's builds. One was made up of birch wood and fences and didn't look like it did much of anything, another was covered in torches, had a stone floor, spruce wood and grey stained glass, one had a small pool of lava in it and was surrounded by redstone and the last one shown was the Ocelots build, which was made up of various kinds of blocks and covered in redstone dust and repeaters.

"I... have no idea what most of those were." Magnus admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "Or... any of them, really."

Onscreen, Axel and Olivia climbed up onto the creeper head beside Jesse. Axel and Jesse turned to Olivia, who nodded at them and reached towards the lever to her right.

"And now..." said Jesse, "The moment of truth."

"Here goes nothing." said Olivia and she pulled the lever. Immediately, fireworks flew into the sky above them and exploded, showering their giant creeper in different colored sparkles.

"All right! It looks awesome!" Jesse exclaimed.

"We're totally gonna win!" said Axel, fist-bumping Olivia over Jesse's head. Reuben oinked excitedly in his lap.

"Oh, man, that looks so cool." Axel said, grinning up at the fireworks, "We'll win for sure!"

Olivia nodded, "The creeper was definitely the right way to go."

Bellow them, people began looking up at their build, pointing and shouting in excitement.

"Guys, people are looking at us." said Jesse.

"Good build, man!" the man that had called them losers earlier shouted up at them.

The real Jesse, Axel and Olivia grinned at each other. Aiden scowled.

"What? No way." Aiden said in disbelief, looking up at the Order of the Pig's creeper. He stomped his feet, "It's just a bunch of dyed wool!"

"Compared to everything else there?" said Soren, "It's pretty good."

Looking around, Aiden spotted a block that held back a little pool of lava and he broke it with a single hit, "Whoops!"

"Aiden!" Lukas exclaimed.

"What the hell, man?" Petra shouted, "You could really hurt someone!"

The lava spilled forward, straight towards Reuben, who'd been sitting nearby. It instantly set fire to his dragon costume, and with a terrified squeal Reuben ran away in the direction of the woods.

"Oh no, Reuben's on fire!" Jesse shouted, as the screen went up to the three on top the wool creeper, "Reuben, come back!"

"You hurt my pig!" Jesse exclaimed, twisting around to glare at Aiden. But Aiden only shrugged, grinning.

"I said whoops."

"You- You complete piece of crap!" Jesse made to get to his feet, nearly knocking Reuben out his lap, but Olivia grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.

"Jesse, no!" she said, "He's not worth it."

"It was Aiden, that punk!" said Axel.

"The lava's getting closer!" Olivia pointed out. Axel looked down at it, inching closer and closer towards their vulnerable wool creeper, and shouting "It'll ruin the build!"

"Reuben's going to get lost!" said Olivia. "We gotta do something."

"But our build is about to go up in flames." Axel said. Jesse looked over his shoulder at them.

"We've gotta get Reuben!" he jumped, landing on the ground in a roll before continuing on at a run in the direction of the woods. Axel yelled on the way down, landing on his feet only for Olivia to fall on top of him, sending them both to the ground.

Olivia got to her feet and ran after Jesse, "We're right behind you!" Axel was a bit slower, rubbing his head and groaning, before following them. The screen showed the lava reaching the wool creeper and starting to set it aflame, fireworks still going off, before everything went black.

"Okay, that was not cool." said Petra, standing up and walking towards the Ocelots couch, "You didn't like that their build was better than yours and decided to sabotage it, hurting Reuben while you were at it and probably burning a lot more than just their creeper."

"Oh, come on, Petra!" Aiden said, leaning forwards, "It's just a dumb pig."

"Reuben's not dumb!" Jesse said, getting to his feet, Axel and Olivia backing him up. "And even if he was, you still have no right to hurt another persons pig just because you were jealous of their build!"

"I wasn't jealous!" Aiden shouted, jumping to his feet. Petra glared at him, shoving him back onto the couch.

"It was pretty obvious you weren't exactly happy that they were getting positive attention and you weren't." she said, getting in his face, "And that's what people usually call jealousy, if you didn't know that."

Aiden searched his brain for a comeback, but came up empty. So he instead crossed his arms, glaring at the girl in front of him. Petra, satisfied, took a step backwards and looked in Lukas' direction, "I don't understand why you hang out with them, Lukas. You may be arrogant, but you're no bully."

When Lukas didn't answer, Petra turned around and returned to her seat. Reluctantly, Jesse sat back down, Reuben hopping back into his lap as Olivia and Axel took their seats next to him. He gave Aiden one last glare before returning his attention to the screen.

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