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Chapter 2: Chapter 2



Dylan rushed in furiously and started pushing away the things on his way.

The chess table, tennis table, everything breakable got pushed down by him, and they crashed as they landed on the ground.

He actually escaped from the paramedics when they were about to push him into the ambulance, and he came here straight.

The icing is still on his face, and he still looks as funny.

Delaney has always been rejecting him but this is the most humiliating of her rejections, he's literally dead right now.

He started removing the picture frames on the wall, breaking them one by one till he broke the last one.

He was breathing heavily as he stormed into one of the rooms where he met one of his girlfriends (Genevieve) waiting.

She was wearing just her undies, lying s*xily on the bed.

"Come here baby Dylan, how do you want it today?, My @ss or my p*ssy?" She winked, calling for him with a finger.

He ignored her and entered the bathroom where he stripped and had a clean bath, washing the icing away from his face.

As the water streamed down his body, various ideas of how to get back at Delaney ran through his head, and he furiously hit the glass wall, almost breaking it.

He rested his palms on it, remembering the words she said earlier.


He closed his eyes and dipped his fingers into his wet hair.

"F**k" he muttered, and arms suddenly slipped around him from behind, it's definitely Genevieve's.

"What's bothering my baby?, Is it something I can help with?" She whispered, kissing his back as the water wet both of them.

Dylan opened his eyes and faced her, she was already naked.

He immediately kissed her roughly while squeezing her b**bs hard, and that made her cling to him tightly.

He poured all his anger into the kiss, but it seems that's not enough, so he broke it and turned her back to himself.

She giggled excitedly and rested her palms on the wall, so her @ss faced him.

He held it and dived his c**k inside her at once, moving at a fast pace immediately.

"Yes Dylan!, That way!, I love when you handle me this way!, F*****k!"

A loud giggle followed, and her b**bs made slapping sounds as they hit each other in the front.

The more Dylan thinks of Delaney, the more he f**ks her mercilessly...

"More Dylan!, More baby!, Yeeesss!!!!" She screamed melodiously again.



Paisley and Delaney laughed out loud once again after reading the fifteenth letter from Dylan.

Right now, it's the funniest thing on Earth to them, to think that a f**kboy really composed those letters, it's hard to believe but at the same time funny.

"Can't believe he wrote you fifty love letters" Paisley said, opening the sixteenth one.

"He's jobless, so I'm not surprised, he sent 101 texts on phone too, and ten proposals" Delaney replied.

"Whoa!, You're one lucky girl!, Hey maybe he really loves you, why not give him a chance?, Huh?" Paisley said sarcastically.

"Should I just kill you?" Delaney smiled.

"I was only joking sweetheart" Paisley pecked her cheek as they started reading the sixteenth letter.

★ Another day to remind you of how much I want you Delaney, let me show you a token of love and affection, I bet you won't wanna leave me after tasting me... I love you★

They laughed out loud again, and Paisley started coughing as a result of much laughter.

She had to drink from the cup of juice on the stand to calm herself down.

"But Dylan is crazy, he's so full of himself in all the letters, he can't even lower his pride and be humble, he bets you won't wanna leave?, Such a show off" she giggled.

"That's what I'm talking about, his attitude, behavior, mode of talking and approach, even his face irritates me, I just hate everything about that guy" Delaney replied, getting down from the bed.

"If only he can let go of all that, he'll be the best guy around" Paisley pouted.

"Stop trying to paint him white" Delaney said, and they both started laughing again.

The door opened and Mrs Delaney peeped in.

"Making jest of a guy again?" She said, rolling her eyes in her glasses.

"This is girls talk mum, girls!" Delaney retorted, and Mrs Wang came in completely.

She made a pose and removed the band in her hair, letting down her long hair on her shoulders.

"I'm still a s*xy girl, and that's why your dad kept loving me more!, Femme fatale!" She flaunted the hair, and Delaney started laughing with Paisley.

"Of course mum, of course!" Delaney said, almost crying as she laughed loud.

"If you girls continue rejecting guys like this, then when are you gonna get boyfriends?" Mrs Wang said, standing straight.

"In college mum!, I'm sure I'll meet my dream guy in college, tall, handsome, broad chest, fair skin, pink soft lips and strong abs!, Gosh!" Delaney hugged herself.

"Dylan has all that" Paisley muttered.

"Paisley!!!" Delaney rolled eyes, and she quickly tightened her lips on each other.

"Speaking of which, your final exams starts next week Monday and ends on Friday, so two weeks from now, you'll be having your prom and graduation party, have you guys shopped for dresses?" Mrs Wang said, and Delaney gasped.

"We haven't!, Paisley!"

"We need to go early before the richer girls empty the whole store!" Paisley said, wearing her slipons.

"Mum I'll borrow your debit card ok?, Bye!" Delaney gave Mrs Wang a peck before rushing out with Paisley.

Mrs Wang smiled and left the room too, shutting the door.



Midas is busy playing table tennis with one of his American girlfriends, and they kept kissing at intervals as they did.

Trevor is playing video games with one of his f*ckmates too, and Justin Bieber's songs dominated the whole speakers.

"I won again" Midas said after winning for the third time.

"It's unfair!" The Americana pouted, and he kissed her lightly.

"Take it or leave it, you can never beat me, even in bed" he winked, and she pecked him.

"True, you're good everywhere" she winked, and Midas dropped the stick before kissing her deeply right there.

"Get a room dude!" Trevor shouted from the games.

"Should we start ours too?" The girl with him said, sitting on his laps.

He smiled seductively, and he was about to start kissing her when Dylan came in with Rebecca, his new girlfriend.

"Yo man!" Midas shouted after breaking the kiss.

"Bastards, I should stop moving with you guys" Dylan replied as he sat.

Rebecca sat beside him, caressing his body.

"Like you'd stop if we told you, you always do anything you want so stopping you would be useless" Trevor replied from his angle.

Rebecca handed a glass of wine to Dylan, and he drank from it before sitting right.

"I know just what to do" he smiled devilishly.

"Another proposal?" Midas smiled.

"No, I think it's hightime I stop, I'll do something more classic this time" Dylan replied, standing up.

"What's the plan?" Midas asked curiously.

"The graduation party is just two weeks away, I promise to do something unforgettable to her that night" he smirked with the corner of his pouty lips.

"What'll you possibly do to her?, She seems untouchable if you ask me" Trevor said, and Dylan smiled again.

He dipped his hands into his pocket.

"You guys wanna bet?"

Trevor exchanged glances with Midas, then they returned their gazes to him.

"Sure" they chorused, and Dylan smiled.



It's the graduation party of the 10th set of graduands in the school, and the party has been on since 7pm, the time is currently past 7.

Beautiful ethereal decors made the hall look paradisiac, it's perfect with blinking coloured lights and normal ones.

The chandeliers made it more perfect, and everyone wore smiling faces as they stepped into the hall.

It's their last year in highschool, so happiness is overflowing.

👥 P3 are here!!!!!

👥 P3!!!!

👥 You guys are Killers!!

👥 This hotness is too much for me to handle!

👥 I just wanna die!!!

👥 Dylan OMG!!!

👥 His lips!, The broad chest!, The brows

👥 Midas eyes!, Those lips!

👥 Trevor's smile!!!, Gawd!!

Midas and Trevor were smiling, as they came in, wearing the same designer suits, but Dylan has not even the thinnest smile on his face.

He was looking for Delaney with his eyes as he walked to sit, but till he sat, she was nowhere to be found.

Midas and Trevor started drinking, chatting and flirting with girls, but Dylan did nothing but drink and watch the door.

Tonight is for Delaney.

The dance started shortly, and while his friends went to the stage to dance with girls, he remained sitting.

He only had to wait for five minutes before the main door opened again, and Delaney showed up.

His eyes widened immediately, and his wine cup fell from him.

She was wearing a armless blue gown with feathery look which cascaded down her legs, the rear side was dragging on the ground.

The front was slightly revealing, and a small part of her b**bs could be seen as she walked, the numerous crystal stones in front of the dress shone gorgeously, the the ones on the body poured more illumination into the hall, she stood out as usual.

Her blue heels made her look tall, and her makeup is moderate, her hair was packed to look like a bow behind, and the rest fell on her back.

Everyone had to stop dancing to watch her in astonishment, and she kept smiling.

Dylan felt breath leaving his lungs, his nose refused to take any in too, she's a goddess!

👥 Delaney!

👥 I knew she'd be the most beautiful!

👥 I love you Delaney!

👥 Can we date for just tonight?

👥 I love your gown!

👥 How cute!!!

"Dylan will be going crazy right now" Trevor said amidst the crowd of girls.

"He'll be dead already, but this girl is a murderer, she's f**king hot" Midas licked his lips as he stared at her.

"I swear" Trevor smiled, looking at her too.

Paisley came in afterwards, wearing the purple colour of the same gown, same hairstyle, same shoes and earrings, she's just as cute.

"Let's party!!!, It's our last day in highschool!!!" She shouted.

"Party!!!" Delaney shouted too, and they both started rushing to the counter.

Dylan winked at the server, and he nodded.

"Two cups of cinnamon juice please!" Delaney said, and he wasted no time in giving it to them.

They took their cups and clinked it before gulping everything at once, then they rushed to the dance floor where they started dancing wildly.

"Last day at stars high! Whoaa!!!" Paisley screamed, jumping up again.

The bow in Delaney's hair came undone, and the hair sprawled on her shoulders, some reaching her face.

She brushed them back with her fingers and licked her lips, smiling tipsily.

"You dare not change your mind about the college we choose, else I'll kill you!" She said, closing her eyes and opening it almost immediately.

"I'm going nowhere, anywhere you go, I follow sweetheart!" Paisley replied, feeling drunk too.

"I feel like.... like I wanna fly!" Delaney belched softly.

"Me too, are my legs still on the ground?" Paisley laughed sillily.

"My bladder about to... burst.." Delaney giggled, toppling on her toes already.

"You wanna pee?, Go on, I'll always wait for you sweetheart, go on!" Paisley laughed.

"I trust you!" Delaney laughed too, then she started staggering out of the dance floor.

Her phone fell in the process, and Paisley picked it.

"A...a phone?, Is it..mine?" She said she senselessly.

Immediately Delaney left the dance floor, Dylan followed her.


Delaney was still staggering till she got to the restroom where she leaned on the wall and smiled.

"Why is is so dark!, The world is soo... Gloomy!, Gloomy!, Put on the lights!" She shouted and laughed again before sighting the toilet.

"Oh!, Gat to pee!" She blinked cutely and went there.

She managed to pee and clean up, but she was already feeling so weak before she finished up.

She opened the door to go out, but she came face to face with Dylan.

She narrowed her eyes, pointing a finger at him.

" are... you?.. wait... The jerk?" She said drunkenly, staggering without getting pushed.

She fell directly on Dylan, and he caught her.

He immediately carried her in a bridal style and started walking out of the place.

"Where are we... going" she muttered.



Paisley was still dancing wildly when Delaney's phone suddenly rang on her hand.

She stopped dancing and glanced at the screen.

"What's this?, A call?... How do I pick?" She said , swiping red.

The call went off, and she laughed.

"Wrong one!"

The phone started ringing again, and she swiped green this time.

"Hello Miss Delaney Wang!, This is doctor Daniel from Xiao hospitals, your parents got into a fatal accident and their dead bodies has just been shifted to our hospital, you need to come as fast as poss....

"What!" Paisley's eyes widened, and she came to her senses immediately.

"Mr and Mrs Wang are dead, I'm...

"No!!!!!!!!!" She screamed in tears as she ran out of the place, she started searching the restrooms.


"Sweetheart where are you!"


"Sweetheart answer me!!!!" She cried loudly like a baby as she screamed her name around.

When she couldn't find her in any of the restrooms, she ran back into the hall and started asking people for her.

"Have you seen Delaney?"

"Have you seen my bestie?"




Delaney was already half naked in bed, and Dylan was smiling as he unclipped her bra.

"Finally, I saw the color of the undies you cherish so much Dela" he smiled, unclipping the last pin.

Delaney's eyes are wide opened, but she couldn't even move an arm, and she's still so drunk and weak.

He threw the hot pink bra on the ground before slipping down his own trousers, then he yanked off his black shirt.

His d**k was already standing eagerly.

He sucked shortly on her b**bs, and she started gasping for breath as he did.

He kissed her lips hard too, making sure his tongue reached every corner of her mouth, tasting the cinnamon she had.

When he finally broke it, he slipped her pants down her legs and positioned himself in her entrance.

"Ah!" Delaney gasped immediately, feeling weaker.

Immediately Dylan inserted all his d**k length inside her Honeypot, her eyes widened, and blood rushed out, staining the sheets.

Her hymen just broke.

Dylan was shocked to see she's still a virgin, but that didn't stop him from continuing the screw.

The next thrust hit her womb, and she held the sheets weakly.

" Dylan"


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