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Chapter 2: Dead 2

Clarice shivered, the man in front of her was now lying limp on the ground, his eyes slowly closed.

Was his obsession that great to the extend that he couldn't feel pain and anger? Clarice couldn't understand what caused her best friend to be this way.

"Is he dead? He isn't right? Where should I go? I would get arrested for murder? But, I didn't mean to. It was just self defence." Clarice desperately tried to convince herself that it wasn't her fault. It was just a mistake that would hunt her for the rest of her life.

But one thing was sure, this obsession has disappeared along with his soul.

Clarice briefly glanced at the body and quickly ran deep into the woods. She knew that even if she was to go back home and tell them that it was a mistake out of self defence no body would believe her, not even her own mother.

Clarice didn't know where to run to but she just ran as far as her legs could take her, her eyes were closed but she somehow managed to avoid the trees. The guilt was slowly eating her up. The deafening silence wasn't even helping, it felt like she was the only living being in the forest. Her fast footsteps and the rustling of dry leaves under her feet echoed in the forest along with her fast breathings.

Clarice stopped after running for a while, she opened her eyes and what was in front of her scared the living day light out of her.

It was an abandoned church, or at least judging from its appearance, it looked like one.

Some part of the walls were covered in moss, the building exuded thick dark energy.

Clarice looked around, it was already getting dark and sleeping without protection in the woods meant death straight up.

"Damn, I forgot about the car. I can't go back now since it's a long way from here, so the only option now is... The Church." Clarice looked at the creepy building, it stood valiantly in the middle of the woods.

The church was creepy but not as dangerous as the forest itself or so she thought.

Clarice gathered every bit of courage and walked to the door, she pushed the large double door, which swung open with a loud creak.

"Damn!" Clarice cursed.

She entered into the church, which was not covered in moss nor cobwebs, it was only filled with dust.

Just like she thought, it was church. The chairs were like the once in churches, even the altar was the same with the one in churches, it only looked more ancient than regular ones.

Clarice closed the doors and went to the front seat, she slumped on and let out the sigh she had been holding in for a long while. A sigh of frustration, confusion and a little bit of relief.


Some hours later.

"Damn, what is this?" Clarice shivered, the cold intensified as the gentle wind blew. It was almost dawn but the place was still dark, only being illuminated by the full bright moon.

She stuck her hand into her pocket and smiled when she felt her phone. She turned on the light and walked to the altar in search any clothing big enough to shield her from the cold.

Clarice groaned when she couldn't find any piece of cloth. But she quickly remembered something she had seen in some altars. There was always a place where altar linens were kept.

Clarice crouched down and just like she thought there was a space at the back of the altar, only this time the space was empty but unlike the concrete floor of the altar, that part was made of wood.

"Hmmm, fishy." Clarice squinted her eyes, she stood up and gently stop on the wooden floor but nothing happened, she sighed.

"This looks like a scene from a horror movie." Clarice sighed and stomped hard on the wooden floor.... and it broke, causing her to lose balance and then...

"Arghhh!" Clarice screamed and landed on her butt.

She looked up from where she fell from and then at her surrounding. Unlike where she fell from, this place was covered in cobwebs.

"Is this some kind of dungeon, I heard that dungeons under places of worship was quite popular in the olden days." Clarice thought quietly but no matter how she looked at it.

This place didn't resemble the dungeons she saw in movies.

"Urgh!" Clarice groaned and stood up with her hand on her waist.

"Where to? I can't even go back up." Clarice murmured and looked up, she then picked up her phone, which now had a spider web crack on the screen.

She flashed the torch at her surroundings and made her way through the cobwebs.

The further she went, the erier the place became. Clarice now had goosebumps all over. The fear was real, whatever she felt beforehand, the cold, frustration or guilt, everything was gone and replaced with fear.

The place had gloomy shadows that felt like it could suck her in at any minute.

"Don't be scared, Clarice. Ghosts don't exist. At most, it could be an animal." Clarice desperately and stubbornly tried to encourage herself.

The fear of the unknown was slowly but surely creeping into her.

She finally reached the end but what was t the end was a door but what looked like a coffin, only that this one was slightly bigger and had some weird inscription and strange writings, it looks like where mummies where kept.

Clarice gulped, all that dark energy she felt seemed to be emitted by this seemingly harmless wooden coffin.

"Why is a coffin here? Don't tell me this is the tomb everyone was talking about?"

Clarice backed away from the coffin but a crash was heard behind her.

Clarice turned around and flashed the torch at the place the crash was heard.

She slowly backed away but her eyes were glued at the dark pathway where the sound came from earlier.

"Argh." Clarice stopped when she bumped into the coffin, she glanced over her shoulder.

Clarice could see a faint silhouette in the dark but when she flashed her torch, she saw nothing.

"Is it Nathaniel? Is he alive or is that his ghost?" Clarice thought internally.

"Come on out, Nathaniel!" Clarice called loudly.

She gripped the edge of the coffin tightly, trying to calm her fear but she felt something cold on her hand.

Clarice jumped up in shock and fear, she flashed her torch at her hand but what she saw was a gash from the tip of her finger to her palm and what was more horrendous was that she couldn't feel the pain and the gash was slowly covering up, the torn flesh slowly joined together like the injury never happened.

Clarice was now breathing heavily, her heart thumped, she had her eyes wide opened. She flashed her torch at the coffin, the inscriptions and letters she saw before was now filled with blood, the blood flowed through the inscriptions.

"This is not real, none of this is real, it's a dream, a bad dream." Clarice silently repeated in her head as she watch the inscriptions glow with a faint red light. Clarice waited for whatever was to come, her feet glued to the ground, on one side was a dark silhouette and on the other side was a blood sucking coffin that was about to open.

"Is this how I die? Hahahahaha, instant karma is what they call this." Clarice laughed sadly.

The coffin lid slowly opened and lo and behold.

A man.

"Wait, a man?

Yes, a man.

His skin was pale and free of blemishes, his dark hair was smoothed backwards, his long black lashes fell on his cheeks, his lips were pale blue. In short, he was beautiful. Clarice momentarily forgot about the situation she was in, until she realises.

"Why is the body still fresh?" Her eyes widened but she couldn't move since she was still glued to the ground, the fear intensified in a hundred fold and at that moment he just had to do it.

Cold golden eyes shot open with such fierceness that sent a chill down Clarice's spine.

Nami_Zoro Nami_Zoro

This chapter scared even me, the writer.

^ ^

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