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Chapter 2: Into the Unknown - Part 1

As Kronos emerged on the other side, he was hit by a wave of musty air that stung his nostrils. The smell of mold and mildew was overpowering, making him want to cover his nose and mouth. The air was thick and humid, with the occasional chill that sent shivers down his spine. The darkness was almost palpable, like a thick curtain that enveloped him. The only sound was the dripping of water from stalactites and the occasional skittering of bugs that hid in the shadows.

Kronos surveyed his surroundings, his eyes struggling to adjust to the darkness. The cavern was massive, and the stalactites from the ceiling looked like giant icicles, threatening to impale him if he made a wrong move. The jagged rock formations that jutted up from the cavern floor looked like the teeth of some monstrous beast waiting to grind him to dust. The atmosphere was tense, and Kronos could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he took a step forward.

He could make out a door in the distance, barely visible in the gloom. It was like a beacon, beckoning him forward. But he knew that danger lurked around every corner, and his instincts were highly alert. Kronos took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, and began to move forward, one step at a time, his senses on full alert.



Suddenly, a loud 'ding' pierced the air, making him jump in surprise. Instinctively, he backed away from the glowing object that had materialized before him. However, he realized that it was following him at a constant distance. As he looked closer, he saw that it was a transparent board, but it was glowing strangely. The sight of it made him curious and wary at the same time.

[Greetings Adventurer! Congratulations, you have been selected. You are one of the chosen few who will journey through the Dungeon of Trials. It is a perilous path filled with obstacles and challenges but also a path to greatness.]

[Pick your starter weapon]

[Rusty sword] [Recommended]

[Aged wooden staff]

[Old dagger]

[Worn shortbow]

[Battered club]

[Tattered sling]

[Dulled throwing knives]

[Tarnished spear]


[It is recommended that you choose the weapon you feel most comfortable with that suits your fighting style. Remember, this weapon may be your only defense against the dangers that lie ahead in the dungeon. Choose wisely, and may you be blessed with strength and courage. Good luck!]

As Kronos surveyed the available weapons, he weighed the pros and cons of each. The rusty sword seemed a reliable choice, even though he needed to figure out how rusted it was. It could be a potential risk, but it was recommended, which gave him some confidence. On the other hand, the aged wooden staff was an unknown factor. He wasn't sure how durable it would be against the monsters he might face, and he thought it would be ineffective in combat.

After analyzing every weapon and considering his options, Kronos decided to go with the rusty sword. It was a versatile weapon that would suit his current situation. He knew he would need to be careful and avoid injuring himself on the rust, but he was willing to take that risk.

'How do I tap this?' As Kronos tapped the sword, he felt a strange energy emanating. Suddenly, a blinding flash of light erupted. When he opened his eyes, he found himself holding a weapon unlike any he had seen before. The blade was long and curved, with a dull grey sheen that hinted at its age and wear. Despite its rusted appearance, the sword felt surprisingly light in his hands, and he couldn't help but wonder how many battles it had seen before him.

When he swung the sword experimentally, he was surprised at how effortlessly it moved through the air. The blade sang as it sliced through the air, leaving behind a faint trail of sparks. He knew he had made the right choice in picking this weapon, and Kronos felt a surge of confidence knowing that he had such a powerful tool.

Kronos opened the door, and what appeared in front of him immediately was a small green blob in his vision; it was a famous monster he had seen in many games. Kronos cautiously approached the slime, and as he drew closer, he noticed how its surface seemed to pulsate and shimmer in the dim light. He could see that the reason for this was the glowing ball at its center pulsing with mysterious energy, casting an eerie green light on its surroundings.

But as Kronos neared its back, the slime suddenly jiggled and quivered as if sensing his presence. Its surface began to ripple and churn. Kronos thought now would be the best time to attack it, while it was not yet aggressive. He swung his rusty sword, but the blade bounced off the gelatinous bodies, leaving no mark.

Kronos stumbled back, trying to think of a plan. He had no idea what to do, and the adrenaline pumping through his veins wasn't helping him focus. Taking his swings as an opening, the blob jumped at Kronos. He then reacted on pure instinct, dodging and weaving between its attacks. His sword strikes were wild and erratic, but he managed to strike at its heart. The slime shuddered and convulsed, its body turning into a sickly green sludge that oozed across the ground.

As Kronos caught his breath, he realized the slime had left behind a small orb of glowing green light. He picked it up and examined it closely, feeling satisfied at his victory. He also knew he had gotten lucky and needed to be more careful in the future. The monsters ahead might be more powerful, and he didn't want to rely on luck alone.


As Kronos delved deeper into the long, dark passage, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The silence was deafening, and the lack of any sign of life made him wonder if he was walking into a trap. He kept his guard up, ready to fight at a moment's notice.

As he walked further, he noticed that the walls of the passage were covered in strange markings and symbols. They seemed to glow faintly in the dim light, and he couldn't shake the feeling that they held some sort of significance. He made a mental note to come back and examine them more closely if he survived his journey.

Despite the lack of monsters, Kronos remained on edge; his senses heightened as he walked through the winding passage. It seemed to go on forever, and he wondered if he was even going in the right direction. Then at a distance, he saw a faint glimmer of light up ahead, and his spirits lifted. He quickened his pace, eager to find out what lay ahead.

As he emerged from the dark passage, he shielded his eyes from the sudden brightness. After a few moments, his eyes adjusted to the light, and he saw the most breathtaking sight before him. A lush and verdant forest stretched as far as he could see, filled with towering trees and vibrant vegetation he had never seen. The artificial sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden light across the entire area, creating a serene and idyllic atmosphere. The beauty of the forest left him in awe and wonder, and he couldn't help but stand there and take it all in for a few moments.

As he took his first steps into the forest, he felt a gentle breeze brush against his skin, carrying the sweet scent of blooming flowers. The air was fresh and invigorating, and Kronos felt a newfound energy and vitality. He looked up at the towering trees above him, marveling at their size and complexity.

Despite the beauty surrounding him, Kronos couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He couldn't put his finger on it, but a sense of unease lurked beneath the surface. He felt like he was being watched, and his instincts were telling him to be on high alert. With his sword in hand, Kronos cautiously continued his journey through the forest.

As he wandered through the forest, he suddenly heard the sound of rustling bushes nearby. Instinctively, he crouched down and tried to make himself as small and inconspicuous as possible. Peering through the foliage, he spotted a group of goblins marching through the forest, their weapons glinting in the artificial sunlight.

Kronos held his breath in fear and watched in horror as the goblins passed by, their foul breath and sharp claws making him shiver in fear. Their grotesque appearance and stench made his stomach churn. He knew that if they spotted him, it would mean certain death. But somehow, he managed to stay hidden. After a few tense moments, the goblins marched on, their raucous laughter echoing through the forest. Kronos breathed a sigh of relief and stood up slowly, his heart racing with adrenaline.

"That was too close," he whispered, wiping the sweat from his brow. He would have almost met his end if not for his quick thinking. After regaining his composure, a thought crossed his mind. 'Should I follow them?' Following the goblins could give him valuable information about this dungeon and its inhabitants. But the risk was too great.

"No," he decided firmly, "I won't risk my life for it. Not yet, at least."

Kronos crept through the forest, his eyes scanning the trees and bushes for any sign of movement. He knew that more goblins could lurk nearby, and he needed to be careful not to attract their attention.

Suddenly, he saw a lone goblin scout perched on a nearby tree, scanning the surrounding area with its beady eyes. This was his chance to strike. Kronos slowly crept closer, trying to make as little noise as possible.

The goblin suddenly turned its head as he approached the tree, sensing something was amiss. Kronos froze, his heart pounding in his chest. For a moment, he feared that he had been caught, but a rustling bush quickly drew away the goblin's attention in the distance.

Kronos took advantage of the distraction and lunged forward, swinging his rusted sword at the goblin's neck. Before the goblin could make a noise, the blade sliced cleanly through the flesh, and the goblin fell to the ground with a thud. Kronos sighs with relief, then grabs and carries the goblin's corpse to leave no evidence of his doing. But he knew the other goblins would be on high alert now that one of their scouts was missing. He needed to move quickly and escape the area before they discovered him.

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