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Chapter 79: A Part-Time Tutor

Ah, just wrapped up another satisfying shift at the livehouse in CirCLE. Being a part-timer here allows me to kick back and appreciate the bands during their practice sessions but...


"Yes, Part-timer-kun?"

"Why am I suddenly tutoring these two!?"

Tsukushi Futaba, the drummer and leader of Morfonica, and Tsugumi Hazawa, the keyboardist of Afterglow, were looking at me with curious expressions.

"That's right, Marina-san! You said YOU will teach US two."

Marina-san chuckled nervously, avoiding eye contact as she explained, "Well, you see, Part-timer-kun, I might have exaggerated a bit when I said I would teach them. I'm not exactly great at tutoring."

I raised an eyebrow in disbelief, "You... What?"

"Yeah, I can perform, manage the livehouse, and even handle the business side of things, but teaching is a whole different ball game. So, I thought, why not let you handle it? You're good at explaining things, right?"

Taking a deep breath, I reluctantly agreed, "Well, I guess I can give it a shot. But why me? Don't we have anyone else around here who's good at tutoring?"

Marina-san chuckled nervously, "You're the only one available right now, and you did mention something about being good with explanations. Besides, you're not that busy, are you?"

Grumbling under my breath, I muttered, "I suppose not, but this is unexpected."

She patted my shoulder, offering a reassuring smile, "You'll be fine! Just do your best, and if anything goes wrong, you can always ask for help. I believe in you!"

Tsukushi, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, asked, "So, Part-timer-kun, are you really good at teaching?"

"That's Part-timer-SENPAI, for you... You junior."

Tsugumi chuckled, "Looks like we've got an interesting senpai."

I glanced at the notebooks Tsukushi Futaba and Tsugumi Hazawa handed over. "Right, right... Let's see what we got here..." I squinted at the math problems sprawled across the pages, and a wave of nostalgia hit me. 

Ah, the good old second-year math days. But, truth be told, I didn't remember much from those times.

I scratched my head, trying to recall the dusty memories. "Alright, math it is. Let's tackle these problems together."

Tsukushi grinned, "Senpai, you're not supposed to struggle!"

I shot her a playful glare. "Easy for you to say, junior. You probably know more than I do."

Tsugumi chuckled, "Well, let's start from the beginning. Senpai, what's this formula?"

I took a deep breath, trying to regain my composure. "Ah, yes, the formula. It's, uh... well, it's..."

"Senpai, do you need help too?" Tsukushi teased.

I narrowed my eyes at her, "I'm just getting warmed up. Let me think... Ah, yes! The formula is... right here!" I pointed at a random part of the page, hoping it was the correct answer.

Tsugumi and Tsukushi exchanged amused glances.

"Senpai, you're hopeless," Tsukushi smirked.

Don't you give me that face...! I know I'm a third year but you know I'm not good at maths!

"Fine, I admit, I don't remember this topic in math, but... Just so you know, I'm actually a fast learner," I confessed with a confident smile.

"Oh? Then... That's great! Just so you know, I'm also the same," Tsukushi replied with equal confidence.

"Oho? So if you finish this faster than Hazawa-san, I'll treat you to some juice."

Futaba's eyes flamed with determination, "Is that... a challenge?"

"Mhm~ Well, if you can... After all... As we speak..."

I turned my attention to Tsugumi, who was deeply immersed in her studies.

"Well, good luck~"

"Heh! Just you wait!"

"Right, right... I'll wait."

And so, an hour later...

"Oh? Tsugumi-san, already done?" I asked, glancing at Tsugumi who was meticulously packing her things.

"N-no... I was thinking of doing it later at home," she replied, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

"Hmm, really...? Well, I guess it's fine... Should I walk you home?" 

"Thank you, Nakasone-senpai, but I think I'll be fine," she politely declined.

"I see... Take care on your way home," I said with a nod.

"Yeah!" She gave a small smile before turning her attention to Futaba, who was still immersed in her studies. "Looks like I can't bother Tsu-chan."

"Right? It's scary how she can be seriously stubborn."

"Ehehe~ That's Tsu-chan is a class president who's always full of confidence and tries to tackle any challenge," Tsugumi explained with a fond smile.

"Eh? So does that mean it's my fault that I made her like that?" I asked with a teasing tone.

"No no no, it's all thanks to you that she's like that."

"I'm relieved..." 

The two of us watched her study silently until Tsugumi left, bidding us farewell.

"I'm going now, Senpai. Have a good day," Tsugumi said with a polite bow before leaving.

 I nodded in acknowledgment, my gaze following her until she disappeared from sight. Once she was gone, I turned my attention back to Futaba, who was still immersed in her notebook.

Another hour passed, and she was still diligently working. This time, I decided to intervene, placing a tray of snacks and juice in front of her.

"Hey, Tsukushi-san, how about a snack?" 

Futaba looked up, her eyes focused and determined. "I'm not really hungry right now."

I chuckled, "You know if you can't solve this part, that means your energy level is literally 0."

"Uhm, Senpai, please don't compare this reality to a game right now," she said with a blank stare.

"Right... So that's why, go eat. Or do you want me to feed you?" I teased.

She dropped her pen, sighed, and said, "Look, Senpai, I'm almost done here."

Just then, a loud growl echoed from her stomach, and her face turned red. She looked down, acknowledging her hungry state.

I sighed and shrugged, looking away. "How childish."

"Hey! I'm not childish! I'm just finishing here so I can finally rest in peace!"

"Yeah, but how can you complete this when your stomach is empty?"

She pouted and sighed, finally deciding to take a break. Futaba set aside her pen, grabbed a cupcake from the tray, and started munching on it.

After our impromptu snack break, Tsukushi resumed tackling the math problems with renewed energy. I observed her progress and couldn't help but notice the visible signs of struggle on her face.

"If you're stuck on anything, feel free to ask for help, Tsukushi-san," I offered, taking a seat beside her.

She nodded appreciatively, "Thanks, Senpai. I might take you up on that offer if I get stuck."

Observing the problem she was working on, I couldn't help but express my concern, "Right now... You are clearly stuck..."

She let out an exasperated sigh, pushing her hair back, "Ugh, fine. Maybe I am a little stuck. But I'll figure it out!"

I chuckled, "No need to rush, Tsukushi-san. Let's take it step by step. Now, what part is giving you trouble?"

She pointed at a particular section of the problem, "This part right here. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right."

I glanced at her notebook, studying the formula she was using. "Let's see... This formula should be fine, but... is it just me, or are you making it longer?"

She smirked, "I am not making it longer, I am making it more clear."

I raised an eyebrow, teasing her, "Clear or complicated?"

"Definitely clear!"

"How stubborn," I remarked, a small grin playing on my lips.

Tsukushi shot me a playful glare, "I'm not stubborn! I just want to solve this on my own."

I chuckled, "Alright, alright. No need to get defensive."

As the study session progressed, I couldn't help but appreciate Tsukushi's determination and resilience. Despite the initial struggle, her willingness to learn and improve shone through.

It was a refreshing experience, and I found myself enjoying the role of an unexpected tutor.

Gotta thank Marina-san later once we're done here.

and then a few minutes later...

"Finally done!" Tsukushi exclaimed with a triumphant smile, her eyes sparkling with a sense of accomplishment.

"Good job," I congratulated her, returning the smile.

"It's all thanks to you, Senpai."

"Thanks to me, huh?" I mused, a playful grin forming on my face. "Right, right. I guess it is thanks to me."

However, Tsukushi's expression shifted, and her eyes gave me a sharp glare, "Oh? What's with the pride?"

I chuckled nervously, realizing I might have overplayed my role a bit, "Well, you know, just trying to be a supportive senpai."

She shook her head, amused, "You're something else, Senpai."

As our tutoring session concluded, I stood up from my seat, stretching my arms. "Well, Tsukushi-san, it was a productive session. If you ever need help again, feel free to ask."

"Thanks a lot, Senpai! I'll definitely keep that in mind," she replied with a bright smile, gathering her study materials.

I glanced at the clock on the wall. "It's getting late, and you must be tired. Take care on your way home."

"Will do, Senpai!" she said, waving as she left the room.

Watching her leave, I couldn't help but reflect on the unexpected turn of events that led me to become a temporary tutor. 

As I exited the room, Marina-san approached me with a grin. "How did it go, Part-timer-kun?"

"Well, it wasn't as bad as I thought. Tsukushi-san's a fast learner."

Marina-san nodded approvingly. "See? I knew you could handle it. Thanks for helping out."

Yeah, The fact that you shove the task to me. 

I'll be expecting a bonus payout.

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