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Chapter 81: The laser came in handy.


If we had Hulk, this would have been a piece of cake but he did come with daddy issues, so at least that was avoided just like I avoided the grasping hands of the Abomination which were getting closer and closer in their pursuit of ripping me apart.

I jumped over him this time instead of just dodging backward because the closer we were to a building the more property we would damage. We were lucky that he landed on a relatively wide road giving us enough room to deal with this fucker.

Tony yells out "Dodge back" and I am quick to comply just in time for the charging Abomination to be hit with a large uni beam from Iron Man making him smash through the pavement of a mostly empty McDonald's parking lot before smashing against the hood of a car.

I turn to Tony and ask him "You got anything that can actually hurt him" Tony shrugs as he admits "Maybe" I sigh as he asks me "Didn't you deal with that large Rhino thing? How did you do it?" I wince as I tell him "I webbed up the inside of his nostrils, cutting off his air supply" Tony winces, and I look at him sheepishly as he nods, still queasy about doing it "Same plan then" I nod and stretch my arms as I agree with him "Same plan"

I start running as Abominations prone form stays still on the hood of the car. I should have known it was a ruse, no way can Abomination be captured after a single uni beam strike. I paid my price for that as right before my face met his sleeping face he disappeared and my fist punched through the hood of the car, I pulled my hand out and looked around for any sign of him.

I whisper into my intercom "He will try to get you first Tony, you need to stay close to me if we..." Before I could finish my sentence Tony was grabbed by a blur and smashed into the ground forming a deep crater, I rushed to stop Abomination from making further damage only for him to disappear just before my dropkick connected his torso.

I land by the crater and rush to Tony's prone form and ask him "Holy shit, are you ok?" My heart dreaded the silence but he groaned making me sigh with relief my relief wasn't long-lived when I felt the bells in my head screaming at me to move and I did by grabbing Tony and jumping as high I could just as a green blur stomps his food where Tony and I were just a moment ago.

The Spidey sense rings again and I fire a web onto a building before pulling with all my strength making us move left just as the green Mean Machine flies past or jumps past as I watch gravity take its hold on him and pull him back to the ground.

I try to formulate a plan as we land on the wall "You still in there old man" he shakes his head as he says "I am and I am not that old" I shake my head as I ask him "Why am I still holding onto your dead suit again?" He gestures with his hand as he asks me "I am rebooting the system to update my optic sensors" I headbutt him as I tell out in outrage "You are updating your Microsoft while we are in the middle of fighting...." I point towards the screaming Abomination as he gives a Roar "..that"

Tony is quick to explain himself "Once the update is complete, Jarvis will be able to calculate the differences in the pixels of my display to calculate his positioning even if he goes supersonic" I blink as he continues "I will let the suit fire at will at his next possible location to slow him down and you will try to stop him from moving so that I can fire something that'll hurt" I nod and let him down on the ground before I rush off to fight the man/monster.

There has been a slight miscalculation on my part because I am not as fast as I thought I was which meant that I was taking a couple of hits here and there from The Flash's ugly cousin but another miscalculation on my part was that *Whoosh* I look at the punch I was able to stop as air whipped around us.

I grin as the realization of my miscalculation sets in on The Abomination's face. He isn't as strong as he thinks he is. I gave him the strongest uppercut I could muster which must have hurt a bit as I could see blood and broken teeth on the ground but just as he landed back on his feet his form blurred once again just like before and I was once again flummoxed on how to deal with his speed when my eyes can't catch his speed.

Just as my Spidey sense rang and I was about to jump off once again to escape the attack from the idiot but a repulsor ray hit him square in his face slowing him in his pursuit to break me, I grin as it seemed Tony's windows has finally updated 'Fuck you Microsoft' I screamed in my mind as round 2 of our little dance started.

I dodged left and right as the Abomination didn't get any room to breathe under the relentless onslaught of Tony's repulsor rays and I too got to work firing webs here and there making it hard for him to move as he had to stop and put effort into separating himself from the web without ripping off his skin.

He seemed to have grown tired of this game as he slammed his fist into the ground kicking up a cloud of dust through which Tony wouldn't be able to track the attacks and I was proven right as a big piece of rock slammed into Tony after rushing out of the smoke.

-Tony POV-

I was afraid something like this would have happened. I was already pushing the limits with using the path tracing during night but with no prior vision or any warning, the rock hit me before I could even hope to react. After taking a hit few hits from Stane's mech which was meant for the Hulk, I have made sure there were enough dampeners in my suit to make sure my spine feels tingly for a week.

As soon as I push off the rock cold dread pools in my stomach as the dust doesn't show me anything other than the screams of the Monster, I fly at full speed into the dust cloud and my vision is filled with dust but just as I thought I was about to get through to the other side of the dust cloud, I had to quickly dodge the hands of The Abomination as he wails out loud.

I get through to the other side and find Spidey with his hands on his hips, I let out the air I had been holding in. My relief was immense knowing he didn't get caught in that monster's hands as I wouldn't know how to even stop him.

I roll my shoulders or try to because with the Armor on it probably looked like shrugs "This time let's be proactive, he is probably escaping your webs anytime soon" Spidey nods as he tiredly fires a web into the dust and pulls himself in. I follow him in and find him effortlessly dodging Abomination punches I ask Jarvis just to make sure "Hey Jarvis, you downloaded those jiu Jitsu tutorials right" Jarvis gives me a confused?Response, did I even program confusion into him, must have some time.

I fire a few repulsors to the back of his head as I land behind him, which takes his focus away from Spidey and makes him turn to me, I ask Jarvis to "Activate flash bang" Immediately my arc reactor starts to flashbang The Abomination making him shield his eyes. We used this time as Spidey threw a rope of his web at me which I caught and started moving around the Abomination and Spidey moved around him in the opposite direction to efficiently mummify the British man.

Serves them right for opening all those mummy caskets. But just before his arms could be covered in the web he grabbed Spidey's side of the web and slammed him into me, I knew it would happen though so I caught Spidey and we both stood there and pulled the Abomination hard, we stepped aside as Abomination landed on the dirt.

We placed the webs on the ground effectively gluing him to the ground itself before Spidey fired a web to one of the Abomination's hands before holding it down, I floated up above the struggling Abomination before I decided on a course of action, I activated the high precision lasers in my arms and sever his arm at the elbow.

The resulting scream broke a couple of glasses around us and number my ears, I stood on his back and pointed my other hand at him as I yelled out "Next one is pointed at your neck, so you better fucking surrender" The writhing monster stops and looks back at me with a grin as it mutters it's first words "Your first laser took 1.31 seconds to fire after it started lighting up" and it turned out true as he simply turned around and slammed his half elbow into my left.

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