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Chapter 3: Chapter 3. Meeting the royal family

Ten minutes after Inferno got used to the feel of his power Silvia and him started going to find the royal family. To save them if needed and stop the attack by traitors.As they walked through the castle Inferno just death beamed or punched the people who attacked them on their way to the throne. He would death beam the people who looked at him and the princess with hostility. and punch the people that attacked out of concern nocking them out. Silvia didn't know why he was doing that so she asked.

Silvia "why do you laser beam some and punch others?"

Inferno "the ones I "laser beam" as you call it have no trace of worry for you. Only greed lust and malicious intent. However the ones I punch have a great deal of worry for you. Wall hostel to me they only have worry in their hearts for you so I only nock them out.

Silvia "t-thank you for not killing the ones worried about me."

Inferno "it's only natural right. However if they do something stupid in the future I can't promise I'll only nock them out."

Silvia "wh-what why?"

Inferno "hun hatred for someone simply because they are different can be tallerated. However the minute they let that hatred turn to violence they are no longer redeemable. They may be able to be saved in the future. However I'm not willing to let them to go beond trying to take my life."

Silvia "b-but you're strong enough you could just nock them out why don't you give them a second chance?"

Inferno "I'm not willing to give them the chance to fall farther than trying to take my life. And if they try to take away the things I care about then they will wish I was as merciful as to just take their life. Life and the universe isn't always a kind place infact it's pretty ruthless and harsh and sometimes you have to be just as ruthless and harsh to the people that are too stupid to understand that just because you hate someone it doesn't give you the right to go beyond harsh words."

Silvia "I-I see."

Inferno "besides how are your people who attack me because I'm a demon any different from the Terrans who treat your and other people like they are less than animals? It's wrong no matter who does it."

Silvia "y-you're right their really no different if they attack others just because they are different. I'm sorry if I was being stupid."

Inferno "not stupid just naive. Your a princess after all. I would be surprised if you weren't at least a little naive. Ohohoho."

Silvia *blushes* "jerk."

After a while they found their way to the throne room. Where the royal family was. Silvia had two little sisters one looks 6 and the other looks 12 respectively two little brothers one looks 3 and the other looks 10 respectively and one older brother looks 22ish. And one older sister who looks like she's 19ish. Their father looks like he in his early thirties and their mother still looks like she's in her early twenties which felt weird to Inferno because how could the mother be in her early twenties when the son looked like he's 22ish. He then realized that they could be older than they looked. They were all close together with guards Serounding them. what looked like guards loyal to the king and his family were at a standstill with other guards serounding them and a rather fat man in the back of the guards serounding the guards loyal to the king. As Inferno and Silvia entered the throne room they heard the conversation between the king and the fat pig like man.

King "prime minister Taral what's the meaning of this? Why are you betraying your own people?"

Taral " that's king Taral to you! And isn't it obvious? I'm tired of being a dog too someone unworthy of my services. I have found better masters! Masters that think the same way I do. The commoners are our slaves! They should never have been given the freedom to choose their rulers! They're nothing but cattle meant to be used by their better's. You should have never given them the power to choose the nobles who rule over them! I have no choice but to correct your ignorant mistake! foolish Azmond your rain ends today but don't worry your family will be taken good care of by your new masters. *drools looking at the queen and princesses* "very good care of indeed. Hehehe hahaha whahaha coff coff coff. Men you can beat them if they resist but don't kill the ex royal family! The king and princes need to be made an example?!?"

Inferno "Ohohohoho a pig playing at being king it's so funny that I just can't stop laughing! Ohohohoho."

Taral "what's such an impudent demon doing here? Are you trying to avenge your planet by meddling with the Terrans plans? Your kind will be foolish to the end I see. Oh and if it isn't Silvia! Now I can have the whole collection of former royal women as slaves luckaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh?!?"

Inferno *death beam*

The death beam Inferno uses this time hit Taral right in the family jewels. Blowing Taral's litter brother and his little brothers two best friends completely off and destroying them till not even particals remained.

Inferno "I'm sorry I couldn't hear you over the sound of your family jewels exploding. Ohohohoho."

Azmond "sir please take my daughter and get out of here! The Terrans will be here in less than 12 hours! Please tell the people to evacuate the planet as well I don't want my people to be made into slaves sport or food for those damned monsters!"

Inferno " don't worry. I wouldn't let people I promised to help go out like that. I'll definitely destroy any Terran that even try's to land on this planet without my express permission! That you have my word on."

Inferno *emperor's death beam*

In 2 seconds everyone who was on Taral's side was on the floor dying. Inferno looked indifferent at this wall the royal family all except Silvia looked shocked bewildered and scared. Azmod ask

Azmond "wh-who are you? You clearly don't have a weapon, but you still shot and nearly killed everyone who sided with Taral! How?"

Inferno "I'm Inferno. And I have my ways. I doubt that even if I told you how I did it you would actually understand the real truth behind it or be able to replicate it without hurting yourself so I'll leave it at that."

Silvia " father mother brother's sisters I'm so happy you all are safe! This is the person I summoned to help save our planet and the universe from the Terrans!"

Eldest Prince " wait that ancient spell actually worked?!?"

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