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Chapter 29: Chapter:28

As the group of bandits started to flee, a loud roar echoed through the forest. Suddenly, a massive creature appeared out of nowhere, blocking the path of Vladimir and his companions.

The creature was unlike anything they had ever seen before - it had the body of a lion, the wings of a bat, and a scaly tail that resembled that of a serpent. Its eyes glowed red with fury, and its massive claws dug deep into the earth.

The group of adventurers knew that they were in trouble. They tried to back away slowly, but the creature advanced towards them with lightning speed.

"What is that thing?" Valtor gasped, his hand reaching for his sword.

"I don't know," Vladimir replied, his eyes fixed on the monster. "But we have to fight it, or we'll never make it out of here alive."


The monster was unlike anything Vladimir and Valtor had ever seen. Its enormous body towered above them, with thick, scaly skin that seemed impenetrable. Its eyes glowed with an eerie red light, and its sharp claws glinted in the sun.

The bandits, who had been moments ago intent on robbing Vladimir and Valtor, were now frozen in fear. They knew they were no match for the monster.

Vladimir and Valtor drew their weapons, ready to face the creature. But even with all their strength and skill, they knew they were facing a nearly impossible task.

The monster let out a deafening roar, shaking the ground beneath their feet. Vladimir and Valtor stood their ground, but fear crept into their hearts. They knew they had to act quickly if they wanted to survive.

Vladimir had an idea. He remembered the rare flower they had obtained from the old woman. He pulled it out of his bag and whispered a prayer as he crushed it in his hand. Suddenly, a bright light filled the air, and the monster let out a deafening scream.

The bandits took the opportunity to escape while Vladimir and Valtor faced the monster. The fight was intense, but with the power of the flower, they were able to defeat the creature.

Exhausted and battered, Vladimir and Valtor collapsed on the ground. They knew they had narrowly escaped death, and they were grateful for each other's company.

As they caught their breath, Vladimir turned to Valtor and said, "I never would have made it this far without you, my friend. I am grateful for your company and your bravery."

Valtor smiled back at him. "Likewise, my friend. We make a great team."


As the group caught their breath after the fight, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching them. They quickly grabbed their weapons, ready to defend themselves.

To their surprise, a tall and mysterious man appeared from the shadows. He wore a long black cloak that covered his body and his face was concealed by a hood.

The man approached them and spoke in a deep and commanding voice. "Greetings, travelers. I have been watching you from afar and I must say, I am impressed by your fighting skills."

The group was hesitant to trust this stranger, but something about him seemed familiar.

"Do we know you?" asked Valtor.

The man chuckled. "No, we have not met before. But I have heard of you, Vladimir. Your reputation as a skilled warrior has reached even the far corners of this land."

Vladimir was surprised by this revelation. "How do you know my name?"

The man removed his hood, revealing a handsome face with piercing blue eyes. "Let's just say I have my sources. But that is not important right now. What is important is that I have a proposition for you."

The group listened intently as the man explained his offer. He was a wealthy merchant in need of protection for his caravan, which was carrying valuable goods across the dangerous terrain.

In exchange for their services, the man promised a large sum of money and access to rare and valuable resources.

The group was skeptical at first, but the promise of wealth and resources was too good to pass up. They agreed to the man's offer and set out to protect his caravan.

Little did they know, this decision would lead them down a path of danger and betrayal.


As the monster got up, Vladimir and Valtor quickly prepared themselves for a fight. But before they could even make a move, a mysterious man appeared out of nowhere and stood between them and the monster.

The man was tall and lean, with piercing green eyes and long black hair that cascaded down his back. He wore a dark cloak and carried a sword at his side.

"Stand back," he said to Vladimir and Valtor. "I'll take care of this."

The man moved with incredible speed and agility, dodging the monster's attacks with ease. He delivered a swift blow with his sword and the monster fell to the ground, defeated.

Vladimir and Valtor looked at each other in amazement. They had never seen anyone fight like that before.

"Who are you?" Vladimir asked.

The man turned to them and gave a slight smile. "I am known by many names," he said. "But you can call me Raven."

"What brings you here, Raven?" Valtor asked.

"I've been following you," Raven replied. "I sensed that you were in danger and I wanted to make sure that you were safe."

Vladimir and Valtor looked at each other in surprise. They had no idea that anyone was following them.

"Why would you do that?" Vladimir asked.

Raven shrugged. "Let's just say that I have my reasons."

Vladimir and Valtor were skeptical of Raven's intentions, but they couldn't deny that he had just saved their lives. They decided to trust him for now, but they still had many questions that needed answers.

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