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Chapter 2: II

Every morning, long before the sun coloured the sky pink and gold, Liam took refuge in the silent sanctuary of his personal library. The air was thick with the aroma of old pages and the promise of hidden information, a world of words just waiting to be discovered.

The library, hidden away within the magnificent expanse of the Velrodi mansion, held a special place in Liam's heart. It was a place where he could escape the weight of expectations and immerse himself in the worlds created by others. The shelves were piled high with books of all shapes and sizes, each one a portal to adventure, wisdom, and opportunity.

Liam would sit at a great wooden desk, the surface weathered from years of usage, as the mellow glow of lamplight embraced the space. He would carefully choose a book from the shelves, his fingers caressing the spines as if seeking a connection with the narrative contained within.

His eyes would dance across the words as he flipped through the pages, absorbing the stories woven by long-gone authors. From epic fantasies to thought-provoking classics, Liam's choices were as broad as his own aspirations for escape, inspiration, and a taste of realms beyond his own.

Liam's reverie was broken by a final peek at the clock on the wall. The hands of time had steadily crept forward, and the day's duties beckoned. He closed the book softly, his actions tinged with reluctance. The individuals and realms he had momentarily inhabited disappeared into his consciousness, leaving him with a bittersweet craving for more.

As he rose from his desk, Liam's gaze was drawn to Leon, who had been quietly watching him from the doorway. Leon's eyes were filled with wonder and admiration, as if he were witnessing a magical rite unfolding in front of him.

This had become a daily occurrence – Leon's silent presence, a testament to his fascination with his older brother's morning routine. In the beginning, Liam had been touched by the attention, flattered by the thought that his actions were inspiring admiration. However, over time, what was once a source of pride had transformed into a subtle annoyance.

The cycle had evolved. At first, there was surprise tinged with warmth at Leon's interest. Then, annoyance had crept in, fueled by the feeling of being constantly watched, his personal space invaded. Now, the initial surprise and annoyance had given way to a numb indifference – an acceptance that this was just the way things were.

"I-I'm sorry," He says.

Liam's gaze flicked to him briefly before returning to his own thoughts when Leon's voice broke the quiet, giving an apology tinged with regret. He'd heard the apology before, in the same quiet voice. And, as had become his habit, he chose to ignore it, not out of cruelty, but out of a sense of detachment that had become his shield against the annoyances of familiarity.

Liam's motions were meticulous as he stood from his seat, his moves almost mechanical as he grabbed his possessions. His motions had an air of expectation to them, as if he had become accustomed to Leon's presence, to the unsaid rhythm that had developed between them.

As he approached the library's exit, he threw a sidelong glance, half expecting to find Leon pursuing him. It was a cycle that had become second nature - Liam's departure, Leon's silent but relentless chase, a shadow trailing in the wake of the older brother.

The sumptuous corridor of the Velrodi home spread out before him, its grandeur a reminder of his family's legacy. The quiet echo of his footfall was accompanied by a subtle awareness - a sense that he was not alone, that Leon's presence was a continuous companion, even though shrouded in silence.

Liam didn't have to turn around to confirm his assumptions. He could almost feel Leon's gaze on his back, a silent watchfulness that screamed of a want for connection. It was a need that Liam had learned to deflect, channelling his energy into distance rather than engagement.

As Liam entered the living room, he noticed his father, Richard, who was sitting there. The splendour and grandeur of the space reflected the Velrodi family's wealth and lineage, a dramatic contrast to the emotional intricacies that lay beneath the surface. Richard's presence in the room loomed over them like a looming shadow, a reminder of the strained dynamics that had become an intrinsic part of their interactions.

Liam's response was calculated apathy. His gaze brushed over his father's figure briefly, a tiny flicker of recognition that held no warmth or connection. He had acquired the ability of detachment through years of practise.

Liam continued going without saying anything, the silence in the room matching the unsaid feelings that lingered in the air. He had become adept at negotiating the complexities of his father's relationship, channelling his energies into his own interests and sought refuge in the sanctuary of the library.

As Liam walked out of the room, his feet deliberate and calculated, he could hear a quiet exchange of words behind him. Leon's voice welcomed Richard with warmth and promise. The difference between the interactions was apparent - Liam's sombre leaving and Leon's open greeting, reflecting their different orientations to their father.

Time marched on, and Leon arrived in the waiting vehicle approximately five minutes later. The subtle annoyance in Liam's stare was not lost on Leon, as his brother's tiny frown and irritated face spoke more than words could.

Leon was well aware of Liam's dislike for being late. It was a characteristic that had become ingrained in his older brother's personality. The slightest break from punctuality seemed to irritate Liam, a trait Leon had grown to appreciate.

Leon's apologetic smile as he approached the car was a subtle acknowledgement of his own lateness. He had learned to read the expressions in Liam's eyes, the silent cues that conveyed his feelings more effectively than words ever could. The smile was a gesture of understanding, a way of saying, "I know, and I'm sorry."

Yet, once again, Leon's gesture was met with silence. It was a response that he had become accustomed to – a continuation of the pattern that had defined their interactions. The silence spoke volumes, conveying both Liam's annoyance and his inability or unwillingness to engage in conversation at that moment.

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