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The Villain Who Dreamed The Villain Who Dreamed original

The Villain Who Dreamed

Author: ogre_5582

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Dreams Of Those Who Failed

Marcus had always known he was born into a powerful clan. As the son of the strongest king in the era, he had always been told that he was destined for a life of luxury and power. But his dreams were shattered when his father told him he had no magic. He was devastated to learn that he had no special talents, not even with a sword, which his father excelled at. The only talent he was told he possessed was in making pills to aid in cultivation.

It was a crushing blow, to say the least. Marcus had grown up in a world where strength was everything. In a family where power was everything, he was now powerless. He knew he had talent in making pills, but he was not needed by his family. They already had people who did that. So, he decided to leave his family behind and embark on a journey to find someone to love and build a life with.

He spent years wandering from place to place, searching for the one who would love him for who he was, and not for his family name. Finally, he found her. A kind, gentle woman who accepted him for who he was, faults and all. They fell in love, got married, and had a family of their own.

But as happy as he was with his new life, Marcus couldn't help but feel like he was missing something. He watched his siblings make names for themselves, becoming powerful and respected figures in their own right. Meanwhile, he was stuck in a small village, making pills for sick villagers.

One day, Marcus decided to go to the village to help the sick villagers. But when he got there, he found that someone else was already helping them. It was one of the cadets who was vying for the position of king. This man, known as the hero, was the most likely candidate to become the next ruler. And he was everything that Marcus was not. Strong, powerful, and respected.

Marcus couldn't help but feel bitter. He was born into a great family, but he was unlucky. Others had less, so he couldn't complain. But he couldn't shake the feeling that he was meant for something more.

As he walked back to his small home, he noticed that the door was open. Inside, he heard moaning. He assumed it was his brother, known for his womanizing ways, but to his horror, it was his wife and sister having sex. He was crushed. He couldn't believe that his own family would do this to him.

He walked away, his mind racing with anger and betrayal. He couldn't believe that his sister, someone he had once looked up to, would do this to him. And his wife, the one person who was supposed to love him unconditionally, had betrayed him as well.

As he walked, he couldn't help but think about his father, the king.

He wondered why he had been summoned to the castle that day. He was angry and frustrated, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was going to happen. When he arrived at the castle, he was met by his entire family. His older brothers and sisters were all there, but his sister who had betrayed him was not. His father, the king, looked at him with a cold expression. "Marcus," he said, his voice devoid of emotion. "We need to talk." Marcus felt a knot form in his stomach. He had a sinking feeling that this was not going to be a pleasant conversation. "Your wife," his father continued, "has been unfaithful to you." Marcus felt like he had been punched in the gut. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "And to make matters worse," his father continued, "your son is not yours." Marcus was speechless.

Marcus was a man with nothing left to lose. With his family and everything he knew behind him, he set out on a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement. He knew that he needed to become stronger if he wanted to achieve his goals and take revenge on his family.

So, he began to train.

At first, it was just simple exercises - push-ups, sit-ups, and running. He didn't have any equipment or a training partner, so he relied on his own strength and determination to keep going. Day after day, he pushed himself harder, running longer distances, doing more repetitions, and focusing on building up his strength and endurance.

But he knew that he needed more than just physical strength. He needed to improve his skills and learn how to fight. So, he sought out a martial arts master in a nearby town, hoping to learn from the best.

The master, an old man with decades of experience, took Marcus under his wing and began teaching him the art of combat. For hours each day, they trained together, with Marcus learning how to strike, block, and counter his opponent's moves. The master was a tough teacher, but Marcus was a determined student, and he pushed himself to keep up with the old man's rigorous training regime.

As the weeks turned into months, Marcus began to see the results of his training. His body was leaner and stronger, his movements more fluid and precise. He could sense the power that he now possessed, and he knew that he was becoming the warrior he had always dreamed of being.

But he also knew that he needed more than just physical strength and combat skills. He needed to become smarter and more strategic if he wanted to take on his powerful family and win. So, he began to study history, tactics, and the art of war.

He read books and listened to lectures, absorbing all the knowledge he could. He studied the strategies of the great generals of the past, learning from their successes and failures. He also learned about politics and diplomacy, realizing that he would need to be as skilled in the art of negotiation as he was in the art of combat.

As he continued his training, Marcus began to feel a sense of purpose and direction that he had never felt before. He was no longer just a man wandering aimlessly in the world, but a warrior with a clear goal and a plan of action.

He knew that he still had a long way to go, and that his journey would be fraught with danger and challenges. But he was ready for whatever lay ahead, knowing that he had the strength, skills, and intelligence to overcome any obstacle and achieve his ultimate goal - revenge against his family, and the restoration of his honor and dignity.

As Marcus reminisced, he remembered the time he had dedicated to assisting the villagers. He couldn't help but recall the admiration the people held for the hero. With this in mind, Marcus decided to seek the aid of the revered hero to tackle the challenges facing his family .

The hero taunted Marcus and laughed at him for thinking he would help when he wanted to become king and his father was the only one powerful enough to make it happen they hero ambushed Marcus to try to gain favorability from the king his father be he narrowly managed to escape.

As Marcus recovered from the injuries sustained during the ambush, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of betrayal. He had trusted the hero, believed that he could count on him to help him take down his family. But now he knew the truth - the hero had never really been on his side. He had only been using him to further his own ambitions.

The hero had laughed at him when he asked for his help, telling him that he was naïve to think he could turn against his own family. He told Marcus that he wanted to become king, and that his father was the only one powerful enough to make it happen. Marcus was nothing but a pawn in his game.

Feeling angry and disillusioned, Marcus decided to take matters into his own hands. He knew he couldn't take down his family alone, but he also knew that he couldn't trust anyone else to help him. He would have to find a way to get stronger, to become powerful enough to face his family on his own.

He remembered the training he had undergone under his master, and knew that he would have to go back to the basics if he wanted to improve. He began practicing his martial arts again, honing his skills and pushing himself to the limit. He also spent hours refining his pill-making techniques, hoping to create a new kind of pill that would give him the edge he needed in battle.

As he trained, Marcus couldn't help but think about his family and what they had done to him. He felt a burning rage inside him, a desire for revenge. But he knew that revenge would not be enough. He needed to take down his family, not just for himself, but for all those who had suffered under their rule.

Months passed as Marcus trained, pushing himself harder and harder each day. His body grew stronger, his mind sharper. He felt himself getting closer and closer to his goal. And then, one day, he received a message.

It was from his former master, the one who had taught him everything he knew. The message was brief, but it sent a chill down Marcus's spine. His family had found and killed his master. They knew that he was training Marcus, and they had made him pay the ultimate price for his loyalty.

Marcus was devastated. He had lost the one person he trusted more than anyone else. But he also knew that his master's death only strengthened his resolve. He would not let his family get away with this. He would avenge his master, and he would take down his family, no matter what it took.

ogre_5582 ogre_5582

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