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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The summoning

The world was a cacophony of sounds and colors as the 15-year-old high school student, Joseph, woke up with a start. He quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the window, gazing out at the bustling city below. The sun was just rising over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the skyscrapers and apartment buildings that dotted the landscape.

Joseph's heart was pounding as he pulled on his clothes and raced out the door. Joseph's appearance was just as over-exaggerated as his surroundings. His dark, curly hair was styled into a perfectly coiffed faux-hawk that seemed to defy gravity. His bright green eyes sparkled with energy and enthusiasm, and his smile was so wide and infectious that it seemed to light up the entire room.

He was tall and lean, with muscles that bulged beneath his tight-fitting shirt, a testament to his dedication to his sport. His left arm was adorned with a colorful tattoo of a soccer ball, a permanent reminder of his passion for the game.

Joseph's style was bold and daring, with a penchant for bright colors and flashy accessories. He wore a neon yellow watch on his wrist that matched the laces of his bright blue sneakers. His backpack was covered in patches and pins that he had collected from all over the world, a testament to his wanderlust and love of adventure.

He knew that he had to get to school as quickly as possible if he wanted to meet up with his friends before class started. He sprinted down the street, dodging cars and pedestrians as he made his way to the school.

As he ran, Joseph couldn't help but take in the world around him. The buildings loomed over him like towering giants, their windows reflecting the early morning light in dazzling patterns. The streets were alive with the sounds of honking horns, screeching brakes, and the chatter of people rushing to work and school. The air was thick with the smell of exhaust fumes, coffee, and fresh pastries from the nearby bakery.

Despite the chaos of the city, Joseph felt a sense of excitement coursing through him. He was going to see his friends, people who understood him in a way that no one else did. They were his tribe, his family, and he couldn't wait to be reunited with them.

As Joseph approached the school, he could see his friends waiting for him outside the entrance. They were a motley crew, each with their own unique style and personality. There was Lily, with her bright pink hair and nose ring, always ready with a sarcastic quip or a warm hug. Then there was Alex, the tall and lanky basketball player, who never failed to make Joseph laugh with his silly jokes and pranks. And finally, there was Sarah, the quiet and thoughtful artist, who always had a kind word and a supportive ear for anyone who needed it.

Joseph felt a surge of happiness as he approached his friends. They greeted him with high-fives and hugs, laughing and joking as they made their way into the school. The halls were already buzzing with activity, students rushing to their classes, teachers barking out instructions.

Joseph felt a sense of belonging as he walked alongside his friends. He knew that they were his anchor in this crazy world, the people who made him feel like he belonged. The tone was one of exuberance and excitement, a feeling of youthful enthusiasm and possibility that permeated everything around them.

As they entered their first class, Joseph couldn't help but feel grateful for the world he lived in, for the people who made it worth waking up every morning. He knew that life could be tough and unpredictable, but as long as he had his friends by his side, he could face anything that came his way with confidence and determination.

As the day wore on, Joseph and his friends went through their classes, taking notes, answering questions, and occasionally getting sidetracked with whispered jokes or scribbled drawings on their notebooks. They listened to their teachers drone on about history, math, and literature, counting down the minutes until the bell rang and they could be free once more.

Finally, the end of the day arrived, and Joseph's spirits soared as he and his friends made their way to the sports field. Joseph was a natural athlete, and he loved nothing more than running, jumping, and competing with his peers. As he stepped onto the pitch, he felt a sense of exhilaration wash over him, the thrill of competition and the rush of adrenaline making him feel alive.

The field was a riot, with his school teams students running back and forth, kicking balls, and practicing drills. The girls sat on the bench cheering on the players and Joseph while they practiced and a do drills, playing music and dancing.

The practice came to an end, and everyone began to go home after a long day of practice, but Joseph stayed and continued to practice. He is determined to train at all costs to keep his title as the soccer team leader. Driven to some day be a soccer professional, he has trained like this daily.

As the sun began to set, Joseph collapsed on the pitch. He was exhausted but also invigorated, feeling like he had worked hard and done well during practice today. He lay there for a moment, catching his breath and feeling the cool breeze on his face. The sky was now a mix of oranges and pinks, with the sun slowly dipping below the horizon. Joseph closed his eyes and let out a contented sigh, feeling at peace with himself and the world around him.

But his moment of relaxation was short-lived as he heard a voice calling out his name. He opened his eyes to see Lily jogging towards him with a worried expression on her face.

"Joseph, are you okay? You collapsed on the field," she said, her voice laced with concern.

"I'm fine, just a little tired," Joseph replied, sitting up and dusting off his clothes.

"You sure? You know you don't have to push yourself so hard all the time," Lily said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Joseph smiled gratefully at her, knowing that she always had his back. "I know, but I want to be the best I can be. And besides, it's fun."

Lily rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile at her friend's determination. "Okay, well, let's get you home before you pass out again."

Joseph stood up, feeling a bit wobbly but determined to keep going. As he and Lily made their way home, Joseph couldn't help but feel grateful for his friends. They were always there for him, through the good times and the bad. And as long as he had them, he knew that he could conquer anything that life threw his way.

Joseph stumbled and nearly fell as he was suddenly transported through time and space, landing in a grand hall that seemed to have been plucked straight out of a nightmare. The atmosphere was oppressive and eerie, with the dim light casting ominous shadows across the once-majestic pillars that were now cracked and chipped, debris and rubble strewn about at their base. Tapestries hung limply from the walls, their tattered and torn fabric revealing gaping holes that spoke of the fierce battles that had raged within these walls.

The chandeliers were missing, leaving only their rusted chains as a dismal reminder of their former glory. The walls themselves were pockmarked with deep craters and scorched marks, a testament to the intense magic that had raged within this hall.

As Joseph walked cautiously deeper into the hall, a sense of grief and despair washed over him, seeing the ruin and devastation wrought upon the once-great chamber. The shattered remains of beautiful furniture and decor lay scattered about the floor, and the silence was punctuated only by the sound of his footsteps creaking across the old, damaged floorboards.

Approaching the throne, Joseph couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine as he gazed upon the pitiful sight before him. The once-majestic seat of power was now reduced to a shadow of its former self, the gleaming gold and jeweled accents now dulled and tarnished, the velvet cushions torn and shredded. The very air itself seemed to reek of death and decay, with the remains piled high all around him.

Despite the overwhelming sense of unease and sorrow that surrounded him, Joseph's hunger gnawed at him relentlessly. He scoured the ruined castle in search of sustenance, stumbling upon a few meager scraps of money and some battered armor and sword but no food to quiet his growling stomach.

With his senses strained to their limits, he scoured every nook and cranny of the ruined castle, his eyes scanning every inch of the decrepit walls and floors in a desperate attempt to find even the slightest hint of nourishment. His naked body shivered in the cold, but his hunger was more overpowering than any chill.

In his quest for sustenance, Joseph stumbled upon a few meager scraps of money, and some battered armor and a sword, weapons he hoped would protect him in this perilous world. But alas, his search for food proved fruitless, and his stomach continued to growl and churn with an unrelenting hunger.

Left with no choice, he ventured out into the desolate city, his strength waning with each passing moment.

Joseph's body ached with every step he took as he wandered through the city. The desolate streets were lined with empty, crumbling buildings and abandoned market stalls, remnants of a once-bustling city. His eyes scanned the horizon, searching for any sign of life or hope.

But there was nothing.

The wind howled through the empty streets, sending shivers down Joseph's spine. The silence was deafening, and the loneliness was suffocating. His stomach growled in protest, a constant reminder of his dire situation.

As he turned a corner, Joseph's legs gave out from under him. He collapsed to the ground, his body wracked with exhaustion and hunger. He crawled along the ground, searching for anything to eat.

But all he found was dust and debris.

Joseph's mind raced as he contemplated his fate. How could he survive in this barren wasteland? Was there anyone left alive in this desolate world? He closed his eyes, a tear streaming down his cheek.

Suddenly, a faint sound caught his attention. He lifted his head, listening intently. It was the sound of footsteps on the cobblestone road. He pushed himself up, his heart pounding with anticipation.

As the sound grew closer, Joseph saw a figure approaching him. The man was draped in a tattered cloak, and his face was obscured by a hood. But even from a distance, Joseph could tell that the figure was carrying something.

Food, perhaps?

Joseph's stomach growled in anticipation as the man drew closer. He could smell the sweet aroma of bread and meat wafting towards him on the breeze. As the man drew near, he reached out a hand toward Joseph.

"Here, take this," the man said, his voice deep and gruff.

Joseph's heart leapt with joy as he saw the bread and meat in the man's outstretched hand. He reached out eagerly, his fingers trembling with excitement.

"Thank you," he said, his voice barely a whisper.

He nodded, his face still obscured by the hood.

Joseph was so hungry that he could barely contain himself as he dug into the food, his teeth tearing into the succulent meat and the delicious vegetables. The flavors burst in his mouth, and his hunger subsided as his strength returned. With each bite, he felt a wave of relief wash over him, and he couldn't help but let out a contented sigh.

As he looked up at the hooded stranger, Joseph's eyes were filled with overwhelming gratitude. He could see the kindness in the man's eyes, a compassion that went beyond his rugged exterior.

"Thank you so much," Joseph said again, his voice trembling with emotion. Tears streamed down his face as he felt a deep sense of gratitude and relief.

The stranger simply nodded in response, his face still shrouded in darkness. Joseph could sense that he was a man of few words, but there was something about him that made Joseph feel safe and cared for.

Gathering his courage, Joseph finally asked the question that had been on his mind since the stranger had appeared.

"Who are you?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

The man hesitated for a moment, his voice low and gravelly when he finally answered. "My name is Lumin," he said. "And what about you?"

"My name is Joseph," he replied.

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