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Chapter 11: "Anus"

Lucas knew that he had to think strategically to take down the hybrid crab spider. He couldn't afford to get too close, or it might crush him with its massive claws.

"Okay, I can do this," Lucas muttered to himself as he took aim with the sniper rifle. He focused on the front legs joints, knowing that if he could immobilize the creature, he could take it down.

"Bam bam," two shots rang out as Lucas fired at the front leg joints. The monster screeched in pain and stomped its legs, trying to break free from the ice at the joints. Lucas knew he had to act fast.

Quickly, he formed three one-meter-tall ice golems with uneven shapes and made three spears out of ice. "Attack the monster!" he instructed the golems, and they charged forward to engage the crab spider, hoping that it would distract it long enough for him to make his next move.

With the golems charging forward, Lucas retreated to a nearby hill that was dotted with coral trees. He wrapped his fishing line around one of the trees and ripped it off, preparing to use it as a weapon.

"Come on, come on," Lucas whispered to himself, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

As Lucas stood on top of the coral hill, he could smell the salty ocean air and feel the warmth of the sun on his skin. He looked out at the vast expanse of blue water, stretching out to the horizon. In the distance, he could see the gentle rise and fall of waves, and the occasional spray of sea foam as they crashed against the shore.

The coral trees around him swayed slightly in the light breeze, their vibrant colors of pink, orange, and red providing a stark contrast against the blue sky. Lucas could hear the gentle rustling of leaves as the wind picked up, and the occasional chirping of birds as they flew overhead.

The weather was warm and pleasant, with just enough of a breeze to keep him cool. The sun was high in the sky, casting a bright light over everything and casting shadows that stretched out across the coral hills.

Lucas watched the hybrid spider crab in the distance, trying to get a read on its movements. He could see it struggling to free its front legs from the ice, and he knew he had to act fast before it regained its footing.

As he stood he couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline. His heart was pounding in his chest as he visualized the perfect throw, aiming at the face.

As the golems approached the monstrous crab, it managed to break free from the ice and staggered forward unsteadily.

One of the golems rushed forward with its spear pointed towards the crab's eye, but with a swift swing of its pincer, the monster shattered the weapon. Undeterred, the second golem quickly took its place and managed to pierce the crab's eyes with the ice spear. The third golem followed suit and targeted the front legs joint, causing the crab to collapse.

However, their victory was short-lived as the enraged crab screeched in fury and crushed the remaining two golems with its powerful claws. The creature's eyes glinted with pure madness as it used its pincers as front legs to crawl forward menacingly.

In that moment, Lucas swung the coral tree with his fishing rod, using it like a missile to strike the crab's face.

The sound of the coral tree whistling through the air was deafening, cutting through the howling wind like a blade. With a sickening crunch, the coral tree pierced the crab's open mouth, shattering its sharp teeth and sending pieces flying in every direction. The sound was a mixture of a high-pitched shriek and the sickening snap of bones breaking, echoing off the jagged peaks and sending shivers down Lucas's spine.

As the coral tree emerged from the monster's rear end, the sound was even worse - a wet, squelching noise that made Lucas's stomach churn. The crab let out a terrible wail, its pincers flailing in agony as it convulsed on the ground, its life force slowly ebbing away.

Lucas stumbled backward, his eyes bulging in disbelief as the coral tree impaled the monster crab from mouth to rear. He stood there, frozen for a moment, taking in the bizarre scene before him. And then, as if the absurdity of it all had finally hit him, he let out a roar of laughter that echoed off the mountain walls.

"Ha! Did you see that? Did you see what just happened?" Lucas guffawed, his voice cracking with delight. "That was amazing! I mean, who knew coral trees could be used as weapons like that? I gotta use them more!"

He paused, still grinning from ear to ear, before turning to his ice golems remains. "And you guys! You were amazing! I mean, sure, the first one got smashed to bits, but the second and third ones really came through. I'm thinking of getting you guys some armor or something. You deserve it after that performance!"

Lucas clapped his hands together, a broad smile still on his face. "Well, I guess that's one way to take care of a monster crab. Who needs swords or spears when you've got a coral tree, right?"

He approached the rear end of the crab and examined the coral tree that had impaled the creature from mouth to ass. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, but he was also unable to look away. The sight was simultaneously disgusting and fascinating.

He cautiously approached the tree and reached out to touch it.

Lucas tentatively touches the coral tree, saying "Ew, it's all slimy and gross. But also... kinda cool? I mean, who else can say they've seen a crab get impaled from mouth to butt with a coral tree?" He pauses for a moment, then continues, "Well, probably some really weird people, but still."

He steps back and looks at the crab, saying, "This is definitely going in the journal. 'Day 1: Witnessed a hybrid crab monster get taken down by my trusty ice golems and a lucky shot with a coral tree. Moral of the story: don't mess with Lucas.'" He chuckles to himself, then adds, "I mean, I should probably come up with a better moral than that, but it's not every day you get to use a coral tree as a weapon. Maybe I should patent it? 'Lucas's Coral Tree of Doom: for all your impaling needs.' Yeah, that'll sell."

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