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Chapter 20: Who cares?


The piercing sound of my alarm clock jolted me awake from my peaceful slumber. Slowly, I opened my eyes, only to be greeted by a throbbing sensation in my head. The pain intensified as I tried to comprehend the time.

Rising from my warm and cozy bed, I reached out to switch off the alarm. As I sat there, still half-asleep, the realization hit me like a ton of bricks - I was running late.

"What's the time?" I muttered, my voice filled with a mix of confusion and panic. Struggling to fully open my eyes, I made a concerted effort to lift my heavy head and glance at the clock. "It's 9:15 am," I whispered to myself, the numbers echoing in my mind. "Well, it's merely 9:15... 9:15... Hold on, it's 9:15! Oh my goodness! My class will depart at 9:30 for the highly-anticipated excursion!"

The urgency of the situation suddenly sank in, fueling my adrenaline. With a surge of energy, I leaped out of bed and dashed towards the bathroom, my heart pounding in my chest.

Cleansing my face and hastily brushing my teeth, I emerged from the bathroom, desperately trying to gather myself. Frustration washed over me as I glanced longingly at the inviting bathtub, knowing that a luxurious bath was an unattainable luxury in my current predicament.

Sighing deeply, I shook my head in resignation, tearing my gaze away from the bathroom and focusing on the task at hand. Time was of the essence, and I had to make every second count.

I grabbed my uniform and put it on.

"Hmm, should I opt for a necktie or a scarf?"

I pondered for a moment but realized I didn't have enough time to knot a tie, so I decided to wear a crimson scarf.

Indeed, it's not due to my lack of tie-wearing skills. Absolutely not.

Anyway, as I packed my belongings, I swiftly gathered my things and hurriedly left the dormitory.

'However, I did learn a lesson today.'

While contemplating, I quickened my pace to increase my running speed.

'Never trust an alarm clock. Damn, it!'


Inside the bus at the parking lot,

"Hey, why isn't the bus moving? Other class buses have already departed?"

Inquired a boy with cropped hair seated on the right side of the bus.

"I suppose someone is still missing."

Another boy sitting beside him responded with a displeased expression.

"No matter who it is, they're in trouble!"

Suddenly, at the seat behind those two boys, a boy with pale green hair chimed in.

"Whoa, don't startle us like that, Elen!"

Exclaimed the first boy with short hair.

"You're a coward if you're frightened by something like that."

Ellen sneered, hir lips curling with disdain and hir eyes narrowed in annoyance. The same thing was happening at the other seats, spreading a wave of displeasure throughout the bus. It seemed that their bus, and their bus alone, refused to budge from its stationary position.

But why? Why was their carefully planned morning now in shambles? The answer was simple. Every person on that bus had woken up earlier than usual, sacrificing precious moments of sleep, rushing through their morning routines, and washing their hair at the crack of dawn, all to ensure they wouldn't be late for their bus.

Yet, despite all their efforts, it seemed that one individual's negligence had thrown a wrench into their well-orchestrated plans. Frustration and impatience permeated the air as they waited for the missing culprit to make their appearance.

"Shit, which idiot has not come till now?" James exclaimed, his voice dripping with annoyance. It was no surprise. James was known for his arrogance and lack of patience, so his irritation was to be expected.

Azul, on the other hand, attempted to diffuse the tension. "Calm down a little. He will come," he reassured James, his voice laced with a touch of patience and understanding.

Meanwhile, at the left side of the bus, the girls who had been sitting and chatting amongst themselves were equally vexed. After all, girls always strived to look their best, and time was of the essence. Their impatience was palpable.

At the backmost seat on the left side, Freya's eyes were fixed on the bus entrance. Curiosity mingled with her displeased expression, as she too questioned the tardiness of their missing companion.

Meanwhile, Layla and Mary who sat in front of her had an indifferent expression, lost in their thoughts.


Outside the bus,

Olivia had a scowl on her face. Yesterday, she had told everyone that they would leave at 9:30, but the students were supposed to be there 15 minutes earlier.

And now she has to wait for the idiot standing outside, exposing herself to the bright sun.

As she peered into the distance, a black figure ran toward the bus as if her life depended on it.

" Finally..."

She sighed.


I ran out of the dorm and in 5 minutes I finally reached the bus.

But when I saw Olivia standing in front of the bus waiting, I did not feel like going there.

shit, my luck is not good

"Good morning."

I greeted her, but she only said in a somber voice,

"Get in."

So I wasted no time and entered without looking her in the face.


My bus was two-seated, and it was seated with boys and girls on separate sides concepts.

Left for girls and right for boys.

And by whom?

Of course, it was Olivia's instruction.

'I guess she does not like romance on the bus?'

I mused. Who knows, maybe it's her frustration too, because she, like me, is also single.

Anyway, I tried to find a seat and found an empty one, too.

But I refrained from going there. Because I could see the looks of the other students.

And the look they gave me was frightening. So without hesitation I took the first free seat.

After sitting, I closed my eyes to calm down.

Suddenly there was a moment beside me.

'That was supposed to be my seatmate. But was there someone who was later than me?'

With that thought, I opened my eyes and greeted my partner in crime.


" Good morning..."

But when I opened my eyes and saw a pair of beautiful pink pupils, I was startled.

Not at the beauty of the eyes, but at the beauty of the owner of those eyes.

Yes, it's none other than Olivia Laurena.

That must be her seat. But when I sat there, because I had no place or was afraid to sit there, she sat with me.

I stared into those eyes and admired her beauty.

"Is there something on my face?"

As if she couldn't withstand my gaze, she asked a question.

"No, it's just that you're my type."

I blurted out in a daze. But when I realised the meaning of my words, I was horrified.

I immediately turned my head away and straightened my back.

And when I looked at her reaction...

There was a disgusted look in her eyes.

sigh... so much for the good impression I wanted to make...

I sighed in the face of my misfortune.

But... something felt strange. But what was it?

When I turned my head back, I immediately understood what that feeling was.

Yes, the intense looks I was getting intensified many times over.

There were girls staring at me too, but most of itcame from boys.

And why?

It must be out of jealousy.

Think about it, you've all sat with guys and admired the beauty of girls.

But then an extra comes and sits with a beauty and talks to her. Even if it's something disgusting, won't the boys who admire the beauty be jealous?

At this thought, the corners of my lips pulled up.

Mockingly, I raised my hand and gave them the middle finger.

"Fuck off, guys."

I said and grinned even more.

Immediately, the pressure of their stares was even mixed with deadly intent.

All my classmates sitting behind me had a grim, angry, surprised and sullen look on their faces.

Even Olivia had a surprised look on her face. She had never thought that I would say something like that.

After all, no one likes it when someone tells them to fuck off. Especially when it was someone who was late.

And instead of apologising, he tells you to fuck off.

Yes, at that moment it was decided that Kai Rosso became the enemy of the whole class.


Who cares?

With this thought, I closed my eyes and continued my unfinished sleep with a satisfied smile on my face.

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