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Chapter 63: Strange Thoughts and Determination.

(Attention! The second part of this chapter may be uncomfortable for some people, but I decided to write it anyway to test and see if you want some parts like this in my novel. Please leave your comments about what you think.)


As Fang Xue climbed the stairs, she reflected on her recent behavior and felt strange. After all, she had never experienced such confusion before.

'Argh! What a mess,' Fang Xue thought, somewhat bothered by not having answers that justified her current behavior.

While Fang Xue was immersed in her thoughts, Li Qiang followed her in silence, lost in her own reflections.

'Why is Little Xue acting like this? Has she finally realized that I am the love of her life?' Li Qiang thought, somewhat narcissistically. However, she quickly shook her head, dismissing such thoughts.

'That can't be it, after all, how could she fall in love with a rabbit, right?' Li Qiang snapped back to reality, aware that her current form was that of a small rabbit. The only advantage she had in this form was being embraced and caressed in Fang Xue's warm and fragrant arms.

However, even that advantage had been taken away from her now. This realization sparked an unwavering determination in Li Qiang, born out of a strange desire that had sprouted in her heart.

'I need to regain my body!' Li Qiang's eyes gleamed with determination as she thought about returning to her original form. However, this determination was driven by impure motives, specifically the desire to engage in adult activities with Fang Xue.

As the two lost themselves in their own thoughts, they soon reached the surface of the mansion again and wasted no time in looting everything inside.

Fang Xue and Li Qiang found various things, although nothing comparable to Fang Xue's gains in the mansion's underground.

"Well, even though it doesn't compare to the Man-Eating Lily, we still have many pills, money, and herbs. Now you have a good capital," Li Qiang said to Fang Xue after both of them analyzed what they had stolen from the bandits.

"You're right, I obtained many things here... Let's go, we have to take care of those women," Fang Xue sighed and headed towards the mansion's exit.

"By the way, what do you plan to do with the women?" Li Qiang couldn't contain her curiosity. After all, she didn't even know what Fang Xue had in mind.

"Nothing major, I will just escort them to a nearby village where the Village Chief will take care of sending them back to their homes," Fang Xue casually replied. The truth was that she hadn't thought much about it, she just wanted to help those women and gather some good karma for herself, even though concepts like karma didn't affect her much.


In the center of the camp, a group of 50 women gathered. Their ages ranged from 16 to 30.

Most of them had empty looks, showing a lack of will to live. Their bodies bore scars, but the wounds in their hearts and souls were even deeper and incurable compared to the physical ones.

However, some of the younger ones still had a spark of life shining in their eyes. They held onto hope and the will to live.

Suddenly, in front of the crowd, a black-furred rabbit with violet eyes appeared, accompanied by a beautiful woman with long black hair streaked with white and gray eyes.

Upon seeing this duo, the women reacted, including those with empty looks. This duo were their saviors, the people who freed them from this hell on earth.

"I know that you have gone through unimaginable things, and I understand that many of you no longer wish to live. But before making that decision, I ask you to consider if there is still someone waiting for you, be it a husband, parents, or children.

If there is still someone waiting for you, fight and overcome the demons in your hearts. From today onward, leave behind these painful memories. It may seem like an impossible request, but with the support of those who love you, I am certain that you can do it."

Fang Xue addressed the women, encouraging them to live. However, she knew that what these women had experienced there could haunt them for the rest of their lives. Still, Fang Xue hoped to ignite the flame of hope in at least some of them.

And just as Fang Xue had hoped, the empty eyes of some women lit up upon hearing her words. These women remembered the people waiting for them.

However, even after hearing Fang Xue's words, some still maintained their unchanged expressions. These women had nothing and no one left, and now that they were free from those demons, only the embrace of death could calm their souls.

Fang Xue noticed the change and lack of emotional change in these women and sighed internally.

"The world is truly cruel," Fang Xue sighed, recalling the experience she had at the hands of Ming Bai, especially when she realized that she could cause Li Qiang's death.

That feeling of helplessness was still fresh in her memory, reminding her that if she was weak, she could cause pain to those close to her.

After a few moments, Fang Xue allowed these women to absorb her words and decided to continue her speech.

"I also know that some of you no longer have anyone or anything that ties you to this world, and you only desire death to free yourselves from these demons in your hearts. Therefore, I will grant your wishes.

Form a line to my right, those who wish for death to escape this hell."

With these words, three women walked without hesitation toward Fang Xue's right, but some still hesitated. So, Fang Xue decided to wait a little longer to see the decision of these women.

After a few minutes, five more women joined the first three.

Fang Xue observed this and couldn't help but sigh again, thinking that she had been too indulgent with the criminals.

"Are you eight sure of what you desire? This is my final warning," Fang Xue said, turning toward the eight women. She only saw determination, peace, and relief in their eyes, indicating that they had already made up their minds.

"I understand. These are your wishes..." Fang Xue murmured, audible to everyone.

"The rest of you, make your way to the main mansion and rest there. I will inform you of what we will do next." Fang Xue turned and gave the order to the other women, who followed her words but couldn't help but look at the eight women with sympathy.

After all, only they knew what they had gone through there.

When Fang Xue realized that only she, Li Qiang, and the eight women remained, she decisively approached the women.

'Are you sure? If you want, I can do it,' Li Qiang's warm and concerned voice echoed in Fang Xue's mind.

Li Qiang silently observed everything and couldn't help but worry about Fang Xue. After all, she was going to kill eight innocents. Even if they desired death, Li Qiang couldn't help but worry about Fang Xue's mental state.

Fang Xue paused momentarily but soon proceeded without hesitation, not responding to Li Qiang.

'I desire freedom. If I want, I can be a Buddha and save all existing races. But if I want to annihilate this universe, I will do so without hesitation. So, this is my first step toward achieving my desire.

They desire death, and I will grant death to them. Not because I am a kind-hearted person, but because my heart tells me to do so,' Fang Xue thought.

Fang Xue desired to be free, not only from the chains of fate but also from any concept, be it Death, Life, Time, Space, or Morality. The only thing that could limit her was herself. She would be the one to dictate what she wanted or didn't want to do.

With this clear thought in her heart, Fang Xue raised her palm, controlled the World Qi around her, and transformed it into Pure Yin Qi. She injected a small amount into each of the eight women.

As the Pure Yin Qi entered their bodies, the women started to feel strange and drowsy. Soon, their visions darkened until their consciousness faded completely, plunging them into eternal sleep.

The entire process occurred silently, indicating that their deaths were peaceful.

"What a beautiful way to kill," Li Qiang sighed upon seeing how Fang Xue ended those women's lives.

What Fang Xue did was inject Yin Qi until it balanced with the Yang Qi present in the life source of all living beings. Then, when Yin and Yang reached equilibrium, Fang Xue extinguished them, allowing these women to die in the most peaceful way possible.

Fang Xue chose this approach because, according to an ancient legend, when a Buddha was about to die but achieved Supreme Enlightenment, the Yin Qi from the imminent death and the Yang Qi from the remaining life balanced, and these Buddhas were sent to the Buddhist Pure Land.

A place where only peace reigned, a perfect utopia.

Thus, even though Fang Xue didn't know if this was true or not, she still wanted to try to offer some peace in the afterlife to these women.

Unbeknownst to Fang Xue, eight semi-transparent figures appeared in a completely white place, where only a Buddhist monk sat in a lotus position, with a serene smile on his face.

"Amitabha, welcome to the Buddhist paradise," the monk said with a melodious voice.

yuuhL yuuhL

Guys, at the end of the chapter it may have been confusing, but I was in a state of concentration and having fun writing, which I decided to keep it that way. Let me know what you think of the chapter itself and whether it was necessary for me to make Fang Xue kill 8 innocent people.

With love, Author.

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