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Chapter 5: Meetings: hospitalized social outcast released

Of course, I was excited to join Jill on her trip to sex heaven.

I was never one to stutter or make myself desired, but our fun time had come to an end tonight. The real fun between us would most likely begin after midnight...

My parents had been driving back home for some time and were due to arrive any minute.

This minor issue, which could reoccur in the future, was the main reason I was thinking about moving in with Nubia.

Someone may question why I would want to live with my sister when the same problem may arise.

I intended to seduce her and live a completely hedonistic lifestyle with her. Within her...

I was ecstatic just thinking about it; I was more ecstatic about the prospect of daily corrupting her mind and desecrating her pussy than I was about the exhausted Jill on the floor with her generously staggering forms, which I had overworked.

Jill was a little overburdened after only cumming three times.

I'd only used my deft finger touches and had yet to taste and fuck her good, but I was confident she'd become one of my main women who would keep me satisfied.

She was very attractive. I had romantic feelings for her.

I wasn't afraid to think this softly because I didn't love women in the way that a soyboy or a twink would.

I was only constrained by society's criminal rules, which I naturally made sure not to break and instead played with.

After fucking females once, I basically took anything I wanted. They were mine once I had left my sperm impression.

They were also imprinted on my possessive mind.

There's the breaking news.

I was a monster, a jealous beast like any other straight man who claimed he wasn't. Because they were overly concerned with obtaining anything from society, such as success, friendship, or respect, or because dating became too stressful or dull after you had tried everything there was to try.

There were cuckolds among straight men, of course, but they had their own subculture.

I wasn't talking about them.

And this was how things operated in the wild amongst creatures with ambitious, domineering impulses and dispositions.

I wasn't the type of man who got fatigued easily, let alone with a system to assist me go to the top.

A rebirth without pursuing, seducing, and retaining all the attractive ladies you desire was sort of defeating the purpose.

Why become so strong if you're going to live like every other virtuous man who lives quietly because life is difficult or because that's all they can do?

Sure, there are some really righteous guys in the world, but system reincarnators are not among them; I've never read of one who wasn't hypocritical in some way.

Harem or no harem, they were all becoming repulsive once they pretended not to have selfish goals.

If you're a harem hypocrite, offer your system to a philosophical and intelligent eunuch if you're going to mislead. He'll most likely do more good for the world than you will.

If you're a no-harem faker, giving your system to a Tibetan hermit was the finest solution.

I once read an unusual article that received really negative feedback. I'm sure I could find it and read it now that I'm connected to the internet.

Essentially, a no-harem imposter captivated and sexually lectured his whole planet of ladies throughout his first week of life. Under the guise of training them... He was nastier than harem reincarnators who didn't often bail on the females they wanted to fuck.

Even though there were imposters who like getting cucked, the harem sect was the only authentic sect.

If it wasn't for the fact that the books were written for individuals who despised harems, who in their right mind wouldn't fuck 10/10 ladies who wandered around everywhere they could look in their worlds?

Bullshit. It's all nonsense.

Even random females on the streets in the anime worlds were bad as fuck and couldn't be resisted by those lifetime virgins.

Even Sakura's retarded detractors would hit if she approached them.

'Please realize that this isn't personal to anyone who disliked Sakura. The truth wears no gloves and attacks without compassion, much like Sakura when she isn't wearing gloves.' I thought to myself chuckling.

Perhaps I was a character in my own tale.

To me, and this was just my opinion, Naruto was nothing more than a simp to Sasuke and Sakura.

That was undoubtedly the final straw for many who disagreed, but to me, he was fortunate to have an outstanding woman who had secretly loved him for years.

Hinata was snatched and getting ntred from him each time someone went into that world as a reincarnator.

Naruto was the homie to me and many others, but he didn't have any girls or any game. He had the ladies, but he was an overly dense protagonist.

If he had improved his game in Shippuden, the first lady he may have been with was not Hinata, but Ino. She just became involved with Sai because he never tried anything.

My mans was a crazy baller when he overcame Pain.

Even Sakura was a bit wet down there that day. He was too dumb not to accept her bogus offer after.

To be honest, I wasn't certain it was all a hoax... And he could have fucked anyhow and gotten one over on Sasuke for life.

Jill was slender where it was necessary and thick where bouncy, jiggly bacon hog fat was required.

She possessed a delicate and beautiful blend of physical attractiveness that caused the cock between my legs to pulse.

Sadly, we dressed and left her room after she had played with my cock a little and was unable to make me cum with the hand pediatrics.

This was something I expected and wasn't disappointed by; both she and I expected things to become more awkward, quaint, and fundamental as we drank more tonight.

I wasn't sure who would object, but Jill was the first of my numerous and future new girlfriends.

Our interaction was more than just professional and goal-oriented.

I was younger now, and I needed to be cherished and cared for with a soft, calming touch.

She was going to be my first and primary go-to when I was throbbing or needed to sleep, not necessarily passionately with a stunning older woman.

In her world, there were other, more horrifically amazing, dick enrapturing females, sex succubuses who I would contact in the future, but for now, she and I would enjoy our time as boyfriend and girlfriend.

We all went down the hall together after we went to Thrud's room to get her.

My parents were getting out of the car, followed by my kind, serious stepsister.

My sister, who was trailing after my parents, immediately gave me a dirty look.

As my eldest stepsister, she'd seen everything there was to see from me, and she was always the witness to more unreasonable, uncomfortable, and untimely things...

When my father entered the house's hall, he was the first to speak. "I guess I don't need to ask you if you're feeling better, son, but who are those lovely young ladies behind you?"

He inquired, with a tired, stressed-out, but proud grin.

My young, promising career had come to a halt, but there was still one location, the same loving spot where I could never disappoint my father's expectations since I was a verified straight man.

I'd heard the stories from him and several of my relatives, so I knew he wasn't any less of a playboy than I am.

My predecessor was not embarrassed to express his fantastic, awful nature inside or outside the home since he and I shared an unspoken, silent agreement. It was only that doing certain things at home was still inconvenient.

It didn't matter how much my father approved of my interests and activities if I didn't feel completely at comfortable doing anything I wanted in his house.

Of course, he wouldn't approve of everything with his thumb up in the air... Though my stepmother approved of my dating abilities just as much as he did, there were some appearances to preserve and avoid between them because they were a married pair with wedded views...

My father didn't always want the unanticipated, deeper-rooted, and unexpected effects of his son's unethical actions.

Ancient wise men once left us for us posterity the words that Hell hath no fury like a scorned woman, but on the flip side of this dating coin, irrationally jealous, irrationally insecure wives can be just as terrifying when given motivation.

My father was a regular guy, not a reincarnator. He wasn't a harem guy capable of running a harem.

He wasn't an untamable and uncuckable playboy like I could be if I wanted to be.

Because I was her only son, my stepmother was more laidback and casual about parenting; she always wanted one but couldn't have more than Nubia. She, on the other hand, was a married woman who adored and appreciated her husband completely for herself; she didn't want to share him in case he considered breaking his marital vows. Certain things were unavoidable.

"This is Jill and the other one is Thrud. They're new friends of mine." I gestured to the women on my side one by one.

I naturally began by introducing my girlfriend, not to please her ego, but to avoid upsetting it. Before I married at the age of 50, I was used to making these types of subconscious, casual, and detailed gestures. I'd had plenty of dating experience.

For approximately eleven years, I lived the life of a married man. That was more than enough to keep me engaged, and I sincerely loved my wife, on whom I never strayed.

Jill and Thrud had both opted to dress comfortably. They were dressed in blue and black pants, with Jill wearing a tight black shirt of mine and Thrud wearing a white one.

They did not, however, wear bras.

Naturally, my mother and sister took note.

Nubia sighed and made an odd expression behind our mother.

"Keyne, their nipples are showing," my mother Savannah, the lovely afro hairdo black woman of dreams, coughed. While she was speaking, she cast a glance at my father to check whether he had seen and was staring.

Fortunately, he had prior experience...

"Nubia, take them to your room so they can get the proper underwear." My mother said again, without properly greeting me or introducing herself to my girls.

She was an outspoken woman who was neither bashful nor dishonest.

Nubia shrugged her shoulders and nodded.

"This idiot didn't even give you what you need to wear most?" she said to Jill and Thrud, shaking her smiling head as she walked next to me and kissed me on the cheek. "Come on, let's fix this soon. My name is Nubia, and I'm that guy's older sister."



Jill looked back behind her at me with a laughing smile after the girls greeted themselves nicely and followed Nubia up the stairs.

She seemed to be saying, "I already like your sister a lot."

As I glanced at her spectacular, bouncing asss inside her pants heading up the stairs, it seemed weird how well I understood her.

When my parents saw her smile at me, they approached me and stated respectively,

"What is her age? She appears to be little older than Nubia."

"Is that your new girl? Or do you have a hand in both?"

My mother was the first to speak.

My father was more concerned with my achievements as he used some foul words.

My mother, who didn't say anything and just stared, took note.

My father had plenty of opportunities to speak; her mental record of foul, suggestive words permitted for each of my conquests was extensive...

The brief meeting with my parents and subsequent conversation in the living room were only slightly awkward. Jill and Thrud were both intelligent women, and despite coming from different cultures, Jill was well-versed in recent global trends.

Her world wasn't all that different from this one.

She wasn't like Thrud, who had to be careful not to say too much or provide too detailed responses to my parents' inquisitive questions.

I was reminded of something important throughout the entire thing, and by the end of it.

Identity cards and other personal citizen documents were required and differed in this world.

Thrud obviously didn't have any and hadn't needed them until now, but sending Jill back to her post-apocalyptic world to recover hers was a waste of time and effort.

They were either lost or devoured and defecated on by zombies, and Jill's return was perilous.

Her ability to phase through things while in the form of a ghost would stay with her even if she returned to her own world, but I wouldn't send her back there, not in that hellish place.

She was nothing like Lady Alcina, and she didn't have the wherewithal to live a nice life there.

Thinking about that old and extremely ripe woman who had lived for a long time and most certainly had more than one intriguing and educational discussion, I felt I needed to meet her again soon, if only for my curiosity in her and her background as a Jazz singer... There were no other reasons of course...

I was similarly lured by her nasty employer Miranda with my amazing Rule34 powers, which enabled me to change and improve a wide range of items...

Anyway, I needed papers for my upcoming summons so that they could live peacefully and normally. And I had a strategy for obtaining them in the long run.

Because the planet was considerably weaker and I had been awarded a very useful and powerful skill called Teleportation from the God of War universe, I could simply begin this type of identity document obtaining thing.

After I've finished scouting government agencies for personnel information, all I'd need is a mask, gloves, and clothing to avoid leaving visible fingerprints, as well as a convincing argument, enticing pitch, or significant incentive to contact someone who works there.

I'd prefer someone who has dual citizenship and has family living outside of the country. Because I felt like I already knew what I'd do and say to someone like that rather than doing things with someone else that would burden my conscience and violate too many laws.

I could also go after some higher-ups, but I was a cautious person. That was unnecessary just to get some papers.

My plan to obtain the identification papers via illegal but not necessarily unethical means could begin within the next 24 hours; this evening was not an emergency.

Jill and Thrud wouldn't need ID to accompany me to the restaurant tonight as long as we didn't get into any trouble.

It was OK since we weren't heading out to cause problems.

Of course, problems could find us without our doing anything wrong, but I didn't think cops would go out of their way to target me and create problems for me on purpose for no apparent reason, unless they were also my detractors.

After all, despite being an unpopular celebrity, I was still a wealthy and privileged white young man. It was a minor detail to me, but there were some things in this world that I couldn't change and didn't want to be associated with.

I only knew that I liked people of all races, as well as black men and women.

No Pause here.

But I wasn't being gay by saying this.

Despite liking and eating as much ass as they were rumored to, I was not a gay man.

I ate booty groceries from a different gender, the female gender.

Respect had to be paid to all booty eaters though, so kudos to whoever did it, as long as they didn't get too close to me with that stinky and nasty breath.

It was acceptable if it came from a woman, but not acceptable if it did not.

People frequently forgot that when they spoke, they spit out imperceptible saliva on the faces of others. There were terrifying videos showing how your interlocutors' saliva landed on your face without your knowledge every day.

The sheer thought of having men's ass and poop on my face made me angry and disgusted.

I didn't want to think about what other liquids could be mixed with that flying spit…





In the opulent restaurant where I had reserved a table for the three of us. I took my seat after helping Jill and Thrud to their seats and grabbed the menu.

"What are you going to eat? The selection is diverse and exquisite. Do you want me to contact the chef to assist you with the menu?" I asked Jill and Thrud as they perused the menu and conferred about what to order. Meanwhile, I was giggling inside.

They said rich and famous people went to the same places to eat, drink, and fuck, and it was true.

I wasn't wealthy in my previous life, but I was told this constantly. I won't say by who…

My gaze had wandered around the restaurant's large room long before I took my seat, and I had noticed a few whispering people I knew and who knew me, but I didn't pay attention to them.

I was intent on keeping the two beautiful women with me happy and well fed, women who were attracting as many eyes as I was.

"Call the chef." Jill said with a smile. "I think we haven't drawn enough attention as it is."

She didn't seem afraid to be with me and even wanted to draw more attention to us because people were secretly gossiping about us.

"Are people looking at us like this because of you and your scandal with your woman?" Thrud asked me while closing the menu she was holding.

"Yes, and no." I shrugged in response. "Both men and women in the room are looking at each other with jealous eyes. I must say that our world is somewhat complicated… Let's also say I didn't do everything I could to make them like me."

"Do you know everybody here?" Jill, who was dressed up compared to before, asked. She was wearing one of my sister's fashionable outfits.

Thrud wore one of my mother's dresses, who had the same thicker build. They were both on the bulkier and more strangulating end of the spectrum.

My father apparently liked his women tall and thick, because my mother was also a tall and thick beauty before she died.

"Most of them," I replied. "They're not the people who really matter, though."

We started eating after the chef arrived and gave them some recommendations. It didn't take long for our starter dishes, which were part of a full course, to arrive.

I was enjoying my fish tartar peacefully when I heard someone behind me say, "Look who's here, fully recovered from his near-fatal hangover... With two attractive women to boot. Harmful or not... I'm guessing a tiger never changes his stripes if it works for him in its natural habitat, right?"

I turned my head to see who was speaking as I seemed to recognize the condescending tone of voice, which contained some disdain and dislike.

When I realized who had said something to me, I spoke shamelessly, raising the corner of my lips, "As you can see, Peyton, I'm fine. But what brings you to my table? What became of your sister and her fiancé? Did you come to have a nice family dinner with them as well?"

"Family?" Peyton, with her beautiful tanned skin and green eyes, raised her brow and simultaneously asked Jill and Thrud. "Are you guys related?" She was also questioning me.

Peyton was the actress who played Cheetah in my ex-girlfriend's upcoming film. She was the film's main villain, and it appeared that she was planning to be mine tonight if she could.

But when I looked at the Gyaru, with her gleaming hair that almost gave her the appearance of a dumb blonde despite the fact that it was brown, I couldn't picture her as a villain capable of ruining my night out.

In this world, she and her younger sister Skyler appeared British, but their accents, while sophisticated, could not be identified as British. I wasn't sure where her accent originated, but I was fond of it.

This world was both fascinating and enjoyable.

Before Jill answered for me and asked her a question she didn't expect, which made her turn red, I marveled at her looks, which reminded me of Barbara Minerva from the new Catwoman movie.

She looked exactly the same, and based on how she spoke to me before, she seemed to be taking her role as a wild cat seriously.

I wasn't surprised and didn't cringe because, as an old actor, I knew that every actor had their own ways of getting into the part.

****Around 21 p.m.****


Jill and Peyton had a brief but heated exchange before the Gyaru walked away, her steps tinged with rage.

She was adorable when she was angry.

She'd lost the battle of words and couldn't figure out what Jill, who was sexier than her and had bigger boobs than her, found appealing in me.

She asked Jill if she was aware of the recent activities I had been involved in.

Jill's response to this question was what completely stumped the speech-impaired Peyton, who was already suffering from inferiority complexes due to Jill and Thrud's unusual, obvious, and gorgeous female characteristics.

Thrud, who wasn't actively participating in their simmering verbal battle but had her own peculiar God of War logic, delivered the ultimate and most irrational hit before Peyton decided to give up and leave.

There was nothing she could do here with her womanly wisdom, which the girls refused to follow and actually despised.

I immediately felt extremely fortunate...

But, as she walked away, Peyton left me with the impression that this was just the beginning of my never-ending problems with her and her entourage, and this complex conflict between women who have self-esteem and pride in their beautiful bodies.

I hummed to myself meaningfully as I watched Peyton, or more specifically Peyton's ass sway in her tight shiny colored dress, leave the restaurant with her famous women pals.

Peyton was born to be a queen bee. She was a high school princess who excelled at everything she attempted. She and I had already known each other from school before I started acting.

She had already graduated as prom queen before I had even finished high school.

The renowned and less famous females behind her scowled at me as they opened and closed the fancy eating place's entrance in quick succession. With hatred at her command, and certainly not for those who didn't need it.

When interacting with others, I had several options, not just women with weaker souls than mine. The soul mirrored the overall evaluation of spiritual power.

I didn't have the body or soul of a video game player, but I could assess my physical and spiritual abilities using data.

I could also gauge the power of each of my summons using Status Windows. But I couldn't do the same for anyone else. Not that I needed to, because Peyton couldn't possibly have a stronger soul than I did.

Anyway, I was thinking about these things because I was planning an unexpectedly bad prank. I had no intention of turning this prank into something real, but I could if I wanted to.

Not only could I summon people, but I could also summon souls and anything else from the worlds at my disposal.

I suddenly felt compelled to implant someone else's soul into Peyton's and her friends' bodies. They had weaker souls than me and couldn't stop me even if they tried.

I had a fleeting desire to do this to Peyton in particular...

But I wasn't going to do it because the idea was only a passing, degrading joke.

I wasn't your usual summoner, but I wasn't miserable or deranged enough to do such things to ladies simply because they loathed me and intended to spoil my night.

Very repulsive things that, given their frail souls, I could make them endure for a lifetime.

I thought Peyton was attractive and planned to seduce her in a normal and decent manner. The enjoyable route, if not objectively fun or adequate for everyone with differing viewpoints...

I liked taking my time and having fun while luring and corrupting my next love targets. I found the feeling of incremental achievement and capture more appealing.

My predecessor's sex deeds and games had already affected her younger sister. Gaining females who despised me was an incredible delight that would add to the incredible joy and satisfaction of her elder sister falling in love with me.

I was going to make Peyton fall madly in love with me, and her heart and mind would never want to be apart from me again.

This was my thrilling scheme. I'd never felt such a rush of hormones before. It was most likely some kind of power trip.

I assumed it was because my cock, who was secretly crouching in my pants, was already excited by the prospect.

I didn't mind causing another scandal because my acting career had already been destroyed and couldn't be destroyed again. It would have no effect on me other than to erode my chances of establishing a good reputation.

But, in a society where staying relevant was critical, who cared about having a friendly and kind image?

I only needed the growing reputation. Screw the good name.

Skyler's fiancé, Peyton's younger sister's fiancé, was a member of the Catwoman film's executive team. He was the son of an influential and wealthy producer in the industry.

Peyton would almost certainly suffer the consequences of falling for me and humiliating him twice, but that was an if. But if everything went as planned and she lost her job, I had other and new plans for her.

I wasn't forced to do it, but I was a soft man at heart when it came to the women I intended to defraud.

I wanted to corrupt Peyton and take a big stinky dump on the people who caused me to lose the easier and already on track career that I could have had.

But I wasn't about to let her lose everything she had worked so hard for her entire life.

One might wonder why I would be so nice to a woman who had probably wished for nothing more than my humiliating fall and for me to be massively fucked in the ass.

The main reason was that I would be the one doing the ass fucking to her in the future. What further humiliation did she require after this?

I wasn't one of those reincarnators who pretended to be just and punished men and women equally. As a man, I had no idea how to feel about equal rights. It was a difficult subject for me.

I was only interested in myself and my selfish goals in this world. This did not imply that I was a heartless person who had no compassion for those I wished to assist.

I didn't have an ethical code to follow, no moral framework to guide me, and no impartial judge to stop me from doing whatever I wanted, so I did whatever I wanted.

Naturally, within the confines of natural, observable, and written laws...

After all, despite my reincarnation, I admired the FBI's work and had no contempt for, no mental underestimation of its personnel…

I was drinking coffee in preparation for our next outing to a nightclub for small drinks and dancing before returning home.

Putting down my coffee cup, I inquired about our delicious meal, which could have been ruined if Jill and Thrud hadn't been wise ladies. "How was it, how did you like the place, and can we come back to eat here again if you enjoyed it despite the little incident with that bitch Peyton?"

"I've known her for a long time and have learned how to cope with her idiotic behavior, so don't take what she tried to do too seriously."

Jill shrugged as if to say yes, wiping her mouth and not seeming bothered at all. She was much older than these insignificant high school issues.

Thrud was more willing to comment, saying as she finished her chocolate and ice cream dessert, "She seems like a person with a lot of issues to work out... Don't worry, I didn't take anything she said personally."

"Good then, let me settle the bill before we leave," I said with a smile. "By the way, what type of music do you like?"

I was curious because there were so many nightclubs to choose from.

And, while I was having fun thinking about these things, I wasn't completely careless.

That was because the system reminded me of something interesting about this world; some things seemed to be moving in the background as a result of my arrival.

Because of the system, I was aware that sorcery and magic, which I had yet to encounter, appeared to exist in all DC worlds. But I had no idea when those would become more interesting and impact the global situation.

Although the alternate universe was different, DC remained DC.

It was fine. Totally OK.

This didn't bother or disturb me at all after hearing what the system had to say about it, which was a natural outcome I had anticipated thanks to him yesterday.

I was actually quite excited because of how strong I already was and would become.

Two female members of a group of titanic youths, who had long since outgrown their adolescence, seemed to be on the cusp of a new and strange experience that would radically alter their outlook on life.

I was the true X factor, but this unknown superior causality instance either didn't know I existed or didn't think I was unusual, so it didn't bother to investigate.

The system was acting as a shield, stopping the supernatural cosmic entity from coming anywhere near me.







****Approximately 18 p.m.****


Another city in a different, opposite location and time zone.

In a coffee shop with a view of the crowd walking down the sloped streets through a glass wall. The sun was gradually turning redder outside, and the sky was becoming darker.

The stark contrast between two stunning women sitting in the room was striking--one with a jagged mauve pixie cut and the other with a silver-white flowing mane.

Both were experienced actresses who had previously worked together, but Dawn, the older of the two, knitted her brows in concern as she studied Rachel's blank expression.

"What's wrong with you?" She inquired gently.

Rachel looked off into the distance, almost taken aback by the question.

"Nothing," she finally said, her lips twitching into an odd scowl. "What did you need to ask me?"

Dawn's gaze lingered on Rachel's face for a few moments longer before she spoke again. "Are you sure everything's fine?"

Rachel gave a silent nod, her mind racing with wild ideas as she twirled the straw in her cup. She was tempted to dive into the liquid, which swished and sloshed inside like a choppy sea of secrets.

She couldn't believe this wasn't how the world should be.

Was she meant to have magical abilities?

And what was the deal with heroes and villains?

It sounded like something out of a DC literature book.

Dawn's brow furrowed as she inquired, "Have you heard anything from Hank lately? Since that huge altercation at the bar, he's been avoiding his depressing apartment and talking about quitting acting... I know he's my ex, but he's also kind of been your acting tutor since you made your debut in front of the camera. I figured you'd know more about what's going on with him than I do."

The majority of the coffee shop customers, mostly men, seemed to pause in awe as her velvety, lush lips moved in flawless balance and gracefulness. She captured their curiosity in the manner of a Renaissance painting or a magazine spread.

Dawn was a traditionally nurtured and classically built beauty, a malleable and upscale star dancer of short stature with a tempting and inviting mouth.

Long before she became an actress or model for a variety of publications, she'd grown accustomed to the spotlight and lustful gazes.

But apart from the fact that she was still a well-known face for many people, her recent earnings had been pitiful in comparison to when everything started for them all with the titan stuff.

****Dawn 1POV****


As the sun set over the West Coast Bay, a few male patrons left the establishment after settling their tabs…

I received lustful and intense stares from some of them, making their significant others feel jealous.

I suppressed a small laugh inside, I had grown accustomed to the extreme admiration and hatred.

Rachel, who was still playing with her straw dipped in her creamy brown coffee, responded to me with an apathetic attitude. "Hank? I haven't heard from him since the last time I met y'all... When y'all were still together speaking of which. Why did y'all break up, I never asked."

I let out a sigh of frustration and responded, "I knew I would get that kind of answer from you, but I still had to come and ask…"

"But seriously Rachel, you should keep up with your social media and stay aware of what's happening in the world. How could you ask me this question when Hank and I broke up months ago?"

"Sometimes I wonder if you consider me a friend, but I know better and understand you enough for me not to think negatively of your unique behavior, you still haven't changed in the slightest have you?"

"Sorry, ya know me…" Rachel said with a little chuckle, the first ever since we arrived in the cafe. "But can you answer me, why did y'all break up?"

She didn't give any explanation about how she sees our friendship, and I felt a little envious of Donna in my mind. Despite this, I let out a sigh and said, "Hank cheated on me rashly. On the spur of the moment... On a petty whim."

"He showed a complete disregard for that woman he met at a bar and how she fell in love with him. I was disgusted, more by how he treated her coldly than by the cheating itself… She even came over to my apartment and we connected emotionally, and now we're friends."

As Rachel looked at me with a doubtful expression, I explained my feelings, thoughts, and thinking process. "It's true. I know, it sounds ridiculous and I was surprised by how I felt too... She came to cry on my shoulder... Anyway, no Rachel. I don't like girls…"

"Hank has shown a tendency to make unwise decisions after veering off a stable path. I couldn't bear his behavior and being around him anymore. The only reason our relationship ended was that. There's no need for any pity towards either him or myself."

"Who said I was feeling sorry? I was just asking, come on now..." Rachel looked bored as she sipped on the drink I had ordered for her at the counter.

She finally drank the drink, which made me wonder why she had been playing with it for so long.

I shook my head as I watched her gulp down the coffee like she hadn't had a sip all day. I was really concerned about her being so concerned for me. I was forgetting who she was...

Despite her peculiar behavior, Rachel was such an attractive, charming teenage girl who grew up to look even more endearing and appealing. I could never hate her and understood how she was.

After she finished her drink, she gave me a long, peculiar look for a few seconds before inquiring, "Hey, have you had any weird dreams lately? Like, not necessarily nightmares, but like really strange... For instance, like you being someone else and all that."

I shook my head and said, "No. Why are you asking? Is that happening to you?"

Rachel nodded, looking a little tired despite the cup of caffeine she downed, "Yeah... Ever since my mother returned home, it has been occurring frequently and with increasing frequency over time."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked with a bit of a chuckling smile.

I couldn't help but furrow my brows because I knew that Rachel rarely said things for no reason.

I also knew that her mother was a bit odd and focused on herself.







On a completely different, an opposite coast, hours later.



*Sounds of woman indulging and moaning*

I was alone in my bedroom, no interruptions, and ready to care for myself. I placed my hands on my chest and gently squeezed and rubbed my breasts, feeling their weight and softness.

I ran my tongue over each nipple, teasing, nibbling, and arousing them until each became firm and craved more attention.

As I continued to explore, my fingers found the most sensitive areas of my body, sending waves of pleasure throughout me with each touch.

I was completely engrossed in the moment, feeling very happy and content. I wanted to experiment with my own body and satisfy all of my personal desires.

I felt a powerful sensation as soon as I stepped inside the house, which caused my body to react in an unusual and unpredictable manner. My muscles were already tense, waiting for Keyne to arrive and delight me with his skilled hands and impressive manhood, just as he had promised.

Even thinking about his touch sent chills down my spine and made my heart race. It gave me goosebumps and tingled my spine.

The intense pleasure he was about to give me on our upcoming date would undoubtedly surpass our previous intimate encounter.

*Will you please wait patiently for my arrival, Jill, as a dutiful submissive for her dominant partner?*

Keyne's seductive murmurs lingered in my mind like a spell.

Thrud wasn't even buzzed, but I was already a little tipsy from the nightclub visit.

Keyne had suddenly approached me in the hallway before we parted ways. As he expressed his desire to continue our shower adventure, his warm breath tickled my ear...

My heart was racing as I recalled how his deft fingers had explored every inch of my body, instilling a newfound passion in me.

I was so turned on that I had to tell him, to let him know how badly I wanted his manhood. But I was still left in discomfort and fucking had to wait.

I smiled at him, implying that we were both interested...

I couldn't help but admire his toned muscles as I stared at his chiseled back, imagining all the different ways I could explore his body.

I could feel the chemistry between us growing stronger as we said our goodbyes and temporarily split up, and I knew that later, when we were alone, we would succumb to a passionate burst of desire and lust.

But, as I waited for him, I found myself completely absorbed in the exploration and stimulation of my physical self.

I had my gaze fixed on my chest, delicately massaging it with a heightened sense of pleasure and satisfaction.

Furthermore, I was exploring my intimate area, which was becoming more lubricated and warm with each passing moment...

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