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Chapter 122: Chuchun's Heroic Flight #122

As Noah drew nearer, casting a foreboding shadow over Fishman Island, a wave of despair washed over Shirahoshi. She clasped her hands together, her voice barely audible as she muttered, "No... it can't be happening..."

Her heart pounded in her chest, and her breath came in short gasps as she watched the approaching threat. The weight of the situation settled upon her, threatening to crush her spirit. The fate of the Ryugu kingdom and the lives of its citizens hung in the balance.

Amidst the chaos and rising panic, Fukaboshi's voice rang out, cutting through the chaotic atmosphere. He stood tall, his regal presence commanding attention as he shouted orders to the royal soldiers, his voice filled with urgency.

"Evacuate the island immediately!" Fukaboshi's voice echoed with determination, though a hint of doubt lingered in his mind. He knew the enormity of the task, but he refused to succumb to despair. "Get every citizen to safety! We must do everything we can... even if it seems too late!"

Even Den's ever-present smile seemed to falter, and Chuchun, the usually cheerful Super Sparrow, couldn't his their shock and fear at the sight of the gigantic ship. Their eyes widened in disbelief, and their bodies tensed instinctively, recognizing the imminent danger that loomed before them.

Den took a step back, his usually composed expression marred with worry. "By the sea... That thing is enormous," he stammered, his voice filled with awe and fear. He had seen his fair share of dangerous situations, but the sheer size and ominous presence of Noah sent a chill down his spine.

Chuchun fluttered his wings nervously, his feathers rising at the unsettling sight. He chirped in distress, unable to contain his unease as he looked up at Den. It was a rare sight to witness the usually confident Super Sparrow shaken by the magnitude of the impending disaster.

The gravity of the situation hung heavy in the air as the royal soldiers scrambled to carry out Fukaboshi's orders, hustling the citizens to safety. They moved with urgency, their faces etched with determination, even as doubt lingered in their minds.

Amidst the panic and commotion, Cedric had been silent, seemingly lost in thought. But suddenly, a grin spread across his face, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. With a burst of energy, he activated his devil fruit power, transforming into his gigantic Heavenly Ape form, causing the ground beneath him to shake.

The transformation was awe-inspiring. Cedric's body grew to an immense size, towering over the surrounding area. His muscles bulged with power, and his fur shimmered with a golden radiance. Heat and flames radiated from his body, causing Shirahoshi to shield her eyes from the intense blaze.

Shirahoshi's voice caught in her throat as she tried to speak, her concerns and questions momentarily silenced by the overwhelming spectacle before her. She watched, her eyes wide with astonishment and worry, as Cedric propelled his gigantic body into the air using the Geppo technique. The sheer force of his movement created a powerful gust of wind that stirred the dust around them.

He charged toward Noah, his massive form cutting through the air With tremendous speed and practiced ease. The sight of Cedric, a formidable fiery beast hurtling towards their imminent doom, filled the onlookers with awe, trepidation, and a flicker of hope.

Fukaboshi, his eyes widening, shouted in alarm above the clamor, his voice filled with genuine concern. "I know it's selfish of me to ask, but please! Buy us sometime!" He knew the risks involved but also understood they needed Cedric's help. The fate of the kingdom hung on it.

But Cedric seemed to ignore the prince's words. His battle lust, dormant for a long time, seemed to shine through his massive ape-like features as he finally found a challenge.

As Cedric closed the distance between himself and Noah, the colossal ship grew more sizable and menacing, its shadow casting a foreboding presence over the waters. Shirahoshi couldn't help but shudder as she beheld the immense vessel, a relic of a forgotten era brimming with untold power.

She gripped her fists tightly, her heart torn between fear for Cedric's safety and awe at the sight before her eyes. The turmoil within her was palpable, her emotions swirling like a storm in her chest.

Noah, now in full view, was a sight to behold. The ancient ship's massive hull loomed above the water, adorned with intricate carvings and symbols that whispered stories of forgotten civilizations. It exuded an ominous aura that sent chills through the sea depths.

With a burst of savage power, Cedric unleashed his devil fruit ability, summoning flames that engulfed his massive form. Nine beams of concentrated flames erupted behind his back, streaking through the air with incredible speed. As they reached their destination, the blazes transformed into serpentine dragons, their fiery bodies weaving through the water.

The dragons pierced through the bubble barrier surrounding Fishman Island, their scorching heat causing the water to sizzle and evaporate. They collided with Noah's hull with unrelenting momentum, creating a thunderous impact and reverberating throughout the depths.

The colossal ship shook violently as several gigantic chunks of its structure broke off, hurtling toward the island. Panic and chaos erupted among the citizens and soldiers, their desperate cries filling the air. It seemed as though their doom was inevitable.

However, in the face of imminent destruction, two figures emerged to intercept the falling fragments. Baby 5, with her versatile abilities, transformed her hands into powerful cannons. She unleashed a barrage of explosive shots, pulverizing the massive pieces of debris into smaller, more manageable fragments.

Beside her, Kieran sprouted cannons from the shadows that surrounded him. He directed his weapons to fire at the descending wreckage with precision and skill, further breaking it apart and diverting it away from the vulnerable island.

The combined efforts of Baby 5 and Kieran created a shield of explosive force that shielded Fishman Island from falling debris. The smaller pieces rained harmlessly into the sea, sparing the island and its inhabitants from immediate catastrophe.

Shirahoshi, her eyes wide with awe and relief, watched the scene unfold. She couldn't help but feel gratitude for Cedric, Baby 5, and Kieran, who had risked their lives to protect the kingdom as Duval and the flying fish riders emerged to help evacuate the people.

Amidst the chaos, Chuchun, the Super Sparrow, took to the air, flapping his wings with determination. His keen eyes scanned the area, searching for anyone who might have been hurt by the falling debris. Spotting a group of royal guards struggling to navigate through the confusion, Chuchun swooped down, chirping urgently to get their attention.

The guards looked up in surprise, their faces relieved as they saw the Super Sparrow approaching. Chuchun quickly directed them to the injured citizens, guiding them through the mayhem toward those who needed assistance. The guards, grateful for Chuchun's aid, followed his lead, their resolve strengthened by the small bird's unwavering determination.

Meanwhile, Cedric continued his relentless assault on Noah. With each powerful swing of his massive fists, he unleashed waves of scorching flames, chipping away at the ship's hull. Baby 5 and Kieran joined in, focusing their combined efforts on dismantling the formidable vessel piece by piece.

Decken, the captain of Noah, stood atop the massive ship's bow, his eyes filled with fury and amusement. With a wicked grin, he hurled axes and knives at Cedric, aiming to break his focus and drive him to despair.

"Too late now, land monkey!" Decken jeered, his voice dripping with malice. "No matter what you do, you can't save this pitiful island! Your futile resistance only delays the inevitable!"

As the deadly projectiles flew through the air, Cedric's eyes remained locked on Noah, his determination unshaken as he continued to destroy the ship's hull with his flames. The axes and knives bounced off his hardened body, their impact barely registering as he pressed forward.

Despite Decken's relentless assault, Cedric ingored him and continued to move forward, his colossal form undeterred. The flaming aura surrounding him intensified, fueled by his unwavering spirit.

The sight of Cedric shrugging off his attacks seemed enrage Decken further. With a sinister grin, he hurled a barrage of weapons, each one aimed at weak spots in Cedric's defenses. Again, Cedric recieved the attacks without flinching.

"Is that all you've got, Dickens?" Cedric retorted, giving the Flying Pirates a brief, smug grin.

Decken's eyes burned with fury as his attacks failed to land a blow. He clenched his fists tightly, frustration boiling within him. "You insolent fool! I'll sink this island and watch you drown along with it!"

Cedric wanted to continue taunting Deckens, but unfortunately he no longer had the leeway. Despite his best efforts, it became apparent that dismantling the entire ship in time was an impossible task. The tip of Noah's bow pierced through the protective bubble around the island, causing panic and fear to grip the hearts of those witnessing the scene.


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