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Chapter 31: The harbinger of calamity

[Next day]

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the cozy bedroom. A gentle breeze wafted through the open window, carrying with it the faint aroma of freshly brewed coffee from the kitchen. Ziana smiled, comforted by the familiar scent that had always been one of her mother's charms. Nostalgia and a surge of emotions washed over her as she rolled over, snuggling deeper into the covers.

With a contented sigh, she opened her eyes, taking in the familiar sights of her room. Posters adorned the walls, capturing her favorite memories and aspirations. Neatly stacked books lined the shelf, whispering tales of adventures and escapades. Soft toys were scattered across the small couch, a testament to the childlike innocence that still lingered within her. It was a haven of cherished memories, grounding her in the present while evoking sweet moments of her past life.

This was the first peaceful night since her rebirth, a respite she had yearned for during her lifeless days. Oddly, after her death, it had taken a few days for the reapers to come and escort her, leaving her to wander like a lost soul within the confines of her home. Those days had been painful and heart-wrenching as she observed her family struggling to accept her absence, trying to carry on with their lives. But all the pain and heartache had been worth it, for she was able to reunite with them again.

However, this reunion came at a terrible price, thrusting her into a hidden supernatural realm that coexisted alongside her seemingly ordinary world, its existence veiled in shadows. Fictional creatures became frequent visitors, demons craved her soul, and grim reapers unexpectedly transformed into her friendly childhood neighbors. Adding to the turmoil, her dear husband, a pathetic pompster, persisted in testing her patience and relishing in her sufferings.

These harrowing experiences plagued Ziana with uncertainty and unease, leaving her to question if this rebirth deal was truly worth the trials she now faced. Would she ever be able to live a normal life again? The answer remained a mystery, and she hoped it would be in her favor. She wished for the next three months to pass quickly, sweeping away all the nightmares she currently battled, especially that detestable jerk!

"Zia!! Wake up!"

Her mother's voice boomed through the hallway, jolting Ziana from her reverie. A fond smile played on her lips as she shifted in bed, fixing her gaze on the door, eagerly anticipating her mother's arrival. In the past, she might have groaned and complained about the noise, but now it only filled her with warmth and longing. Oh, how she had missed the mundane routines of her life!

"It's past ten! I am already late for my work!" Norah grumbled as she entered the room, her scowl transforming into a frown of surprise when she noticed her daughter already wide awake, eyes slightly lit up.

"Good morning!" Ziana greeted her mother, her voice brimming with affection. Unable to contain her emotions, she rushed forward and hugged her mother in a tight embrace, squeezing and lightly shaking her in delight.

Norah's frown deepened, a mix of confusion and disbelief clouding her expression. Had some sweet ghost swapped her daughter's soul overnight? She thought as such affectionate intrusion was not the norm.

Nevertheless, Norah reciprocated the embrace, her hand gently patting Ziana's back. "Morning," she replied, a small smile forming on her lips.

"Did you prepare breakfast?" Ziana inquired, breaking the hug and stepping back, mindful of overwhelming her mother with sudden displays of affection.

Norah nodded slowly, still coming to terms with the unexpected surge of love from her daughter. How long had it been since this brat had hugged her so warmly?

"Excellent! I'll take a quick shower and help you set the table!"

Norah furrowed her brow as Ziana darted toward the bathroom, a flicker of concern crossing her face. Her daughter was peculiarly filial today, something starkly contrasting her usual grumpy behavior. Something felt amiss, and she could smell it. She instinctively sniffed again, and her eyes widened in realization.

"Oh, no! My pancakes!" the poor soul exclaimed, hastily making her way to the kitchen.


"All right, the table is set!" Ziana smiled in delight. Filling the freshly brewed coffee for herself and juice for her annoying brother, she looked up at her mom. "Maa, do you want coffee or juice?" she asked with a grin that made Norah blink in surprise.

"What's gotten into you today?" The bemused mother questioned, walking to the table with her new pancakes.

"I am just happy," Ziana replied, taking the plate from her. Placing it at the center, she looked at the table and smiled in content.

"Woah, Woah! Look who is up already." Came the surprised comment of her annoying brother.

Ivan walked up to the table, dressed in his neatly-ironed uniform, ready for his second term of senior year. His gaze fell upon the breakfast table, where his mother was setting up the plates and cutlery, and then shifted towards his night-owl sister. She was unusually lively, chirping away like a bird instead of grumbling about the early hour.

"And look who's all ready for school!" Ziana greeted Ivan with a smile, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Are you sure you don't want to stick with your beloved computer today?" She teased him playfully, eager to engage in their familiar banter.

Ivan scowled, taking a seat opposite Norah, while Ziana settled beside him. "Sadly, my mother won't allow it," he replied, recalling the not-so-delightful lecture he had received moments after waking up. "She wants me to study well and get into Harvard." He sulked, displeased with her plans.

"Ahh, yes! But that isn't difficult, Ivie." Ziana's grin widened. "Just follow in my footsteps and make her proud," she added with a cheeky grin, as Norah began filling their plates with breakfast.

"Oh," Ivan sipped his orange juice and commented, "You mean wasting a year over some silly detective exam? I would love to do that!" He flashed a mischievous grin at his sister, but his taunt only earned him a stern glare from his mother. She had warned him repeatedly not to mock Ziana over the past year, but he never seemed to take it seriously.

"At least I'm pursuing my dreams instead of wasting money in some stupid cafés," Ziana retorted, her voice mixed with sarcasm and sadness. Yes, she had regretted wasting a year rather than finding some other private job like her friends. She had been a burden to her mother, and that really weighed her down.

"It's not like you're earning it for us, so stop nagging already." Ivan shot back, frustration coursing through his veins. His carefree high school life was slowly drifting apart, and he didn't want to grow up.

"Let's talk when I get the government job, and you keep boasting about it in front of your friends." Ziana mocked him, slicing her omelet.

"That's only if you pass the exam and the interview." Ivan cut his omelet and added a smirk, "I'm pretty sure you'll faint in front of the interviewers."

"Don't jinx her!" Norah finally stepped in, realizing that Ivan had gone a little too far this time. "You should worry about your own future. Have you decided on your college courses?" she asked, sipping her coffee, and Ivan's face fell. He pouted and silently ate his breakfast, while Ziana smiled at her mother.

"When will the results be out? You mentioned it would be in a week or two during our vacation." Norah turned to her daughter, her serious look indicating that she wasn't taking anyone's side, and Ziana would be scolded equally too.

"The dates are still tentative. But don't worry, Maa! I've checked the answer key, and it's pretty evident that I'll pass this time," Ziana answered with a determined smile. "Even Katie checked it for me."

Norah nodded and placed the pancakes on their plates. "But if you don't, be ready to pack your bags and get out. I won't tolerate your cries this time." She made sure to nag at her, and Ziana nodded seriously. Ivan stopped sulking at the sight of the delicious pancakes and happily dug in, pleased that even his sister had received an earful.

"Where's Katie, by the way?" he asked, turning to Ziana. "She didn't even answer my texts."

"Oh, she's currently on a mission in New Manston. I think she'll be back in a week or two, maybe," Ziana answered and sipped her coffee. Katherine had suddenly vanished again, and she prayed for her safety.

"Let's have a small gathering once she's back," Norah suggested with a smile, and her children happily nodded in agreement. That girl had been a huge support for Ziana, and she needed to thank her properly.

[New Manston]

Katherine's eyes narrowed as she scanned the dreary streets of New Manston. The weather seemed to mirror the city's somber atmosphere, with clouds scattered across the sky, expressing their displeasure at her arrival.

The wind blew through the narrow alleyways, carrying a chill that sent shivers down her spine. She pulled her coat closer around her, seeking protection from both the biting cold and the unsettling aura that enveloped the city.

As she ventured deeper into the hidden enclaves of the city, Katherine could feel the presence of ancient forces tugging at her senses. Whispers of arcane knowledge echoed through the labyrinthine streets, guiding her toward her destined encounter. The air grew heavy with anticipation, resonating her fears about meeting Articanth.

Yes, Articanth, a mythical creature from the depths of the underground. Legends whispered that this enigmatic, devious demon possessed an ancient amulet—a key capable of sealing the portals connecting countless parallel worlds and dimensions. And Katherine's mission was to retrieve this precious jewel, one that held the power to bring an end to the current chaos or unleash calamity if it fell into the evil hands of someone like her master.

As Katherine walked further into the depths of New Manston, following the elusive whispers, she found herself standing before a seemingly ordinary modern building. However, she knew better than to judge by appearances. This building concealed a secret—a hidden passage leading to the dark cave where Articanth awaited her arrival.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the heavy metal door and followed the voices that led her into a dimly lit passage. It wound its way deeper into the bowels of the building. Flickering torches cast dancing shadows on the walls, their faint light illuminating the symbols and markings etched into the stone.

As she proceeded, the passage opened up into a vast chamber—the heart of Articanth's domain. The space was adorned with ancient relics and arcane artifacts, each whispering tales of forgotten power and unimaginable consequences. And there, at the center of it all, stood a figure clouded in darkness and malevolence.

Articanth, the evil lord possessed an impending presence, its skin adorned with a silver ash complexion that seemed to reflect the moonlight. Horns emerged proudly from its forehead, while powerful wings extended from its back, both exuding an aura of dark magnificence. Its eyes blazed with a fiery golden intensity, captivating and unsettling all who dared to meet its gaze.

His voice echoed through the chamber—a low, guttural tone that sent chills down Katherine's spine. "So, you've come, servant of darkness."

"My master had sent me here, my lord," Katherine bowed, her voice echoing in the deep cave.

Articanth's eyes gleamed with an eerie light as Katherine finished speaking. He seemed well aware of her arrival and the intentions of her master. The silence between them stretched, the weight of their shared purpose hanging in the air.

Suddenly, Articanth raised his hand, and from the depths of his wings emerged a small, delicate object—the amulet. It was the amulet, a mesmerizing blue glass jewel encased in an intricate silver setting. As he held it aloft, the jewel seemed to radiate its own ethereal glow, casting a captivating hue upon the chamber walls.

"Behold, the Amulet of Twilight," Articanth spoke, his voice a low, resonant whisper. "This artifact possesses the key to unraveling the delicate balance that holds the realms together. It is yours to wield, mortal, for your master and I share a common purpose."

He extended his hand, offering the amulet to Katherine. As she reached out to take it, she felt a faint thrum of energy coursing through her fingertips, a subtle connection forming between her and the ancient artifact. She clasped the amulet tightly, its cool surface sending a shiver down her spine.

But just as Articanth released the amulet into her grasp, his voice turned grave, his caution echoing through the chamber. "But heed my words, mortal. I sense a flicker of light within you, a part of your being that yearns to disrupt your master's plans. Beware of the choices you make and the lives that hang in the balance."

Katherine's heart raced as the demon tore away her inner struggles, her hand trembling in fear, for she knew about the lives at stake.

YuZee YuZee

Oh no! The amulet is in kate hands~ What will the reapers do now?

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