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Chapter 2: Lily Potter and the Return of Voldemort

By: Julia Franklin

Part I

Act I

Scene I

Loc. Hogwarts Hospital

Lily: Where am I?

Prof. McGonagall: My, Lily, you sent us on quite the goose chase last night.

Lily: What do you mean?

Prof. McGonagall: Well, according to Astoria and Draco, in the early morning hours, you were found at the gates of Malfoy manor. They said you were out cold, and I can't say I disagree. You've been out up until now. When your parents came to visit-

Lily: They came to visit?

Prof. McGonagall: Yes, and to pick up your brother.

Lily: Albus… Oh, I need to talk to him! Can I go back to my dormitory?

Prof. McGonagall: Once Madam Pomfrey checks over you one fina- WHERE ARE YOU GOING?

<Lily starts running when Prof. McGonagall says final>

Lily: Sorry, Professor, but this is an emergency!

Prof. McGonagall: And what possibly could be so urgent?

Lily: Professor, I swear to you, it's a matter of life and death!

Prof. McGonagall: It'd better be!

Scene II

Loc. Dorms <2 Girls and 2 boys in room>

<Lily runs in, panting and out of breath>

Girl 1: Lily! Where were you? What's going on?

Boy 1: If you're looking for Albus, he's long gone.

Lily: When did he leave?

Girl 2: AN HOUR AGO! Are you alright?

Lily: I...… must… see… Albus! <Collapses>

<Black out>

Act II

Scene I

<Loc. Malfoy Manor>

<Bellatrix and Scorpius spotlighted>

Scorpius: She'll never go for me. I'm just too bland for her!


<Rest of stage lights up, everyone gawks at Bellatrix>

Bellatrix: Ignore me.

<Everyone goes back to their work, back to only Bella and Scorpius under the spotlight>

<Bellatrix rolls her eyes>

Bellatrix: People are SO nosey.

Scorpius: But what if I don't want to do this, Bellatrix?

Bellatrix: You'll do it for your mother. Heaven knows what a fragile state she's in, and she needs happiness. It'd be a shame to disappoint her.

Scorpius: Face it, you don't know the first thing about my mum. And for the record, St. Mungo's says she's fine.

Bellatrix: I was talking about her mental state. I know more than you think. <smirks wickedly>

Scorpius: <hesitantly> What's wrong with her mental state-

Bellatrix: Oh, haven't you heard? Hmm, <fake hesitates> Better not say.

Scorpius: WHAT DO YOU KNOW? TELL ME! <tearful> Please!

Bellatrix: Malfoys never beg. <smirks>

Scorpius: I don't care if I'm a Malfoy! I could be a Diggory and she'd still see me the same way.

Bellatrix: Who, your mum, or Lily?

<Lily pops in>

Lily: I heard my name. I also heard "ASK HER!" and "WHAT DO YOU KNOW?" Care to explain?

Bella & Scorpius: Ummm… hm-mm

Cedric: <pops in> Have you told them, Lily?

Lily: Not yet, Ced. I was going to ease them into it. <Fake smiles>

Scorpius: What? Do I want to know?

Lily And Cedric: No.

Scorpius: Ok, what?

Lily: <Hesitating> Cedric proposed. I haven't decided yet, but I wanted you to be the first to know.

Bella: What about me?

Lily: Ummmmmm......

<awkward silence>

Cedric: ANYWAY… I understand you may have had… ideas, but-

Scorpius: I want to marry you, Lily! But, I know the answer's no with your proposal to Pretty Boy here, but I had to say it. I always wanted you to know.

Lily: Oh, Scorpius. If you'd have asked sooner, <sighs> I don't know what I'm going to do. I'll have things figured out by the ceremony. I promise. <smiles weakly> Sorry, I am just… tired. Work has been pushing harder lately, and I've been living up to it, but it's been… taxing.

Ced. Scorp: <close timing> Its okay/ alright <one boy says one, other says other>

Bella: Well, by any means, I'm glad I retired.

<all but Bellatrix give Bellatrix a look>

Bella: I said something, didn't I?

<All but bella>: Yup.

Lily: I need to go give a report. Bye. <ends sadly>

Scene II

Loc. M.O.M., private office

Lily: <weary> Hi, dad.

Tom: <aged since we last saw him,> Hello, Lily. To what do I owe the honor of my daughter gracing me with her presence?

Lily: I saw you last week, Dad. Sorry, I've been busy with my assignment.

Tom: Anything new, jobwise or other?

Lily: <dully> Two proposals in a day, evidence of goblin hoarding, and-

Tom: I'm sorry, WHAT?!? This is the sort of thing worth mentioning. Though, the goblin hoarding should be looked into.

<Lily Rolls her eyes and nods.>

Lily: Well, anyway, what's my new assignment?

Tom: You've been reading the daily prophet cover to cover lately?

Lily: Kinda. I've been busy.

Tom: <Sighs> Inner pages have had some Potter supporters. Lord, I am grateful I got rid of him. <shakes head>

Lily: So let me guess, track down who did it and let your goons do the dirty work?

Tom: Actually, I was thinking of letting you do it. Pick a backup, figure out who did it, and make an example. Easy!

<Lily snorts>

Tom: Excuse me?

Lily: The fact that you doubt your only daughter who is more than capable saddens me, Tom.

Tom: Formal, are we?

Lily: No, just bored.

Tom: Very well, be on your merry way.

<Lily starts towards the door, pauses, and turns around>

Lily: What's your catch?

Tom: Ah, your common sense kicked in. Drink anything Scorpius gives you.

Lily: Easy deal, minus the fact that I won't see him until the ceremony.

Scene III

Loc. Malfoy Manor

Bellatrix: Scorpius, you must give Lily a love potion, if not for your sake, but your mother's.

<Scorpius looks over his shoulder, hesitates, and nods>


Scene I

Loc. Gryffindor common room <all people from the previous red scene are here>

<Lily stretches her neck, and sits up>

Girl 2: She's awake! Send for McGonagall!

<Boy 2 runs out>

Lily: What happened?

Girl 1: Came in here yelling like a madwoman about Albus, and when we tried to talk to you, you collapsed.

Lily: Can I borrow your owl? I need to write a few notes.

<McGonagall storms in>

McGonagall: Lily, what were you thinking? You have overtaxed yourself! I ought to send you home!

Lily: Actually, could you send me to the ministry? I need to speak with my aunt!

McGonagall: What is so urgent that you must speak to the Minister?

Lily: I'm rather afraid that's classified, Professor.

McGonagall: Very well, Potter. A Floo connection shall be set up.

<black out, allow a screen to fall, green light overtakes the stage, Lily turns, exits a ministry fire. A few people gawk, but walk away, As the crowd disperses, revealing Hermione, nose in a book.>

Lily: Hermione! Hermione!

Hermione: <looks up> Lily, here we are again, it seems. <sighs> If you could run and grab Harry, I'll get Ginny and Ron, and we can talk.

Lily: Yes, Hermione! <rushes off stage>

<turns around still running>

Lily: Other way!

<Hermione sighs>

Scene II

Loc. large auditorium

<full room>

Hermione: Welcome everyone to an Extraordinarily General Meeting! Harry, take the floor.

Harry: Thank you for joining us! This meeting unfortunately is quite grave. Could any ex-death eaters stand?

<A singular, blonde, pale figure stands, causing Ron to mutter under his breath>

Harry: <sighs uncomfortably> Come up, Draco, please.

<the seconds feel like hours as Draco strides up. He looks with faint recognition, but not enough to spark interest>

Harry: <gulps nervously> Draco, I know this is awkward, but has it even twinged?

Draco: <flushes> So this is what it was? Little Harry's scar hurt! Raise the alarm! <Rolls eyes> Hope you asked us all out for something more important!

Lily: Um… about that, I believe you were around the year of the Chamber of secrets…

Draco: So what if I was…?

Lily: If I did my research right, you also had a crush on Hermione and stalked her like crazy, leading to your discovery of her idea to use the page. You thereafter collected as much information as you could on the subject from your father, on the prospect of helping Hermione, and when she didn't come, you lied to Ron and my father, leading to the use of my mother as a helper for tom. So, in a way you are to blame for that. I have had visions of Tom in… a different light. You as well. I could tell these people many things I found out about you in preparation for your reluctance… or you could answer a couple of questions. Your choice…

<Draco could see there was but one way out of this>

Draco: Fine. I felt a burn, but it was mild for mere seconds, but when it repeated, I wanted to tell someone of importance <he glares at harry> but the chance never struck me until now.

Lily: Okay, you answered a question, but I've got a couple more. Like… Why didn't you tell us your son ran away to the magical Congress of the United States of America? Or that your father has gone entirely mad?

Draco: Scorpius was caught within days. I let it go. And as for my father…he hasn't been sane for a while. Not since the battle.

Lily: Thank you.

Hermione: <Shellshocked> You… you can go… sit Mal...Malfoy.

<Draco nods and finds a seat>

Harry: So, from that, it's safe to assume He is back. Pamphlets will be sent out at the end of the week. Anyone who wishes to help further, find Ronald Weasley after. That will be all.

<the is a note of fear in the last syllable>

Ginny: Let it be known that he is a master of disguise. Be cautious about what you share with people.

Lily: <Stumbles, something, or rather someone has caught her attention> Sorry.

Draco: <Waits until the remainder of the crowd vanishes>

The dark lord sends a message, find Riddle's diary or one by one, your family will die. <he looks mad>

Lily: You stay right there! I know where it is!

<she hesitates. Should she find her father, … or the diary? She leaves the stage, black out>

Scene III

Loc. harry's room

<VERY MESSY ON ONE HALF, very neat on the other side>

<Lily creeps in quietly, rummages in a drawer, and pulls out the diary.>

Lily: <under her breath> Dad never moves anything. Now, how to get to the manor…

<scurries out tiptoeing>

<black out>

Act IV

Scene I

Loc. Malfoy Manor

Lily: <Fully clothed in a black pantsuit, with silver highlights, and green combat boots> Cedric!

<Cedric comes rushing over>

Lily: We are on a quest to kill the remaining resistance against my father! Want to join?

Cedric: Why, of course, Lily! Why did you ask?

Lily: <playfully> Cause you have to do something this time. You know, instead of leaving all the work to the witch!

Cedric: <sarcastic> Very well, your Highness.

<Lily rolls her eyes, and as they turn the scenery turns to the leaky cauldron>

Lily: Tom, Tom, Tom, I need a favor from you. Could I have the skeleton key for room 5, please?

Tom: <Hesitating> Very well, Miss, just please don't go too hard on old tom once you see what's in there, would you?

Lily: It will be seen to.

<the key is handed over. Lily walks up a set of stairs, followed by Cedric, we hear yelling, thuds, and silence.>

<They walk back downstairs, stroll past Tom the Barkeep, and leave.>

Scene II

Loc. M.O.M. office

<Lily and Cedric enter to find an office, Lily picks up a piece of parchment>

O.S. Voldemort: Lily, I am waiting for you at the Chamber. Come alone. Bring nothing, and don't tell anyone where you're going.

Lily: Well, if that isn't ominous, I don't know what is.

Cedric: Maybe I should…

Lily: NO WAY! He could do an unforgivable curse just for you asking! I won't let him hurt you! I couldn't!

Cedric: Lily, I appreciate the sentiment, but let's be honest. This isn't your father's handwriting and you know it. What are you hiding from me?

Lily: My father never does anything without it benefitting him, you know that. So, this assignment was no different. <shaking now> God, I was so stupid! Scorpius will give me a love potion, probably some aged amortentia. I need you to bring me an antidote, along with a bezoar, in a half hour, just in case! Please? I want this to be a level playing field, not rigged! Okay?

Cedric: Of course. And why a bezoar?

Lily: Do you want me to die? I know that your potions aren't a troll's work, but even I mess up!

Cedric: What's that to mean?

Lily: Just do it, please!

Cedric: <sighing> How could I refuse you?

Lily: Thank you. <Exhales>

Scene III

Loc. Hogwarts Bathroom

<Scorpius is hiding in a stall, holding a vial of brightly colored liquid>

<Lily enters, clearly already aware of Scorpius, just unaware of where he is, her back to the stall he is hiding in>

<Scorpius isn't aware she is in front of him, opening the door, consequently knocking her out>

Act V

Scene I

Loc. Malfoy Manor

<Lily sheepishly knocks on the door, and Draco answers>

Lily: I've got it.

Draco: Come in.

<The room she enters is grand, it's large, it's a once rich purebloods home, who from the looks, haven't been doing so well lately>

Lily: How did you know about it? The other side, the dark side?

Draco: When you get pulled over, occasionally, I get it, too. It feels nice to be successful.

Lily: He isn't all that happy you know. At least there.

Draco: He just isn't happy. But at least there I get to see more of my family, albeit the unwelcome part. The Dark Lord figured out my connection, and I have been the messenger.

Lily: Why did I… Did I end up in your manor? It's the only time the worlds made a bridge, so I guessed that was it, but I never knew.

Draco: Nor do I. I agree, though. The worlds made a bridge, so you and I are on both ends, in a way.

Lily: But why did you say all those things at the meeting?

Draco: I had to act! Surely you understand the importance! If the Dark Lord were to come back, and I spilled all his secrets, I'd end up dead before you could say Avada Kedavra! Think about snape! I thought you were clever, child!


Draco: Well, if I'm correct, you can't choose when you go, unless you count the fact that it's always tense or emotional when you cross.


Draco: Exactly!

<Lily looks ready to explode, and collapses>

Draco: <sits down, closes eyes> Good luck.

Scene II

Loc. Malfoy Manor

Voldemort: Well, Lily, what gave you a change of heart?

Lily: The threat.

Voldemort: <acting genuinely confused> What threat?

Lily: To kill my family… Oh God, how stupid can I get? What did you offer him?

Voldemort: <smirking> Protection. And I can make everything real here your reality, but only if you brought the diary.

Lily: I did. But unless you intend to make a deal for it, I'm alright.

Voldemort: Ah, a girl after my own heart. A deal can be arranged, of course.

Lily: Such as?

Voldemort: Bring me a time turner and we can make it so the best side was always, or at least since the battle of Hogwarts, real.

Lily: Don't the Malfoys have a time turner? I remember Scourpius saying something about it…

Voldemort: Astoria!

<Lily sighs as Astoria comes rushing in>

Astoria: Yes, my lord?

Voldemort: Fetch me your time turner! Immediately!

<Astoria rushes out>

Voldemort: On the other side, how are my death eaters?

Lily: Safe. In Azkaban. Bellatrix is dead. Half are as good as dead on trial. Others are just plain mad. (COUGH) Lucius.

Voldemort: <shrugs> He had it coming. Waste of pureblood. His son, on the other hand…

<Astoria enters>

Voldemort: Bring it to me. Now!

<Astoria fumbles, and hands him a golden chain with an hourglass hanging on it.>

Astoria: Here… here you are.

Voldemort: That will do, Astoria.

<She rushes out.>

Voldemort: Lily, last chance to play mudblood, but if you walk out, there are real consequences. Innocent people die…

Lily: I won't be a melt. I know the price.

Voldemort: <GRINNING> Very well, spin it.

<lily spins the timeturner>


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