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Chapter 38: Family Bond

**Looks like I might actual have to kiss you. SnusDax again has come in with the pwoerstones! I appreciate it!**

Atlas POV

It was evening when I finally left the library. After sitting there for hours, I found nothing useful. The eternal slave mark has been seen and written down in books throughout the years. Only one of the books I found had a lot of information. It was called, "Our Story: The History of Humanity", it was written by someone named Eli. The book talked about the first appearance being after the Hero defeated Wrath. It had appeared in the Western Continent first. Soon after, it disappeared from the continent but there were accounts of it appearing in the East this time.

The book also talks about the victims suffering. Many were mistreated since they couldn't escape their master. It even talked about how the children of eternal slaves were born with marks on their chest. Overall, the book only talked about the depressing stories. I was getting tired and sad so I called it a day. I went to pick up Noel, I wanted to hangout with my little sister.

When I was outside the commoner's guild. There were a bunch of people outside. It looked like they were going to vandalize the guild. In total, there was 7 suspicious people. I waited for them to actually do something before I act. The group then set fire to part of the building. They ran off laughing as the guild members inside came out.

"Put out the fire! We need all water users out here now!"

A group of people came out and began trying to put out the fire. I could see May coming out as well. Since she was there, I knew I didn't need to step in. I went ahead and chased down the group that started the fire.

It took me only a moment to catch up with the group. They were laughing as they entered the slums.

"That was easy money! Let's go to the bar!"


"Let's go somewhere else first boys."


I snuck up behind the group and pulled them all into my shadow. I then disappeared into my shadow and traveled to the edge of the slums as fast as possible.

Once I reached the edge of the slums. I went into an abandoned house and threw the seven men out of my shadows.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? We are the Red Shanks you know! What you are-."

I just went ahead and killed him. I had to instill fear into them if I wanted answers. It seems like it worked. The group was now quiet.

"I hate the Red Shanks. Please do tell me. Are you all a part of that group?"

I unleashed all 40% of my [Death's Aura] onto them. They all shook their head no.

"Good. Now answer me then. Why did you attack the commoner's guild? Aren't they all children? What does the Red Shanks want with them?"

One of the men felt a little brave I assume. He started spitting out nonsense.

"Why do you want to know? Don't tell me you like those ki-."

Sadly, another life had to be taken by me. I threw the man into a corner by himself and casted [Inner Glow] on him. It didn't take more than a minute before he exploded. The fear continued to consume the group.

"We attacked them because our boss asked us too!"

One of the men shouted out, probably hoping to escape getting killed.

"The leader of the Red Shanks I presume?"

They all nodded in agreement.

"Why would he want to scare the commoner's guild? Did we do something to offend the Red Shanks?"

"We don't know! The adventure's guild should be getting vandalized right now as well. The boss wanted us to do this! We don't ask questions; we just do it."

Shit, what do they want? The Red Shanks seem to have a lot of control now compared to when they first took over 15 years ago. While I was deep in thought, one of the men ran for it. I look at the others, they were shaking.

"Just go! If I see you again, I will kill you."

The rest of them ran out after I was finished. I guess I should talk to May about this.




When I returned to the guild, the fire was already out and the damage was already being repaired. It would seem as if everything was already under control. I went ahead inside and I saw Noel sitting down at a table, eating some cookies.

"Noel! Are you okay? I saw the fire earlier!"

Noel got up and ran to me.

"Brother! I'm okay! Auntie May was so fast, she gave out orders and saved everyone."

"Oh, that's great to hear, where is she now?"

"She's in a meeting with some of the adventure guild leaders."

Oh? They are here already?

"Okay, thank you Noel," I hand her a gold coin. "Here, can you buy me so food with this? Pick anything you think I will like. I'm going to go see your auntie really quick."

Noel takes the coin and runs to the kitchen.

I go ahead and walk towards her office.

"Hey you can't go in there!"

The lady at the desk was shouting at me but I ignored her. Walking in there, May was sitting on one of the couches with two people behind her. The other couch had an elf sitting, Ior. Behind him was Lucy and Jennie. Lucy waved at me happily. I waved back of course.

"Get out of here. This is a meeting between leaders."

One of the people standing behind May tried to push me out. I grabbed onto his hand and looked at May.

"May can I join in?"

"How dare-!"

"Let him in Ben, you don't stand a chance."

I go ahead and walk pass Ben's annoyed face. I sit down next to May.

"It's good to see you again Sir Atlas." Ior said hello to me. I nod in his direction to acknowledge him.

"Please continue with your meeting, I just wanted to sit in."

May and Ior continued on.

"So, as I was saying May. The adventures' guild was attacked and one of our own died. We must find out who attacked us! You were attacked at the same time, right? Who knows, those kids of yours might get killed next time!"

"I agree with you Ior. I get it, I do. One of your B rankers died but we can't just blindly accuse the Red Shanks. If we don't have proof then we will be the ones in trouble."

Both guild masters went back and forth. It would seem that both guilds have a certain amount of hate for the Red Shanks. For May I understood but what about Ior? I wanted to let them know about what happened to me so I interrupted them.

"May, I saw the Red Shanks burn the guild here. I chased down and killed two of them. The other five confessed that the Red Shanks leader ordered them to attack both guilds at the same time."

"Where are they Atlas?"

"I let them go after."

"Crap… we need to catch them again to add more credibility to our complaint!"

Ior seemed very pissed. His calm composure from the other day was completely gone. I guess he sawed the confusion on my face. He calmed down and began to explain.

"Sorry about that Sir Atlas, I wasn't blaming you. It's just… the Red Shanks has been kidnapping and selling elves alongside other races for the last 15 years. I couldn't save them before they were sold off to different nobles. Now the only thing I can do now is stop the Red Shanks to stop the suffering of the elves…"

So, the batch of slaves I saved was only a small portion of what the Red Shanks has.

"Did you guys not ask the royale family for help? They wouldn't stand by as things like this happened in their kingdom." May shook her head and answered me this time.

"That's the problem. Information is being withheld from the royale family by the general of the army. All complaints go to him before going to the royale family. He's a corrupt piece of shit that was bought off by the Red Shanks."

It sounds like the Red Shanks have complete control over this kingdom. The meeting continued on; I didn't hear anything else that interested me so I went out to see Noel.

"Come on brother! The food I got you is going to get cold!"

"Alright! I'm coming!"

I sat down with Noel and ate. The food was really good.

"Noel, what do you want to after this?"

Noel began tapping her finger on her chin. Letting out a loud HMMMMMMM.

"Oh! Let's go buy some clothes for me!"

"Didn't Auntie May do that for you already though? Why do you want to go again?"

"It's because I want you to choose some clothes for me. Is that not okay?"

AH! This child. She already learned how to make me feel guilty.

"No, its okay! Let's go after this!"





Noel led me to her favorite shop that she saw last night with May. The moment we walked through, the lady at the counter already called out to Noel.

"Welcome back Noel! Who's this handsome man with you?"

"Hmph! That's my brother! You can't have him."

"Oh, is that so?" The lady gives me a seductive look. As beautiful as she was, she was beginning to scare me with that look.

"Come on brother! You need to pick out a pretty dress for me!"

Noel dragged me into a corner that was lined with many dresses. I looked through the dresses and picked out a dark green dress with laced sleeves and a frilly collar. It had three gold buttons near the top of the dress. The dark green and the gold buttons match well with Noel's hair and eyes.

"Why don't you try this dress on Noel? I think it matches you well." Noel looked at the dress. She smiles and takes the dress from me. She runs into the changing room. I sit down and wait for her to come out.

When she came out, I thought that the dress fit her perfectly. The dark green dress really made her green hair stand out more. The gold buttons were a nice touch as well. When I looked at her, she was all shy. Trying to hide her red face.

"Oh, Noel! Are you shy? Are you worried your brother won't think that you look great with that dress on?"

I couldn't help but tease her a bit. She had been so confident since we left the Beast Kingdom, now she was just as shy as she was when I first met her.

"Stop it brother!! I just thought they this dress was super girly compared to what I usually wear."

"Oh? Isn't that fine. You got a big brother now you know! You don't have to work so you can dress up all pretty and such."

She looked up at me. As if she was wondering if she truly could. For as long as I've seen her, she's always worn more boyish clothes. I just thought that she didn't like to wear dresses but I saw a new dress on May's couch after waking up this morning. I figured she must actually like more of them.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being my brother…"

Noel hugged onto me while sniffling a bit. I couldn't help but tear up as well. I don't know what she went through when her parents died. Those long nights alone, wondering if anyone would ever come for her. Wondering if she still had a family member out there. I promise that I will never leave her behind. I don't want her to experience anything like she did before.

"You're welcome. Now stop crying, okay? Let's go pay for your dress."

"Wait! Let me choose something for you too! I want you to match me!"

Noel ran off to the men's section and began searching for a similar shirt. I followed behind, I couldn't help but laugh. Noel was searching around when she finally found a dark green cotton shirt that fit well with my black pants. It had short sleeves and a lace-up v neck collar. I might have looked like some knock-off Robin Hood with dark blue hair but if Noel wanted me to wear this then I will.

"Let me go try this on."

I went to try the shirt on and stepped out to show it off to Noel.

"How is it Noel? Does your brother look handsome?"

"Hm! Super handsome!"

Since Noel liked it, I decided to buy it. We both walked to the front with the clothes on and I handed the lady the correct amount.

"Please come back once again!"

I had already put the clothes she was wearing earlier and my shirt into my storage.

"Brother! Let's go get some food! I'm hungry!"

"Hungry again already? Where do you want to go eat then?"

Noel went ahead and ran ahead; I followed close behind.

SamChang1 SamChang1

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