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Chapter 4: fidelity

"Supreme ones we await your orders, you need but to ask it of us and it shall be done." Albedo continued after a short delay.

"Raise your heads. I.. no we are very pleased that all of you have accepted my summon." Momonga who was still using his [Fear aura] looked down on the guardians who bowed before the two of them.

"Your thanks are wasted on us lord Momonga. We pledged ourselves to the guild and live to obey our lords… I fear that our abilities may not meet the expectations that are placed on us, despite this we will strive to meet them in honor of the lost supreme beings our blessed creators, this we vow." albedo says.

"This we vow." x6

"Most excellent my guardians. I have no doubt all of you will fulfill your duties without fail. Now then the situation outside the great tomb of Nazarick is at present entirely unknown to us, with this in mind I've had Sebas survey the surrounding area." Momonga turned to Sebas and continued

"Sebas, if you would repeat what you have told me?"

"Yes my lord, the current surroundings of the great tomb are grasslands." 

"Grasslands!" Surprise and disbelief filled Akabaru, no doubt doing the same for Momonga

The tomb had always been surrounded by a thick swamp that was filled with monsters, but grassland had never even been near them 

"Yes my lord, I'm afraid the swamps that once surrounded the great tomb of Nazarick are nowhere to be seen, furthermore I could not confirm a single building. Human or monster within one kilometer of here. It would seem we are completely isolated." Sebas words at least confirmed that they would be relatively safe for now, if no one was in the area that either meant that no one was around, or that this was out of the way of any nearby cities.

"Very good Sebas, you've served us well. As we suspected it appears that Nazarick has been transported to an unknown land by equally mysterious means. Floor guardian leader Albedo and defensive leader Demiurge. I have a task for you." Momonga seemed to be in a better situation, nothing seemed to bother him much, only showing slight concern for everything that was going on.

Momonga commended Sebas and began to order the guardians, Akabaru found his calm to be unnerving. Not only were they stuck in this world, the world had changed…. Akabaru began to reassess the situation, the stress he was experiencing vanishing as if it wasn't his.

"Lord" they exclaimed simultaneously, as Momonga made his command 

"Fortify the defenses and work on a way to strengthen our information gathering, the rest of you follow their lead."

"We shall do as you command." the rest repeated the words of one another. synchronizing them as if they had practiced before.

"Mare is there any way to conceal the great tomb of Nazarick." Akabaru thought of hiding the tomb, even if no one was around now, didn't mean that they would remain undiscovered for long.

"Yes lord Akabaru, though it will be difficult if all we use is magic, but if we covered the walls with dirt and vegetation, I think it would help to camouflage us from intruders." The notion of offering the walls with dirt seemed to fall wrong to some of the guardians in the crowd 

"You want to smear the glorious Nazarick walls with dirt." Albedo questioned, clearly showing her displeasure at the notion. 

"Albedo" Momonga reprimanded 

"Forgive me lord Momonga, I was careless." she bowed deeper than before, showing immense regret at her outburst 

Akabaru remembered her settings that now stated that she loved the Guild, for her to see it covered in dirt would be blasphemous

"Albedo it is for the protection of the tomb and those within, while I also don't see it as favorable it is necessary to protect our home." The outside of the tomb would be covered up leaving only the top to be protected by magic... it would look somewhat strange to him, but he believed that there was no other way to go about this.

"I understand Lord Akabaru." She seemed more willing to submit to the offer after hearing his words 

"Are you confident the dirt will be sufficient Mare?" Momonga also seemed somewhat displeased at the notion but understood the need for protection oneself.

"Yes lord Momonga, I am. As long as you allow it of course. Except…" The description of grassland didn't contain anything related to mountains or other hills that would cover up the terrain.

"Right one random mound would look unnatural. Sebas are there any hills around the tomb we could blend in with?" the conversation seemed to pass around the group while Akabaru mainly observed, he wasn't yet comfortable with the guardians as his senses warned him of their strength.

"No lord Momonga, the area's barren nothing but flatlands as far as the eye can see." to not even have any trees seemed strange to Akabaru, but the world could be different in all kinds of ways.

"The land can be molded to suit our needs. Would making dummy hills suffice?" Protecting himself and the tomb was the top priority, so making hills to cover them up was the best way to let the tomb blend in.

"Yes lord Akabaru, I do believe we would blend in with such a surrounding." Sebas confirmed his suspicion.

"Excellent then that is what we shall do. Afterward, we will use illusion magic to hide the open areas we cannot cover. Do we have anything else to discuss Akabaru?" Momonga carried the conversation further before asking if he wanted to add more.

"I do believe you have covered everything Momonga. But I have a question before you depart and I am sure Momonga would want to know the same. First Shalltear tell me what kind of people we are to you?" He wanted to leave, but getting a clear look at the expectations the guardians had of them would be important for the foreseeable future.

"Our lords are beauty incarnate. Your beauty could never be compared to anyone else but to each other." Akabaru didn't expect such a response, so he decided to move along quickly to the next guardian on the list.




"Compassionate yet strict and always three steps ahead of the game."


"Lords who are kind and merciful to those that follow them."


"Lord Momonga is a leader who makes wise decisions and acts upon them efficiently. Lord Akabaru is someone who calculates and acts without any form of hesitation. Both the lords are of such a nature that they have become impossible to predict."


"The supreme being that I would lay down my life to aid them in their battle, every time they would ask."


"Lord Momonga is the head of all the supreme beings and though only one other creator is here you still lead them with the same wisdom. Lord Akabaru is like the muscles of the supreme beings always pushing them to their limit because of his passion for Nazarick."

"Lastly Albedo?"

"Lord Momonga is the highest ranking member of the supreme beings our ultimate master and the ruler of Nazarick whose passion for the tomb is greater than any other. Lord Akabaru Is a merciful man who decided to stay with us and support the guild until the end."

"Yes... I see. We have heard your thoughts and given you your orders. Go work faithfully in the name of the guild." Momonga could see the pressure building up within Akabaru and decided to leave quickly with him by his side, clearly, the grand expectations of them had gotten to him.

"Lords" all said in unison 


Teleporting to a corridor on the ninth floor

Momonga and Akabaru took a metaphorical deep breath.

"Why are they so extreme?" Akabaru questioned, he wanted to stop halfway but didn't want to disrespect any of the guardians or give off the impression that he cared for some more than others.

"How would I know, they see us as their creator, thus becoming their god..." Neither of them wanted such a role, becoming a god followed by fanatics wasn't something that appeased any of them, as they just wanted the best for their followers.

"I guess but they are still extreme."


"I thought I was going to faint, that was so scary." Aura was the first to speak up after the supreme beings left.

"Seriously I was sure the pressure would crush us, sis." Even with Momonga only using fear aura it still had a great impact due to the staff amplifying his powers.

"TO THINK THEY ARE THAT POWERFUL." All the guardians crumbled before the might of Momonga, but Akabaru didn't even seem to give it any thought.

"When he shows his true power and authority, he's even more glorious than I imagined." albedo added 

"Indeed." Demiurge got up from his kneeling position joining the rest in conversation.


"They acted completely different when they were alone with Mare and me. In fact, they were kind and gentle. Momonga even gave us something to drink, because he thought we looked thirsty." Aura retold the story of their fight before the vow they had just made.

"They even allowed me not to fight stepping in to show me that they would fight for me too, their power and mercy make them amazing." Mare explained as he got emotional once again 

"He is just as you say, Mare. He sensed our feelings and acted on them according to the situation." Albedo seemed to be acting strange while having thoughts of their competent rulers.

"If there is nothing more then I'll return to my duties, I do not know where the lords went but I should stay by their side." Sebas removed himself from the conversation, he was a butler, not a guardian so his tasks were different.

Sebas left the group heading back to the chamber of Momonga

"Very well if anything happens please inform me immediately Sebas, and I mean anything at all!" Albedo shouted after him.

"Understood. Now if you will all excuse me, I must take my leave." getting a positive response before Sebas left to find the supreme beings.

"I should also return to my floor before anything happens.." The floating angle created a portal that went directly to his floor before anything more could happen.

"Yes Victim, do be careful." Albedo waved him off before returning to her imagination.

The flying pink fetus left to go back to his floor because he had the job of managing the fast army that resided there and shouldn't leave for long if the management wasn't properly informed.

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