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Chapter 21: chapter 21

While watching the battle on top of the wall, Robert was impressed with Jeanne's ability to create a golden barrier. The sensation he felt was strange and unknown. The soldier next to him, afraid, suggested: "Sir, we need to inform the Church about the presence of a witch." Irritated by the accusation, Robert replied: "Witch? I don't see any witch. Gather some soldiers immediately, we need to help them."

The soldier was shocked by Robert's order but dared not question him. "Yes, sir!" he responded promptly before quickly leaving to fulfill the mission.

Determined to help Jeanne and her soldiers in battle, Robert left the wall and headed to his castle to dress in his armor and grab his sword. He knew he needed to prepare for combat because the situation was serious and every minute counted.

Upon arriving at his castle, Robert was greeted by his servants who, upon seeing the serious expression on his face, realized that something serious was happening. "What's going on, sir?" asked one of the servants. "We're at war, we need to fight," replied Robert as he headed for the armory.

There, he carefully chose his armor and grabbed his sword. After equipping himself, Robert left the castle towards the battle, ready to fight alongside his soldiers and defend his land.

As he walked towards the battlefield, Robert thought about strategies to defeat the invaders. He knew the battle would be difficult but was determined to win.

As Jeanne's group approached the enemy army, the commander ordered his soldiers to listen carefully to his words: "Do not fear, for she is a witch, and God is on our side. Kill this heretic and burn her at the stake!" This statement inflamed Jeanne's soldiers, who were outraged by such injustice. In response, the enemy army's archer group fired their arrows again, targeting Jeanne's group.

Jeanne, without hesitation in the face of the enemy attack, firmly grasped the flag of France and slammed it to the ground with determination. Suddenly, a golden light began to spread across the battlefield, radiating a magnificent and almost supernatural beauty. The light expanded, enveloping Jeanne's soldiers one by one, forming a protective barrier that surrounded them like an aura of safety.

Each soldier was enveloped by the golden light, which seemed to emanate a celestial energy, repelling the enemy arrows without harming them. The barrier of light moved with Jeanne's group, following every step they took and protecting them from enemy attacks.

The light was so enchanting that Jeanne's soldiers could not look away, fascinated by the beauty of the scene. It was a demonstration of divine power, and everyone knew that Jeanne was the chosen one to lead France to victory.

While the golden light shone brightly, the enemy arrows continued to be repelled, unable to find a target among Jeanne's soldiers. The protective barrier was so strong and powerful that even the enemy commander was momentarily stunned, unsure of how to act in the face of that divine manifestation.

As the golden light protected Jeanne's soldiers from enemy attacks, they looked forward and saw their leader with golden hair blowing in the wind. Her armor seemed to be shining with a divine light, and her presence was imposing and inspiring.

The enemy soldiers, who had been confident in their numerical superiority and in the fact that Jeanne was a witch, began to doubt their own beliefs. How could they fight someone so powerful and divine?

Even the enemy commander was affected by Jeanne's presence. He was paralyzed, without a reaction, looking at that girl who seemed to emanate an unshakable force. He had never felt such a strong presence in his life, and his own conviction began to waver.

The commander, visibly shaken, tried to erase those thoughts from his mind and shouted, "Don't let the witch bring you down! She's using the devil's power to weaken you!" The frightened soldiers looked to him for guidance.

Meanwhile, Jeanne's group was already a few meters from the enemy army. Rémy stepped forward, saying he would go first, but Jeanne stopped him. "Wait! You don't have to do this. I'll make it." Rémy looked at her, worried about her state but trusting in her courage and determination. "I'll support you," he said, determined to help her in the best way possible.

"Thank you," Jeanne replied, feeling the fatigue that the lack of sleep and excessive use of the gifts that God had given her caused her. Rémy remained by her side, ready to support her at any time.

The group advanced towards the enemy army, and all the soldiers tightly gripped their swords. The atmosphere was tense, but Jeanne maintained her determination in her gaze, inspiring confidence in her comrades. Rémy knew he needed to keep calm and focused to help her win this battle.

As they approached the enemy, Jeanne felt a strange energy emanating from it but kept her faith and confidence in God. She knew she was not alone, and her mission was divine. Rémy noticed the tension on her face and gently squeezed her shoulder, transmitting strength and courage to her.

As Rémy approached, he said, "I have to go." Jeanne was shocked and screamed, "Ré!" He ran ahead, and when an enemy soldier saw him approaching without armor, he thought it would be easy to kill him. However, when Rémy got close and kicked, the soldier tried to defend himself with his shield but in vain. The kick smashed both the iron shield and the soldier's belly, making him spit blood.

Terrified by Rémy's strength, the nearby soldiers hesitated for a moment before approaching. But it was enough for Rémy to with his lance and cut them in half with a precise and relentless movement. The sound of bodies being broken and blood spilling created a horrible and terrifying scene for those who watched. Some soldiers instinctively retreated, trying to stay out of Rémy's lance range, while others prepared to face him but with a clear expression of fear on their faces. Rémy seemed unstoppable, with his agile and deadly movements, cutting his enemies easily and without hesitation.

Blood spurted from Rémy's lance, painting the ground and plants around him a vivid red. The soldiers who approached him with fear in their faces were quickly cut into pieces, their limbs flying in all directions. The sound of their flesh being torn was accompanied by the screams of pain and agony that echoed through the battlefield.

Soldiers who dared to face Rémy with their swords were easily disarmed by his immense strength. With a quick and precise movement, Rémy cut their weapons in half, leaving them vulnerable to his deadly lance.

The soldiers' fears were evident in their pale and sweaty faces. They knew they had no chance against such a skilled and bloodthirsty opponent. Their eyes widened with terror as they watched their battle companions being cut to pieces before their eyes.

The expressions of the soldiers facing Rémy were of horror and desperation. They knew they were facing an unrelenting being who would not hesitate to kill them mercilessly. With each blow of his lance, Rémy demonstrated his brute skill and ferocious determination, leaving the soldiers in panic and hopeless before his killer fury.

Every attack Rémy unleashed seemed faster and more precise than the previous one. The enemy soldiers grew more and more terrified, trying to retreat and escape the relentless fury of the warrior. Rémy gave no chance for survival, advancing on them like an unrelenting predator.

The blows of his spear were so powerful that they cut the soldiers in two, leaving a trail of mutilated bodies in his wake. The sound of their flesh being torn was accompanied by screams of agony that echoed across the battlefield.

The enemy commander, seeing his soldiers being mercilessly massacred, shouted in fear and desperation: "The witch has invoked the demon! Retreat, retreat!"

The commander's words were filled with desperation, his voice trembling, and his eyes widened with terror. He knew he was facing a being he believed to be a demon, who would not hesitate to kill them all without mercy.

But despite his screams and desperation, Rémy continued to advance, cutting down every soldier in his path with deadly precision. His movements were so fast and brutal that they seemed almost supernatural, as if he had been possessed by a demonic force.

The battlefield was now covered with mutilated bodies and blood, and the sound of battle had been replaced by the moans of the wounded and the smell of death in the air. Rémy stood, breathing heavily, and watched as the remaining enemy soldiers fled in panic.

The soldiers who were with Jeanne but had not had time to enter the fight were horrified by the scene unfolding before their eyes. They had seen the dead soldiers in the fortress, but they were not sure what had happened. Now, with Rémy standing among the corpses, they could clearly see the horror of the carnage he had caused.

They felt a chill run down their spine as they looked at Rémy, who was covered in blood and seemed almost supernatural in his strength and speed. His face was contorted in a fierce expression, and his eyes shone with relentless determination.

The soldiers were silent, watching the scene with fear and fascination. They knew they were facing a singular warrior who had fought with a ferocity they had never seen before. The smell of death hung in the air, and the ground was covered with blood and scattered limbs.

The soldiers who were with Jeanne felt as if they had entered a completely different world, a world of war and death that was beyond their comprehension.

Meanwhile, Rémy remained still among the corpses, breathing heavily and watching as the remaining enemy soldiers fled in panic. He knew he had fought with ferocity and left an indelible mark on those who witnessed his murderous rage.

Jeanne closed her eyes for a moment and let her mind wander to that battle. She remembered the enemy's charges, the sharp blades dangerously approaching Rémy. But every time, her friend's spear shone, and no blow seemed to affect him.

She felt immense relief in her heart, knowing that Rémy was protected. And then, in a soft murmur, she thanked God for that divine instrument that was in the hands of her friend.

"Thank you, Lord, for the protection you have granted Rémy," she said softly. "May your light continue to guide him in these future battles, and may he emerge victorious."

Jeanne opened her eyes and walked towards Rémy, who was among the enemy corpses. She approached, smelling the strong odor of blood and death, and looked at her friend with a mixture of relief and reproach.

"Rémy, you weren't supposed to do this again," she said in a scolding tone. "I told you to be more careful. If you keep going like this, I'm going to be very angry."

Remy looked at her, a tired smile on his face. "I know, I know. But I had to protect you and the other soldiers. I couldn't leave you in danger."

Jeanne huffed, crossing her arms. "I know that, Remy. But you need to learn that I'm strong too. You can't just go around fighting as if you're invincible. You are strong, that's true, but you're not immortal."

Remy nodded, still smiling. "I know, Jeanne. You're right. I'll try to wait next time."

Jeanne sighed, undoing the angry expression on her face. "Okay, Remy. I know you're tired. Let's rest when we get back to town."

She put her hand on Remy's shoulder, acting cute. "But if you do it again, I swear I'll be very angry, okay?"

Remy nodded. "Got it, Jeanne. I won't act impulsively anymore. I'll try to be more strategic from now on."

Jeanne let go of Remy's shoulder and stepped forward, pointing her finger at him and poking his bloody cheek. "Listen here," she said firmly, "you need to listen to me, or I won't talk to you anymore."


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