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Chapter 26: chapter 26

Domrémy, February 19, 1429, 7:50 a.m.

The sun shone brightly in the sky, filling every corner with its golden light. The sky stretched out before the inhabitants of Domrémy, so blue and cloudless that it looked like a blank canvas waiting to be painted.

The grasses near the village danced gently, swaying in harmony with the light winds that blew that morning. The sunlight highlighted the green of the grasses, making them more vivid and beautiful.

The village was alive and bustling. Two children played animatedly, running and jumping, a girl and a boy. The boy held a wooden sword in one hand and a stick with a cloth in the other, while the girl wielded a long stick as if it were a spear, holding it with her two small, firm hands.

"Come on! I will defeat you in the name of God!" said the boy confidently, placing the stick with the cloth in front of him as if it were a shield. "I will defeat you, I am stronger than you, since I am a divine warrior!" the girl responded proudly, her eyes shining with determination. The people who were watching the children play laughed at them, but also felt the warmth of their hearts warming with the innocence and joy they emanated.

Suddenly, a sweet and gentle voice interrupted the scene, as if it came from the dreams of the children. "My knight... My dear knight, with God's help, I will fight by your side... I give my heart to you, my knight... It is my faith in my God..." The laughter of the people ceased, and everyone turned to see where the voice was coming from. But it was as if the voice was just a distant echo, a vague memory that floated in the air.

The scene of the children's play continued, but something had changed. The children now seemed braver, more determined. The people who watched them felt as if they had witnessed something special, something that would inspire them for a long time. It was as if the voice echoing in the air had left an indelible mark on their souls, a mark that would be remembered for generations.

"I am coming to you, my knight," whispered the woman with a soft and reassuring tone. Each word seemed to be charged with a calming energy, capable of calming even the most agitated mind. "Do not despair," she continued, "even if I am not here physically, I will be in your heart and in your soul. Oh, my dear knight..."

Every step she took was silent, as if she were floating in the air instead of walking. Her feet seemed to merge with the earth beneath them, as if she were in perfect harmony with the nature around her. Her long blonde hair passed her waist, and the vibrant, bright color seemed to come to life under the sunlight. Each strand seemed to illuminate the environment, as if a divine aura surrounded her.

The woman's blue eyes shone like the sky, and seemed to convey a sense of purity and kindness as she looked at people with admiration. The woman's face was beautiful as if it had been carved by an angel, and her skin seemed to glow with a radiant and perfect glow. Her breasts were large and seemed to be in perfect harmony with the rest of her body, while her thick thighs gave a balanced appearance, leaving nothing wrong. She looked like a living work of art, an image of beauty and perfection that captured the attention of everyone around her.

"I'm already on my way... To meet you, my knight." The woman's voice sounded sweet and melodious, capturing the attention of everyone around her. She walked confidently along the road that snaked through a landscape of tall grass, challenging any danger that might be hidden there. Her path was defined by an intense glow that seemed to emanate from the direction of her final destination.

The boy watched her with admiration, noticing how she passed through the tall grasses as if they were nothing more than affection for her. Her hair fluttered in the wind, while her graceful figure moved with ease and grace.

"My knight taught me many things... I'm going," sang the woman, and her voice filled the air with seductive magic. The insects that hid among the grasses climbed up and gathered around her, attracted by her singing. Snakes and lizards also approached, hypnotized by her voice. The grass seemed alive, and the leaves waved gently as the woman passed.

The woman continued her journey, her determined steps leading her towards a dilapidated house that seemed to have been abandoned for years. She advanced along the road, with the house appearing clearer and clearer in her vision.

When she finally reached her destination, a crystal-clear lake with a large stone on its shore, she was met with a scene of indescribable beauty. Two cows grazed peacefully, one with a coat as white as snow, and the other with a red spot on its forehead. Two horned sheep were eating the grass next to them. Two majestic horses were also there. The first was a red horse that seemed to have been bathed in blood, and next to him, a mare slept on his column while they lay down. The mare's coat was as soft as silk, and she seemed like a moving dream of snow.

The woman abruptly stopped when she came across the stone that shimmered on the edge of the lake. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the intense glow emanating from it. She felt a strange and indescribable sensation, as if something was calling her closer to the stone. That was when she saw a man on top of the stone, swinging a spear with skill and dexterity.

He seemed completely focused, as if nothing else existed besides that spear. His movements were precise and controlled, as if he knew exactly where each part of the spear was going. The wind swayed his short hair and his eyes were closed in a look of concentration.

Carefully, he stepped on the stone, as if he were dancing with it. His arms were muscular and defined, and even though he was wearing a shirt, it was possible to see that he had an enviable physique. The woman was hypnotized by the scene, but was soon interrupted when the man opened his deep blue eyes and greeted her.

"Hello, Jeanne," he said, with a soft and deep voice. Jeanne felt a shiver run down her spine when she heard his voice. "Hello, Ré. Are you ready?" she asked, curiously, looking at him. He smiled slightly and replied, "Are you ready? If so, then let's go." With that, he stepped down from the stone and walked towards the red horse that was nearby.

Jeanne followed in awe as Rémy skillfully removed her horse's head from the saddle. "Let's go to Vaucouleurs, I have to speak with Robert," she said, still a little stunned by the scene she had just witnessed. "Okay, let's go," agreed Rémy, who had already mounted his own horse. With that, they rode towards his house, leaving the stone and the shining lake behind.

Rémy arrived at his home on horseback. "I'm going to my house and we'll meet at the village entrance," he said. Jeanne commented and then left on her horse. Rémy went into his house and went to the foot of his bed, where he knelt down and picked up a cloth that was hidden under the bed. Unrolling it, a suit of armor was revealed, which he had ordered from the blacksmith earlier. Of course, the blacksmith had made a new one, since Rémy had grown. He donned the metal armor, which had a hood with a metal mask, and left the house, mounting his horse.

Meanwhile, at Étienne's fortress, the soldiers ran to the gate, excited. Jeanne was mounted on her white horse with her iconic banner in one hand and her sword at her waist. Beside her was Rémy, mounted on his red horse. "I thought you had hidden, since you've been gone for a few months," Étienne said as he approached. "I thought, but you know Rémy, he likes wars," joked Jeanne. "Seriously? To me, it's you who likes them, since you keep dragging me everywhere," retorted Rémy. "You two are still fighting, as always," Étienne reminded them.

"Do you remember anything?" Rémy teased, dismounting. "Of course I do, I'm not that old, kid! Do you want to have a friendly fight?" asked Étienne, drawing his sword from his waist. "You're no match for me, old man, you'll end up dead. But who am I to refuse a fight that I'm sure to win?" replied Rémy, confidently. "You two look like children. Commander Étienne, are you coming with me? I'm going to Vaucouleurs to speak with Robert," said Jeanne, seriously. "How could I miss it? I've already lost many fights that you fought, as if I could lose this one, which I'm sure is a fight," replied Étienne, excited.

"Let's go," said Jeanne with determination, giving a command to her horse, which moved forward. Rémy accompanied her, with a playful smile on his lips, while Étienne grumbled behind them. "Hurry up, old man, or you'll be left behind," taunted Rémy, relishing Étienne's irritation. "I'm coming, and stop calling me old!" replied Étienne angrily, hurrying to keep the group in sight.

Rémy couldn't help but laugh, enjoying Étienne's quarrel and Jeanne's determination. "I have to teach this kid a lesson," muttered Étienne under his breath, heading to the stable to get his horse. In no time, Jeanne's soldiers - now with a contingent of 400 men - followed her, mounted on their horses.

Rémy admired the spectacle of those armed and mounted men, ready to follow Jeanne wherever she went. "You did a great job," he praised, looking at the soldiers with admiration. But Jeanne didn't let herself be flattered. "I did nothing, God did," she said humbly, showing her devotion.

Curious, Rémy couldn't help but ask, "So, what do you have in mind?" Jeanne replied quietly, so that only he could hear, "I want to speak to the king." Rémy was surprised by the simplicity of her answer. "Just that? I thought it would be something more difficult," he commented, disappointed.

Jeanne rode alongside Rémy, curious, with a question that had been bothering her for some time. "Why are there moments when I feel like you know something?" she asked, looking at him intently. Her dark eyes revealed the unease that dominated her.

Rémy, mounted on his horse, looked at her with an enigmatic smile. "That's just your imagination. I'm just confident that it will be easy for you, or not?" he replied, challenging her.

Jeanne didn't know what to think. Did Rémy really know something? Or was he just playing with her? She gave a helpless smile and looked at the sky, trying to find answers in the clouds.

Suddenly, Étienne appeared next to them, riding his horse skillfully. "I'm coming!" he shouted, with a radiant smile on his face.

Rémy didn't miss the opportunity to tease Étienne. "I thought you had died somewhere because of your old age," he joked, with a mocking smile.

Étienne, however, didn't let himself be shaken. "Maybe one day, but not today," he replied seriously, showing that he wasn't joking.

Finally, they arrived in Vaucouleurs. As they approached the city gate, Jeanne proudly held her flag, which fluttered in the wind. The soldiers guarding the gate soon noticed the flag and realized who was coming. "Inform the lord," one of the soldiers said to his companion next to him, pointing to Jeanne and her entourage. "I'm already going," replied the other soldier, before running towards the house of the lord of the city to announce the arrival of Jeanne.

As Jeanne, Rémy, and Étienne approached the gate, they were greeted by the soldier who had gone to inform the lord of the city. He made a solemn bow and said, with respect, "Miss Jeanne, Mr. Rémy, Commander Étienne, it is an honor to welcome you to Vaucouleurs." Jeanne, who was thrilled to have finally arrived at her destination, thanked the soldier with a warm smile. "Thank you."


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